Radiant Era

Chapter 20: Dizziness potion


After Professor Cohen's class ended, Lin Qi immediately became busy. Www,QuANbEn-XiAoShUo,comFirst, he ran to the logistics office and handed over the list of materials requested by Master Kecha. Other materials are just that. Three thousand ten-year-old October flowers and plants will take a certain amount of time to collect, and it is estimated that it will take two months to collect them all.

Lin Qi took some existing materials from the logistics department, extorted an amulet from Father Balin, and stepped into the master tower with fear.

Master Kecha didn't lose his temper this time. When Lin Qi walked into his laboratory, Master Kecha was sitting on a wooden bench in the corner of the laboratory, holding a crystal beaker, savoring a bitter green substance that kept coming out. ** that emits bubbles and white mist.

Seeing Lin Qi enter the laboratory, Master Kecha placed the beaker on the test stand made of black basalt. He put it in a little harder, and the beaker shook slightly, and a few drops of pale green liquid splashed out, and sprinkled on the experimental table, making the table squeak, and a faint sour smell quickly spread in the laboratory. spread.

Lin Qi shuddered. Only a monster like Kecha can enjoy such a terrible thing, right? Looking at the situation, this liquid is at least quite corrosive. If a normal person takes one sip, his internal organs will probably melt.

Kecha laughed strangely a few times and muttered vaguely: "I've been suffering from food stasis and indigestion recently, so I made some digestive medicine to clear my intestines. Well, have you brought everything I asked for?"

Carefully placing the dozens of large and small wooden boxes he was carrying on a material table, Lin Qi bowed respectfully to Kecha: "Dear Master Kecha, three thousand plants and ten leaves in ten years." It will take about two months to prepare the moonflower grass. The other 18 materials, such as the brain of the two-headed snake, the heart blood of the white-haired winged tiger, and the teeth of the black-toothed poisonous bat, will also take about one to two months to prepare. good."

"Incompetent waste!" Kecha narrowed his eyes, green light flashing in his eyes, and he didn't know whether he was saying that Lin Qi was incompetent or cursing the officials in the logistics department. He pondered for a while, then slowly stood up and muttered in a low voice: "I want to prepare a potion, and these materials are indispensable. Since it will take two months to get it..."

Lin Qi thought of his father's letter, and he hurriedly whispered: "Dear Master Kecha, I will be on annual leave in less than a month. I..."

Kecha nodded slowly, looked at Lin Qi, and showed a smile that could make a child cry: "Very good, you have served me for three years, and you haven't taken annual leave in three years, right? Since the material If you don't want to do it, then go home and see your family. Look, I am a reasonable person."

The muscles on his face twitched, and Kecha said coldly: "But before that, prepare two months of food for me. You don't want me to starve to death here, right? Lin Qi? Huh? I was so hungry last time. I almost had to rely on medicine to hold it up."

Lin Qi felt ashamed, and he suddenly heard that Kecha said that he had some indigestion. It couldn't be that after he sent him a large amount of bacon and other food yesterday, he was so hungry that he ignored his gastrointestinal digestion ability and worked hard. Have you had a meal? Poor Master, no wonder he is drinking this terrible digestive potion to help his stomach today.

Lin Qi forced out a smile in embarrassment, bowed slightly and complimented: "This is my mistake, please forgive me."

Rolling his eyes, seeing that Kecha seemed to be in a good mood today, Lin Qi cautiously added: "Then, can I come back tomorrow to replenish food for you? Because tonight, I have a little trouble."

Kecha looked at Lin Qi in surprise. He tilted his head and shouted in a low voice: "Trouble? What trouble? Who dares to cause trouble for you? Don't they know that you are serving me? Who is provoking You, who is challenging my authority by provoking you?”

It had been three years, three years of working for Kecha, and this was the first time Lin Qi had seen such a humane behavior from Kecha. It seems that he is a little protective of his shortcomings? Or do you just care about your own face? But no matter what, this is a good thing for Lin Qi.

After coughing slightly, Lin Qi looked pitiful and whispered: "You know, I have been serving you conscientiously for the past three years. And I was also an excellent student who followed the rules in school. In the past three years, Every year my grades rank among the best in the accounting major.",

With a long sigh, Lin Qi looked at Kocha pitifully and said: "But, as you know, there are good people in this world, and there must be bad people. In the university town of Bureilly, there is such a group of villains who use blackmail to They live by extortion and they like to bully us with their violence.”

"Knights of the Round Table, they are a group of scum!" Lin Qi waved his fist angrily: "They are a group of thugs from the Army Academy. They gather together and plan every day to bully us poor poor students."

Two lines of tears rolled down, and Lin Qi gritted his teeth and said: "My best friend Vic was caught by them today. They asked me to go to a place designated by them at night to pay money for someone else. They threatened me, if I don't Give them enough money and they'll break Vic's hands and feet."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi shed tears and said: "You know, we are all poor students, otherwise why would we come to the Master Tower to serve the masters?"

Kecha was stunned for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully. Probably? Considering the bad reputation of the Master Tower in the university town, there is a bad record of thirty to fifty waiters dying tragically every year. Who else would risk their lives to serve these monsters in the Master Tower, other than a poor student

Lin Qi lowered his head and said extremely sadly: "Vic is an honest man. His family is counting on him to get ahead. His family saved their last copper to let him study at the Fifth University. If his hands and feet are injured If someone interrupts, then..."

Kecha, who had an eccentric personality, clicked his lips. He walked to the shelf where he stored the finished medicines, took down two bottles of red and three bottles of light black medicines and handed them to Lin Qi. He said solemnly: "This red one is a powerful recovery potion. Even if your limbs are broken, you can recover within three days. As for this black potion... Hey, stand upwind and open the potion bottle. You’ll see how effective it is!”

Lin Qi held the potion bottles tightly. Scrawled writing on the three light black potion bottles marked their functions: powerful dizziness.

"Your generosity surpasses the gods. Dear Master Kecha, don't worry, I will serve you wholeheartedly!"

Lin Qi bowed deeply to Kecha again and again, his heart, liver and lungs trembling with joy.