Radiant Era

Chapter 200: Heavy cavalry assault


Pine needles and cow hair needles were flying all over the sky. The faint green light in Long Cheng's eyes suddenly turned into blood. As soon as he rubbed his hands, a blood-colored sword light as big as a basin and shaped like a crescent moon flew out of his hands. wWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.CoM'Woooooo' A series of shrill whistles flew out from the sword light, breaking everything in its path.

"Blood Soul Crying Soul Slash!"

A voice as hoarse as a drake's throat came from a large, lush tree trunk. Wherever the bloody sword passed, the tree suddenly shattered into dozens of pieces. A figure in green clothes escaped from the tree trunk with large swaths of blood. He ran dozens of meters in a flash on the ground, and then his body suddenly collapsed.

First, his limbs slumped to the ground, then his head flew up high, then his spine flew out of his flesh and blood with a crackling sound, and then his internal organs flew up from his body with large amounts of blood as if they had become sperm. A large living person was suddenly cut into eighty pieces, and when he fell to the ground, he no longer had a human shape.

In the woods just outside Li Xu, Vic stood on a small branch and was looking here intently.

The bloody sword light flew out from Long Cheng's hand, and Vic relied on his innate divine eyes to see clearly the true appearance of the sword light. He couldn't help but gasped, what kind of murderous weapon was this? The whole body was made of a strange blue-blue metal that exuded a faint cold light. It was shaped like a crescent moon. The double-edged blades were extremely sharp, but there was no hilt. Numerous concave and convex ferocious faces were carved out.

Those twisted faces have seven orifices connected to each other, and scimitars fly and rotate rapidly in the air. As the air circulates through these faces, countless sharp ghost whistles are emitted. Moreover, large amounts of blood continued to spurt out from the eyes of these faces, so much so that the murderous blue-blue sword turned into blood.

"Hey hey, hey hey, hey hey hey!"

The strange roars of Dragon City rose into the sky, and the evil laughter made people's whole bodies tense, and their hair stood on end one by one.

With a wave of his hand, he withdrew the Weeping Soul Slash, and Long Cheng's figure had already landed on the ground. The sudden attack just now caused the true energy in Long Cheng's body to leak, and he was no longer able to float in the air. But as soon as his feet landed, Long Cheng took a deep breath. His clothes inflated like a balloon. The golden armor on his body broke into countless metal fragments and fell to the ground. He slowly flew up again.

"Skyfire, kill!"

A low, hoarse but strangely sharp voice sounded from the oblique stab. A dark cloud in the sky suddenly turned fiery red, and a cloud vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly appeared. Accompanied by a harsh sound of breaking through the air, a star Meteorites the size of human heads roared and fell from the cloud vortex.

A vague thought locked onto Long Cheng's flying body, and the meteorite drew a subtle arc in the air, accurately hitting Long Cheng's head. The entire surface of the red meteorite has melted, and droplets of solution emitting a dazzling metallic light are constantly spraying out from the surface of the meteorite. The meteorite is still more than ten meters away from the ground, and the high temperature has already melted the surrounding snow rapidly.

Long Cheng was forced to have no choice. He once again let go of his true energy and landed firmly on the ground with his feet. With a long roar like a dragon's roar, Long Cheng clenched his fists and struck above his head. His punches were like the wind, and his punches were as powerful as a dragon. In the blink of an eye, he tore up nearly a hundred punches in succession, ripping up the air and sending up large white air that exploded onto the meteorite.

There was a loud noise, and the meteorite exploded. Thousands of thumb-sized and heavy metal-rich meteorite solutions flew in all directions. The ground around Longcheng, which was more than ten meters in radius, collapsed to a depth of more than two meters. The courtyards of the surrounding dignitaries The walls fell down row by row, and the wealthy guards who rushed out to investigate after hearing the sound howled miserably and were carried away dozens of meters by the air waves.

Long Cheng's clothes were torn to pieces, and small gems and gold coins of various colors fell all over the floor. Long Cheng, who barely used his energy to protect a pair of underwear, cursed angrily, "Eggless castrate," and rushed towards the grove where Lin Qi had promised to take him. …,

He rushed out five or six meters away, flicked his right hand casually, and struck out again with Soul Weeping Slash. The row of chimneys on the roof of a mansion a hundred meters away silently shattered into countless broken bricks and tiles. A twisted blue figure flew up from behind the collapsed chimney with a howl, and his body was also broken into dozens of pieces. The pieces fell to the ground with dripping blood scattered in all directions.

Even after these two delays, Long Cheng had just withdrawn the Weeping Soul Slash when the sound of heavy hooves came from behind him.

Looking back hastily, a group of heavy cavalry riding some strange creatures were rushing towards Dragon City. These heavy cavalry wore black plate armor and horn helmets covered with metal masks. Each heavy cavalry was more than two meters tall. Their mounts are even bigger and hideous.

A huge lizard head, its mouth is densely packed with more than a dozen rows of sharp triangular teeth like small daggers. The body is thick and strong, and the iron-like muscles are shaking rapidly under the gray-black skin. This strange monster runs upright. Its two thick hind legs are as thick as a human waist, and it contains extremely powerful impact and explosive power.

