Radiant Era

Chapter 174: Pan's Labyrinth


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The nobles of the Western Continent are magical life forms.

They were beaten to a bloody head just now, as if they were enemies of life and death, but in just a cup of tea, everyone including Maris, who was the most injured, was sitting calmly on the sofas around him. Www!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!comEveryone arranged their messy clothes meticulously, and everyone tried their best to cover up the injuries on their bodies. Even the big fleshy pimple on Maris' forehead was covered with a certain secret medicine. Disappeared without a trace under the powerful effect.

Everyone had smiles on their faces. They held wine glasses elegantly and chatted happily about things like the weather in the past two days, what jewelry will be popular next year, and how many more actors have changed at the Imperial Capital Opera House. Classy topics.

Even Maris, who had just been severely beaten by Lin Qi, behaved with extraordinary grace in front of two stunning girls, Ya and Ling, like a real Shinshi. He sat on a sofa with a golden sword, holding a huge bronze wine glass, and even toasted to Lin Qi from a distance with a smile. Even though the cold light that occasionally flashed in his eyes was like a blade, as if he was about to tear Lin Qi into pieces, his smile was indeed bright now.

Lin Qi also smiled and nodded to Maris, and he and Long Cheng walked side by side to the card table in the middle.

The noble men and women who were chatting in the hall closed their mouths at the same time. They looked at Lin Qi and Long Cheng excitedly.

This will be the most luxurious gambling game in the Imperial Capital in the past thirty years. Although no one said it explicitly, everyone knew who the two parties in the gambling game were. Using the third-ranked Yinwanyue Trading Company in the imperial capital as a bet with all the shops and mansions owned by Titian was a bet that no one could ignore.

Behind Maris, a young man wearing light cyan armor walked out slowly. He smiled and nodded to Titian: "So, these two are the candidates sent by Titian?"

Titian also walked out slowly, and nodded to the young man: "So, where are your people, Luojia?"

Luojia was born in a noble family of the Imperial Family. He was granted the title of Viscount. He held an inconspicuous job in the Victory Palace. He had a hundred drum and trumpeters under his command. To put it bluntly, he was the leader of the honor guard under the Victory Palace. His family background is naturally not comparable to that of Titian, but his family is still classified as one of the top wealthy families in the imperial capital.

Silver Crescent Trading Company is Luo Jia's private property, and it brings tens of millions of profits to Luo Jia every year. But all qualified nobles in the imperial capital know that Yinwanyue Trading Company is actually a tool for Maris to make money. It is precisely because of the huge funds provided by Yinwanyue that Maris can cultivate a group of private armed forces armed to the teeth. .

Hearing Titian's question, Luojia smiled and clapped his hands gently. Just now, he had been mixed in with the group of young nobles wearing armor. A short and inconspicuous man in black walked out cautiously. .

Short and lean, like a dried hazelnut. This man in black is only about five feet tall, but he has extremely dexterous and slender hands. The skin of the man in black was rough and dark, but his hands were as white as jade, shining with a heart-warming light under the light.

Lin Qi couldn't help but whistle softly, and Long Cheng also raised his eyebrows and moved his hands excitedly.

This man in black must have extremely unique skills in his hands. His hands were slender and even, and his bones and meridians were extremely well-proportioned and powerful. Lin Qi even suspected that these hands could easily tear open the throat of a bull. Of course, such a pair of hands that have been tempered by residual fermentation also have unique advantages in some delicate little movements - such as when shuffling and dealing cards. Titian looked at the man in black with almost amazement. He clapped his hands gently and praised sincerely: "Luojia, you have chosen a good hand!"

Luo Jia smiled reservedly and proudly, bowed slightly, and then walked back slowly without saying a word.

Maris clapped his hands heavily, and a group of sturdy men strode up carrying heavy bronze boxes. They carefully placed ten large metal boxes on the floor, and then opened the lid with force. A large piece of golden light spread out, and there were a total of 10 million gold coins in the box! …,

Ten million gold coins, ten million golden gold coins are placed in front of you. This is completely different from a golden ticket. A gold ticket of ten million gold coins is just a piece of paper, but ten million gold coins is a solid hill.

Even though all of the people present were the great nobles of the imperial capital, everyone felt suffocated when looking at this hill made of gold. Not everyone has the opportunity to see 10 million gold coins placed in front of them. The scene in front of them is really impactful.

Latus smiled and nodded to Maris. He clapped his hands gently. The same group of sturdy men came up and gently placed ten boxes made of silver on Lin Qi and Longcheng. behind. The lids of the ten large silver boxes were slowly opened, and there were also ten million gold coins neatly stacked inside.

Maris's face suddenly darkened. He used a box made of bronze to load gold coins, but Latus used a box made of silver. Invisibly, he was overpowered by Latus, and this feeling made him very unhappy.

"Plus a bet, if Luojia wins today, Titian will not be allowed to go near No. 1 Shenghui Avenue in the future!"

Maris Fonson looked at Elham and his group: "You are in trouble, I know this too. As long as these two distinguished ladies become my friends, I will do what Titian cannot do." can do."

Elham and his group remained silent and were treated as bets. This was not an honorable thing.

Lin Qi looked at Elham and the others with a smile. The things that will make you uncomfortable are still to come. Just wait and see, Lin Qi will never let them go so easily. Smiling and rubbing her palms, Lin Qi looked at the man in black: "So, what are we going to do today? You see, with so many big shots watching, we have to find some interesting fun!"

The man in black smiled proudly and pulled out a huge wooden box from the thick pile of cards on the card table.

"You have two people, and I only have one person, just right, just right. Let's play Pan's Labyrinth, the three of us!"

The man in black smiled coldly, as if he didn't care about Lin Qi and Long Cheng at all.

"You two partner up, and I'll partner up with the dummy hand. Ten thousand gold coins per hand, fast card rules."

"With so many noble people looking at us, let's not waste their time. The winner will be decided in two hours. After two hours, the person with more money will win!"

God Pan built a palace!

Lin Qi looked at Longcheng and nodded slowly. . )