Radiant Era

Chapter 186: Powerful sniper kill


The text begins. The morning light spreads across the land, and there are not many traces of living things on the snow-covered land. wwW,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,cOmBaidu search to enter the site quickly. In the gray sky, there were only two dazed eagles circling and soaring. They were working hard to find something that might become food. But the clean ground looked like it had been washed with water, and there wasn't even a field mouse.

About ten miles away from Titian's club, on a north-south road, groups of four-wheeled trucks were heading towards the imperial capital. Farmers who had woken up early were busy transporting firewood, coal, stored vegetables and other various foods to the imperial capital. In such a large imperial capital, the daily consumption is an astronomical figure, and these farmers must work hard to transport new supplies every day.

In the woods just beside the road, a majestic man wearing a light golden robe was scolding coldly.

"The master is very angry. Someone must pay the price. Kill the newly appointed secretary next to Titian, kill the shabby noble Yu Lian, and kill the two women Titian wants to hook up with." The man looked at the whole person in front of him indifferently. A group of cavalry lined up neatly in a square formation: "Those two women must have their heads chopped off in front of Titian. Do you remember them all?"

There were sixty cavalry in all. They wore light chain mail with thin rings on the inside, black leather armor on the outside, and then wrapped in a snow-white cloak. They looked majestic and exuded a cold killing intent. They wore black iron helmets on their heads and black metal skull masks on their faces. There were no obvious marks on their bodies.

The man in the golden robe whispered a few instructions and waved his hands lightly, and the sixty cavalry immediately set off, briskly heading towards Titian's club along the woods. The man in gold robe looked coldly at the cavalry for a while, and after they completely disappeared into the woods, he clasped his hands together and recited a spell in a low voice. The body suddenly exploded into a ball of smoke and disappeared without a trace.

A 'hissing' sound sounded. A strange-shaped golden snake, as small as an earthworm but more than one meter long, appeared from where the smoke dissipated. It flew forward in the direction of the cavalry as fast as lightning. This golden snake seemed to have no weight. It was not crawling on the surface, but floating and flying more than an inch above the ground.

The golden snake is so small, but it has a hideous and ugly snake head the size of an adult's fist. The ugly snake head is not golden, but a strange blue-black color, and bits of venom are constantly dripping from the snake's mouth. Every drop of venom left a one meter square piece of withered land on the snow. All the snow on that piece of land was corroded away, and the black earth under the snow was corroded into shallow pits.

Lin Qi stretched and walked out of the club.

Latus and the others are still bargaining, and the initial cooperation between the two huge forces is not so easy to decide. There were still many things to do on his mind, and Lin Qi was not in the mood to waste time here watching Latus and Elham spitting at each other like market vendors. He casually found an excuse to leave, and Ya and Ling actually followed suit. Asked to return to the imperial capital to rest.

So things became very weird, and it actually evolved into Lin Qi and Long Cheng escorting the two women back to the city with ten escorts provided by Titian! Of course, Lin Qi's mission was just to deliver the two girls to the Old Rooster Shop and everything would be fine. As for whether the two girls would throw themselves into a well or hang themselves after arriving at the Old Rooster Shop. That has nothing to do with Lin Qi at all.

Riding leisurely on horseback, followed by a carriage and ten guards, Lin Qi lowered his voice and muttered to Longcheng: "Aren't they just two women who were tricked by Titian? As for putting on such a big show? A battle? That Elham is too greedy."

Long Cheng remained silent. This thing seems very simple. Isn't it just Titian having sex with two women? The problem lies in the identity of these two women. Can a daughter of a church god family, a daughter with divinity, be comparable to an ordinary Xiaojiabiyu or a noble daughter? Divinity, that is divinity!

Thinking of Lin Qi's naked body riding on the two women. With his whole body burned red and almost transparent, Long Cheng felt a twinge in his heart. It's actually a divinity. It's a mistake. It's really a mistake. Why do you want to watch the excitement? Why not do it yourself? Anyway, there's that idiot like Fat Bird Kirk holding the vat, and there's that hapless guy like Titian carrying the pot, so what if he did it himself

Two divinities! I don’t know how much Lin Qi has absorbed! That is divinity, not cabbage on the street. Even if an ordinary man has sex with two women, he may not get any benefit from it. That is divinity, divinity, divinity that leads directly to the laws of heaven. …,

If Long Cheng was the one doing it himself, he would be 100% sure to perfectly absorb the two divinities, but how much benefit did Lin Qi get? One percent or two percent? It's impossible for him to absorb 100% of divinity like Long Cheng, with his outstanding talent, right? Absolutely impossible!

Sighing softly, Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi with a bit of resentment: "After all, we are two little girls. Even if they have sex after drinking for a while, it is just a moment of confusion. No matter what happens, their fiancés are still It’s always uncomfortable to use this matter as an excuse to bargain with others. Be careful what you say!”

