Radiant Era

Chapter 190: Please kill them all for me


As soon as the cry started, Lin Qi suddenly jumped up with a roar and put his shoulder on the wall behind him. wWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. cOM

The half-meter-thick brick wall suddenly collapsed, and a large hole about two meters in diameter was opened. Lin Qi rushed to the lounge next door covered with dust, and a golden light and shadow like lightning shot towards him, straight towards his throat. Yu Lian's slightly changed voice suddenly sounded: "Be careful!"

Hearing Yu Lian's angry voice, Lin Qi suddenly felt relieved. If he wasn't worried about Yu Lian's safety, Lin Qi would of course choose to walk through the door instead of running into the wall with a sore shoulder. Of course, Lin Qi was still a little worried about Titian's safety. After all, he still owed Lin Qi a reward of two million gold coins, didn't he? Although Ya and Ling were eaten by Lin Qi himself, didn't Titian know? Titian thought that he was enjoying the two women, so he should pay for it!

The golden light and shadow came very quickly. Before Lin Qi could see clearly what it was, he instinctively let out a tiger roar. A white wave of sound spurted out from his mouth, and the long golden shadow suddenly stagnated, and was blown seven or eight meters away like a fallen leaf in the wind, falling to the ground in a mess. There was a muffled sound, and everyone saw clearly that it was a strange snake as thin as an earthworm, but with a ferocious snake head the size of an adult's fist.

Lin Qi's howl caused great damage to the strange snake. It coiled up in a ball on the ground, spat out the words in a 'devouring' manner, and suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed towards the door.

go. But there was only a loud noise, and a heavy tower shield, which was as tall as an ordinary person and one meter wide, hit it hard. The strange snake hit the light golden tower shield with its head, and everyone heard the sound of the snake's head and The dull sound of metal shields colliding.

The person holding the tower shield to block the strange snake was the leader of the guard beside Latus. He was an unusually tall and strong man, a powerful warrior with lower-level strength. He waved the tower shield to block the strange snake, casually drew out a one-handed sword, and struck the strange snake hard on the head. But a weak shēn moan suddenly sounded: "Don't kill, capture them alive. This is a demonic snake that harbors evil spirits, not an ordinary poison." The one-handed sword that was struck hard suddenly deflected, and the sword spine hit the golden snake. On the head, he slapped it and flew it seven or eight meters away, falling to the ground like a puddle of mud. Several tall guards immediately spread out, and a large net made of tungsten gold wire was spread over, tightly covering the ferocious snake inside. Lin Qi glanced at the person who had just given the order. It was the man in a black cloak with strangely deep eyes behind Latus. It's just that this man seemed to be suffering from a hangover and a headache after drinking too much alcohol. His face was so pale that it was almost transparent, and the two dark bags under his eyes were really eye-catching.

Long Cheng sneaked over from the hole in the wall. He glanced at the man in the black cloak and smiled mysteriously. This person is a pupil master, an extremely rare pupil master. He is also the most evil and mysterious pupil master among the pupil masters and is famous for his ability to control spirits. Such a person has extremely strong mental power. Last night, in order to hypnotize this guy and modify his memory, Longcheng fed him a full 20 ounces of narcotics, drank two kilograms of liquor, and hit him several times on the back of the head. Only then did Quan complete such an arduous task.

To be able to wake up so quickly after such a brutal trampling, the strength of this pupil magician is extremely astonishing.

Shaking his heavy head, the pupil master gritted his teeth and walked up to the golden snake that was captured alive. He got close to the golden snake. The black light in his eyes faintly rotated, like two small black holes locking the golden snake's eyes. . The Golden Snake, which had been struggling just now, stiffened and could no longer move. Lin Qi quickly walked to Titian's side. Titian was lying on the sofa. A tight-fitting kutui was torn into rags. There were four trapezoidal black teeth marks on his small tui. The entire small tui and half of the big tui had more than doubled in size. , the skin was stretched until it was almost transparent, and there was thick black poisonous slurry under the skin.

Latus was clenching his teeth and tightening a leather rope tied around the base of Titian's thigh. When he saw Lin Qi, Latus almost cried when he spoke: "It's over. The venom of this snake is too strong. It's too late." You can only seek treatment from the secret medicine man, you can only." Titian, it doesn't matter, even if you lose a tui, you can still pamper those beautiful girls, and your future will not be delayed. "Titian froze there, his eyes were distracted, as if all the souls had flown away. He still had half of his big tui that was still white, but this half of his big tui was gradually enlarging and becoming edematous. It turned black. He could feel the paralysis of his body and feel the life flowing from the big tui. Before long, even if he didn't chop off the big tui, the venom would corrode his big tui into a puddle of pus. …,

With a sad face, Titian nodded slowly: "Start quickly, don't leave any trouble, chop it off!"

