Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 70: The villain wants to eat braised pork ribs 27


The sky and the earth are dim, and the stars are few and far between, like pairs of prying eyes.

Xie Ziyou was wandering in the lonely ancient city, brushing the mottled city wall with his fingertips, scratching a smear of wet and cold moss, the moonlight shone faintly behind him, casting a cool halo on his long black hair like a waterfall.

The boy's eyes were in a trance, his steps were staggering, and something in the void was pointing and whispering to him.

"Look, that's the host who squandered all his points."

"I saw it, it was so miserable, hehe."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, people are here to save people, they are righteous and brave... Hahaha I can't make it up anymore, why are there such fools these days, spending all their points for irrelevant people?"

Xie Ziyou's footsteps faltered, and his fingers clenched tightly.

Shut up, he thought furiously, I am willing to spend points to save people, what does it matter to you

As soon as this thought came up, the screen in front of Xie Ziyou suddenly changed.

He stood in a peach blossom grove under the bright sunshine, with colorful falling flowers, continuous sunshine and rain, scorching youth all over the mountains and fields, and peach red dyed his sleeves to add fragrance.

Xie Ziyou stood on the spot in a daze, and a handsome and handsome young man stood in front of him, smiling tenderly, and handed him a beautifully embroidered oil-paper umbrella.

Xie Ziyou subconsciously raised his hand to take the umbrella.

Xie Heng didn't let go of the handle of the umbrella, but flipped his palm over, cleverly closed it, and clasped Xie Ziyou's hand in his palm.

The petals were flying behind Xie Heng, the rain was pattering, and the young man's forehead was wet. There was a smile in his bright eyes, three parts gentle, and four parts anticipation. His thin lips were slightly parted, and he said softly: "You You, are you willing to marry me?"

The temperature flowed into Xie Ziyou's heart along Xie Heng's generous palm, warming his slightly cold fingertips.

I am willing, a string of fine pink bubbles floated in Xie Ziyou's heart, thinking that I would naturally.

It is raining continuously in spring, and under the same oil-paper umbrella, slender figures approach quietly.

Breathing gradually became faster, the exhaled white steam was intertwined and entwined, blending into the breeze, seeing that the lips were about to touch—

A sharp voice suddenly burst out, shouting: "No, you can't be together!"

The peach blossom forest was burst like a huge bubble, and Xie Ziyou's arms were empty. He opened his eyes blankly, and found that he was still wandering alone on the city wall. People's toes are cold.

Xie Ziyou burst into anger for no reason, raised his head and shouted loudly: "Why can't we be together!"

The stars suddenly scattered, the clouds were dense, and the noisy voices laughed and laughed, chirping: "You don't have points."

"Without points, how can I redeem follow-up time?"

"No points, we're a ghost together."

"Hahahaha, I'm afraid he is looking forward to another system bug!"

"It's a fluke, shame on you!"

Xie Ziyou froze in place.

The cold wind blows from the steep hillside, sweeps across the hundreds of miles of lonely wasteland, climbs up the mottled city wall, passes through the crenel, and rolls up Xie Ziyou's fluttering clothes.

The cold wind was suddenly strong, and Xie Ziyou's black hair was lifted by the wind, and his eyes were instantly blurred.

There was a stabbing pain in his eyes, he hurriedly tore his long hair, and subconsciously let go of his tightly clenched fingers. The oil-paper umbrella that supported a rain of flowers in the peach blossom forest could not withstand the cold wind, and the bamboo bones snapped. Fly outside the city wall.

The oiled paper hunts, and the bent umbrella casts a bleak shadow.

... was the only thought left by Xie Heng before he disappeared.

Xie Ziyou's mind went blank, and when he came back to his senses, he had already jumped high on the edge of the wall, most of his body was in the air, and he reached out to hook the oil-paper umbrella that was blown away by the wind.

The fingertips could hook a petal on the umbrella cover, and the tentacles were wet and shiny.

