Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 26: The villain wants to divorce 26


Guan Heng is quite confident in his ability.

However, when he stood on the hillside behind the college, looking at the blue and lush Phalaenopsis in front of him, like the waves of the sea, he still felt troubled from the bottom of his heart.

The leaves in front of me are as thick as ink, and the edges of the long stems are shining with dark streamers. Large clusters of black ink orchids are clustered together, spraying mist into the sky, and the entire mountain area is covered by gray mist.

This is not the standard species that Guan Heng learned from the "Picture Book".

It is probably a new product cultivated by the Central Academy after years of breeding and nurturing with many elixir.

Guan Heng squatted down, and tentatively pulled out an orchid from the ground. The leaves of the orchid trembled, and a puff of gray smoke suddenly spewed out. The long black leaves were as sharp as a whip, and they were drawn towards Guan Heng's face.

The boy reached out and knocked him out with a "snap".

Phalaenopsis orchid, with the word "gui" in its name, is famous for its illusion and strangeness.

The imported spirit plants may turn into phantoms at the turn of day and night, intimidating passers-by. It is said that people's fear is the most delicious organic fertilizer for this special flower.

At the end of the famous ghost story in mainland China, as long as it is said that it is a ghost caused by a Phalaenopsis, 70% of the bear children can be convinced.

The orchids raised by the Central Academy are even more peculiar, with stronger spiritual power and more brittle branches. The end of the leaves naturally turns into a strange pattern of smiling faces. When you pick them off, the medicinal power dissipates several times faster. Holding it with both hands, use your own profound strength to cultivate a stick of incense until the broken branch is frozen.

That guy Wu Cong was really uneasy and kind.

Guan Heng roughly calculated that with normal picking procedures, after seven days, he could pick at most 400 plants.

If he used his Chaos-specific backfeeding power to speed up the healing of broken branches, he would be able to pick just a thousand trees in seven days.

The premise is that he is directly rooted in the back mountain, restless and sleepless... Oh no, I made a mistake, the power of the spiritual plant is doubled at night, and the number of pickings has to be halved.

What a hassle.

Apart from the problem of picking spiritual plants, Guan Heng still had another ominous premonition lingering in his mind.

It won't be as simple as just picking grass, he thought, Wu Cong must have a second hand...

Lost in thought, the young man simply sat on the ground, crossed his slender legs, picked up a Phalaenopsis orchid, and gently kneaded the dark blue stretched soft leaves.

Suddenly, there was a very slight tingling pain in the fingertips.

Guan Heng was taken aback.

He tilted his head slightly, uprooted the Phalaenopsis in his hand, and held it up to the sun against the sun.

Behind the blade of grass, there is a small insect that is very inconspicuously attached. It has a small head and a broad back and belly. It is sneaking out its slender and ferocious mouthparts and piercing into his fingertips.


There was a sudden sharp pain in the chest, as if a cold current was drawn from the heart.

Guan Heng quickly covered his chest, and tightened his fingers!

On the soft fingertips, the small wound punctured by the bug did not bleed, but a very thin and thick gray thread flowed out, sticky like a spider web, pulled out by the bug bit by bit, and swallowed into the mouth.

The pain came and went faster, and as the gray thread was gradually pulled out, a special refreshing feeling came to Guan Heng's mind.

It is as if after the first rain in the morning, inhaling the first fresh breath of green grass, the fragrance of falling flowers, and the whole person becomes energetic.

"… strangeness."

The young man's handsome brows gradually wrinkled.

He felt a very special wave of profound energy from Xiao Chong, which was not the usual attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, etc. He had never seen it before, but it was different from the chaos he cultivated.

But... since when did there be so much grayness in his body

Why doesn't he feel anything

Could this be Wu Cong's way of poisoning himself unknowingly

While Guan Heng was puzzled, Xiao Chong had already sucked out all the gray energy. It was still salivating, and with its tiny jointed limbs, it tapped its mouthparts repeatedly.

It sniffed for a long time, but couldn't smell any other gray gas, and finally shrugged its head in disappointment, turned around and aimed its butt at Guan Heng, the carapace on its back opened, and flew away with a hula.

Guan Heng squeezed his fingertips, looked at the direction where the bug flew away, and thought for a long time.

"No," the young man murmured to himself, "Everything is planned before action, I have to go back and check the situation first."

In the corner of the college, in the quiet courtyard, Xie Ziyou walked in distressed steps, going round and round in the garden.

The wind was gentle, the green leaves fluttered, and the bright sunlight fell into the young man's eyes, reflecting the thousands of melancholy hidden deep in the clear pupils.

"No, I can't stay." Xie Ziyou murmured, "I have to leave this world..."

His heart is not of stone.

In front of Guan Heng's eager and affectionate smile, he could hear the uncontrollable "thump" in his chest, so clear that it was almost deafening.

Even self-deception can't be concealed, Xie Ziyou clearly realized that it was the sound of heartbeat.

And that kind of throbbing kept expanding in his heart, rampant and domineering, eroding all the territory step by step, like a tide, the dam he tried to maintain was already riddled with holes and crumbling.

No matter how long he stayed, he was afraid that he would be trapped too deep, and it would be difficult to break free.

The bee transformed by the system flew back and forth in mid-air, and finally landed on the boy's smooth and shiny black hair. It looked at Xie Ziyou's tightly pursed red lips and the sparkle in his eyes, and it immediately understood it.

