Radiant Era

Chapter 198: Easy to get


As night fell, Lin Qiyi was gathering in a small forest about three miles away from the Victory Palace. wWW. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. coM

Lin Qi, Yu Lian, Vic, and Enzo, all four of them were wearing black veils and black attire. Beside them were two Chuáng crossbows, about two meters long and three meters wide. This is the big killer weapon that Lin Qi took out from his anklet and just assembled.

Different from ordinary Chuáng crossbows, these two Chuáng crossbows are made of extremely elastic spring steel, and their power is more than three times that of ordinary Chuáng crossbows. Paired with a special air-piercing armor-piercing crossbow, this kind of crossbow can shoot crossbow arrows three miles away, and can penetrate ten heavy cavalry wearing heavy armor within a hundred steps.

Enzo looked at the two crossbows that emitted a cold light and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. By the gods, even a top student at the Army Academy and an elite soldier with the rank of reserve major, this was the first time he had seen such a specially made crossbow. Chuáng crossbow.

This kind of crossbows is extremely rare even in the garrisons of local provinces. Only the Imperial Forbidden Army and Norman battle forts are equipped with them in large numbers. But Blackbeard's father actually let Lin Qi bring these two crossbows to the Imperial Capital. The only reason for giving Lin Qi these two crossbows was to let him come to the Imperial Capital to grab territory!

This is a war weapon specially designed to deal with heavy cavalry charging in groups. Is it too much to use it in gang competitions in the dark world

After looking up to the sky and praying to the gods for a while, Enzo strenuously cocked the armor-piercing crossbow made of pure steel. This type of armor-piercing crossbow is specially designed to deal with heavily armored knights. It can penetrate three pure steel plate armors within thirty steps. It is also a weapon with amazing lethality. Now there are at least thirty such armor-breaking crossbows piled around Lin Qi and his party. When these armor-breaking crossbows are fired, they are enough to destroy a small group of well-trained heavy knights.

"I feel like I'm committing a crime!" Enzo complained: "We are preparing these things to deal with the regular army of the empire!" Lin Qi glanced at him sideways: "You are not a regular army of the empire yet, so You don't need to pity your colleagues!" Enzo looked at Lin Qi with a sad face: "But boss, we are the subjects of the empire!"

Lin Qi glared at Enzo: "But that guy is our friend! Enzo, which one is more important, the identity of an empire citizen or the friend?"

Yu Lian looked at Enzo with a smile and shrugged easily. Vic silently cocked the armor-piercing crossbow...and then carefully applied a little powerful anesthetic he had prepared on the pure steel crossbow arrows.

Enzo tilted his head in distress and pondered for a long time, finally sighed heavily and lay on the ground silently. He received orthodox imperial military education since childhood, and his loyalty to the Empire and His Majesty the Emperor has been deeply rooted in his bones. But as Lin Qi said... Longcheng is their friend. Between the empire and friends, Enzo painfully chose friends!

"Okay, if I kill a soldier of the empire today, then I will kill ten or a hundred times as many aliens as compensation afterwards!" Enzo pressed his heart with his right hand and whispered with the God of Victory. The oath was sworn in the name of.

Lin Qi patted Enzo's shoulder hard and lay on the ground. After a while... Lin Qi looked curiously at Yu Lian, who was lying motionless on a big tree branch, and asked in a low voice: "Yu Lian, why don't you hesitate at all? You are a noble of the empire, we are likely to have to Why don't you feel any burden for killing one or two nobles?"

Yu Lian smiled easily. He took out a salted olive from somewhere and put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully.

After sneering several times, Yu Lian shook her head: "Noble? Well, I am a declining noble... Those nobles who made trouble when my family declined, they should die! If a few more die, our family will There is room for improvement. As long as we don’t harm Titian and others, our acquaintances... I don’t care if they die?"

Lin Qi gave Yu Lian a thumbs up in approval. He patted Enzo's shoulder vigorously: "Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Only if a few more nobles die, Yu Lian's family will have room to improve. ! If we can kill more senior officers tonight, won't you have more room for promotion after joining the army?"

Enzo looked at Lin Qi dumbfounded, and then looked at Yu Lian speechlessly. He clicked his lips and wanted to say something, but he really had nothing to say, so he could only sigh weakly. He had officially seen Lin Qi and Yu Lian's shamelessness. …,

One person was lying on a branch and two people were lying on the ground. Only Vic cocked all the armor-piercing crossbows and placed them next to Lin Qi... and then he got busy in the woods. He used an exquisite special small steel shovel to quickly dig a trap specially designed for trapping horseshoes in the ground. He only had to dig casually on the ground three or five times to find a trap that was as thick as a fist and more than a foot deep. In less than half an hour, Vic dug more than two hundred traps in front of the three of them.

Then Vic used black-painted wire ropes to densely arrange dozens of falling horse ropes in the woods.