The cold wind howled, the boy passed by the oil-paper umbrella, a crack was just right on the edge of the wall under his feet, his steps were unsteady, Xie Ziyou's pupils shrank suddenly, and he fell sideways onto the city wall!


The flustered waving hands seemed to overturn something, and Gululu rolled and fell, breaking into pieces on the ground.

Xie Ziyou suddenly opened his eyes—

He gasped heavily, his chest heaving violently.

In front of the eyes are the familiar vermilion beams, the light-colored gauze curtains fluttering, the window lattices are half-opened and half-closed, and the morning light penetrates into the house through the gaps, reflecting the already empty room even more emptiness.

It's Xie Ziyou's bedroom in Xie's mansion.

... It was just a dream.

Xie Ziyou took a deep breath, lay down again, and tried to calm down his shortness of breath.

The shock of passing by the oil-paper umbrella still lingers in his heart, lingering, as if there is an omen in the dark, what he is about to miss is not an umbrella, but the young man he has been thinking about.

"Damn nightmare." Xie Ziyou murmured.

"Youyou, are you awake?" There was a concerned call from the system in his mind, and it whispered, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Hmm." Xie Ziyou rested his right hand on his forehead and closed his eyes slightly, "What's going on now, how did I get back to Xie's house?"

The system said, "It may not be a nightmare."

"Youyou, there are many existences in the void that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. Some nightmares are the most seductive, awakening the ugly side of people's hearts, and regard viciousness and sin as food. Maybe you have met them."

"They can only play tricks in the void, leaving the space-time gap, they can't continue to hurt you."

The system paused, and comforted softly: "Youyou, dreams are always reversed, so don't worry."

Xie Ziyou was silent for a moment, then said softly: "...um."

Even so, he was still filled with a heavy sense of worry.

What surprised Xie Ziyou even more was that, after the system explained, he had been in a coma for dozens of days.

The space tunnel produced by the main god is really a fine product. Most of Xie Heng and his group have landed in a safe place within a radius of ten miles around the secret realm. Without being impacted by the chaos of the broken space, they should wake up quickly and find each other.

When Xie Ziyou jumped out of the gap, the space tunnel just disappeared. Fortunately, he was not torn into pieces by the hurricane, nor fell into the deep mountain to be eaten by wild beasts, but unfortunately he suffered a mental shock and fell into a coma.

The early collapse of the secret realm is undoubtedly big news that shocked the practice world.

The servants of the various families who stayed outside the secret realm looked around, and some of them found their unconscious masters in the mountains and hurriedly brought them home for treatment—Xie Ziyou was one of them.

There are also many servants who can't find it, or just find a warm corpse, which makes the two sides fight. Those who have been bullied on weekdays even turn around and run away, and some even take out their daggers when they are not prepared... In the not-so-broad mountains, many funny dramas that test human nature are staged at one time.

Xie Ziyou worried: "Where is Xie Heng?"

He couldn't judge when those people would wake up, and the first to find them might not be servants, but also enemies, or strangers with evil intentions.

The system shook his head and said he didn't know.

Just protecting Xie Ziyou from being hurt by wild beasts in the mountains has exhausted all his energy. After all, its mimicry is just a small bee, and Xie Ziyou has spent all his points, and he can't even exchange for the lowest-level protective cover. .

When mentioning the points, Xie Ziyou came back to his senses.

He hurriedly called up the system panel, looked at the golden "0" in the head office, and was speechless for a long time.

The system imitated a tiny bee, landed on Xie Ziyou's shoulder, and said cautiously, "Youyou, do you regret it?"

"What do you regret?"

The system said: "I regret saving someone who has nothing to do with it, and my points are exhausted."

"...Ann, don't worry." Xie Ziyou raised his head, looked at the colorful flowers in the small courtyard outside the window, and said softly, "I don't regret it. If I save people, I only lose points; if I don't save people, I will lose more and more important things." thing."

