Radiant Era

Chapter 202: Jiang Yong


I would like to ask carefully, while watching the European Cup, do you have any recommendation votes

Lin Qi ran wildly through the woods with the nearly naked Dragon City in one hand. Enzo held the sword and guarded Lin Qi closely. Yu Lian was more than ten meters away, holding two venom-quenched hand crossbows and followed closely. People run quickly. wWW. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. coM

More than a dozen dragon knights rushed into the woods, running rampant through the woods with blazing eyes. They are proud dragon knights, they are the most powerful soldiers in the Gallic Empire, and they are the most powerful strategic armed force in the Gallic Empire.

In recent days, some bizarre things have happened one after another in the Gallic Empire. The emperor secretly ordered them to be transferred from the Norman battle fort back to the imperial capital to obey orders. They ran around day and night and finally managed to get back to the imperial capital. Before they had time to report back to the emperor, they suddenly encountered the incident of Long Cheng breaking into the Victory Palace at night.

After two days and two nights without eating, drinking or sleeping, even the Earth Dragon Knights were exhausted to the extreme, and the Earth Dragon they sat down had also consumed most of their energy. At the critical moment when their troops were tired, they heard the alarm bell from the Victory Palace, and they immediately chased them out.

As a result, Longcheng was so powerful that even the three captains couldn't keep him.

Dragon City was so terrifying, and two interceptors who were so powerful that they could even use the secret method of meteorites were killed.

Dragon City was not alone. The old man in black, the most mysterious and cruel necromancer among the four celestial beings in the Victory Palace, had a direct mental collision with Dragon City. The assassin actually harvested the life of such a powerful necromancer with ease!

For God's sake, that hateful little assassin, he is just a mid-level Dou Qi practitioner. He is a little assassin who can't even be called a fart!

But he assassinated a celestial being, and he was also a mysterious and unpredictable celestial necromancer.

The Earth Dragon Knights were so angry that they vomited blood. They didn't care about rescuing their injured companions. With their blood rushing to their brains, they didn't even care about the fatigue of themselves and their mounts. They rushed into the woods with all their attention, completely forgetting whether it was the Eastern Continent or the Western Continent. There is a very famous prohibition - don't chase when you meet the forest.

Hundreds of horse pits were trampled to pieces by the earth dragon's thick hooves. Those small pits that could only accommodate the hooves of ordinary war horses could not do anything to these earth dragons. But they instantly ran into the second trap set by Vic. In the dark woods, those thin wires were wrapped around the big trees like spider webs. An earth dragon just happened to stumble on the wire. The earth dragon let out a long panicked roar and threw a dog's shit hard.

The earth dragon knight on its back was also thrown out. This earth dragon knight also fell to the ground, and his helmet was thrown far away. What was even more unlucky was that the dark forest floor was covered with sharp caltrops tempered with powerful anesthetics. The face of this handsome earth dragon knight was deeply penetrated by four or five hideous caltrops, and he remained silent. He fainted without saying a word.

Light black blood gurgled down his handsome face, and this handsome knight was destined to be disfigured.

The earth dragons fell to the ground one after another, and the dense wires caused more than a dozen earth dragons to fall to pieces. The Earth Dragon Knights fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed state. They roared crazily and tried to stand up, but their boots made of hard cowhide soles were suddenly pierced by sharp thorns, and then a strong sense of paralysis rushed down their legs. Spread throughout the body.

The power of these anesthetics is so powerful that even high-ranking knights cannot prevent them from taking effect. Not only was it paralyzed, but the facial muscles of these dragon knights were also paralyzed. Some of the muscles on their bodies also suddenly relaxed, and some smelly sperm and solid objects sprayed out of their bodies with cheers.

These anesthetics are also waste products made by Master Kecha. Although they are waste products, they are still extremely effective. Although it may produce some not-so-good side effects, such as short-term facial paralysis and incontinence, its anesthesia effect is first-class.

Unless you are a heavenly knight, it is impossible to force this anesthetic out of the body with fighting energy.

A dozen earth dragon knights shed tears and drooled, and fell to the ground in a stinky state, unable to move.

Their mounts stood up unsteadily, and suddenly these mounts started fighting each other like crazy. Earth dragons are originally domineering creatures that live alone and are not gregarious. Even after being domesticated, they still retain most of their ferocious nature. …,

The porcelain bottle that had just been attached to a crossbow arrow and was shattered by a certain earth dragon contained all the remaining violent potions on Lin Qi's body. The fine powder vaporized in the air, and all the earth dragons inhaled a large amount of violent potion. Losing the control of their masters, these earth dragons became more and more excited and manic. They couldn't wait to kill the same kind around them.

