Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 101: The villain wants to flirt with demons 18


Although both parents are dead and the family is in decline, a few years ago, the Wu family was still a well-known family, and Wu He's father was an important minister in Beijing.

Wu He was also fortunate to have stepped into the gate of the palace with his father during the celebration.

… what a sight it was.

The pillars are made of gold, the steps are made of white jade, the waist of the corridor is back, the eaves and teeth are pecked high, and the red railings are as red as clouds, with vivid and exquisite patterns engraved on them. as day.

The main hall is painted with gold paint, and the sandalwood on the base of the platform is lingering, faintly fading away.

Such magnificence, falling into the eyes of the still immature child, made his heart tremble, and he dared not look directly at it. He just quietly grabbed his father's sleeve and stared at the shoe upper with his head down.

Wu He once thought that it was the most beautiful house in the whole world.

But everything presented to him now can be said to have subverted all the interpretations of the young man's concept of "prosperity".

He walked slowly, following Xie Heng through the wide and bright streets, kept raising his head with an obsessed look on his face.

The buildings in the city are several feet high, and you have to look up to see the top. The eaves seem to be coated with a layer of gold powder, shining in the sun, more dazzling than night pearls.

I don’t know what the wall is made of, and there are no traces of bricks and tiles at all, and the place where the window lattice should be is replaced by precious colored glaze—some prodigal son, who came from somewhere, actually made the colored glaze that is also very rare in the rich and powerful’s house into long strips , inlaid in the wall, the surface is sparkling and flooding, like a rippling lake.

The most amazing thing is the pedestrians on the road, 40% of them have the obvious characteristics of the monster race, but the vendors on the roadside have no signs of fear, but are full of enthusiasm and yelling repeatedly.

—He even saw a man with tiger stripes on his forehead and a striped tail surrounded by a group of gorgeous girls, dragged up to the attic with a reddish complexion!

Wu He finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked in a low voice: "Your place...is it a demon city, or a human resident?"

"Huh?" Xie Heng turned back sideways, and smiled slightly, "Why must it be one of them, and can't be a combination of monsters?"

Wu He was dumbfounded and shook his head in disbelief.

Shemale confluence

It's unbelievable, unheard of!

But as he gradually went deeper into the urban area, passed by more and more citizens, and his eyes swept over the smiles, no matter how hard he couldn't believe it in his heart, this happy scene was finally presented in front of him, which was the most meaningful persuasive reality.

"Taoyuan..." Wu He murmured.

Xie Heng smiled, "That's right, isn't it a beautiful name?"

"Why is it called Taoyuan? I don't seem to have seen a few peach trees?"

"Well, the lobby is to pay homage to the classics, although I don't quite understand..."

After a short pause, Xie Heng added: "As for peach trees, there are a lot of trees planted in the back mountain. It's not a good season, so when you go to the back mountain in March next year, you will definitely like it."

Wu He nodded thoughtfully.

They passed by an empty bluestone road, and suddenly, a stream of light floated on the tall curtain hanging not far away, flickering like a firefly for a moment, and a picture flashed.

——In a vaguely formed stone brick house, the gray walls are half-built. There is a handsome man half-kneeling on the ground, holding an adobe brick in his left hand, and digging out a small piece of gray glue from the barrel beside him with his right hand, and is concentrating on smearing it on adobe bricks.

As the picture appeared, the streets and alleys were boiling, except for the people who were walking on the street, there were countless figures coming out from every corner, swarming in front of the screen.

"Come on, let's start broadcasting!"

"Here it comes, who the hell stepped on my foot?"

"Da Niu, save me a seat!"

Wu He was squeezed aside by a group of demons and ghosts swarming in. He looked terrified, grabbed Xie Heng and shouted: "What is that? People are locked inside?"

There was a lot of voices, and the boy had to raise his voice to force his voice out.

Xie Heng's eyes were faintly proud, and he wrote lightly: "Oh, that, it's called a TV chicken. It's a thing that Youyou invented, which can record what happened elsewhere into a video and play it repeatedly. He said it was just an idle bastard— I'm bored, I exchanged it out for fun, I didn't expect it to be so popular, maybe I will do more in the future, and spread it all over the city... "

While speaking, the picture on the snow-white curtain flickered a few times, and then a voice came from a dark square above, and the square, which was still abnormally restless just now, was instantly quiet and completely silent.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the screen without blinking.

Wu He was moved by the surrounding environment, and for some reason, he was also a little emotional.

He stood on tiptoe carefully, looking over the shoulder of the person in front of him, and landed on the screen not far away.

On the curtain, the action of the youth laying bricks was interrupted.

There was a trace of displeasure on the handsome face of that person, and he raised his head wearily, but when he saw the person coming, his expression suddenly changed, and his slender eyes subconsciously opened wide, revealing a hint of joy.

The young man was a little flustered, he didn't put down the mud brick in his left hand, he just wiped his dusty right hand on the hem of his clothes a few times, took a black round stick, and held it to his mouth.

"Hello everyone."

There was still a little bit of cramping in his eyes, but he adjusted quickly, and the panic was suppressed by the gentle expression.

The young man raised his right hand, smiled outside the screen, and waved gently.

Dust smeared her white cheeks like jade, and her black hair like a waterfall was also stained with a few spots of muddy yellow. The black clothes on her body had been washed many times, and they showed a slightly transparent texture under the sun. Streaks are just dull in color and difficult to detect.

