Radiant Era

Chapter 15: Terrible Orientals


Heavy snow continued to fall, and a thick layer had already accumulated on the roof and ground. www、qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo、coM

The northern area of Belaili City is a dock area where people and animals are mixed. It is the most chaotic, brutal, violent, and dangerous area of Belaili City. Correspondingly, the southern area of Boleli City is an old commercial district with a long history. Silk and tea from the East, tobacco and jewelry from overseas, dwarf weapons, elven art, and all kinds of weird things are all here. can be found.

Different from the barbaric scene in the dock area, the business district in Nancheng District is filled with a cunning and cunning atmosphere. The dock area is full of good guys who dare to hurt their brothers or hurt others, while the business district is full of all kinds of kidnappers, swindlers, thieves, etc.

Early in the morning, the handymen sent by the city hall and the servants of the shops in the commercial district were working together to clear away the snow at night. Vic, dressed in black, was sitting on the top of a tall building, hiding behind three thick chimneys, squinting. Looking at a street in the distance.

According to Lin Qi's request, Vic has recruited people to monitor the cripple shop in the past two days, hoping to find traces of Jiang Yong and his group of Easterners. Just when Vic was having breakfast, news came that Jiang Yong appeared alone in the business district and was inquiring about the prices of various silks and satins in a silk shop.

From where Vic was, he could see the century-old silk shop 'Tuozi Shop' at the corner of the street. The store was huge, ten times the size of other nearby stores, and it was filled with silks and various precious fabrics from the East.

The Hunchback Shop in the business district has the same name as the Crip Shop in the dock area. The Hunchback and the Crip are the two giants in the dark world of Berelli City, with thousands of thugs and villains under their command. The two competed with each other, but also cooperated with each other. They undermined each other, but they jointly dealt with the invasion of foreign enemies, forming a strange symbiotic relationship.

For example, the lame shop purchased stolen goods at low prices from pirates, and the oriental goods such as silk and tea were handed over to the tuozi shop for sale. The Tuozi Store also abides by dark rules, and they never take goods directly from pirates. They carefully guard their respective territories. Their subordinates will never easily set foot on the territory of the other party, but at the same time, once the police department or outside gangs want to do something against them, they will immediately join forces.

The lame man and the hunchback, these are the two signatures of the dark world of Beleli City, two legends that have been circulating for hundreds of years.

Vic has enviable good eyesight. He is born with the ability to see in the dark, especially during the day. His sight is more than twice as far as ordinary people, and his field of vision can cover nearly 180 meters in front of him. A vast area of ten degrees. All this gives Vic the perfect talent to become a top thief and top assassin.

This place is more than three hundred meters away from the Tuozi store, but Vic can clearly see everything happening in the store.

Jiang Yong, who was wearing a black cloak covering his whole body and only showing his face, was asking about the prices of various silks and satins in the Tuozi store. He stroked the smooth and precious fabrics from time to time, with a weird sneer on his face.

Vic couldn't figure out what this strange oriental man was doing in Tuozi's shop. He was from the East, and the clothes on his body were all made of top-quality brocade. How could he be interested in the silks in Tuozi's shop? Could it be that he is conducting market research

Like Lin Qi, Vic is also a student majoring in accounting at the Fifth University. Jiang Yong's behavior can only be described as market research - perhaps, this Oriental is investigating the profits of a piece of silk shipped from the East to the West.

Looking at Jiang Yong with squinted eyes, Vic glanced at the two thin, ragged men in front of the Tuozi shop.

Those two people were not members of the Iron Fist Brotherhood, but local gangsters in Nancheng's business district, ruffians who would do anything for you as long as they paid money. This was Hunchback's territory, and Vic was unwilling to use his own men to monitor Jiang Yong. He only spent a deposit of ten coppers to get the two scoundrels to keep an eye on Jiang Yong.

These two scoundrels are of no use. The main force behind the surveillance is Vic himself. These two scoundrels are just stones thrown by Vic as tools to test Jiang Yong. Hopefully they can attract Jiang Yong's attention, and then Vic can guess his true strength through Jiang Yong's reaction.

Vic knew the nature of these gangsters. Not to mention that he spent ten coppers to make them keep an eye on Jiang Yong. Even if they encountered a big fat sheep like Jiang Yong, they would never let him go. He looked forward to what would happen later. Is Jiang Yong a beast in sheep's clothing, or a real big fat sheep? ,

Jiang Yong spent nearly an hour in the Tuozi shop. Vic's hands and feet were freezing on the roof. It was finally possible to see him walk out of the Tuozi shop and walk leisurely along an alley with his hands behind his back. Vic wiped the cold snot, secretly greeted Jiang Yong's mother, and traced it along the roof of the building on the roadside.

With a naturally abnormal vision, Jiang Yong's every move is under Vic's surveillance.

The two gangsters lived up to Vic's hope. They followed Jiang Yong while shivering, and followed him into a remote alley. Something that made Vic happy happened. The two gangsters looked at each other, pulled out their daggers and secretly advanced towards Jiang Yong.

From a distance of more than 300 meters, Vic looked at the two gangsters who were approaching Jiang Yong and showed a proud smile. The alley was deserted and deserted, making it a good place for murder and robbery. If Jiang Yong's strength is not strong enough, Vic would not mind giving him a crossbow arrow.

With a strange laugh, Vic was about to enter the stealth state. Suddenly, he shook all over, as if a bucket of ice water poured down from his head. Goosebumps appeared all over his body. He was so scared that his hands and feet were cold. He didn't dare to move either.

Hundreds of meters away, Jiang Yong in the alley sneered pitifully. His whole body was shrouded in a faint purple halo. His body was like a crazy horse rushing backwards, and his elbows hit hard. on the chests of two scoundrels.

The two scoundrels failed to utter a scream, and their bodies exploded, turning into countless extremely tiny pieces of flesh and blood that sprayed out. Their flesh and blood quickly formed into ice flakes after they spurted out, turning into large sheets of white frost that sprayed toward the rear.

Jiang Yong sneered mockingly, clapped his hands gently, and continued to move forward with his hands behind his back as if nothing had happened.

A large amount of cold sweat broke out on Vic's forehead. He was so frightened that he went limp and sat in embarrassment behind a chimney.

"Damn it, this Easterner, he is a celestial knight!"