Radiant Era

Chapter 196: The enforcer of punishment


Qiutong Road, a branch of Shenghui Street, is a street that can accommodate two carriages running side by side. It is full of Gallic plane trees. Www,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,comAmong the tall sycamore trees, the flickering lights can be seen in a small building covered by ivy.

The furnishings in the small building are simple, in fact, it can be said that there are no furnishings. All the furniture is made of raw wood, without even a coat of paint. There are only the most basic tables and chairs in the large and small rooms, and there are not even wardrobes and beds. There are some wooden hooks nailed to the wall, and some gray, brown and black cloaks are hung neatly on these wooden hooks.

The floors of some houses are covered with neat rectangular wooden boards, which are just enough for one person to lie down on. Look at the thin bedding spread on the wooden board, this should be a bed for people to rest."

Generally speaking, all the furnishings in this small building are extremely simple and simple, even showing a sense of shabby and meanness.

In the attic on the highest floor of the small building, the windows on the spire were open, and cold air flowed through the attic unbridled. The temperature in the attic was enough to freeze a strong wild boar to death. It was in this horrifyingly low temperature that water dripped into ice, and a tall, strong man wearing only a pair of underwear was kneeling in front of a Holy Cross badge carved from a log.

"My God, my ancestor, the symbol of all fairness, the master of all laws, please wash away the sins of my body, please wash away the sins of my confusion, please wash away the sins of my spirit. Let the dirt of the world stay away from my body, stay away from my confusion, Stay away from my spirit. Let me always follow the axioms and laws, let me never get lost, and let my spirit and my soul be with you!"

After kowtowing three times to the wooden Holy Cross badge, the man grasped a black iron whip tightly and slapped it hard on his back with his backhand.

It was an iron whip made of hair-thin iron wire as thick as a thumb, with countless tiny black thorns attached to it. The force the man used was extremely strong, and his back was ripped apart with a whip, and even his pale bones could be seen exposed. Light golden blood continued to flow from the wound, and soon misted into a faint golden halo in the air, wrapping around the man.

One whip, another whip, and another whip struck him nine times in a row. Even though the man was stronger than a bull, he lay on the ground in pain and twitched rapidly. The faint golden halo was sucked into his body with big breaths. The wound on his back healed quickly, and he slowly straightened up again.

Pray like this once, prostrate three times, and give yourself nine whips. After repeating this cruel self-abuse for eighteen times, the sweaty man slowly straightened up, took off a pale golden cloak from a wooden hook next to the Holy Cross badge and put it on his body.

Turning around and sitting close to the wall on the Holy Cross emblem, this tall, strong, blond man with a handsome and strong face, every line on his face seemed to have been chopped out with an axe, took a deep breath. His single breath seemed to empty out all the air in the small building. With his breathing, hundreds of deep and slow breathing sounds sounded throughout the small building at the same time.

There was only one tiny lamp in the attic, which could barely illuminate an area of three to five feet in radius. In the corner of the attic stood a shadowy figure. I didn't know how many people there were in the house, whether they were men or women.

The blond man took a few deep breaths before slowly opening his eyes. A golden divine flame was burning in his eyes. The position of his pupils was a pair of golden Holy Cross badges. Small runes outlined the pair of exquisite badges. When his eyes were opened, his body was covered with emblems. There was a faint golden glow on g, making his whole person full of a majestic and upright divinity.

"It seems that something happened."

The comb-haired man sighed quietly.

A fat figure carefully walked out of the corner of the attic. He knelt respectfully in front of the blond man. …,

"Lord Lu, something happened." The obese man raised his head. He was none other than Kirk, the fat bird who was tricked by Dragon City in Titian's club.

He looked at the blond man respectfully, and carefully responded to the information he had inquired about: "Elham, Torin, Nightmare and the Dark Brothers, they died a quarter of an hour ago. The ninth squadron of the Night Knights in the Temple of Dawn Captain Ye Jiu had his right arm damaged."

The blond man's face, which looked like it was carved out of granite, suddenly twitched. He narrowed his eyes, and the divine fire in his eyes became even hotter.

"Elham, these sinners who violated the laws of nature and willingly fell, their fall is reasonable. But the squadron leader of the Knights of the Night should be a lower-level existence in the heaven. Their bodies are tempered by divine power. After training, every bone and every muscle in their body is filled with the radiance of God. Who can harm such a being in this filthy and fallen world?"

Fat Bird Kirk flattened his mouth and looked at Law cautiously: "It is said that they are a group of oriental people who dress very strangely. But, who knows? The Archbishop of the Holy Glory Cathedral has already rushed over, and the specific information has been blocked .”

