Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 53: The villain wants to eat braised pork ribs 10


In the early morning of the next day, the first rays of morning light from the edge of the day fell into the window lattice and fell on Xu Wan'er's delicate cheeks. The girl rubbed her sleepy eyes and lifted the quilt to get up—

In the corner, the floor that belonged to Xie Heng had already been tidied up, and the bedding was neatly folded under the wall, and when he raised his hand to touch it, he could feel the coolness of his hand.

"Strange," Xu Wan'er murmured, "Brother Xie, why did you get up so early?"

Just at this time, someone carefully pushed open the chai gate in the courtyard, and a figure quietly squeezed in. Xie Heng didn't want to disturb the girl's sleep at first, but he didn't expect that he was lying on his body, and just gently closed the chai gate, when he turned around, he happened to meet Xu Wan'er's slightly suspicious eyes.

For some reason, Xie Heng suddenly felt guilty.

The boy raised his hand to stroke the long hair on the back of his head, unscrew the water droplets hanging from the end of the hair, and tugged at the half-dry skirt, and with a dry laugh, he called out, "Miss Wan'er, are you going to the knife field?"

Xu Wan'er nodded.

"I'm always a little uneasy," the girl said worriedly, "I always feel that something unexpected will happen in today's review. By the way, Brother Xie, did you go to the mountain to take a bath again? Although it is March, but Every spring, it’s always warm and then cold, and I take too many cold showers, so be careful not to hurt your body.”

Xie Heng could only respond with a wry smile.

He was restless and couldn't help thinking that taking a cold shower would hurt his body, but if he didn't take a bath, he might hurt his kidneys...

It was a dream last night, but it was very real.

Looking back now, every detail is clearly visible, and there is still a faint sense of touch at the fingertips, as if he had really embraced a beautiful woman in his arms, and tried his best to force that woman to be unbearable, so he had to softly lie in his arms. gasp.

... Damn it, crime!

Xie Heng stuffed his brain with yellow waste, and followed Xu Wan'er to the knife field in a daze. Along the way, he wandered into the sky, lost his mind, and almost bumped into the stake that tied the horse in front of the neighbor's door.

Xu Wan'er anxiously looked at the side of the young man's face, seeing that his expression was in a trance, she couldn't help but blame herself deeply.

Brother Xie must have been so worried about his knife field that he didn't think about eating or drinking.

How stupid I am! Why can't you learn any sword skills, and put all the burden on Brother Xie

The girl kicked the stones under her feet and secretly made up her mind.

This time, no matter what the result is, I must work hard to practice.

We must not... let Brother Xie hold us back any longer!

With completely different brainwaves, the two walked side by side all the way, gradually approaching Xu's knife field.

From a distance, I saw a group of people surrounding the door, the leader was a middle-aged man with a beard, a square face, a solemn and solemn look, wearing a brown red brocade suit, standing with his hands behind his back.

Zhao Ruhao followed behind him.

The young man's face was bruised. Obviously, after returning last night, his father who was waiting for a rabbit caught his pigtail and beat him brutally. Even his mother could not save him.

At this moment, Zhao Ruhao was covering his buttocks with one hand in a strange posture, while turning his back on the middle-aged man, he was still grinning at Xu Wan'er with an exaggerated expression, and he didn't know what he was saying.

... was slapped back by the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man stared at Xie Heng, his dark eyes flashed with thought, and he smiled gently on his face, acting like an elder, and said loudly: "This is Mr. Xie? He is really a hero. I saw you today." , really extraordinary."

Xie Heng blinked, trying to drive away the chaotic thoughts.

The boy and the middle-aged man looked at each other for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Thank you."

Patriarch Zhao was taken aback for this unexpected reaction.

But seeing Xie Heng ponder for a moment, he raised his finger to Zhao Ruhao who was behind the middle-aged man, and said sincerely: "Young Master Zhao is not bad, he has a good-looking talent, and his nature... is sincere."

These words were old-fashioned, as if he was also standing in the perspective of an elder. Patriarch Zhao frowned slightly, showing a trace of dissatisfaction on his face. He was about to refute, but the young man behind him grabbed his sleeve.

Zhao Ruhao's face was full of excitement, as if he was satisfied to meet a confidant: "Father, look! Everyone knows how to praise me for my sincerity!"

