Radiant Era

Chapter 137: Shocked


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================================================== ===Elham looked at Titian coldly, and Titian looked at Elham with a smile. www!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!coM

Elham is like an iceberg, cold, cold, and unapproachable. What is exposed is always only a small part of what he has, making it unclear whether it is true or not. There are countless sharp ice edges carved on the iceberg. If someone tries to forcefully approach him, he will definitely hit his head and bleed.

Titian is like a bottle of perfume, flashy and luxurious, but its warm fragrance can also cover up many things. Under that flashy mask, it's also impossible to know his true face. You don't know whether the scent covers the unacceptable body odor or the natural fragrance.

Two young men with completely different temperaments sat face to face, their breaths clashing and rubbing against each other, with no chance of merging.

The strange silence lasted for a full cup of tea, and then Elham said calmly: "Is this the reason for your visit at night? For these things, you even hesitate to use your grandfather's famous calligraphy?"

Titian smiled easily. He placed his hands comfortably on the sofa, crossed his legs and said calmly: "I am different from those who only dare to call outside the gate. I came in and sat down in Alha." In front of Mr. Mu, I can still make my requests according to my heart."

Smiling easily, as if attending a relaxed drinking party, Titian said nonchalantly: "Since Mr. Elham, and Miss Ya and Ling have come to Borelli, they must be for something." There are some reasons. Although I don’t know why you have stayed at No. 1 Shenghui Street these days without going out, but no matter what the reason is, I can help you solve it. "

Lin Qi looked at Titian with satisfaction. These words were taught to Titian by Lin Qi, and Titian also repeated Lin Qi's words very well.

Ya and Ling, if these two women are really the two women Lin Qi wanted to kill in Dun'er Cult but did not kill them, then Lin Qi will never let them go.

But why did they come to Bureleli, and what exactly did they want to do? Lin Qi must investigate these matters clearly.

Especially if Lin Qi wants to eradicate the problem, he can't make too much noise in Borelli. Even if Lin Qi comes back this time, he will be followed by two heavenly knights, Barr and Aunt Lily, and a group of elite family subordinates, but Shenghui Street is the top residential area in the imperial capital, and the top dignitaries live here. Not to mention the guards maintained by various families, the Imperial City Security Office alone has thousands of elites stationed near Shenghui Street. The military strength here is second only to the Victory Palace area where wealthy nobles gather.

Leading the family's elite to storm No. 1 Shenghui Street was undoubtedly an extremely stupid thing. Lin Qi would never make such a mistake.

Then use Titian as a knife, investigate the matter first, and then find a way to attack those two women." This was Lin Qi's best choice.

The reception hall fell into a dead silence again. Elham looked at Titian, while Titian looked at Elham lazily. Things have become obvious. Titian has made it clear that he is here for the two women, Ya and Ling. Titian's identity, the family behind him, and the powerful power of his family in the empire will all make Elham It was pushed to a very embarrassing point.

It is definitely not in Elham's interest to break up with Titian.

But if Titian and Titian are willing to give in, if Titian makes some untimely demands to Yaheling, how should Elham refuse? Originally, Elham and his group huddled at the gate of No. 1 Shenghui Street, never leaving or taking a single step. They just wanted to maintain a certain sense of mystery. But under Lin Qi's instigation, Titian roughly pulled down their mysterious veil, and Elham had no choice but to make a decision.

But Elham's trip was just an experience. Although he had received a rigorous education since childhood and was a first-class elite in every aspect, he had no experience, lacked communication with others, and lacked The experience of fighting with others. And what about Lin Qi? He has been hanging out in the market since he was seven or eight years old. He has been dealing with thugs, swindlers, gangsters, and villains since he was a child. From those scum, he learned the skills of each and every one of them. …,

Titian suddenly laughed and said easily: "Mr. Elham, don't be nervous. I have no ill intentions towards these two exciting ladies. I'm just curious about why you came to Borelli in this damn winter. If If you run into trouble, I will solve all your troubles, and I just need a chance to get to know the two ladies. I want to be friends with them, isn't this okay?"

Gently tapping the coffee table in front of him, Titian said word by word: "Why reject people thousands of miles away? One more friend is always better than one more enemy, don't you think?"

Titian has already set out conditions for Elham to let Ya Heling get to know him. Then, Titian can freely pursue the two women. If Elham did not agree to his terms, Titian would become Elham's enemy.

No matter how powerful Elham's background is, since he is not a noble of the empire, Titian will not be afraid of him at all.

According to Elham's claim, he is the seventh son of the Golden Sail family of the Vyas Commercial Federation? What is this

The Jin Fengfan family enjoys a high reputation in the Western Continent. The ocean-going cargo ships owned by their family account for almost one-tenth of the trade between the East and the West. Their family is truly a wealthy businessman with wealth that rivals other countries. But that's all. The Gallic Empire is the most powerful country on the mainland. The Gallic Empire's military strength is more than twenty times that of the Vias Commercial Federation. Several of the servant countries of the Loud Voice Empire can militarily defeat the Vias Commercial Federation. The Federation struck a devastating blow.

What's more, Elham is only the seventh son of the Jin Fengfan family? Even if Titian kills him, the Vias Commercial Federation will never offend the senior officials of the Gallic Empire for Elham.

Elham's face became more and more ugly. He clenched his fists, his eyes were a little wandering, and a little dangerous light condensed in his pupils.

Lin Qi suddenly walked towards the huge painting of the goddess of victory slaying the devil. Before Elham could stop Lin Qi, he suddenly struck the corner of the frame with his palm. There was a sound of machinery, and the huge painting slowly rose upwards, revealing a pair of twin sisters in the back wearing light red robes, who were extremely beautiful but as cold as icebergs.

As soon as he saw these two beautiful girls, Lin Qi almost pulled out an ax and struck them down - it's them, it's them!

But Titian had already jumped up. He rushed forward ecstatically and laughed happily: "Two distinguished ladies, it is really difficult to meet you!"

Elham stood up angrily, and there was a strange flash of light between his fingers. . )