Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 29: The villain wants to divorce 29


Professor Chen is a professor at Central College.

He taught the class of inner circulation mysterious force control and precise algorithm. He has always been famous for his simple and humorous teaching. His class is always one of the most popular courses for students in the year-end evaluation.

But in recent days, Professor Chen found that the atmosphere of the Central Academy has become a little strange.

During the lecture, the students no longer looked at the teacher with piercing eyes, the most serious students did not ask questions in class, more guys sneaked away or dozed off, and some even put the thick books in a pile. Stack, the cat hides behind, sneaking around, pawing at a brochure.

Could it be that some ignorant little guy brought erotic pictures into the academy again

But when Chen Jiaoxi was holding a bunch of confiscated booklets with a straight face, and brought them back to his residence amidst all the pitiful eyes, his gaze swept over the title on the cover of the booklets, and he was suddenly a little surprised: "Huh?"

On the pamphlet was written a line of big characters, "Shut up and break the sky".

The following line of fine print:

[This book is adapted from real cases.]

[It tells the story of Guan Heng, a good-for-nothing boy, stepping out of Luo County in a world of profound energy that has multiplied to its peak, stepping up to the peak step by step...]

Then open the next book, "Dou Xuan Continent".

small print:

[This book is adapted from real cases.]

[Look at how a young man surnamed Guan turned his sword against the sky, eradicated evil forces, and avenged his family...]

The next book, "How Geniuses Are Made".

The cover of this book was actually painted with colorful pictures. The handsome young man gave a thumbs up and smiled heartily, his little canine teeth gleaming in the sun.

All the current erotic palaces are like this

No way, I haven't left the academy for only half a year, so I can't catch up with the trend of erotic palace

Chen Jiaoxi grabbed the coloring booklet curiously, intending to look through it and find out.

As soon as he opened it, a line of bold characters immediately came into view——


"I'm not a genius, I just spend the rest time of others on practice."

The young man surnamed Guan who was being interviewed smiled shyly. Even when he was being interviewed, he was still in a meditative posture, with profound energy circulating rapidly around his body without stopping.

"A galloping horse can't take ten steps; a rough horse can ride ten times without giving up." The young man said, "My success is not accidental, but the accumulation of dedication and hard work over the years."

"I can prove it for Brother Guan!"

A young man from the Zhao family who did not want to reveal his name showed admiration: "Brother Guan has worked very hard since he was a child, and he has worked hard. His sweat can circle the continental plate twice!"

"I live next door to his house, and every day when I hear his sonorous and powerful running, I feel full of energy, and I can't wait to get up and practice with him!"

"Too good reputation, too good reputation." The young man surnamed Guan said humbly.

"I just think about a question from time to time."

"Man, the most precious thing is life, and there is only one life for everyone. How should this one life be spent?"

"I hope that, when I look back on the past, I will not feel regret for wasting my life, nor be ashamed of doing nothing; that when I am dying, I can say: My whole life and all my energy have been given to the world. The most magnificent career, a practice to explore the limits of human beings."


After reading it, Chen Jiaoxi couldn't get back to his senses for a long time: "..."

What a grand determination! What a heroic will!

Isn't this the acme of life that he has been pursuing so hard

The teacher held the book in his hand and stayed where he was, staring blankly for a long time, his eyes brightened little by little.

That night, Chen Jiaoxi's small building was brightly lit and stayed on all night.

And one kilometer away from the large-scale dormitory area for ordinary teaching and ordinary students, there are also long-lasting lights burning in a small courtyard that is leisurely, quiet and lush with flowers and grass.

The red candles hang high, the flames flicker, and the warm yellow candlelight illuminates a small half of the courtyard, covering all the fallen bamboos in the light orange that is as warm as the sun.

Paper was spread all over the courtyard.

The candle flame rose, and the bright light was reflected on the slightly yellowed hardwood paper, and the end of the paper curled up around the edge of the baked paper, bending out a beautiful arc. The paper is densely filled with words, neatly arranged printed characters, and you can smell the faint fragrance of ink when you get close.

On a small table in the middle of the courtyard lies a beautiful figure.

The white skirt dragged the floor, and the hem of the skirt swayed like petals in the wind. The shadow of the candle outlined a slender and delicate figure, and the black hair fell behind her like a waterfall. It swayed slightly with the master's movements, messing up the candlelight.

"Finally finished another book..."

Xie Ziyou grinned, raised his head and stretched his waist, his small nose was slightly turned up, and there was an unconcealable smile in his pair of beautiful peach eyes.

The boy casually tossed the roll of paper with wet ink behind him.

"Take it, print it quickly. Tomorrow morning, I want to see it appear on the desks of all school-age students!"

The scroll leaped into the air, and the pages fluttered, like a white dove, lightly landing in front of the system.

On the cover, there is a line of big characters, "In those years, I grew mushrooms in Luoling".

With a bitter face, the system sighed, "Youyou..."

Xie Ziyou immediately interrupted it.

The young man raised his fingers, his eyes were burning, and he asked expectantly: "I'll talk about it later, tell me first, our market... Bah, what is the share of public opinion now?"

"...nearly 50 percent."

Xie Ziyou frowned.

