Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 47: The villain wants to eat braised pork ribs 4


Xu's courtyard.

When Zhao Ruhao rushed out the door, Xie Heng was shrinking into a ball because of the wound, he hissed and said anxiously to Xu Wan'er who was beside the bed with a worried expression: "Go, chase him, don't let him go. "

"No," Xu Wan'er refused without thinking, "Brother Xie, your wound is bleeding, I'll help you bandage it."

"Don't be stupid."

Xie Heng's handsome facial features were twisted together due to pain, but his black eyes were as bright as obsidian, and he said earnestly: "There is no need—hiss!!!"

The pain came suddenly.

It was as if every bone in the body had been finely crushed and ground by sawtooth. The vines spread and wrapped around the limbs. The sharp thorns pierced the skin and penetrated into the meridian along the blood vessels. The sharp end was aimed at the soft spleen and pressed down little by little. .

Xie Heng grabbed the quilt tightly and fell silently.

This time it was so painful that I couldn't even speak.

His vision was almost blurred, Xie Heng clenched his teeth, the sharp pain spread from the gums, but he couldn't challenge the pain that spread to the limbs and bones, there was a buzzing in his ears, and a fishy smell faintly wafted from the boy's throat.

He vaguely heard a dog barking.

Is it an auditory hallucination

Or, Xu Wan'er

... Pooh.

Xie Heng scolded himself in the bottom of his heart.

The girl kindly rescued him, took him in, and took care of him, but he actually hallucinated that the girl was barking like a dog

Hiss, it hurts!

... But there are really dogs barking!

In Xie's mansion, Xie Ziyou couldn't speak, he smiled dryly and watched Xie Peng hold the glazed sword bone and a few chicken bones together, throwing it away and picking it up, picking it up and throwing it away again, his heart was almost bleeding.

The brown puppy seemed to be biting the tip of his heart with every bite, and the sound of grinding teeth was sharp and piercing. Every time it grinds, Xie Ziyou's chest throbs.

All his attention was focused on the bone that was taken away by the dog. He heard Xie Peng say something like "Liuhepo" and "Secret Space Ancient Realm" in a trance.

After about half an hour, Xie Peng finally got up to leave.

Xie Ziyou almost cried with joy, showing his first sincere smile of the day, and happily said: "Cousin, go slowly."

Do not send!

The system shrugged helplessly in his mind and sighed faintly.

After sending Xie Peng and his dog away with a smile on his face, Xie Ziyou took three steps at a time, ran to the corner of the room in a hurry, and picked out a glazed sword bone from a piece of chicken bone bitten off by sharp dog teeth.

He pulled off the cuff with infinite distress, carefully wiped the drool on the spirit bone with silk, and stroked the surface of the bone with his white and delicate hands.

Fortunately, no obvious tooth marks.

Xie Ziyou murmured in his heart, thinking that luckily the quality of this thing passed the test, and the dog didn't bite it in two, otherwise he wouldn't have a place to cry. And when the protagonist comes to kill him in the next year, what will he think once a bone with tooth marks is dug out from the villain's body

The previous strategy obviously had loopholes, so it can't be done again.

It doesn't matter if it is carried back to the den by a dog, or if it is picked up by the servant who cleans the room and thrown into the cesspit...

Xie Ziyou couldn't help shivering.

He secretly made up his mind that he would never let the spirit bones leave him for half a step until he had accumulated enough points for illusion!

Xie Ziyou washed the spiritual bones, carefully put them into his bosom, and placed them carefully against his chest. The spirit bones soaked in the cold water were slightly cold, and when they suddenly touched the white and warm skin, Xie Ziyou lowered his eyes, covered his chest, and his fingertips trembled slightly.

The body temperature slowly permeated into the spirit bones, until the chill completely dissipated and turned into a warm temperature like a warm sun.

Where Xie Ziyou couldn't see, there was a faint white halo at both ends of the spirit bone, and the glare inside it was dazzling, and the color at both ends became lighter, showing a translucent state, like glazed glass.