He paused for a moment, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

"I'm playing the villain, but I can't just act and act. I really become a villain." Xie Ziyou was confident, "When this world first started, we were all poor and poor? At worst, we had to start all over again."

The system smiled gratifiedly, and then said distressedly: "Youyou, it's great for you to think so. But if you want to start from scratch... I'm afraid it will be difficult."

The smile on the corner of Xie Ziyou's mouth froze immediately.

As if... really

His points mainly come from two aspects, one is the hatred value of the protagonist, and the other is the face value of the protagonist.

But at this moment, it is confirmed that the protagonist is Xie Heng, not to mention whether Xie Ziyou is willing to continue to spread hatred, even if he is ruthless, Xie Heng may not cooperate obediently.

Xie Ziyou sat on the edge of the bed, holding his face in his hands and worrying, trying to think about the operable space of the resources at hand, his eyes wandered around the house, and his peripheral vision suddenly fell on the beams, a touch of bright white with sharp corners protruding.

It was the sword bone he had hidden before.

Recalling the truth found in the dream, Xie Ziyou's cheeks blushed.

It was only then that he realized belatedly that Xie Heng could communicate with the sword bone. He had stuffed the sword bone in a high place these days. Wouldn't he have a wide field of vision and greatly facilitate that apprentice

The inside of the house is different from the outside, and it is the only place for him to relax without having to look like a villain. Xie Ziyou recalled that in the past month, he had crossed his legs, gnawed melon seeds, gnawed chicken bones, changed clothes, and kicked the quilt in the house without any image...

All of this, I am afraid that all of them will be seen by that bastard.

… Fuck.

Thinking of this, Xie Ziyou saw gold stars in front of his eyes and steam in his ears. He jumped onto the beam aggressively, grabbed the sword bone, and threw it to the corner angrily, almost stomping his leg a few times.

The system hurriedly stopped: "Youyou, aren't you afraid that your spiritual bone will be gnawed by mice at night?"

"It's him who gnawed!" Xie Ziyou's beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, the tails of his eyes were reddish, and he said angrily, "Give him a little bit of strength, and see if he dares to peep!"

The system smiled helplessly.

It knew that Xie Ziyou was just talking angry words, and that its host had always been hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Knowing that the sword bone and Xie Heng had a synesthesia, it would definitely not let the spirit bone get dusty in the corner at ease.

The system changed the topic and dragged Xie Ziyou to chat casually. Sure enough, Xie Ziyou's anger weakened bit by bit, and he couldn't concentrate. He always glanced at the corner subconsciously.

Not long after, the young man gritted his teeth, moved to the wall secretly, bent down to pick up the spirit bone, and wiped it on his sleeve a few times.

"I don't feel sorry for him." Xie Ziyou said before the system could speak, "The view from this corner is too bright, I have to find a hiding place for it."

The system joked, "Under the bed?"

Xie Ziyou twitched his eyes and pretended not to hear. He found a black box, placed the sword bone properly, then found a piece of silk to wrap the box tightly, and stuffed it deep into the closet.

"Youyou, do you know?" the system said, "Rats can chew through fabrics and gnaw through wooden boxes..."

"They won't! Shut up, I won't listen!"

"Well, even if there are no rats, a small and dark space is equally harmful to people's spirits. Xie Heng often communicates that he is locked in such a narrow and claustrophobic space, and he may suffer from claustrophobia, or autism, depression..."

"...you are so annoying."

Xie Ziyou's hand froze slightly, struggled for a long time, and reluctantly pulled it back into his arms, unwrapped the cloth, and took out the sword bone.

The sword bone is still as clear as jade, and the small sword has been formed, and the sharpness rushes to the face.

Damn it, Xie Ziyou thought with a headache, what should he do with this thing

Before he could come up with a safe solution, the wooden door was suddenly knocked a few times from the outside, and a woman's sweet voice penetrated through the gap and floated into the room, saying worriedly: "You'er, I heard that you woke up. But okay?"

But it was Wang Yun.