Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 16: The villain wants to divorce 16


Only when Xie Ziyou's consciousness is completely separated from the jade bracelet, will the jade bracelet return to its original state.

But that also means that he will not be able to continue to understand the development of the situation through the vision of the jade bracelet, and can only listen to the live broadcast of the system—the big pig's hoof—in his mind.

Xie Ziyou looked anxious, pacing back and forth on a hillside, his spotless white dress brushed against the rocks beside him, and got a little dust, but he didn't notice it at all.

The system turned into a buzzing bee, struggling to use the inspection equipment, while watching from a distance, while narrating: "Guan Heng took the lead in attacking, turning his profound strength into arrows, and shooting ten thousand arrows in unison."

"Wu Zhengying defended with all his strength, he took the first round, the second round... the third round couldn't be stopped, he got an arrow in the shoulder, and the blood flowed!"

"But Wu Zhengying did not let go."

"The two sides are still confronting each other. Guan Heng looks very impatient. There are fine lightning flashes emerging from his arms. He should be planning to launch a thunderous strike and hit Wu Zhengying hard..."

"Oh, it's a pity. Wu Zhengying also hid a hand. He carried the sixth-grade profound weapon Fengxing Shuo. This profound energy allowed him to temporarily have the speed of a sixth-level wind-type cultivator, which greatly made up for the lack of speed of an earth-type cultivator. —is he going to use this to launch a violent attack?"

"No, he ran away with the bracelet!"

Thin clouds curled up, and the bright sunlight swayed down unscrupulously, like a pale golden rain curtain, covering the distant mountains and near forests with a layer of scale-like Phnom Penh.

In the distance, there is a lake that looks like a mirror, with blue shadows slanting horizontally, and the blue sky reflected in it. Together with the Daisy Mountains, it forms a beautiful picture scroll between heaven and earth.

Xie Ziyou had no intention of appreciating such a beautiful scenery.

He clenched his hands into fists, tightly clutching a corner of his skirt, listened for a long time, and finally couldn't help complaining: "Can you get to the point?"

System: "Okay Youyou, Wu Zhengying was defeated, but his obsession with the first name made him unable to give up the jade bracelet, and now he is running away with injuries."

"Guan Heng pursues closely, and the two are about to enter the area where Wu Cong is."

"Everything is under control, Youyou, the hatred is on the way here, are you happy?"

Xie Ziyou pursed his lower lip tightly, his complexion was fair and clear, and under the sun, it became more and more white as snow, delicate as porcelain.

Sandalwood black hair slid gently down the side of the face, sweeping over the delicate collarbone that was half covered by the neckline, and the beautiful peach blossom eyes were drooping and drooping, looking listless due to irritability.

After hearing what the system said, he said perfunctorily, "Happy, happy, happy... Is your deduction reliable this time? I'll come out later, can I really harvest hatred?"

The system swore: "I promise."

"But Youyou, there is one more thing."

Xie Ziyou looked at the maple forest halfway up the mountain with fascination.

The sun poured down and fell on his blue icy pupils, evoking a gilt-like luster in the depths of the pupils.

He stood there in a daze for a long time before he reacted slowly and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"The internal overhaul of the headquarters has been completed, and Goldfinger's regular employees will arrive soon, and your temporary mission... It's time to hand over."

Hearing this, Xie Ziyou was taken aback for a moment, the gleam in Lili's peach blossom eyes suddenly dimmed, and suddenly lost its brilliance.

The sun was shining brightly and vigorously, but for some reason, Xie Ziyou only felt a bone-chilling chill.

The coolness is like the most chilling snow in the twelfth lunar month of winter, and it is also like a glacier hidden thousands of feet below the sea level.

It shouldn't be, Xie Ziyou thought to himself, the profound power of his female attire is clearly of ice attribute, and ice and snow have been his best friends since birth, so it can't make him feel the slightest chill.

He was originally bound to the villain system, and the so-called "golden finger mission" was just a part-time job he accepted out of desperation.

Now that the headquarters rectification is over, he should hand it over immediately, happily end this accident-prone and horrific golden finger mission, and get everything back on track...

But why

The thought of parting from each other makes your nose sore

The system observed the words and expressions, and said cautiously: "Youyou, are you reluctant?"

"I didn't!"

Xie Ziyou was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. It leapt up high, and stepped on the hem of his white skirt with a heel, almost falling into the mud.

The sun was scorching hot, the breeze was slightly intoxicating, amidst the rustling sound of a blade of grass, the young man raised his jaw and sucked his reddish nose.

With a strong nasal voice, he muttered and repeated: "I'm not reluctant... I can't wait to earn points!"