Lu shook his head. He sighed softly, placed his hands on his heart in a strange seal, closed his eyes and prayed a few words in a low voice. "The death of the gods is unacceptable in any case. In addition to Yahe Ling who purifies himself with divine fire, six great gods have fallen this time. This is an unbearable loss for the Dawn Temple and the Flame Temple."

He opened his eyes and looked at Fat Bird Kirk faintly, and the golden divine light shrouded Fat Bird Kirk's body.

"Fortunately, Ya and Ling have not been tainted by you. Otherwise, when they choose to use divine fire to purify themselves, I will also use divine fire to purify you! Fortunately, you still understand your status and identity. You can't do anything to noble people." Goddess took action, this is the only reason why you are still alive now."

The divine flames in Lu's pupils burned crazily, and he suddenly stared at the fat bird Kirk and shouted harshly: "The master of justice and law is above, you stupid waste, how come you are being followed by someone's secret mark? It's La People from Tus? Or people from Maris? You idiot, don’t you even know that you’ve been marked secretly?”

A ball of golden divine flames spurted out from Lu's pupils, attached to Fat Bird Kirk's body and burned fiercely. Fat Bird Kirk let out a howl of pain, and a purple aura suddenly appeared from his body, scurrying around like a mosquito dragon. But the golden divine flame enveloped the entire attic, and the purple aura only lasted for two or three breaths before it was burned into the sky.

"A very powerful existence!" Lu frowned and stared at the direction where the purple spiritual energy disappeared: "It is no longer safe here. We have to leave immediately. We cannot let people know that I have brought people here. The Gallic Empire The rest is all up to...

After scanning the attic with his eyes, Lu slowly stood up and kicked away the fat bird Kirk who was lying on the ground and did not dare to move with a disgusted kick.

"Ignorant and incompetent waste, you really disappoint me. Arthur, you are responsible for the next things in the Gallic Empire. You are a smart man. You can abandon those self-destructive sinners and take refuge in me. This is the best thing in your life." The wisest choice. So, from today on, you are the executor of my will in the Gallic Empire, Fat Bird Kirk, and you must unconditionally obey all orders from Arthur!"

The fat bird Kirk opened his mouth in confusion. He didn't dare to raise any objections, so he could only bow his fat body slightly.

The blond, purple-eyed, one-eyed Arthur walked out of the darkness of the attic in great joy, and knelt respectfully in front of Lu. Ritsu took off a black chain from his own neck and hung it around Arthur's neck. The dark chain is very inconspicuous, but it exudes a chilly and chilling aura that makes people feel palpitated. …,

Hanging on the chain is a Holy Cross badge the size of a baby's hand. In the center of the badge is a scale imprint, with a sharp long sword inserted in the middle of the scale. Surrounding the Holy Cross emblem is a circle of words written in ancient divine script: Justice maintains the balance of the world, laws maintain the existence of the world, justice and justice are above all else.

"Let the glory of the God of Punishment envelope the Gallic Empire, I hope you can do this!" Law reached out and pressed on Arthur's head: "If you can do it, then you can get what you want.

I grant you the power to mobilize all the manpower and material resources of the Holy Glory Cathedral Punishment Center, but you must pay attention to the obstruction of the Inquisition and the Knights. You have to proceed with caution, and you have to remember that there are too many sinners in this world who have fallen for themselves, and they will hinder the great cause of the God of Punishment spreading his glory on the earth. ,,

Arthur lowered his head respectfully, his heart was beating crazily, and his face was flushed with excitement.

The entire manpower and material resources of the Holy Glory Cathedral Punishment Center means the huge combat power of three thousand fanatical emergency priests and disciplinary knights. With the terrifying power of Yongfu, who else would he be afraid of

Maybe it's time to put Lin Qi under his feet.

Lu's body disappeared in a golden divine light, and the hundreds of deep and long breathing sounds in the small building also gradually disappeared.

Arthur stood up slowly, looked in the direction of the university town, and roared in a low voice: "Lin Qi! It's time for you to pay the price! But before that, I want to defeat you, and I want my father to know , you are no match for me, no matter from any aspect, you are far inferior to me!"

In the university town, Lin Qi's single dormitory.

Lin Qi, who had worked hard to dismantle more than a dozen traps and finally walked into his dormitory, was laughing wildly while dragging an exquisite ring.

This is a space magic weapon, and it is a space magic weapon with an extremely large capacity.

Lin Qi's anklet can only accommodate a space as large as a carriage carriage, but the capacity of this ring is ten times that of that anklet, almost the capacity of a hall. As expected of a descendant of the Dawn Temple, Elham’s ring is so precious!

Smiling triumphantly, Jing Qi put the ring on the middle finger of his left foot.

After a drop of blood dripped, the ring disappeared into Lin Qi's flesh, leaving only a very thin mark. ! .

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