Middle-aged man: "..."

The blue veins on his forehead twitched slightly, and his sleeves waved, pulling the beaming young man back, raising his hand to swing it - but the wide palm stopped in mid-air for a moment, considering the surrounding people watching, it still hung down resentfully.

What sincerity? The other party is clearly trying to call people stupid, and this brat thinks he is being praised

How did I give birth to such a fool

Being delayed by Zhao Ruhao, Xie Heng and Xu Wan'er took the opportunity to step into the door.

There is a wide platform in front of you, with wooden figures, sandbags, targets and other objects standing upright. It is a bit desolate because no one has been there for a long time. The breeze blows, and a piece of fine sand is blown from the wooden piles. It shines in the sun and floats slowly. .

There are two people standing in the field.

The person in the front was dressed in black, covering his whole body tightly, wearing a light-colored mask, his breath was as cold as ice, and there seemed to be four large characters engraved on his body: Do not approach strangers.

The person at the back seemed more casual, with a wooden stake on his right hand, half of his body was supported on it, and his ridiculously long legs were comfortably supported. The mask was in the shape of a cute cat, and the lower part was lifted slightly, revealing a white and clean jaw.

Seeing Xie Heng and Xu Wan'er, the person wearing the cat mask chuckled and said, "It's finally here? Let us wait."

Xu Wan'er's nerves have been tense since she approached the knife field, and when she heard the half-smile tone on the other side, she subconsciously shuddered and leaned over to apologize.

But he was interrupted by the man in front waving his hand.

"Let's get started." He said coldly, without any fluctuations in his tone, like the ice and snow on Qianrenhan Mountain that has never seen anyone.

Xie Heng pulled out a knife from the wooden shelf next to it.

The long knife was unsheathed, and there was a clear "Zheng" sound, and a light-colored mysterious energy flowed out from the palm of the young man, as if there was a breeze lingering, the vegetation swayed along with it.

The boy's eyes are slightly cold.

From the moment he saw the two men in black in the arena, Xie Heng cleared away all distracting thoughts in his mind, and the invisible coercion rushed towards him—a pressure that only cultivators can feel. Although the two men in front did not move , The posture of standing or leaning has a dark business charm, the spirit of swords and swords, and it is cold and sharp.

The assessment has already begun from the moment they stepped into the knife field!

Blood boiled in the limbs and bones, and the long-lost excitement came to his heart. Xie Heng turned his right hand over, the long knife was erected, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

"Then I won't be polite." He said loudly.

The knife light glowed with a fiery golden light, Xie Heng's figure was like lightning, and he rushed suddenly!

The man in black at the front held the hilt of the knife, and pulled out a long long knife from behind. The blade was a dark blue color that was as cool as the deep sea. Under the bright sunshine, there was a cold air. The young man held the knife horizontally in front of him, azure blue and mysterious Qi rushes like a spring, enveloping the blade.

Xie Heng's saber suddenly changed direction as it approached.

It was originally a slashing momentum, but was twisted abruptly by the young man in mid-air, and turned into a forward stab, the mysterious energy suddenly gathered, converged on the tip of the knife, and thrust out—

In an instant, the room between the two burst out with a bright light like the scorching sun.

The energy spread outward in circles, leaving clearly visible traces of the surf board on the ground, and the gravel was blown by the strong wind, rushing to the surroundings, dazzled the eyes of everyone.

Xu Wan'er covered her eyelids with her hands, letting the strong wind blow her hair into chaos. She tried to open her eyes wide against the flying yellow sand—

Not far ahead, Xie Heng withdrew his knife to defend, his chest heaved violently, coughed violently, raised his hand to wipe the corner of his mouth, and said with a slight smile, "Give it up."

The cold and proud man in black paused for a moment and bowed his head slightly.

There was a slight scratch on the corner of the black clothes.

Xie Heng's cultivation was naturally not as good as that of the examiners sent by the sect, but he was flexible in thinking, and with a clever effort, the sudden change of the saber's posture exceeded the expectations of the man in black, leaving a mark on the corner of the man in black's clothes.

Of course, Xie Heng was hurt by the force of the reviewer, but compared with the final result, a little injury is nothing serious.

The man in black wearing a cat mask laughed and shook his head repeatedly.

