Radiant Era

Chapter 10: Night visit to the priest


With the joy of the little ant, it’s Monday, and Zhutou is in urgent need of recommendations and various evaluation votes. Students, please collect them!


In the middle of the night, Lin Qi left the dormitory. WWw!QuanBeN-XiaoShuo!com

The campus was quiet, except for the occasional vague chirping of birds that couldn't stand the cold on the treetops. The rustling snow clumps fell on the ground, and the dull sound was particularly harsh. Lin Qi walked on the snow and still didn't make any sound. He walked cautiously toward the faculty and staff dormitory building, dodging several night guards along the way.

The night and cold gave Lin Qi the best cover. He sneaked into the deep and dark teachers' dormitory building without alerting anyone. He walked through a smooth and clean corridor with familiarity and arrived at the door of a dormitory at the end of the corridor. Glancing cautiously to the left and right, Lin Qi used a piece of wire to open the dormitory door.

Lin Qi learned this trick of unlocking the door from Vic. Vic, who aspired to become a master of thieves, had a unique talent in these sneaky skills. Lin Qi and his brothers learned a lot from Vic. Recruit for protection.

The door was pushed open silently, and a big white butt was facing the door.

Father Balin was sitting naked on a round stool, counting the copper coins in his purse. An assistant priest should be well-dressed and sanctimonious at all times. If Father Balin's appearance is seen by his superior priest, he will definitely go to the church's disciplinary center.

Father Balin also had a large wine bottle and a small wine glass on his hand. He laughed in a low voice, counted ten coppers from the money bag and put them in a money box. Then he poured himself a glass of wine, raised the glass and praised "My God bless you" in a low voice, and then poured the wine in the glass. Drink it all in one gulp.

Drinking alcohol is also a great sin in the church, but Father Balin drank to his heart's content. On his round, fair face, his fat, rosy nose was as red as bloodshot. He counted the money happily and drank a small cup for every dozens of coppers. He even hummed a tune and occasionally twisted his fat body, so that the white flesh on his body kept rolling.

"Praise my God!" Finally putting the few silver coins and a lot of coppers in the money bag into the money box, Father Balin playfully twisted his buttocks and let out a loud fart happily. He knelt on the ground proudly, clasped his hands on his chest and prayed devoutly: "Dear God, my father. The gods are looking at me in the sky, please bless the pious Bahrain!"

Sighing affectionately, Father Balin said with great piety: "Just today, the devout Balin sold another 375 atonement charms, and the church gained another amount of funds, and the strength of the church increased. , This is all the credit of the pious Bahrain. Great God, gods, please bless the bishop of the university town to return to heaven as soon as possible to serve you, and let the pious Bahrain take over his position!"

Rubbing his red rosacea nose vigorously, Balin sighed: "That greedy and lustful bishop, he is not worthy of being a servant of the gods. Let him go to hell, along with several of his lackeys. The pious Balin is the university." The best candidate for the city’s bishop!”

Kneeling deeply on the ground, kissing the floor devoutly, the half-drunk Bahrain ended the evening prayer.

Lin Qi closed the door behind his back, walked behind Bahrain, and gently patted Bahrain on the shoulder.

Balin screamed, and he rushed to the corner of the room with his fat body swaying in dancing, and pulled out a heavy battle ax from an inconspicuous and huge porcelain bottle. The furious Balin turned around, and before he could see Lin Qi's face clearly, he struck Lin Qi with an axe.

"No one can snatch a copper coin from my hand. This is all the property of the church!" Balin's eyes were red, and he pounced on Lin Qi like a hungry wolf whose food was taken away from his mouth.

Lin Qi raised his right hand, grabbed the handle of the battle ax, and kicked Balin out with a flying kick.

"Hell, Father, you are a distinguished priest, how can you use an ax to chop people?" Lin Qi weighed the single-edged horn tomahawk in his hand, and threw it on the bed with disdain, and glanced at it involuntarily. The bronze money box on the table in Bahrain.

Bahrain, who also has a passionate desire for money, keenly discovered the greed hidden in Lin Qi's eyes. He said nervously: "Mr. Lin Qi, if you dare to touch one of my lovely coins, I swear I will I won’t let you go!”,

Lin Qi, who had been friends with Bahrain for three years, knew very well what kind of character Father Bahrain was. He glanced at the money box a little regretfully, clicked his lips, and sighed with "grievance": "Oh, you think of me as a person." Who are you? We are old friends, old friends! How can you be so worried about my character? This is your money, I won’t touch it!"

Lin Qi rubbed his hands vigorously, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "How much benefit did Mr. Grand give you? Dear priest!"

Father Balin looked at Lin Qi warily, pulled a robe carelessly and wrapped it around his body. He muttered in a low voice with unusual caution: "Oh, this is none of your business, dear Mr. Linzi. I am just a middleman. Mr. Grand makes a request, I provide you with his request, and then you complete it for him. His appeal is that simple, isn’t it? It’s that simple!”

Raising his index finger and blowing lightly on his lips, Father Balin warned in a low voice: "I take my share of the benefits, and you also have yours. We have cooperated happily in the past three years, right? "

Looking at Father Balin who looked nervous, Lin Qi nodded thoughtfully.

Father Baring, a villain who is involved in the church, is the spokesman for many high-ranking figures in the university town. Big shots, they all have various political demands, but they are big shots, they come from noble families, and it is impossible for them to communicate directly with those from the middle and lower classes. Therefore, the freak Father Balin appeared. The big shots in the university town made certain requests to Father Balin in secret, and Father Balin was responsible for contacting people like Lin Qi to solve various problems for these big guys.

This shady transaction has its own unique rules, and Linzi really shouldn't ask Father Balin how much benefit he got from it.

Helplessly shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi struggled to look away from the money box. He muttered in a low voice: "Okay, okay, lend me an amulet, a real, effective amulet. Wait until I get it. I’ll pay you back double the money!”

Father Balin rolled his eyes and raised his eyebrows quickly: "The price of materials for making amulets has fluctuated recently. The price of each amulet has increased by three silver coins!"

Lin Qi glared at Father Balin angrily: "Then, I will give you six more silver coins! But now, immediately, immediately, give me an amulet! A powerful, effective amulet that can withstand all kinds of attacks, don't Fool me with the same stuff you use to fool ordinary people!"

Father Balin grinned and quickly pulled out a small white scroll from his sleeve.