In the small courtyard of the Xu family, Xie Heng, who was curled up into a ball, finally breathed heavily, stretched his body, and gradually relaxed his tense back.

The unexplained pain gradually receded, the young man blinked his eyes hard, and his vision slowly recovered.

Beads of sweat ooze from the forehead, wet the hair on the temples, slowly drip down the condensed strands of hair, and drip on the black robe, creating a thick ink-like halo. After the pain subsided, a soreness flooded his whole body like a tide, Xie Heng gave a wry smile, and finally lay down softly.

"Sorry," he nodded apologetically to Xu Wan'er who was anxiously busy beside the bed, "I'm bothering you again."

"Brother Xie, don't talk."

Xu Wan'er had just boiled a pot of water, and at the moment she was soaking the towel in the hot water, then took it out, wrung it out, folded it, and carefully applied it on Xie Heng's forehead.

Xie Heng closed his eyes slightly, he was relieved for a while, and gradually regained some strength. He tried his best to raise his sore hand, handed out the token of Xuanlingzong before, and whispered to Xu Wan'er: "I don't need this, since your father left it for you, you should keep it well, you can always use it in the future superior."

The busy girl leaned over, her hands froze.

After a while, she continued to twist the towel as if nothing had happened, without raising her head, she said casually, "Why, Brother Xie, you also look down on me?"

"How is it possible?" Xie Heng smiled wryly.

"You are the most considerate and gentle girl I have ever seen." The young man chose his words carefully, and said carefully, "Without you, I don't know which valley I would be floating in. The sky is so moist, I am afraid it will stink. "

Xu Wan'er lowered her head and smiled happily. The young girl's cheeks that were as bright as spring flowers were reflected in the water basin. Then she raised her head with a straight face and asked, "Why isn't it the most beautiful and cutest girl?"

"Well… "

Xie Heng looked at the beam in distress.

Just for a moment, he really wanted to say "beautiful", "cute", and other words, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back for some reason, as if something was blocking his throat, preventing him from saying it.

At the same time, a blurry figure flitted in front of Ah's eyes, it was the side face that he had glimpsed before, his face could not be distinguished, only a silhouette, and his amber eyes sparkling with water, but for no reason, Xie Heng's heartstrings were tightened .

Xie Heng paused for a moment, then said in a low voice: "...Because "beautiful" and "cute" are too ordinary and too perfunctory."

"Don't comfort me," Xu Wan'er picked up the towel, twisted it vigorously, and there was a splash of water, "I know I'm not beautiful, nor cute. You've seen it, my real temper is very violent, gentle and considerate... snort."

"Okay," Xie Heng said with a smile, "There's nothing wrong with having a bad temper. Don't you just like that Zhao Ruhao?"

And you have him in your heart too.

But Xie Heng didn't say the second half of the sentence, Xu Wan'er seemed to be stimulated, she threw the towel into the basin with her backhand, and said loudly: "Who wants him to like it?"

Xie Heng: "..."

Wrong, he thought helplessly, this topic should not be brought up.

The young man thought for a moment, and said, "Sister Wan'er, what's going on with your knife field, and what's going on with the audit?"

There is no repayment for the grace of saving lives.

At least he retained the vision of a former genius swordsman, and being able to help the girl in front of him through a difficult time was considered a kindness.

The matter of the knife field is actually simple to say.

Xu Wan'er's father was originally a well-known local swordsman master, a fifth-rank expert, with a sixth-rank swordsmanship in his hand, and he made a living by opening a knife field and teaching people how to use swordsmanship.

In a remote town, the fifth grade is already a rare master, so Xu's knife farm is flourishing, and he has a good relationship with several surrounding families, and there are many scholars coming and going.

But Xu's father has a strange rule.

Anyone who comes to study will only teach for ten days, and once the ten days are over, they will pack up and leave immediately.

Even if he is exceptionally talented and talented, there is no way he can make an exception.

This rule lowered the income threshold, but it also excluded a large number of outstanding students.