What's even more terrifying is the tails of these monsters. Their tails are somewhat similar to lizard tails, except that the end of their tails is a ball of bone the size of a human head. The uneven bone balls are dragged heavily on the ground. As the monsters ran around, these bone balls hit the ground randomly, spewing out large swaths of sparks from time to time.

"Asshole, so many earth dragons?" Long Cheng's eyes widened in surprise!

The Victory Palace, which is only guarded by four Heavenly Lords and guarded by only 500 imperial guards, has 30 Earth Dragon Knights who are regarded as elite heavy riders in that huge eastern empire. Isn’t this a ghost?

Each of these adult earth dragons has a strength that is infinitely close to the heavenly level. Their bodies are extremely tyrannical and their brute force is extremely huge. Just from the strength and power of the body, they are not even the real heavenly ones. opponent. Therefore, although the vitality in the bodies of these earth dragons is not as powerful as that of Heaven, their actual combat power is not inferior to that of Heaven.

The weakest knights who can control these earth dragons must be high-ranking knights, otherwise they will not be able to withstand the shock of the earth dragons running wildly.

Long Cheng's eyes narrowed, and he clenched his fists, trying his best to kill these thirty earth dragon knights. But the cold wind blew by, Long Cheng's embroidered silk underwear was fluttering, and he suddenly felt a chill in his lower body. Long Cheng subconsciously reached out to cover his lower body. The torn robes on his body had long been blown away by the cold wind.

Poor Long Cheng only had a pair of small underwear left on him. Long Cheng, who had never tried to fight with anyone in this situation, couldn't help but blush. His Qi could no longer circulate. He glanced at the Earth Dragon Knights running towards them in embarrassment, then subconsciously turned around and left.

"See no evil, hear no evil, you bastards, you have the guts to wait until the uncle puts on clothes before you attack!"

Long Cheng was running wildly while cursing and shouting. No matter how high his cultivation level was, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he was not thick-skinned enough to fight with people with his bare buttocks. After all, he comes from a wealthy noble family. Even if he fights hard, he must fight in a polite manner. He cannot bare his body and shout and wave his sword like a rogue. How can he do this in Longcheng

Even if you go to a brothel, don't you have to recite a few beautiful poems in a polite manner before doing that kind of thing

Face, Long Cheng is a person who cares about face. He fights with people on the street with his bare buttocks bare. If this matter spreads back to the East, will Long Cheng still see people

But the earth dragon was running very fast. Just as Long Cheng turned around and fled, the three-headed earth dragon had already rushed behind him.

Three special lances six meters long and as thick as a bowl whizzed down, and there was a faint blue halo flickering on the three dragon lances. These are three powerful warriors who are only a short step away from the throne. They are also the leaders of the thirty Earth Dragon Knights. …,

Long Cheng slashed out the Weeping Soul Slash with his backhand, and the arc of blood struck heavily on the lance.

There was just a loud "clang" sound, and the three rushing earth dragons screamed and roared at the same time. They seemed to have hit a big mountain head-on. Their thick thighs could not support their huge bodies, and their trembling thighs carried them in embarrassment. He took a dozen steps back.

The three dragon knights groaned in unison, and they dropped their lances on the ground. Their tiger's mouth cracked, and blood was constantly spurting out from the cracked tiger's mouth. Half of the three people's bodies seemed to have been struck by thunder, and their arms and legs were no longer functioning.

Long Cheng also screamed strangely, sprayed a small mouthful of blood from his mouth, and hurried forward with his head sullen.

The three-headed earth dragons jointly attacked, even though Dragon City's cultivation was astonishing, it couldn't withstand it. In terms of pure physical strength, Long Cheng is not even as good as Lin Qi, a freak. He went head-to-head with the combined power of three earth dragons and three earth dragon knights. This is the fighting method he is least good at. .

Coupled with the lack of clothes on his body, Long Cheng had no confidence in his heart. He shyly covered his lower body with one hand and brandished a knife with the other, so as not to use only a small part of his amazing cultivation. Although the enemy was repulsed, the shock to Dragon City's internal organs was not trivial.

The sound of hoofbeats was like thunder, and the remaining Earth Dragon Knights surpassed the three leaders who were shocked to the point of being numb and unable to move, and followed Dragon City in pursuit.

Still more than ten meters away from Dragon City, the Earth Dragon Knights uniformly pulled out the javelins stuck on their backs, aimed at Dragon City and threw the javelins together. The harsh sound of breaking through the air resounded through the sky, Dragon City screamed strangely, and the speed of running away suddenly increased by 30%.

The sudden increase in speed made the Earth Dragon Knights' javelins unprepared. Several javelins narrowly missed Long Cheng's body and sank deeply into the stone-paved streets.

But the Earth Dragon Knight chased after Long Cheng relentlessly and once again drew out the javelin he carried.

At this time, Long Cheng and his party had approached less than two hundred meters away from the grove. With a soft shout, two steel crossbow arrows roared out and slanted across Long Cheng's body. He crashed into the charging team of Earth Dragon Knights.
