Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 55: The villain wants to eat braised pork ribs 12


Xuanlingzong is located on the tallest mountain on the west side of the mainland. The snow-covered snow stretches out from the distant and long peak line. There are no birds in the sky above thousands of meters. The cold fog is dense, and the golden sun shines through the spotless blue sky. , projecting the fiery light brightly.

You can step into the mountain gate domain of Xuanlingzong, and the scenery around you will change instantly.

A picture scroll of singing birds and fragrant flowers unfolds slowly in front of everyone. The pines and cypresses are lush and green, and there are magnificent marble halls scattered in the deep and quiet forest.

A few hours ago, standing in the training ground of Xu's Knife Field, Xie Heng secretly watched Xu Wan'er reunite with her family with envy.

But only half a day later, he stood in front of the main hall of Xuanlingzong, and was hugged by a middle-aged man who rushed out of the door in a hurry. The man held Xie Heng's face with slightly callused fingers, his fingertips trembling, In the vicissitudes of life, water gradually emerged in the eyes.

"It's my child!" He was so excited that he spit and his lips trembled, "Like me, really like me!"

Xie Heng was also very excited, but the young man still had a sense of vigilance in his heart—until the young man in black took the spirit bead to test his blood, and the halo flowed in the spirit bead stained with the blood of the two people, and two slender lines separated into it. The eyebrows between the two.

And that's it.

Xie Heng froze in place.

The boundless snow, the bright sun and the scorching sun all faded away in an instant. The thought "So Xie Yushen is not my biological father" clearly appeared in his mind, and the heart-piercing pain of being ripped apart in the dark hall was also quietly cast over. Tulle, Xie Heng's heart lightened silently.

In Xie's house before, Xie Heng never understood what he did wrong to be so disrespectful to his parents.

He practiced desperately, showed his extraordinary talent since he was a child, and has won a lot of reputations on him. When he turned around excitedly and expectantly, he could only see Xie Yushen's gloomy and cold face.

Not lost

That's impossible.

It's just that after being lost day after day, the young man has learned not to expect anything from his family. As long as he doesn't expect anything extravagantly, he doesn't like it, and he can make do with life.

Then Xie Yushen and Wang Yun stabbed him in the heart to let Xie Heng know that some people's viciousness far exceeded the bottom line he could imagine.

But at this moment, everything turned around.

Stars were floating in the mysterious beads emitting bright light, and the thin white lines had faint light, but it could not be ignored. It clearly proved the blood connection between him and the middle-aged man in front of him.

The young man in black smiled and said with emotion: "Finally found it, almost twenty years ago? Finding a son is really harder than picking pearls in the sea."

"Uncle Master can feel relieved this time, and he doesn't have to arrest us as coolies anymore. Hey Xiaobai, tell me something—don't you know how to paint? Take a good look at this scene, especially the crying expression of Uncle Master. How about drawing a picture of "Father and Son Meeting for the First Time" and framed it as a gift to my little uncle?"

"...Pei Yunyin, if you want to die, don't pull me."

The whispers of the people next to him pierced through the fog and quietly entered Xie Heng's ears.

Like the scorching sun, it dispels the coldness that has been hidden in my heart for a long time.

The stiff calf finally moved. The boy stepped forward and hugged the middle-aged man who was crying with joy. He closed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his lips.

The earth-shattering father-son recognition lasted until evening. The middle-aged man took Xie Heng to every corner of the Xuanling Sect, from the practice field, the library to the spirit beast garden, and introduced them to the young man one by one in detail.

The gatekeepers in all places saluted Xie Heng, and in the young man's slightly dazed eyes, a breath of Xie Heng was imprinted in the hub of the formation.

From this day on, all practice places will open their doors to Xie Heng.

On the way, middle-aged or elderly cultivators kept coming after hearing the letter, pulling Xie Heng to look at him, lovingly touching the boy's head, sighing with emotion and relief, "It's really like, really like", while putting it in his hand Plug storage ring.

The ring is full of meeting gifts, everything from spirit stones, mind skills, sword armor, exquisite sword tricks to elixir.

The rich family of Xie Jia is a well-known family of practitioners in the local area, but at this moment, looking at the large number of precious elixir in the ring, Xie Heng couldn't help but secretly startled - many of them he couldn't even name.

The genius of this family finally understood what it meant to say that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

The Xuanling Sect is obviously not a low-level sect whose name he can't remember, but a top-level hermit sect that surpasses the mortal world and even the Xie family can't get in touch with.

And he, Xie Heng, transformed from an abandoned son who was expelled from the family in one day, to a junior brother who was held in the palm of everyone in the Xuanling Sect.

His biological father, Xie Tianwang, is the junior uncle of the Xuanling Sect, a ninth-rank master, and has a prominent position in the sect.

It's just that he was hunted down by his enemies in his early years, and he was separated from his pregnant wife. For the next ten years, Xie Tianwang has been frantically looking for his wife's trace, ignoring the affairs of the clan.

Xie Tianwang's cultivation level is advanced, so he was the target of many elders to win him over early in the morning.