So later, after Xu Wan'er's father passed away unexpectedly, the knife field didn't even have a single apprentice who could support the appearance. The families who made good friends were all profit-seeking generations. Seeing that the Xu family had lost the support of a master, they immediately turned their faces and refused to recognize them, and divided up the remaining resources in the martial arts field under various names.

In just half a year, Xu's knife farm has changed from a leading martial arts field in the city to a dilapidated industry that is almost closed.

These are not enough.

Now, they are focusing on the qualification to open the martial arts field, and the only relic left to Xu Wan'er by the Xu family's father - Xuanlingzong Exemption Order.

In a small town, the number of people practicing martial arts is limited, and the number of martial arts fields that can be opened is also limited. Xu's father won the qualification certificate by virtue of his fifth-rank cultivation, and he still has to face the assessment of the envoy sent by the emperor every year. If he fails the assessment, Credentials will also be revoked.

Xuanlingzong is a local practice sect.

Xie Heng desperately recalled the list of high-ranking sects he had seen, but couldn't remember the name "Xuan Ling", and with Xu Wan'er's description to prove it, he came to the conclusion that "this is a low-ranking sect".

An inferior sect that is not worthy of the "Xie family genius" who was born with a spiritual bone to remember the name.

But for ordinary people in the area, the Xuanling Sect is already an unattainable immortal sect that stands outside the secular world and does not care about trivial matters in the world of mortals.

"How is the assessment? What are the tests?" Xie Heng asked.

"The main thing is to check the martial arts level of the disciples, whether they are good enough to be teachers."

Xu Wan'er lowered her eyes, her face was gloomy.

"It's all my fault. My father didn't let me learn knives, and said that every girl should learn some kind of martial arts. It's better to live a peaceful life. I actually, I believed it..."

The girl covered her face with her hands, and a low choked sob flowed from between her green five fingers.

Thin calluses had grown on the fingertips, apparently only recently. Her biological father passed away, and she was suddenly reduced from a much-loved little princess to an orphan girl who was not even as good as a maid. She could only use her thin shoulders to carry the burden of life and the last thing left by her father.

It's so tough.

But can't give up.

"If my father's knife field is taken away by them, and the test exemption order is given to someone else, what am I left?" Xu Wan'er said helplessly, "I have never seen my mother since I was born, and my father is my only relative. It's gone, when I miss him, I can't even find a trace of him... "

"Don't be afraid," Xie Heng tried to stand up, and comforted in a slow voice, "Don't be afraid, it's just an audit, I'll help you."

"Speaking of which, I really envy the relationship between you and your father."

"It's not like me, who has been called "Daddy" for more than ten years, only to find out in the end that I am just a piglet raised by him. When I grow fat, I will go to the pot."

Xu Wan'er raised her head in astonishment, with glistening tears still hanging on her cheeks.

"Your injury was caused by your father?" The girl gasped and said in disbelief, "How is it possible? How could there be such a cruel father?"

"...Who said it wasn't?" Xie Heng tilted his head slightly.

The twilight outside the window is gradually closing, the shadows of the mountains cover the hood, the last smear of clouds in the sky is reflected in the clear pupils of the young man, swaying the gorgeous colored light, and then the horizon is like a big gaping mouth, swallowing all the light suddenly.

The night came suddenly.

"So, I want to live a good life." Xie Heng looked at the rolling shadows of the mountains outside the window, and said quietly, "I want to live a better and longer life than him. Sooner or later, I will stand in front of him and ask him What's the matter... Hey, don't you feel a little hot?"

The topic changed abruptly, Xu Wan'er didn't react for a moment, she shook her head in a daze.

Xie Heng touched his nose suspiciously, staring at the wet fingertips in a daze.

A thin layer of sweat formed on the bridge of his straight nose, his handsome facial features looked particularly profound under the shadows, and a faint blush appeared on his pale cheeks due to blood loss, reconciling the dark and stern temperament before, making him look elegant and sexy.

How does it feel... like being hugged