Radiant Era

Chapter 150: Within the secret room


Lin Qi stared at the Holy Cross badge on the door in a daze. This cross badge was nothing more than a cross badge. What was even more terrible was that he did not recognize those metal characters. wWW!qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo!CoMHow come I have never seen those twisted, twisting, solemn words with a touch of exquisiteness and luxury

Long Cheng walked up silently, stretched out his hand and pressed a twisted text under the badge. He turned back to Lin Qi and said with a sarcastic smile: "This is the difference between civilized and uncivilized. These words are ancient divine words, the words used by the legendary gods to destroy the time."

Raising his eyebrows proudly, Long Cheng said with a smile: "I have been learning ancient divine scripts and various ancient scripts since I was three years old. I am proficient in divine scripts, goblin scripts, goblin scripts, undead scripts, black spirit scripts, orc blood scripts, Giant runes, demonic incantations, devilish incantations, and words from some more ancient legends.”

Lin Qi was dumbfounded, and the assassins around him were also dumbfounded. They looked at the twisted metal characters on the metal door and lowered their heads in shame. The gate is here, but they don't know these words, so they can't even talk about breaking through the mechanism here. But Long Cheng, this freak and pervert, he actually knows so many foreign languages? Doesn't it mean that he is proficient in all the writings of all the alien races in the world that are as powerful as humans

Is this the background of the great Eastern nobles

Lin Qi didn't know if all the great nobles in the East were like this, but he learned from Yu Lian that among the great nobles in the imperial capital, if any noble could be proficient in a foreign language and write a poem in this language, Sonnets dedicated to a noble lady will generally create a hearty romance.

But how come those 'erudite and talented' aristocratic gentlemen are as illiterate as compared to the freak like Long Cheng? Being proficient in a foreign language can show off in the aristocratic circles of the empire and be regarded as a linguist or something like that, but what about Dragon City

Lin Qi had heard of goblin and goblin writing, but he never knew that the undead also had mosquitoes, let alone that the big black men in the Black Spirit Continent also had their own writing. As for other demonic spells and evil writings, , if anyone in the Western continent dares to study this kind of writing, the church will definitely send him to the stake without hesitation.

Spreading his hands helplessly, Lin Qi said dejectedly: "Okay, I admit that in some aspects, you have a great advantage."

Long Cheng hurriedly pointed at his nose and said with a smile: "Civilized man"

Then he pointed at the people around Lin Qi and said with a smile: "Savages"

Lin Qi was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Sooner or later, this dragon city would be shot to death by arrows from behind. Lin Qi had no doubt about this. The subordinates around Lin Qi were so angry that they were green in the face. They had seen many local gangsters, but this was the first time they had seen this kind of top-notch bastard who claimed to be a noble but was a hundred times worse than the local gangsters.

"Look, this word means space." Long Cheng moved the twisted divine text he pressed to the circle on the left side of the Holy Cross badge: "Infinite space, everything exists based on it."

He stretched out his hand to hold down another divine text, and with the sound of 'click', Longcheng moved the divine text to the circle on the right side of the cross badge: "The time of this word is time. Infinite time is the axis of space. , which controls the reproduction and development of all things and characters in the space.”

"From left to right, this stroke of the Holy Cross emblem represents the evolution of space and time, and represents the eternal and unchanging laws of the law."

Moving another divine text to the circle below, Long Cheng sighed: "Law, this word represents all the laws and powers in endless space and infinite time. Fire is hot, ice is yes, water is It can extinguish fire, all things grow, and life and death cease when winter passes and spring comes. All laws are located under this Holy Cross emblem. Laws are the cornerstone of all existence. They must be based on laws in order to have the eternity of space and time."...,

Lin Qi looked at the Holy Cross badge thoughtfully. For the first time in his life, he knew that the church's seemingly simple Holy Cross badge actually had such a complex meaning. And listening to Long Cheng's explanation, it seems that it makes sense, very much. But what kind of truth is this? Lin Qi only felt that there was a thick layer of fog in front of his eyes, making it impossible for him to see through the reality hidden behind it.

Long Cheng shook his head and moved another divine inscription to the top circle of the cross badge.

"The soul can transcend time and space, and exist beyond all laws. All things are animistic, and only the soul can transcend these natural constraints. ** is unreliable. Only the soul controls space, controls time, and transcends laws. The soul is the ultimate existence of the universe. Everything is under the soul, including space, time and laws, they are all located under the soul."

With a click, the entire bronze door lit up when the divine inscription representing the soul was moved into the corresponding circle. The originally dull and heavy bronze door became smart and rounded, as moist and moving as a piece of light green crystal.

Long Cheng held down the last divine inscription with both hands and moved it to the circle in the center of the Holy Cross emblem.

"The meaning of this word is very complex. It can be understood as self-restraint, self-purification, self-salvation, etc. It also represents absolute goodness, absolute purity, absolute prohibitions and precepts. The soul is above everything else. , but the soul must also pass self-restraint, self-purification, self-salvation and absolute goodness, absolute purity, absolute prohibitions and precepts in order to overcome everything."

"This kind of purification and purity is the basis for the soul to transcend everything. If the soul loses its absolute purification and purity, it will fall."

Long Cheng gently tapped the divine text in the circle at the bottom of the cross badge and said lightly: "What is very strange is that in the ancient divine texts, the word law has another meaning, that is, 'law of sin'. Two The meanings of these words are completely unrelated. I really don’t know why they are lumped together. Could it be that the old master who paid him 30,000 taels of silver every year deceived me? Isn’t that right?”

A purple light rushed out from the center of the eyebrows, and instantly poured into the huge Holy Cross badge. A muffled sound of "click" was heard, and the bronze door slowly opened and gradually disappeared into the ground. When the door sank into the ground, Lin Qi saw that the door was actually ten meters thick. It was not something that could be broken through by humans.

A ray of moist light came out from behind the door, it was a moist golden light.

Lin Qi walked in carefully, and then he was completely stunned there.