The other reviewer in front of him felt even colder all over his body, his frosty eyes fell on Xie Heng's face, and then swept across Xu Wan'er who was not far away. He stared at Xu Wan'er for a longer time, as if he wanted to imprint the girl's face deeply in his mind, and for the first time there was a slight emotional fluctuation in his eyes.

"...you guys pass the test."

In the end, the young man put his knife back into its sheath and said coldly.

Xu Wan'er immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She was stared closely at by the inspector just now, and the awl-like gaze pierced her face, which really made her uneasy. The examiner's emotions were also subtle, with a hint of killing intent for a while, and a little tenderness for a while, chaotic, and finally merged into the chilly coldness.

But the girl just raised her head and smiled sweetly at Xie Heng, before she could wait for cheers.

Suddenly there was a muffled questioning sound from behind.

"The knife just now was not a sword technique." The Patriarch of the Zhao family stood at the gate of the courtyard with a serious face, and said in a deep voice, "Think about it carefully, the two adults, this kind of 'stab' is mostly swordsmanship."

Under Xu Wan'er's suddenly fierce eyes, the middle-aged man approached slowly, and bowed down to salute the two examiners.

"My lord is well-informed, and shouldn't be hurt by such a simple and easy-to-change method. The skin of the sword, the reality of the sword, this is tantamount to selling dog meat. If you confuse the students who come and go, I'm afraid... "

The middle-aged man spoke eloquently, with a calm posture, and the accusations in his words were beyond words, every sentence seemed to stab a knife in Xu Wan'er's heart.

"Ridiculous!" The girl finally couldn't help it, glaring, and argued, "It's also very good to be able to use a long knife to use swordsmanship. It doesn't matter if it's a knife or a sword, isn't it all for killing people?!"

"Shallow opinion." The middle-aged man shook his head, "If they can be used in combination, the world will not need to distinguish between the sword field and the sword field. Only by focusing on any one can you achieve success. You insist on apprentices who are good at using swords to use swordsmanship. It’s not misleading the younger generation, what is it?”


Xu Wan'er still wanted to refute.

But Xie Heng grabbed her skirt sleeve and shook his head slightly at the short-breathing girl.

The distinction between swords and swords may not be a problem to others, but as a swordsman, Xie Heng knows a thing or two. In this assessment, after all, he was arrogant, underestimated Xuanlingzong, and ignored the existence of Patriarch Zhao.

Xie Heng lowered his jaw slightly, looking away from Zhao Ruhao, who wanted to enter the courtyard but did not dare to enter, and asked in a soft voice, "Aren't you afraid that he will be sad because you use your own son?"

Knife force, sword force, forward chop, upward thrust, sharp stab... Xie Heng used it to be fierce and fast, and the two are very similar. The examiner who fought against the young man had no indication yet, but the middle-aged man far away from the door could accurately identify it. This is the mixed use of swords and swords. If you think about it carefully, there must be something tricky.

And the only person who might reveal the secret is Zhao Ruhao.

He may not have revealed it on purpose, Xie Heng thought to himself, it's just that the child was a little careless, maybe he was tricked by his father when he said something casually... just like he was tricked by himself that day.

The middle-aged man's face was slightly gloomy, and he remained silent.

Xie Heng thought to himself, it doesn't matter anymore.

"If you insist on looking at the pure sword technique, it's fine, I'll show you." He said loudly.

At that moment, the blessing reached the soul, the young man held his right hand empty, the mysterious energy quietly condensed, and the light-colored cyclones were superimposed layer upon layer, finally showing a mysterious dark gray.

A knife condensed purely with profound energy.

Obviously, he had never used profound strength like this before, nor had he ever practiced high-grade saber techniques, but the moment he collided with the examiner's profound strength, icy energy rushed towards his face. In the cold wind, Xie Heng suddenly had something in the back of his mind. Sword move.

In a daze, a young man with brows and eyes as bright as the scorching sun stood behind him, holding his hand.

Xie Heng could only see the blurred outline of the body in the stream not far away, but the flowing water was gurgling, the sun was shining brightly, and the breeze slowly swept across the branches, bringing a warming fruity sweet fragrance.

A voice as clear as emerald jade striking each other came from behind, whispering in Xie Heng's ear: "This move is called... Wind Dance for Nine Heavens."