Quick Transmigration System: Male God, Come Here

Chapter 64: Emperor 24


The concubines above are all self-proclaimed concubines.

When Bai Weiwei heard this, she couldn't help laughing at herself, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Then she took off the red silk flower on her head and put it on the table beside her. "This flower will be given back to the emperor. The concubine is despicable and dirty and does not deserve this flower."

Sheng Siyu's heart trembled when he heard it, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

Bai Weiwei left.

When she got to the bathing place, she said haggardly and indifferently to the maids around, "Go back."

When everyone retreated, the despair on Bai Weiwei's face disappeared, and she looked around furtively, "There's no one left."

System: "There is no one, if you are not human."

Bai Weiwei didn't care about arguing with the system, she immediately took off her clothes, and then stretched out her fingers and pinched her arms and shoulders...

In less than a while, all the places on her body that should be red were red, and some could even see the bloodstains scratched by her fingernails.

Red, purple, purple, green and green, miserable and miserable.

It's just as miserable as it is.

The system looked at the host's work hard, and was speechless.

When Bai Weiwei felt that she was almost done, she jumped into the pool naked and stretched out her arms to hug herself.

She raised her head and remembered the tragic Korean dramas she had watched in those years, what vicious female characters tortured the female lead to death, the female lead had leukemia, the male lead had amnesia and so on.

When the emotions were brewing, she was full of despair and misery, and burst into tears.

The crying was suppressed, and the choked sobbing was unbearable.

Sheng Siyu, who was standing outside, heard her suppressed cries, and only felt his heart pierced by a knife.

He rushed in immediately, and saw that Bai Weiwei had her back to him, with traces of being caught all over her body.

Knowing is one thing, seeing is another.

He thought that he could sacrifice anything for the sake of the country.

But just a woman.

Just a mere... a woman he likes.

Her cry was so forbearing and painful, even if she suffered this kind of humiliation, she couldn't resist, the only thing she could do was hide and cry helplessly.

For the first time, Sheng Siyu knew what a heart is like a knife twisted and what is a heart-piercing one.

He slowly stretched out his hand, wanting to touch her, and hugged her into his arms for protection.

But halfway through his fingers, his expression became sad. Is he still qualified

What he gave her was not protection, but hurt.

Bai Weiwei seemed to just know that there was someone behind her, she turned around in horror, and hid aside without seeing the person clearly, "Who, don't come here."

Like a frightened bird.

Sheng Siyu's voice was hoarse, "It's me."

Only then did Bai Weiwei see who was coming, she immediately stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears desperately, but in the end she couldn't wipe it clean, so she could only cover her face with her hands, sobbing and saying, "Chen concubine, Chen concubine is disrespectful, disrespectful."

Sheng Siyu knew that she was afraid. What woman has experienced those things and is not afraid.

He took off his clothes, then dipped into the water, reaching out and slowly hugging her trembling body.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Huhu won't hurt anymore."

Sheng Siyu's voice came from a gentle voice, "When I was a child, every time I was hurt, my mother-in-law would call my wounds like this, and then I would not be in pain."

He was beaten and bullied all the time when he was a child, but as long as his mother and concubine did this.

He didn't feel any pain at all.

Because he knows someone loves him.