It followed Xie Ziyou's words: "Okay, Youyou, if this is your decision, I support you."

"Don't stop, don't let it mess you up—I'll arrange to leave right away?"

"Etc., etc!"

Xie Ziyou suddenly raised his white palm and slapped the buzzing bees aside.

"... Don't worry, let me think about it again." He hesitated.

The young man pursed his lips tightly, and walked around a few times sleepily, then found a piece of bluestone by the pool and sat down, resting his chin on his hand, staring at the pool in a daze.

The pool is so clear that you can almost see the bottom. There are floating weeds cruising in it, and fish flicking their tails, playing tail after tail as if they don't know sorrow, very happy.

Xie Ziyou was upset, he was very upset to see the fish dumbfounded, so he stretched out a slender white finger, submerged in the water, and secretly poked at the fish.

The fish lived in the small courtyard full of aura all the year round, and he also opened up a little bit of wisdom. At this time, he didn't hide, but shook his head and came forward, and his small mouth lightly touched Xie Ziyou's fingertips.

Delicate and cool when touched.

Reminiscent of the kiss in the cave of Siguoya, that kiss like a touch of water.

Xie Ziyou: "..."

So annoying!


A slightly anxious cry suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

The wooden door was opened, and the elegant and glamorous maid walked quickly to Xie Ziyou, her delicate cheeks flushed slightly from anger, and her dark eyes gleaming.

She walked eagerly, but moved her eyes slightly down to avoid Xie Ziyou's gaze, as if she was a little guilty.

"I heard... that kid who was divorced by the lady came to the academy."

Youqin lowered her head slightly, and bowed to Xie Ziyou to salute, her black hair was hanging down, and her flawless white dress was blown by the breeze, outlining her slender waistline.

Xie Ziyou was a little surprised: "Where did you know that?"

"It's rumored outside," Youqin said in a low voice, "Miss, we know the background of that kid—two years ago, he couldn't even break through the barrier between heaven and man. Where did he have such a shocking talent?"

Being able to cultivate to the fifth level in just two years, Xie Ziyou was not so perverted back then.

Youqin is unwilling to admit that the young man she regarded as a toad back then will be a more powerful genius than her young lady.

"I'm afraid he really practiced some kind of evil, poisonous and devil art!"

The woman raised her head abruptly, her eyes were cold and determined.

magic power

Xie Ziyou said in astonishment, "Is this also rumored from the outside?"

"Yes, miss, don't you know?"


I really don't know.

Youqin's angry appearance does not seem to be fake.

Xie Ziyou blinked his beautiful peach blossom eyes, his slender willow-leaf eyebrows gradually frowned, the end of his eyes raised a subtle arc, his thin lips were pursed slightly, full of doubts.

He waved his hand to signal Youqin to back down, then stabbed the big thorn on the bluestone and paralyzed, resting his chin on his hand.

There was a tinge of joy and a tinge of rejoicing in my heart.

The fish swimming in the water were immediately pleasing to the eye.

Looking at his delicate reflection in the clear lake water, Xie Ziyou tried his best to suppress his throbbing emotions, suppressed his subconsciously raised eyebrows, and managed to maintain a calm tone.

"Unfortunately, looking at it like this, we can't leave for a while. We have to help the protagonist deal with this matter."

"What do you think is such a coincidence, Guan Heng just stepped into the gate of the academy this morning, and now this matter is known to everyone in the world?"

Even he and Wu Cong had just learned about Guan Heng's joining the Central Academy this morning. How could it have spread throughout the academy in such a short period of time, and even reached the ears of his own maid who has always lived in the deepest place

"Yes, what a coincidence."

The system also sighed with emotion: "For someone who doesn't want to leave at all, someone delivers a pillow as soon as he dozes off. Is there any better coincidence in the world than this?"

"...Nonsense, nonsense!"

Xie Ziyou's cheeks flushed immediately, and he jumped up from the bluestone.

"I don't want to take care of Guan Heng's affairs!"

"I just can't bear the fact that "Sky Devourer" is being passed on as a magic skill, okay? It's just ruining my reputation—it's a magical skill that I carefully screened and tailor-made for the protagonist!"

"Okay," the system said helplessly, "Youyou, I can barely believe that you are telling the truth, if your tone can be firmer and more confident."

"...Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Xie Ziyou turned his head away, avoiding the system's sight angrily, turned around and walked quickly outside the courtyard.

The pace is brisk and the heart is beating for joy.

Even the breath in the air seems to be much fresher, the bamboos are rustling, and the green leaves are like emeralds.

Feeling the rapid beating of his heart in his chest, Xie Ziyou accelerated his feet while facing the breeze, and frowned in distress.

... Obviously reason told him that he should leave immediately.

But the physical reaction of the body was so straightforward, when he thought of having an excuse to procrastinate for a while, when he thought of having a reason to go to see Guan Heng right away, the lustful thoughts that he had barely suppressed before suddenly swelled up, occupying all of his mind in an instant.

He overestimated his power over his feelings.

He also underestimated Guan Heng's influence on him.

But... is this really good

The boy jumped lightly between the eaves, but a hint of confusion flashed in the depths of his beautiful ice-blue eyes.

The author has something to say: Xie Ziyou: I want to go

System: No, you don't want to

Xie Ziyou: I really want to go

System: No, you really don't want to

Xie Ziyou: ...

System: Be good, Guan Heng is in trouble, are you upset about saving the hero

Xie Ziyou: ... Hmph. You are so annoying.