Radiant Era

Chapter 111: A treasure trove of treasures


Following Blackbeard's words, the originally dark world inside the portal suddenly emitted light. wWW!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!CoMA huge light array is embedded on the ceiling, and the soft white light shines down, illuminating the vast space in front of him.

It is an underground space nearly 100 meters high and more than 200 meters long and wide. Lin Qi looked around in surprise. This space was too big, much larger than the largest church hall he had ever seen. It was hard to imagine what force could open up such a large space underground. Lin Qi looked at Blackbeard curiously.

"It's very big, very majestic!" Blackbeard wiped his nose, frowned and said seriously: "I don't know how our ancestors created such a big place. Maybe this was originally an underground cave. Hmm. , This place doesn’t count, this place doesn’t count, this is just the largest section of our family’s secret vault, and there are three other corridors that lead to three smaller but more important places.”

Patting Lin Qi's shoulder hard, Blackbeard said with a smile: "Go and find what you need. At eighteen years old, you should contribute to the family, but dad can't let you go to the family with nothing." Expand the territory and see what you need."

Lin Qi clicked her lips and looked greedily at the huge space in front of her.

Many metal brackets are neatly placed, filled with all kinds of weird gadgets. There were gold bricks, gold bars, and silver ingots. The mountains of gold and silver jewelry shone, making Lin Qi's heart twitch. Fully half of such a huge secret vault is filled with massive amounts of gold and silver, of which gold accounts for one-tenth and silver accounts for seven-tenths. The remaining areas are filled with pockets the size of human heads. , filled with various gems.

The remaining half of the secret vault is filled with some strange things, such as swords, armor, crossbows, and some gorgeous big things that look like they are worth a lot of money. For example, there are three large black coffins, which are made of crystal-like materials, but are inlaid with countless gold and silver threads. The gold and silver threads are used to outline a complex magic array, and the coffins are densely inlaid with many blood-colored gems.

The three coffins were lying in the corner of the secret warehouse, exuding a chilling air. Lin Qi just glanced at them and felt that his blood was about to freeze.

Blackbeard hurriedly pulled Lin Qi's ears to take his eyes away from the three black coffins. Blackbeard said solemnly: "Don't try to attack them. They are the guards of the family secret vault. Don't try to attack them. If someone invades here without triggering the self-destruction circle outside, if they Without family blood, these guards will tear them to pieces.”

Lin Qi looked at Blackbeard in shock: "How could someone invade here?"

Blackbeard shrugged his shoulders: "It once happened that a core member of the family was captured outside, his blood was drained, and his memory was extracted using evil spells. The person who killed him was there. Sneak here in two months."

With a cruel smile, Blackbeard shook his head and said: "But that person didn't expect that there were three guards here. He was torn into pieces, and then all the pieces were eaten."

Pointing at the three coffins extremely seriously, Blackbeard whispered: "Don't disturb them. They have been stationed here for the family for many years. They have been stationed here since the secret library was established. Anyone who does not have the blood of the family Anyone who enters here will be torn to pieces.”

Lin Qi glanced at the coffins in shock. Well, what Blackbeard said to him tonight was enough to shock him, but what surprised him the most was the existence of these three guards. What kind of creature can survive so deep underground for so many years? Legendary undead creature? Or is it something more sinister? Why do they want to protect this secret vault for the Black Tiger Family

Looking at Blackbeard's appearance, it seemed that he didn't know the details. Lin Qi could only shake his head and focus on other things.

The ancestors of the Black Tiger family obviously paid great attention to this secret vault. The secret treasures placed on the stands all had nameplates indicating the origins of these treasures and their uses.

For example, the armor in front of Lin Qi was made of pure gold, with magnificent patterns carved out of unknown blue metal. Although it was a bit broken, the nameplate stated that this armor belonged to the church's most famous, cruel and brutal armor. Owned by a certain leader of the bloody 'Knights of Punishment', it is one of the Church's famous Punishment Knight sets. …,

"No, Lin Qi, this thing can't be seen in the light!" Blackbeard quickly dispelled some of Lin Qi's bad thoughts. He gritted his teeth and said: "You don't want to be hunted down by people from the church all over the continent, right? Then you can't take out this set of armor. Go. Of course, this is a set of armor with extremely powerful defensive power, but the way our ancestors obtained it back then was not very honorable. They were adding insult to injury, taking advantage of the moment when both the leader of the disciplinary knights and a big demon were hurt, and gave them all to Got it done."

Shaking his head vigorously, Blackbeard said seriously: "You must not let this thing see the light. You choose something else."

The sword of the founding emperor of the Gallic Empire, an extremely sharp magical weapon that can release thunder spells to attack enemies. Blackbeard once again dispelled Lin Qi's urge to show off this thing. The Gallic Empire has been tracking the whereabouts of this magical weapon called 'Thunder God's Wrath'. Lin Qi dared to take it to the streets of Borelli. After walking around, the Imperial Army will directly mobilize the army to encircle and suppress them.

Lin Qi was not interested in the secret trade agreement signed by the Vias Commercial Federation and the aliens of Wudalian Island during the Hundred Years War. Blackbeard was also very happy that Lin Qi would not take this thing out. This thing is a fatal weapon for the Vyas Commercial Federation, and Blackbeard is still prepared to keep it for blackmail when necessary.

Lin Qi was not interested in a personal seal given by a queen of a certain royal family to her lover during a secret meeting, and Blackbeard could not let this thing come to light either.

Lin Qi was surprised how this piece of intimate-fitting pearl underwear from a princess of a certain country fell into the hands of the Black Tiger family. However, although this thing was valuable, it seemed that it could not see the light of day.

Lin Qi walked around the secret vault of a certain royal family, a certain royal family, and a certain big shot, and suddenly found that there were problems with the origins of these family collections. It seemed that he could not use any of them openly.

"Dad, did you bring me here to make me angry?" Lin Qi couldn't help but glance at the three strange black coffins in the corner.

Blackbeard grinned. He pulled Lin Qi to the entrance of the three corridors in the corner of the secret warehouse, chose the leftmost corridor and walked in.