Radiant Era

Chapter 191: darkness before dawn


At dusk, a large truck carrying firewood slowly entered the imperial capital, pulled by two old cows. wWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.CoMOld Niu, it was a broken car, but there was a silver badge hanging on the shaft of the broken car, so the imperial guards guarding the gate ignored the broken car and allowed it to slowly enter the city along the avenue. Door.

At the fork nearest to the university town, as the old ox cart was about to turn in the direction of the Victory Palace, a thin figure jumped out from a pile of firewood and disappeared into the alley leading to the university town after a few ups and downs. This figure acted like a thief. He took two steps and then stopped. He carefully looked left, right, back, up and down for a while to make sure no one was paying attention to him. Then he lowered his head and ran forward quickly.

After receiving Lin Qi's call, Vic left home and returned to the imperial capital. Because of the lesson he learned from being captured alive last time, Vic was now more cautious in every move he made, but the smell of thieves became several times stronger when he walked. If he were encountered by a dragoon in his current state, he would definitely be taken into custody as a suspect and given a meal in the police station.

Not alerting anyone—no one alerted him in the university town during the winter annual vacation. Vic slipped into the campus of Fifth University and followed the wall to Lin Qi's dormitory building. After snooping around for a while, Vic breathed a sigh of relief. He puffed up his chest, pulled up his thin black clothes, sniffed his nose, and walked into the dormitory with his head held high.

Slowly arriving at the door of the single dormitory where Lin Qi lived, Vic looked around and saw that no one was around. He took out a very thin wire and inserted it into the keyhole. With a short body, narrowed eyes, ears pressed against the door lock, and a proud smile, Vic slowly opened Lin Qi's door.

"Hey, boss, you're smart. You actually added three spring clasps to this keyhole yourself. But I taught you this craft, how could you possibly stump me?" Vic grinned triumphantly. The saliva was faintly visible: "The letter from Yu Lian said that the boss got rich? Could it be that the boss went home and stole hundreds of gold coins? Then he really got rich!"

Opening the door carefully, Vic began to figure out where Lin Qi had hidden the gold coins. The core members of the Iron Fist Brotherhood are all familiar with the places where Lin Qi hid his private money. It should be in those places, right? many words

The door had just been pushed open a foot wide, and the triumphant Vic suddenly heard the very familiar sound of a hand crossbow.

"Bang bang bang" three crisp sounds, three one-foot-long crossbow arrows as thick as a little finger were shot from three directions. One crossbow arrow went straight between the eyebrows, one was directed at Vic's lower abdomen, and the other was crooked from an angle. The direction was aimed at Vic's weak spot. Vic screamed in fright, and he instinctively rolled to the side in the direction of the arrow.

The three crossbow arrows penetrated deeply into the door panel and wall. As soon as Vic's body touched the ground, he suddenly felt that the ground under his elbow was soft and empty. He was suddenly startled, and the hairs all over his body exploded: "God, boss, I taught you all your trap skills!"

With a click, a thin metal wire bounced up, and a large ax weighing at least a hundred kilograms suddenly struck down from the ceiling with a strange sound. Looking at the momentum, if Vic was hit by him, he would definitely be split into two pieces easily.

"God!" Vic's face turned green. He never dreamed that Lin Qi's dormitory, which he had always allowed him to enter and leave easily, was actually in danger today. What on earth was going on? Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind. Yu Lian had said that Lin Qi was rich. But with Lin Qi's character of wanting money, how could he not set some deadly traps in the dormitory when he left the dormitory

Lin Qi would fight for a gold coin, but now there are at least hundreds of gold coins hidden in the dormitory! Hundreds of gold coins, enough for Lin Qi and others to fight hundreds of times! With a sad face, Vic exerted force on his small waist, and his body bounced up like a spring. His hands steadily caught the ax that fell from the top of his head.

A faint red light flickered on Vic's body. Fortunately, Vic had broken through to an intermediate level of strength in the past few days. Otherwise, how could he have been able to catch such a heavy ax with his small stature

But just as Vic took the ax in his hand, a strange roar came from the diagonal stab, and a steel bar two meters long and thick as a thumb suddenly jumped out of the corner, sweeping towards Vic's waist like a strange python. Holding a hundred-pound ax in his hand, Vic was not a strong warrior. He was unable to take off again. He could only watch helplessly as the steel bar swept toward his waist, and he barely blocked it with the handle of the axe. …,

There was a loud noise and a huge impact that sent Vic flying more than two meters away, and his head hit the wall in a daze. Vic rolled his eyes and fainted. The heavy ax lay next to him. The surprisingly elastic steel bar rubbed his head and pierced the wall, trying not to poke a big hole in his head.