But the young man's smile is sincere and sincere, his eyes are shining with fiery light, and the touching enthusiasm almost penetrates the screen, which makes his whole body exude a fresh and cheerful atmosphere, like a handful of warm sunshine.

"It's a pleasure to participate in this... program? It's called a program."

"My name is Cui Hai, and I am the first brick mover in Taoyuan. I have been working in this position for ten years. I built nearly 50% of the mud-and-tiled houses that everyone lives in, and I participated in the design of the other 30%. It can be said that Taoyuan was built by us brick by brick.”

"Why do you want to be a brick mover? Uh, can this question not be answered..."

"Okay, okay, it's not inconvenient. In fact, I was reluctant to let me move bricks at the beginning. My dream was to be a knight, travel all over the world, get rid of those who abused the demon clan, and liberate all A little demon sinking in pain."

The young man thought about it for a moment, and a trace of melancholy appeared in Taohua's eyes, and he shook his head smilingly.

"But after working for a period of time, I discovered the greater joy of Yaosheng—scattering sweat in every corner, watching this city of peace being built day by day with my own eyes, as if watching my child grow up and become Fengshen is handsome, everyone loves...the sense of accomplishment is really wonderful."

"Practice? I have not given up on practice."

"Speaking of this, I must thank Lord Xie Ziyou, the owner of the city. He generously announced the method of practice to the public. As long as everyone contributes to the city through hard work, they can exchange for a suitable method of practice, whether it is a human race or not. , or the monster race..."

Wu He couldn't listen to the following content.

It's not that the content is bad, it's the previous news that deeply shocked him—

"Is the cultivation method here publicly announced?" Wu He excitedly grabbed Xie Heng's sleeve, subconsciously raised his voice, "Can I also exchange for the cultivation method?"

He was so excited that he couldn't help but raise his voice a little, overwhelming the sound from the screen, and the people around him turned their heads in dissatisfaction and stared at the boy.

Wu He laughed a few times in embarrassment, quickly lowered his voice, but he was really excited, and couldn't help repeating in a low voice: "I mean, I want to practice here too. Is there a practice here?"

"Of course there is," Xie Heng resolutely agreed, "everyone can find their place here, no matter human race, demon race, or even half-demon race..."

Wu He was surprised: "Do you still have the skills of half-demon cultivation?"

"Uh, that doesn't exist. But if you don't practice, you can do other things, such as..."

Suddenly, a voice came from the side of the two of them, it was clear, with a bit of a teasing smile—

"Such as being the mayor's wife?"

Wu He was stunned and turned his head suddenly.

Standing behind him is a slender young man with a beautiful appearance, fresh clothes and angry horses, and the water in his beautiful peach eyes is shining. He seems to have stepped out of a storybook, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and gathering the essence of the sun and the moon fairy.

Xie Heng's eyes lit up.


He trotted over cheerfully, raised his hand to pull the boy's wrist, his brows were brimming with joy, his lips pressed against the boy's fair side face, and he murmured: "I miss you so much, don't send me to go out to collect The information is dead, if I don't see you for two months, it's better to kill me..."

Before he finished speaking, he was pushed away by the delicate-looking young man.

Xie Ziyou's cheeks were slightly red, and he glared at Xie Heng with anger and anger.

In front of the public, his majesty as the city lord is gone

He raised his right hand to cover his lips, coughed a few times, and said to Wu He gently and politely: "Welcome to Taoyuan. The front is the office. If it is convenient, can you please go to register first?"

Xie Ziyou turned around when Wu He left in a daze.

His ears were red, and he pulled Xie Heng's restless hand from his waist, his eyes turned violently, and he said fiercely: "What are you doing? It's only been two months, why are you so anxious?"

Xie Heng showed an aggrieved expression: "I don't see you in a day, it's like three autumns. So, we have been separated for 180 years..."

When he was speaking, a dark green slender tail formed behind him, swaying slightly, the tip of the tail carefully hooked onto the hem of Xie Ziyou's brocade jacket, slid up along the shape of his lover's slender legs, and finally landed gently on the slender waist.

—but was slapped away by Xie Ziyou.

Xie Ziyou remained expressionless: "You are not allowed to be cute. How about telling me about the news you inquired about?"

Xie Heng smiled wryly, obediently withdrew his tail, took out a stack of manuscripts from his bosom, and handed it to Xie Ziyou.

Taking the paper, Xie Ziyou scanned it quickly, frowning slightly.

"Is this just the distribution of the monster race in the northeast? For others, what about the southeast and northwest?"

"Come little by little, Youyou, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Xie Heng smiled softly.

Seeing Xie Ziyou's complexion gradually darken, he felt bad, and quickly changed his words: "But the reason I came back today is—today is a very important day!"

big day

Xie Ziyou frowned, and searched the "wedding day", "birthday", "first meeting date" and other dates in his mind, but couldn't find any correspondence, so he shook his head in doubt.

Xie Heng's eyes sparkled: "Today is our wedding anniversary!"

wedding anniversary

Xie Ziyou: "Isn't that the third day of the first lunar month?"

"It's not a wedding anniversary in this world." Xie Heng corrected, "It's from a previous life."

Xie Ziyou: "..."

you fucking!

The author has something to say: The "glass" on the wall is glass XD