Lin Qi nodded. Longcheng had a pity for the beauty, but Lin Qi had no such idea. In Lin Qi's opinion, a pile of golden coins was much more attractive than Yahe Ling. He lowered his voice again and muttered to Long Cheng: "Do me a favor. How about you help me kill them after we get them back to the Old Rooster Shop? They are my enemies. There is no easier way to kill them than now. ”

Long Cheng opened his mouth, looked at Lin Qi blankly for a long time, and suddenly shook his head in pain.

What kind of sin did he do? He worked hard all night, and all the benefits were taken by this boy. This boy actually thought about killing two such beautiful and charming little beauties? If it hadn't happened last night, if Lin Qi wanted to kill the two women, Longcheng would not have any psychological pressure. The problem is that Lin Qi had just had sex with the two women, and now he would turn against them and kill them

Although Long Cheng is evil and shameless, there is a bottom line to his evil deeds.

After coughing lightly, Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi extremely seriously: "I never hurt women, so I can't help you with this matter!" Long Cheng had the illusion that he was trapped in a cocoon. Why did he end up like this? An unreliable kid

Lin Qi helplessly spread his hands. Well, Longcheng is unwilling to take action, so he can only find a way on his own. The Old Rooster Inn was the imperial state guesthouse and was usually extremely well-defended. Lin Qi was not sure whether he could kill people inside and exit safely. We can only wait for Barr and Aunt Lily to return to the imperial capital before thinking of a solution. The two celestial knights should be able to successfully kill Elham and his party if they join forces.

While he was lost in thought, Longcheng suddenly let out a roar, grabbed Lin Qi and pushed him to the ground.

The two of them turned over and fell to the ground at the same time, falling heavily into the snow that was about a foot thick. The sharp sound of breaking through the air came from far away like the roar of a demon. The horses Lin Qi and Long Cheng were riding fell to the ground with a neigh. At that moment, at least hundreds of iron crossbows were pierced into their bodies.

The two strong horses fell to the ground, blood splattered all over the ground.

Then the sound of breaking through the air started again, and more than a hundred iron crossbows shot out from the woods on both sides of the trail, like a crazy swarm of bees, shooting at the carriage behind them. The ten guards sent by Titian were hit by crossbow arrows before they could draw their swords. They fell heavily to the ground with shrill screams, and the poison tempered on the arrows took away their lives in the shortest possible time.

Iron crossbows, this is a murderous weapon that is only allowed to be issued by the army! Lin Qi and Long Cheng shouted in unison. Lin Qi didn't know when a huge battle ax appeared in his hand. He swung three crossbow arrows away with a powerful swing. His body rolled on the ground repeatedly, and then let out a A tiger roared into the woods on one side.

Long Cheng let out a long sigh. He jumped into the air like a flying dragon in Eastern legends. His heavy cloak waved out like a wall, creating a black wind that would continue to shoot towards the carriage. All the crossbow arrows were swept away. There are two girls, Ya and Ling, in the carriage. How can Longcheng let anything happen to them

"I, I really fucking caused trouble for myself!" Long Cheng was on the verge of crying, a wave of malice rushed into his head. He really wanted to kill someone to vent his anger. Originally, I just wanted to give Lin Qi some fun and let him watch the excitement for fun. Who knew that now it would become the case that Lin Qi was completely unaware of this matter, but Longcheng had to wipe his ass for all this fun. How could this make Longcheng feel so embarrassed

After deceiving others all his life, this was the first time Long Cheng had deceived himself. Long Cheng felt a sweetness in his throat and wanted to spurt blood.

The sound of hooves sounded like thunder, and thirty black-clothed cavalry rushed out of the woods on both sides of the trail. They held strange-shaped scimitars and rushed towards this side with a sharp whistling sound. Long Cheng, who was standing on the roof of the carriage, laughed ferociously. The purple energy from his fingers shot out to a length of more than three feet. He was about to let go and kill to vent his depression from last night.

Lin Qi, who had just rushed into the woods, suddenly jumped out from under a small snow-covered bush. He let out a deep and deep roar, like a hunting tiger, and brought an afterimage to the side of a cavalryman. The magic ax from the family secret vault made a strange cracking sound. Lin Qi summoned his strength to swing the axe, and struck the cavalry head-on.

The scimitar waved out a faint cold light and accurately stopped in front of the slashing battle axe.

Lin Qi's fighting spirit was like the Yangtze River flowing into the battle axe, and the strong green light enveloped the huge surface of the battle axe. There was just a crisp sound, and the scimitar was split in half. The big ax struck without any hindrance, splitting the cavalryman and horse into four pieces.

With the sound of horses whistling, the four corpses scattered in all directions. Lin Qi rushed out from the rain of blood and bumped into another cavalryman with his shoulder.

Amidst the loud noise, the galloping war horse was hit by Lin Qi's shoulder and the horse and man rushed forward more than ten steps into the diagonal stab.