Radiant Era

Chapter 197: Lin Qi’s assistance


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Elham fell, Torin fell, the brothers Nightmare and Anchong fell, Ya and Ling activated the divine flames to purify themselves, and also fell. Www,QuanBeN-XiaoShuo,comThe six great descendants of gods fell at the same time in the imperial capital of the Loud Sheng Empire. As soon as the news came out, the entire Western Continent was shocked. If other church leaders were assassinated, there might be a way to hide the news. But the golden brilliance that soared into the sky when the god descended could not be covered up. In just one day, almost everyone on the mainland knew the news. The church's envoy rushed over like a bull that had its butt kicked. They were taking shelter in the south to avoid the cold. The emperor, who had originally planned to return to the imperial capital in seven days, also hurried back to the imperial capital.

Ye Jiu and his group of night knights who accompanied Elham and others that night have been officially detained by the church's punishment. They have all their power sealed and are waiting for investigation and processing within the church.

The only thing that makes the church's head count is that Elham's movements are mysterious. They didn't even report to the Holy Glory Cathedral when they entered the imperial capital. Who and what happened to them before is a mystery. . With six people dead together, they don't even know where to find the suspect.

Latus, Marius, Titian and others were all monitored by the church around the clock. No matter what they did, even if they went to the bathroom to solve personal hygiene problems, there would be clergy sent by the church to watch them closely. The clergy of the church, the dragoons and copper hats of the imperial capital, plus the palace spies directly under His Majesty the Emperor, all kinds of people are like rats in the gutter, filling the streets and alleys of the imperial capital, secretly spying on all aspects of intelligence.

Because of the deaths of the six divine beings, and even the fact that Tuozi, the owner of Tuozi shop, was killed, no one paid any attention to it. It was just a civilian family who died. How could the big shots in the imperial capital be in the mood to pay attention to such a trivial matter

The most uncomfortable thing now is the young nobles who attended the party that night at Titian's club. They were asked over and over again by their elders, their own tribesmen, officials of the empire, clergy of the church, etc. about what happened that night. In the end, even how many drinks those young nobles had and how many romantic affairs they had that night were all investigated in detail.

The poor young nobles, their desires are gone and everything is exposed to the world.

In the past few days, people in the imperial capital, besides discussing the deaths of the six descendants of gods, were also spreading the news about the romantic affair of these young nobles that night. Because of these romantic rumors, more than a dozen marriage contracts were canceled among the great nobles of the imperial capital, and at the same time, dozens more marriage contracts were brokered. All in all, everything was messed up and out of control. But Lin Qi was almost miraculously not affected at all. No one thought that Lin Qi had the strength to hurt the six gods. He was just a helper that Titian had just recruited, a little person with a little betrayal. He had no reason to embarrass Elham and the others. Therefore, Lin Qi was not harassed at all during the investigative frenzy that the state began.

In order to protect themselves, Latus, Maris, Titian and others all intentionally or unintentionally led the matter to the aliens on Wudalian Island and the Odin Icefield. What's even more wonderful is that just after Latus and Titian pointed out that aliens might have done this, several great wizards from the Temple of Odin suddenly came out of the ether, and happily announced that they had killed six of them. Goddess!

Things are very clear. It is very clear that this is Odin's Temple's counterattack against the church! Of course, the details are worth debating, but the culprit has jumped out and admitted that he committed the crime. What else can the church say? Whether it was the reorganization of the crusade army to attack Wudalian Island or the high-level leaders of the church coming forward to fight with the great wizard of the temple, this matter has nothing to do with the Gallic Empire. After the Emperor came forward to express his sincere apology to the church and gave an unknown amount of secret compensation to the Temple of Dawn and the Temple of Fire, Latus and others successfully escaped from this big trouble. …,

"So, sometimes we have to admit, those religious lunatics in Odin's Temple are cute!"

Sitting in the private room on the second floor of the old Ayam Steakhouse, Lin Qi was happily cutting a piece of medium-rare veal. It's a little bit plasma, with a rich black pine and black pepper sauce. The tender veal released an alluring aroma with every bite. Lin Qi squinted and leaned on the cushion with great enjoyment.

Long Cheng squinted his eyes and ate his portion of beef in three strokes, and then swept away all the edible things on the table. After patting his belly with satisfaction, he picked up a glass of wine and drank it all. Long Cheng looked through the ground glass window next to him at the entrance to the Victory Palace, which was just around the corner.