"Yes, that's right, quickly end this stingy stingy mission, let's go back to the villain, and earn hatred quickly!"

System: "... Sincerely?"

Where does all this nonsense come from? !

Xie Ziyou gritted his teeth tightly: "It's more real than real gold!"

The mountain wind blows the maple waves, setting off a green turmoil like sea waves, rustling, as if for a while, he is reluctantly stretching out his hands, trying to make the last hold.

Xie Ziyou bit his lower lip tightly, his chin raised extremely high.

He raised his head high, fixed his gaze on a white cloud floating in the sky, and resolutely refused to lower his head again to take a look at Fenglin.

It seems that I am afraid that if I look at it for a second, I will regret my choice.

The system stayed silent with him for a long time, and said softly, "That's fine."

"Youyou, think carefully about how you want to exit, and I'll make arrangements."

"call out!"

The maple leaves are overcast and the wind is blowing.

Two figures as vigorous as cheetahs shuttled through the forest, stepping on the branches and advancing rapidly. The whole body of the person in front was shrouded in a curtain-like silver light, and the silver also flowed into the air, converging into a sharp and thin prism like a shuttle, Shooting through the air; the people behind are wrapped in a whirlwind, and the grass leaves are flying in the wind, and the land they pass is a piece of flying sand and rocks.

The speed is actually comparable.

Wu Zhengying almost gritted her silver teeth.

The young man panicked and ran wildly in the forest with a wind shuttle in his hand. While fleeing, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Boss, you are so powerful, why do you pretend to be cute!

If he hadn't prepared this Feng Xingshuo in advance, he would be a standard sandbag now, the kind that leaks air while being beaten!

The young boy never expected that the mountain boy he met by accident looked gentle and deceitful, but he was as fierce as a mad dog when he exploded - the most frightening thing was that he could keep up with the speed of Feng Xingshuo!

Is this still human

Wu Zhengying felt bitter.

He is only at the fourth level now, and his profound energy is limited.

Once the physical strength is exhausted, unable to continue to push the wind shuttle, then the end...

"Brother, don't chase after me?"

The young man turned his head almost collapsed, and shouted at Guan Heng: "It's just a bracelet, I stole it from you, you can go snatch someone else's!"

"It's not digging your ancestral grave, nor is it robbing your daughter-in-law—as for being so stubborn?"

Hearing the word "daughter-in-law", Guan Heng suddenly paused.

His pupils brightened slightly, and he didn't know what to think of, a suspicious blush flew up on his cheeks, the roots of his ears were also dyed bright red, and his eyes involuntarily glanced at his feet.

But when he raised his head and moved forward again, Guan Heng's speed actually accelerated a bit!

Wu Zhengying was dumbfounded: "You you...why are you blushing?"

Why does it look so suspicious

I wouldn't really rob this guy's wife, would I

Ever since I met this kid, things have been weird no matter how they look. Taking a step back, if, if his so-called "living in the mountains for two years" is true...

If he... is really not a student participating in the assessment...

So in the wilderness, Liao is uninhabited. He is in the puberty stage, full of enthusiasm, and has no way to vent his energy. He only has a jade bracelet beside him, and his slender right hand...


Wu Zhengying suddenly felt creepy, and the delicate and warm touch of the jade ring in his hand suddenly became very awkward, neither holding it nor throwing it away.

The wound on the shoulder was not bandaged, and blood was spilling out one after another, dyeing his thin brown riding clothes into a deeper, sticky black color.


While thinking wildly, Wu Zhengying ignored him and slammed his forehead against a long and thick branch.

The messy wooden thorns pierced into the forehead, and the stinging pain suddenly hit like a needle.

The eyeballs were so sore that they almost burst, Wu Zhengying let out a wail, and the silver shuttle in his hand dropped, soundlessly, into the knee-high grass below.

His body also fell, hitting heavily in the middle of the dense thatch, setting off a soft white fluff.

Guan Heng chased after him, his figure was as sharp as a falcon, and he rushed straight at the boy who fell to the ground, shouting hoarsely: "Bring it!"

"Give it to you, give it to you, why not give it to you!"

Wu Zhengying yelled angrily, rolled on the ground with one hand on his forehead, blinked his eyes flooded with water, and threw the jade bracelet in his hand desperately into the distance.

He still had the mind to be careful, and aimed at a bush of thorns when he threw the bracelet.

At this moment, the warm jasper streaked across the sky and fell silently, but below it was covered with brown dead branches, covered with short and sharp thorns!

Guan Heng's forward pounce suddenly slowed down.

But in the next second, the blurred figure drew a sharp bend in the air, without hesitation, the black shadow hunted, and rushed towards the direction where the jade bracelet fell, without hesitation!