Radiant Era

Chapter 183: It's a mess


In the luxurious lounge, Titian was lying on the carpet near the door, with a certain part of his body shining brightly and dazzlingly like the rising sun. wWW. QuAnBen-XIaoShuo. coMHe was snoring deeply and seemed extremely tired.

The floor of the lounge was covered with scattered strips of cloth. Those strips of cloth were so familiar, as if they should be two complete long skirts, and should be worn on Ya Heling. But now the two long skirts have turned into countless strips of cloth, and they are scattered everywhere randomly.

Yahe Ling's body was naked and dying, huddled in the corner away from the door. The two women leaned closely together, their knees weakly protecting their fair and delicate chests, and their hands holding their knees tightly, looking so weak and weak. Their soft and delicate bodies were covered with red and purple scars. What kind of devil would it take to leave such cruel injuries on such a beautiful body.

Not only the scars, but more importantly, the faint light like a halo of orbs that originally shrouded the two women disappeared. It's like two pieces of flawless jade suddenly turned into two pieces of white porcelain. Although they are still as white and smooth, there is a huge difference in quality between the two.

Lin Qi and others would naturally not notice such details, but in Tuolin's eyes, he recognized it at a glance as a sign that the innate divinity in Yahe Ling's body had dissipated. Not only that, Ya and Ling's breath was so weak that not only did their divinity dissipate, but most of their own condensed divine power and energy were also dissipated.

"You lowly, filthy sinners!"

Torin's whole body exuded a terrifying cold air, and the wine bottles and porcelain plates in the small hall were shattered by the cold air. For a while, the sound of cracking was heard endlessly. Thorin's eyes turned into a deep blue, a blue without emotion or warmth, and his body slowly flew up, floating above the ground. Dozens of thumb-thick rings of cold air wrapped around Thorin's body, and suddenly tiny ice crystals fell in the air.

"You will surely be punished by God, and your souls will surely fall into the bottomless abyss, and suffer the pain of soul refining by divine fire forever!"

Thorin raised his staff, and without even reciting a spell, hundreds of ice spikes as thick as his thumb appeared out of thin air. Staring at Titian who was lying on the ground sleeping soundly, he pointed at Thorin's staff, and the ice spikes whizzed up into a tornado, bringing up the cold air and stabbing straight towards Titian.

Not to mention those extremely sharp ice spikes that are stronger than steel, just say that if this cold wind hits Titian, the comatose Titian who has no resistance will be frozen into a zombie. Lin Qi smiled bitterly, clenched his fists, and rushed forward with all his strength.

Two cyan rays of light flashed, and Lin Qi roared and punched eighteen times in a row.

The fist was like a shooting star, like thunder, like thunder, the wind of the fist stirred up the air in the room, creating a biting wind. Lin Qi's fist hit the ice tornado inspired by Tuolin. The ice spikes hit Lin Qi's protective fighting spirit. Countless ice spikes shattered and exploded into countless ice crystals that scattered. Lin Qi's body was trembling, and the ice thorns carved deep scars on his hands. The blood was just about to gush out, but the cold air had frozen the wounds, forming blue scars.

Lin Qi was shaking all over in pain. He never dreamed that Tuolin's ice and snow magic could be so powerful. The impact of the ice spike was extremely powerful, forcing Lin Qi to retreat step by step. Latus had already dodged aside with a pale face and was frantically calling for the guards.

Regardless of how things happened, looking at Titian's appearance and Ya Heling's condition, things have already happened.

Titian seduced, or rather, Titian raped two beautiful ladies. As the strongest assistant around Latus, no matter what Titian did, Latus was obliged to help him handle it properly.

The ice tornado was like a ruthless millstone, peeling off the skin on Lin Qi's fist layer by layer, then peeling away his flesh, and finally peeled off to the bones. Countless fine ice crystals burst out from Lin Qi's bones, which were caused by the ice spikes smashing into his bones.

Lin Qi was in pain, very painful. Even the dozens of cuts that Blackbeard had made on his body were not so painful. It was a pain that was heart-breaking and painful to the bones. The pain made Lin Qi burst into tears, the pain made his whole body tremble, the pain made his internal organs tremble, and the pain made him curse loudly. …,

The ferocious energy in the Black Tiger family's bones exploded. Lin Qi, who was so painful that he almost urinated, screamed in pain and was forced to take seven steps back. He screamed in pain and moved forward continuously. A faint black energy on his fist was slowly taking shape, and Xuan Hu Jin was flowing rapidly through Lin Qi's body following a weird movement route.

The blood flows in the blood vessels, making a loud noise like the waves of rivers, lakes and seas rising and falling. Lin Qi roared wildly, striding forward like a mad bear, with tears forming ice on his face. He punched half of the ice storm with thirty-six consecutive punches, and strode forward to Torin. .