This result... is not satisfactory.

"What about the others? Are they naturally cold, cruel, and lack empathy?"

I'm trying so hard to copy...cough, to transfer the essence of the culture of another world, if the remaining 50% of people don't have physical defects, how can they be ruthless and determined not to be moved

"...Youyou, the remaining 50% are mostly women, and the promotional streams and inspirational literature you write can't impress them."

I see!

Xie Ziyou's black and white eyes rolled around, and a few new ideas burst into his mind.

Impatiently, he grabbed a piece of blank paper, picked up a pen and dipped it in ink, and wrote a few large characters on the page:

"Overbearing Guan Shao Falls in Love with Me"

A system that sees everything: "…"


"Youyou, in addition to upgrading the flow, you also know the routines of jj female frequency..."

Xie Ziyou smiled openly: "Make it up!"

The young man is concentrating, concentrating and calming down, his sleeves fluttering like a dragon and a snake.

The beautiful small hairpin characters pour out continuously from the pen holder and land on the paper, turning into paragraphs of delicate and gentle words, intertwined with love and hate.

Among other things, at any rate, he had seen certain Gege and certain Yumengmeng who were famous all over the country.

At that time, Xie Ziyou was young and couldn't grab the remote control from his mother, so he could only sit obediently on the sofa, watching his mother's teary eyes, and wanted to cry.

And he never needed the full text.

As long as the classic fragments are extracted, it is enough to maximize the favorability of the readers for the protagonist.

Xie Ziyou was in high spirits, and while he was writing, he laughed in a low voice.

He lowered his head, most of his face was hidden in the shadows, the candlelight swept across his long soft and shiny black hair, and only a gleam of light was lit in his eyes.

I don't know what plot he is writing, but I can only hear the rustling of the paper, the young man laughing low and low, the night is dark, the wind is blowing, the bamboo shadows are slanting, and the whole small courtyard is shrouded in a strange evil.

The system is printing on the side, while being worried.

If a maid came in at this moment, wouldn't it be considered that Xie Ziyou was bewitched

What is terrible.

There was a light knock on the door of the small courtyard, and Youqin called out in a low voice through the wooden door: "Miss!"

"Hmm... um? Youqin?"

Xie Ziyou was still immersed in the book world, couldn't break free for a while, and his speech and reaction were half a beat slow, until Youqin pushed the door and was about to enter, the door shook, and there was a crisp "squeak—"

The young man came back to his senses, rushed forward with a stride, and pushed back with his backhand!

The wooden door had just opened a small crack, when it was pushed, it was immediately snapped shut again.

Only then did he glance at the crack of the door, and vaguely saw Youqin covered in ink marks: "???"


Xie Ziyou hurriedly coughed a few times, his brain spinning rapidly, and he came up with an excuse: "Well, Youqin, I'm busy, researching a formation, don't come in yet."

Youqin stood in front of the closed wooden door, puzzled.

When did her lady start to study formations

And at that moment just now, she clearly caught a glimpse of the book pages piled up on the ground, which seemed to be the kind that has been popular in the academy recently...

Youqin suppressed her doubts reluctantly, took off a jade ring from her hand, and placed it carefully outside the door.

She respectfully said: "Miss, a thousand phalaenopsis have been picked, and my servant brought them to you."

Xie Ziyou raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes lit up.

So fast

But after thinking about it, he can also figure out the joints.

After all, the status of "Fairy Xie" is very noble in the Central Academy, and other than Youqin and others, other than Youqin and others, there are naturally others rushing to help.

Picking grass, which can be done with hard work, can only be done in three days, which can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

"You put it outside, I'll pick it up later."

"By the way, Youqin," Xie Ziyou suddenly remembered something, and shouted from the air, "Go find me two jugs of wine, I want sweet ones, bring them here quickly!"

It is said that alcohol can stimulate the creativity of scholars, why did he just remember it

In ancient times, Li Taibai was drunk and read books. Today, he is in a good mood. Xie Ziyou wants to learn it too!

system:"… "

It looked at Xie Ziyou's energetic and joyful eyebrows, and at its host's white cheeks that were bright red because of excitement, feeling a little embarrassed.

Don't make any trouble.

Outside the door, Youqin held on to the door rail and answered "Yes" hesitantly.

The maid lingered for a long time, but still couldn't hold back the distracting thoughts in her mind, she couldn't help asking: "Miss, you picked this herb, didn't you..."

Xie Ziyou: "Huh?"

The cold sound came from the other side of the door, passed through half of the small courtyard, passed through the shadow of the whirling trees, was caught by the slightly cold night wind, and then passed into Youqin's ears, adding a little bit of impatience for no reason.

Youqin hurriedly knelt down to salute.

Not daring to continue talking, she kowtowed respectfully towards the wooden door, stood up and took a few steps back, her gaze swept over the jade ring she had just put down.

The emerald jade is the ring, like solidified ink in the night, the streamer turns into mysterious dao patterns, travels on the ring surface, and quickly disappears.

The white-clothed maid's eyes were gloomy, and the emotions in her eyes were very complicated.

Ever since she heard that Guan Heng entered the Central Academy, her young lady has become very strange.

It feels like... in love.