But since his accident, this person has lost any interests and hobbies, which made the elders who were trying to win over Xie Tianwang grey.

He put all his heart and soul into searching in all directions, and all his disciples were pulled into strong men. When he saw people all over the mountains and plains, he asked, "Have you seen my master's wife?" The state of the crowd was almost insane.

If the person being asked directly answers "No", he will receive a look of endless disappointment and disgust; but if he hesitates for a moment, he will immediately be asked by his sleeve, "Do you have any impression?"

"Think about it carefully."

"No, you must have a clue, you just didn't pay attention to it—think again!"

"Don't go!"

"Stop! Do you want to? If you don't want to, I'll tell Master that you have a clue but don't say it!"

The constant disturbance was so annoying that Pei Yunyin had a fight with that disciple because of it. It is said that the two fought in the middle of the night and almost cut off half of the mountain top.

But troubles come to an end, after everyone returned to their residences, looking at the desolate crescent moon outside the window, they couldn't help but feel sad.

The older generation watched Xie Tianwang grow up, and the younger generation listened to the story of Xie Tianwang's practice. In their impression, he was a determined and proud swordsman who reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship at a young age. The sign and hope of Xuanlingzong.

... instead of now, dejected and gloomy, with the word "mourning" almost engraved on his forehead.

Fortunately, decades of painstaking efforts were not in vain. This child, whom the whole sect had been looking forward to for nearly twenty years, finally stepped into the gate of Xuanling Sect on such a bright spring day.

Come on, come on!

That night, many people found excuses to break the precepts and drank recklessly inside the mountain gate, rushing to the door with drunkenness and joy to see the legendary juniors—including a certain young man surnamed Pei who did not mind the excitement .

And they were stunned and dragged away one by one by the Fatang who came after hearing the news, and they were about to be punished with hard labor ranging from three to five days; a certain young man surnamed Pei who was watching the excitement was also dragged by the collar by Cheng Chengbai who rushed over with a cold face Go, and was thrown into the pond in the courtyard amidst a series of noises of "No, Xiaobai".

Xie Heng was not disturbed by the booing crowd.

He sat in the hall in a daze, looking at the tempting delicacies in front of his eyes, the aura overflowed and tangled his nostrils—it was like a dream.

Xie Tianwang kept picking up vegetables for him, pointed to the plate and said, "This is the short horn of a hundred-year-old snake, cut into thin slices, soaked in Lingquan water for a hundred days, and then roasted with different fire."

"This is the saber-toothed fish under the ice of Youxi River. It is plump and tender. After steaming, it is sprinkled with powder made from deep-sea clam pearls. Eat more and see how thin you are?"

"It's time to grow your body, learn more from your second senior brother."

Forced to "grow his body", Xie Heng, who is actually an adult, recalled a row of senior brothers he saw in the afternoon - he quickly remembered who the second senior brother was, and was very horrified.

It's not that he has a good memory, it's just that the senior brother is too conspicuous, one person can occupy the position of two people, he weighs 200 kilograms, and when he stands up, he looks like a towering mountain.

"... No, no need." The boy resolutely refused before the same peak was piled up in the bowl, "I'm full."

Xie Tianwang was taken aback for a moment, and put down his chopsticks resentfully.

"Okay, don't eat. The road is full of dust, and you are tired, how about..."

Xie Heng smiled wryly and said: "Wait a minute, don't you... don't want to know about my mother?"

There was a long silence.

The bowl and chopsticks knocked against the edge of the bowl made of white porcelain, making a crisp sound.

The middle-aged man lowered his head, shadows shrouded his eyes, and his sharp eyebrows were slightly lowered. In an instant, Xie Heng saw a fragile shadow from the tall man in front of him, so painful and unbearable torment.

Just for a moment.

Xie Tianwang raised his head, his voice hoarse.

"Xiaoling...is she gone..."

Unable to bear to look directly at the slumped face of the middle-aged man, Xie Heng turned his head slightly, curled his fingertips quietly, and said in a low voice: "... so you know."

After a long silence, Xie Tianwang covered his eyes with his hands and let out a sad and dull sigh.

"I guessed it." He paused, then repeated, "I should have guessed it a long time ago. Eighteen years ago, I dug three feet and searched for the escape route more than ten times. My ancestor's family history was almost turned upside down by me, but you... just disappeared out of thin air."

"I said to myself, maybe Xiao Ling is fine, she just hid and didn't want to see me."

"Being implicated by me, fleeing all the way, maybe the child died halfway, she blamed me, hated me... whatever."

"But as soon as I saw you today, I knew it was impossible. There is only one explanation for the rest, and that is Xiaoling..."

Xie Tianwang's low voice stopped abruptly, he seemed extremely unwilling to say that word, opened and closed his dry lips a few times, and finally only a line of dirty tears flowed from between his fingers.

"... No more, no more."

As soon as the tears fell, they were quickly wiped away by the man. Xie Tianwang stared at his red eyes, managed to squeeze out a gentle smile, and changed the topic: "My child, how have you been doing in the past ten years? Can you make a small achievement in the sword bone?"