More than a dozen palace guards wearing red striped uniforms, golden armors, and red tasseled helmets, with flowers spread like peacocks, were standing in front of the door. A guard who looked like a little boss was waving a small riding whip and walked slowly at the door. Pacing forward. There were a few idle men squatting lazily on the opposite side of the road, looking around slyly. Judging from the thief smell on their bodies, Lin Qi knew that they were spies sent by the police department.

Someone took the initiative to take the blame and put it firmly on his forehead, which made everyone in the Gallic Empire breathe a sigh of relief. The evidence is conclusive, the evidence is really conclusive, the great wizards in the Odin Temple even yelled out Elham's names, and which god family they belonged to.

There was even a great wizard from the Temple of Odin who showed a crest of the Dawn Family!

There is no doubt that Elham and the others were killed by the wizards from the temple. The dark clouds in the sky of the Gallic Empire have dispersed, all responsibilities have disappeared, and even the one-night encounter between Titian and the two women has been hidden in the depths of history. Lin Qi felt relaxed all over, and he suddenly felt those mysterious things. The religious lunatic in Ding Shengsheng is really cute.

Grabbing the bottle and pouring himself a glass of wine, Long Cheng snorted coldly.

"You said that they are religious lunatics, but not religious fools. Why do they want to take the blame?"

Long Cheng was well-informed in the East and had seen many incredible things, but this behavior in Odin's Temple still left him dumbfounded and incomprehensible. In the East, Long Cheng had only seen murderers who used various means and evidence to get away with it, but he had never seen such an extremely boring person - you are innocent, why do you want to be charged with murder? On your own head

"Well, you know, it's just like the struggle for faith within the church!" Lin Qi smiled strangely: "There are also various schools and factions within the Odin Temple. They must compete for the faith of those alien races."

"The aliens on Wudalian Island and the Odin Icefield believe in violence and powerful force. If the great wizards of the temple want to gain the faith of the aliens, they must show that they are stronger than others. .”

Lin Qi looked at Longcheng and said with a leisurely smile: "Nothing can better demonstrate your strength than killing the direct descendants of the Goddess family."

Long Cheng rolled his eyes, he was really speechless towards the great wizards in Odin Temple.

"Don't talk about the big event of killing six descendants of God. Even if the current Pope of the church has a headache and fever, someone will come out and say that it was his own curse that made the Pope sick. If the Pope is unlucky one day, If he is constipated, then it must be a great witch medicine man from a certain temple who poisoned the Pope to make him constipated. If the Pope accidentally dies one day..."

Long Cheng's eyes widened: "Then what will happen?"

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders: "Then those great wizards will fight against each other in their own dens, and the final winner will get the honor of killing the Pope of the church with his own curse, and the number of his followers will definitely increase exponentially. ten times!"

Long Cheng was speechless. He just looked at Lin Qi in astonishment.

Smiling and filling himself up with a glass of wine, Lin Qi lowered his voice: "So sometimes, those great wizards in Odin Temple are all good people!"

Long Cheng nodded, yes, those great wizards in the temple, they are all good people, absolutely good people. Otherwise, with such a big trouble, not only will the Loudsheng Empire be in trouble, but when the church tracks it down, even Lin Qi will not be able to get away with it. But now, as soon as the temple opens its mouth, the church's attention has shifted to them. They are really good people! …,

With a slight sigh, Long Cheng turned to look at the entrance of Victory Palace: "Then, your emperor has returned!"

Lin Qi's hand suddenly exerted force, and he cut the veal and the porcelain plate under the veal in half. Looking blankly at the tablecloth that was stained by thick black sesame, Lin Qi nodded slowly: "Yes, he is back! But I heard from Titian that there are four permanent celestial knights in the Victory Palace. !”

Long Cheng pursed his lips mockingly and rubbed his palms vigorously.

"Is it just four heavenly positions? That's totally fine."

Lin Qi looked at Long Cheng and reminded him out of kindness: "But our Emperor, he himself is a great knight!"

Long Cheng's brows furrowed. He pondered for a while and shook his head: "So what? I don't want to assassinate him, I just want to steal his things.

Okay, don't worry, it's okay, I won't be that stupid. "

After staring deeply at Long Cheng, Lin Qi stood up and began to take off his clothes.

Long Cheng jumped. Just as he was about to yell, Lin Qi had already handed Long Cheng the soft armor he was wearing inside.

"A piece of magic soft armor, put it on!" Lin Qi looked at Longcheng seriously: "You are very suitable to my taste. We are friends, so I don't want you to die in it!"

Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi with some emotion, but Lin Qi spoke again.

"If you die in there, please destroy your face before you die! Don't get me into trouble!"

Long Cheng's little excitement immediately disappeared, and he snatched the soft armor. . )