The three of them watched Vic working there without any conscience, without even the slightest intention of helping. According to Lin Qi... this is called hard work for those who are capable, and professional matters are left to professionals. The three of them just lay there comfortably, watching Vic prepare the falling horse rope, and then struggled to carry out a large black bag from behind a big tree.

It was filled with sharp caltrops tempered with the venom of poisonous snakes. Even Lin Qi didn't know where Vic got this thing from, but considering that Vic was not only a core member of the Iron Fist Brotherhood, he was also a thief, and the thieves also opened a thieves guild in the imperial capital. It is not difficult to imagine the origin of these murder weapons.

While Lin Qi and the others were making preparations in the woods, Long Cheng had already sneaked into the Victory Palace. As the name suggests, the Palace of Victory was a palace built to celebrate the victory of the Hundred Years of Continental and Island War. It was also the new royal palace of the Gallic Empire. Thirty years ago, the peace agreement ending the Hundred Years of Continental and Island War was signed at the Victory Palace. Even at night, the tall statue of the Goddess of Victory on the huge golden dome of the main hall of Victory Palace is still clearly visible. The large number of magic arrays and magic gems make the statue emit a dazzling brilliance at night, and the entire imperial capital can see it. A glorious statue that symbolizes victory. Dragon City has entered the Victory Palace. He was wearing a neat guard uniform and a golden armor, and he was lazily strolling along a tree-lined path in the back garden of the Victory Palace. The guards outside the Victory Palace didn't notice how he got in at all. All the magic traps, all the secret whistles in the Victory Palace, all the hounds and other magical beasts didn't notice his intrusion. It was like walking into your own back garden on a warm spring night, and Long Cheng walked in carefree.

There was a rectangular smart rune flickering between his eyebrows, but the rune was blocked by his golden helmet, and no one could see this strange scene. Under the guidance of the spiritual power emitted by this rune, Longcheng walked leisurely through the exquisite magic traps. His pupils were emitting a strange blue light, a mysterious and noble blue, just like the blue of the scales on the green dragon.

Two palace maids walked slowly from the path. When they saw Long Cheng in armor, they hurriedly bowed and saluted him.

The guards who can enter the inner courtyard of Victory Palace all have noble titles, and are at least hereditary knights. These palace maids are just beautiful girls selected from the people. How dare they be rude to a guard

Long Cheng walked up to the two palace maids with a weird smile. He stretched out his hand and twisted the white breast of one of the palace maids exposed outside her breasts. He lowered his voice and asked softly: "My dear, yours?" Her skin is really white. Aha, I'm sorry, is your Majesty still in the study?"

The two palace maids suddenly saw Long Cheng's green pupils. Their minds were confused for a while, and they subconsciously replied: "His Majesty just left the study, and only His Majesty's secretary was sorting documents in the study." "It's so beautiful, you guys are really beautiful. It's so beautiful!" Long Cheng pouted, and had a deep tongue kiss with the two pretty little maids, and then with a flick of his fingers, the two maids fell weakly to the ground and fell asleep.

Looking around cautiously, Long Cheng stuffed the two maids into the flowers on the roadside, and then walked to the study room of Victory Palace with graceful steps. Unlike the imperial city of the huge empire in the East, the Victory Palace is open to the civilians of the imperial capital once every year at the beginning of the year. Under the supervision of the guards, the civilians can enjoy their majesty's residence. Therefore, the architectural drawings of the Victory Palace are available on the market, and there are even extremely detailed map guides, such as "How to visit the Victory Palace as much as possible in one day" and "Selection of the Most Important Buildings of the Victory Palace".

"A country of barbarians, a group of uncivilized wild monkeys! There are only four heavenly officials in charge of their palace on a daily basis? Only five hundred guards are stationed?" Long Cheng shook his head and sighed softly: "If our Majesty If he dared to do this, he would have been killed a hundred times. Imagine our imperial city, with 18 saints sitting in charge, 60,000 loyal guards, and a pure army of 120,000 eunuchs! Savages are savages, Is this considered an imperial city?"

Crazyly mocking the defensive power of the Victory Palace all the way, Long Cheng slowly walked to the emperor's study located on the east side of the Victory Palace.

The study room was brightly lit, with only a young nobleman and a few ministers staying inside, sorting out a pile of thick official documents.

Long Cheng opened the door grandly and walked into the study.

The young noble looked horrified and was about to scold him when Long Cheng Yaokong pressed out his palm, and the young man flew backwards dancing with joy.

Before the close officers had time to react, Long Cheng's eyes were filled with green light. At the same time, the bodies of the close officers softened and they fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Long Cheng walked to the young man and took out a small seal from his chest pocket.

This seal is the one the young man is responsible for keeping. It is the personal seal used by His Majesty the Emperor of the Gallic Empire to handle daily official documents.

After sweeping away all the seals and seals from the writing table, he stuffed a pure gold crown placed in the corner of the writing table into his arms, and Long Cheng strode out of the study. "It's easy to turn the palm of your hand. The emperor here is really not very good. He dies anytime and doesn't know how he died!"! .