When he said this, Titian's face was distorted. It's such a good relationship, who can decide to give up so easily

Lin Qi looked at the wound on Titian's belly and coughed lightly: "I seem to have some antidote here. You know, I serve Master Kecha in the academy. His secret medicine is It’s very effective.”

Elham and others, who stood aside silently and looked on coldly, looked at each other. A master of secret medicine? They had a keen interest in Lin Qi, who was wearing a golden mask. In fact, Elham and the others had a way to save Titian from this problem, but because of Ya Heling's matter, they were happy to see Titian suffer. If Alham loses Ya and Ling, then let Titian lose a tui, so that he feels it is fair and reasonable.

Titian and Latus couldn't wait to shout: "Is there any medicine? Then, apply it quickly!" Lin Qi looked at Titian distressedly: "There are side effects, very strong side effects. It hurts, it hurts, Although it can detoxify, the more powerful the poison is, the stronger the pain will be, and the pain will be so painful that it can kill people. Your Excellency Titian, you have to hold back!" The black air has rushed to the root of Titian's thighs, He screamed: "As long as I can keep my tui, I'm not afraid of any pain!"

"Very good!" Lin Qi took out a black crystal medicine bottle the size of a little finger: "His Excellency Titian is very courageous, the bravest person I have ever seen. But to be fair, this medicine once made those aliens The tauren in the game tried it, and some people fainted from the pain, so you have to hold back!"

Lin Qi quickly grabbed a cushion on the sofa and let Titian bite a corner of the cushion. Without saying a word, Lin Qi pulled out a small dagger, cut Titian's wound open, and put the small medicine bottle into Three drops of thick, black concoction fell on the wound.

With a 'chila' sound, a thick cloud of black smoke spurted out from Titian's wound. I don't know what happened, but everyone simultaneously remembered the scene of pouring a ladle of ice water into a boiling oil pan. Titian's body suddenly twitched, and his injured thigh suddenly turned pale, and a black blood arrow spurted out from the wound like a fountain. Titian's body was weirdly swollen, and all the joints in his body were wet. Twisted in a way that goes against common sense.

'Uh~ Aoao~ Oh~ God~ Mommy~ Oh oh~ Aowu~,!

Titian opened his mouth and let out a series of incomprehensible howls, then he rolled his eyes and passed out cleanly. There was an unpleasant stench in the lounge, and Titian's chest was wet all over. The severe pain just now made him incontinent, and the waste in his stomach sprayed all over his body.

But his jet-black tui has become as white as before. Apparently the poison has dissipated. The antidote prepared by Master Kecha is indeed amazingly effective. The only bad thing is that the side effects are too large. Some.

Latus' brows raised, and he looked at the potion bottle in Lin Qi's hand with envy and fear. Although this kind of medicine that can detoxify has some serious side effects, its value is immeasurable in certain life-saving situations. Maybe he should pay Lin Qi a lot of money to buy a batch? After all, didn’t he win a lot of money last night? Just when Latus was thinking about how much antidote he would buy from Lin Qi to deal with the palace struggle, the pupil magician had already let out a strange scream. The head of the strange golden snake exploded, and a jet of black blood spurted out from the snake's head, quickly spreading out in a one-meter radius.

A man wearing a golden robe could be vaguely seen in the blood curtain. Then the light and shadow changed, and Maris' figure suddenly appeared next to the man in the golden robe. Latus and Maris had been cousins for so many years, and he would never mistake that person.

The pupil master took a deep breath: "Your Highness, he is a beast master, but his strength is weaker than mine. He is from His Highness Maris!"

Sixty light cavalrymen wearing armor also appeared in the blood curtain. No need to say anything more, everyone knew what was going on.

Elham's face became extremely ugly, and the three of Tolin gritted their teeth. All of this was done by Maris.

Latus stared at the scene in the light screen, clenching his hands into fists. At this moment, Lin Qi heard a subtle moan, and Titian, who had fainted from the severe pain, woke up again. He coughed violently, stared at the light screen, and suddenly stretched out his hands to hold Lin Qi's hand firmly: "It's Maris, he actually plotted against me! Help me kill Black Horse House and his People, kill them during the actual combat drills after the Army Academy starts. Not just them, but all the students from the Army Academy who have defected to Maris, kill them all!"

There was a cry in Titian's voice: "I have never been insulted like this in all my life! Oh my god, what is happening to me?" The crying Titian held Lin Qi tightly. hand: "Kill them, kill all Maris and the others. Three million gold coins, plus the two million gold coins I promised you, I will give you another million, kill Black Horsehouse, and them everyone!"

This is revenge, political revenge! But, there are one million gold coins! Lin Qi nodded happily and agreed. ! .