Yu Lian has already drawn his sword, and the hazy and dreamy sword light shrouds Tuolin. The sword's momentum is erratic, graceful and gorgeous, making people unable to grasp where the sword's edge will land. The combination of the noble swordsmanship and the enchanted magic on the sword formed the most perfect sword that Yu Lian had struck since her birth.

But Tuolin just looked at Yu Lian with disgust. He snorted coldly and ruthlessly. With a flick of his left middle finger, an ice bullet the size of a fist roared out and hit Yu Lian hard in the chest.

Yu Lian, who was weak in Dou Qi cultivation, screamed miserably. Two ribs on his chest were broken, and he flew backwards covered with a layer of white cold air. The ice bullet exploded in his chest, and the powerful cold air sealed his body. Yu Lian almost fell to the ground like a wooden stake.

But Lin Qi had already rushed in front of Tuolin, waving his bare fists, and Lin Qi roared like a tiger roaring in the forest again.

A huge tiger roar broke out in front of Thorin, and Thorin's hair suddenly flew back, as if a hurricane was blowing head-on. Torin's eyes were distracted, Lin Qi's roar almost shattered his eardrums, his ears were in severe pain, and his body's sense of balance was completely destroyed.

Torin could no longer float in the air. He fell from the air. Lin Qi immediately took a step forward and stepped heavily on Torin's chest. Torin let out a messy cry, shook his fists, and a halo of ice spread out from his body. Lin Qi felt a huge force coming from under his feet. He grunted and was thrown away, and he fell out of the seven feet in embarrassment. Eight meters away. The cold air spread rapidly up his legs, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Qi's right knee was covered with a layer of white frost.

Tuolin struggled to get up, but Lin Qi's roar just now was the secret skill of the Black Tiger Family's Xuanhu Jin, the "God-Splitting Tiger Roar". Not only was Tuolin's body shocked, but his mind was also shaken. Got a shock. He swayed awkwardly, but two jets of hot blood suddenly spurted out from his nostrils, and he couldn't stand up.

Nightmare and An were struggling and squirming on the ground for a long time. When Torin fell to the ground, they finally got up. The two brothers, who were beyond recognition, roared angrily, swung their swords and rushed towards Latus.

Latus made a sharp cry, just like a poor little girl facing dozens of strong men alone. Latus's cry was so desolate and helpless. He cursed his guards angrily. At this critical moment, why didn't they come over quickly

Seeing that Nightmare and An's long sword was about to pierce Latus's body, a powerful force destroyed the door outside, and a strong man wearing heavy armor was surrounded by a dazzling blue light. Bu rushed in. He rushed to Latus' side with almost a single step and punched out hard with both fists.

Just after being knocked away by Lin Qi's heavy punch, Nightmare and An's faces received another heavy blow. They vomited blood and flew back, hit the ground hard, rolled their eyes and passed out.

"O Most High God, punish these humble and filthy sinners with your supreme glory!"

Elham, who was knocked unconscious by Lin Qi's punch, woke up. When he saw the miserable state of Tolin, Nightmare and An, he was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood again. The bright white light filled his eyes, and Elham looked at Lin Qi and Latus indifferently. He opened his hands to form strange seals, and murmured a spell.

"Please use magic! Interrupt his spell!" Latus's face changed horribly and he shouted loudly.

The church's magic of inviting gods can be used by certain people to obtain a trace of the power belonging to the gods and burst out the power to destroy everything.

Unless you are a high-level person in the church, it is impossible to master this extremely high level of magic. Elham can actually perform the magic of inviting gods. No matter which god he mobilizes, as long as it is related to the gods, it is definitely not a good thing.

Lin Qi had already rushed towards Elham with a leap, but Lin Qi was still more than ten meters away from Elham. How could he catch up in such a hurry

The incantation to invite divine magic is only a short sentence, and Elham is about to complete the divine spell.

There was a loud bang, and a huge porcelain vase from the East hit Elham hard on the back of his head. Elham's eyes widened, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Long Cheng, dressed as a male servant, rushed in. He used a vase to interrupt Elham's magic in time.

The sound of heavy steps was heard, and dozens of Latus's guards swarmed in, almost filling the small lounge. Then all the guards saw Titian's thin body and the two girls curled up in the corner.

The guards gasped at the same time, and they suddenly understood why Elham and his group suddenly went berserk.

Titian came at the right time. He stood up unsteadily, with a vague and hesitant smile. He murmured in a low voice: "Beauties, you are so beautiful... Why is my head so beautiful?" It hurts so much?”

Reluctantly raising his head, he suddenly saw dozens of burly men looking at his naked body. Titian was so frightened that he screamed and danced around in the lounge.

Lin Qi spread his hands, what is this

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