When Lin Qi brought Yu Lian and Long Cheng back to the dormitory, what he saw was such a miserable scene.

Vic, the chief thief and chief assassin of the Iron Fist Brotherhood, fell to the ground with his eyes rolled on his back and a line of drool hanging from the corner of his mouth, which had been frozen into ice. Lin Qi was shocked, and hurriedly leaned over his heart and listened for a while. When he found that Vic still had a heartbeat, he hurriedly took out a wine bottle and poured him a sip of strong liquor.

Vic coughed violently and woke up awkwardly. He held his waist that had been hit hard and looked at Lin Qi with great resentment.

"Boss, when did your dormitory become so dangerous? A few hundred gold coins, a few hundred oohs and aahs, are you going to do this to me?"

Lin Qi explained with his actions why he set up such three dangerous traps in the dormitory. He opened his bed board, revealing two large boxes under the bed board. Yu Lian triumphantly opened the lid of the box, revealing a large group of golden coins and a large pile of silver coins inside.

Vic's eyes were straightened. He wiped his mouth vigorously and murmured to himself: "Boss, your dormitory is not safe enough. In fact, we can also arrange a few small mechanisms. Your arrows are not tempered. Poison, this is too irresponsible for gold coins. This ax is too light, you should replace it with one that weighs three hundred kilograms. As for this steel bar, why don’t you weld a poisonous stinger on it? "

Lin Qi raised his thumb, this is a professional! He and Vic got together and excitedly discussed how to modify the traps in their dormitories for the safety of these gold and silver coins. Long Cheng just shook his head and sneered. For such a small amount of money, dozens of murder traps were installed in such a small dormitory. Didn't this idiot Lin Qi consider the problem of coming back to sleep every night

Elham and his party also returned to the luxurious suite of the old Rooster Store.

Sitting quietly on the sofa, Elham squinted at the sofa opposite. When he was sitting here a few days ago, there would always be a pair of people sitting opposite him who had grown up with him since childhood. Over the years, he and they have developed a flesh-and-blood relationship.

However, due to some mistakes, they died. They died so cleanly and gloriously. They burned their bodies and souls with the flames of the gods, leaving no trace of dregs behind.

He should actually be able to think of this, because they are such clean people, and they hate all filth. He should have thought of this when they insisted on leaving the club and returning to the imperial capital - they would definitely die, and they would definitely use divine fire to purify themselves.

but. . .

The white ruthless light filled Elham's eyes. They were nothing more than two women, just two women for the glory of God to spread throughout the world. Although it is a pity that the divinity contained in their bodies is gone, it will be gone if it is gone. Their death can bring about an exchange of interests between Latus and Titian, which is in the interest of the family, the church, and the superior gods!

Elham's waist moved slightly, and a white light came out. He was stunned and hurriedly took out a round piece of white jade from his belt. A few points of black light flickered on the jade block. At this moment, the ruthless Elham could not help but show a look of ecstasy. He stood up and placed the jade block in the most spacious place in the hall.

Biting his finger, Elham dropped a drop of pale golden blood shining with white light on the jade block.

A low roar sounded, and dots of white light shot out from the jade block like fireworks. In the blink of an eye, white light covered an area of several meters in radius, and the powerful aura of divine power was condensed in this small space. After a few short breaths, several majestic men wearing spar armor as deep as night slowly walked out of the white light, and then a few more people, and a few more people.

In just a few minutes, fifty warriors wearing armor made of unknown black crystals and shining with the light of stars knelt on one knee in front of Elham. A young man with a black crystal inlaid between his eyebrows said in a low voice: "Your Highness Elham, from today on, we will be under your command. We will turn into swords in your hands and destroy all obstacles in front of you. "

Torin, Nightmare and An all rubbed their eyes in disbelief. They looked at these warriors wearing black crystal armor in horror.

Are they dreaming, or are the old men of the Chenxi family crazy? They actually sent the most elite and secretive group of warriors from the Temple of Dawn - the night before dawn, the darkness that enveloped everything, gave birth to the darkness of light, the 'Night Knights' with terrifying combat power.

Fifty night knights are exactly the size of a squadron. In the Hundred Years' War between the Mainland and the Islands, a group of three hundred night knights once had a brilliant record of destroying a clan of ten thousand cavalry regiments head-on. These fighting machines have bodies and wills as hard as steel, and every inch of their bones and skin is imprinted with countless runes and divine inscriptions. They are the most powerful fighting force in the Dawn Temple!

Although he had sent a letter asking for help to the Dawn Temple, Elham never expected that his father, who was as high as a god, would actually send him fifty night knights.

"It's great that you're here, we have a lot to do!"

Elham's face turned red. He did have a lot to do.


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