The long roar of the earth dragon came from outside the woods, and the earth dragons outside the woods also fought fiercely with each other. Once these huge guys go crazy, their battle will spread at least several miles around. The walls of some wealthy mansions were smashed by them, and the mansions of some noble ministers were beaten to pieces by the crazy earth dragons. The sound of collapsed houses and shrill cries for help were heard from everywhere.

This night was later recorded in the history of the empire as the "New Year's Day Dragon Riot and Bloody Night", triggering research and speculation by many historians in later generations.

But at that time, Lin Qi, whose reputation had shocked the continents, remained silent. Although generations of historians have vaguely discovered that this bloody riot seemed to be related to Lin Qi, who was still a humble figure at that time, no one dared to go to Lin Qi's golden palace to verify this matter with him.

Outside the woods, three middle-aged men with extraordinary magnanimity led a large number of imperial troops and palace guards to rush in. They did not care about chasing the dragon city, but hunted the crazy earth dragons everywhere. These violent earth dragons inspired the arrogant temper in their blood. Their fighting power at this moment was enough to compete with the heavenly knights. All the violent departments in the imperial capital mobilized their troops to suppress these terrible beasts with cries and cries. biology.

Even the soldiers guarding the city gates of the imperial capital were urgently transferred, so Lin Qi and his party climbed over the city wall without incident and left the stormy imperial capital.

Under the leadership of Lin Qi, the group walked eastward along the road for more than ten miles and came to a small depression in the wilderness. A set of luggage has been prepared here, which contains gold coins, silver coins, and nearly a hundred* small-value gold tickets that have been exchanged. Plus a lot of bacon and spirits, it is enough for Dragon City to consume all the way out of the empire's border.

Entering the Caesar Empire from the eastern border of the empire, crossing the Caesar Empire whose territory is not under the empire, climbing over the highest and longest Bes Mountains in the western continent, passing through the vast Ulan Wilderness known as the continent's granary, and walking through several more As a small country, Dragon City has officially left the territory of the Western Continent.

Connecting the eastern and western continents is a land bridge composed of deserts, grasslands, hills, and the Gobi Desert. There are countless nomadic tribes organized into families here. They do not believe in the gods of the Western Continent, but have their own unique beliefs. The weakest of these nomadic tribes may only have a few hundred people, but the most powerful nomadic tribes have even built a majestic capital city in the desert that is comparable to Belei, and the entire tribe has a population of tens of millions.

These nomadic tribes are violent and greedy, and any foreigner is the target of their killing and robbery. Dragon City could only carefully avoid the territories of these tribes, and headed east for tens of thousands of miles, passing through the legendary "Qingcang Plateau" that can connect the sky and the ground, and crossing the "Rogg", a strange area covered with swamps and lakes. By "Bo'", you can step into the territory of the Eastern Empire.

Even if they entered the territory of the Eastern Empire, according to those voyagers, Dragon City would have to travel nearly 20,000 miles to reach the capital of that huge empire. Lin Qi could not imagine how vast the territory of that big empire was. Anyway, it was said that the territory of the entire Western Continent was less than half of that empire's territory. What a terrible thing!

There is also a map in the huge cowhide field backpack, a detailed map of the Western Continent, and also comes with some simplified maps of the territories of the nomadic tribes. Those land bridges controlled by nomadic tribes are dangerous places for people in the western continent. Anyone who dares to enter rarely comes back, so the maps Lin Qi can provide are only a small part.

Long Cheng put on brand new clothes, and he breathed a sigh of relief and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

"The undead warlock is really secretive. Even with my abilities, I was seriously injured by him!" Long Cheng laughed dryly: "Don't fight with this kind of monster in the future, you will die. That thief kid who uses a knife, I owe you a favor , I will pay it back if I have the chance!"

Shaking his hands, he threw the medicine bottle he was holding in his hand to Lin Qi. Long Cheng said in a deep voice: "There are three pills in it. You can take them in three days. It will be very good for you in the future." After pondering for a moment, Long Cheng said Cheng glanced at Enzo, Yu Lian and Vic who were standing next to Lin Qi, and nodded slowly: "After I go back, I will find a way to send someone here to deliver something to you, but the sea is vast and the voyage is too far. , I can’t tell if it will be three to five years or ten years from now. Just wait, I will send you something anyway...Give me a reliable place to receive the mail!"

Lin Qi frowned and thought for a while. After pondering for a long time, he nodded and said, "Send it to Yu Lian's family. We don't know where we have gone for three to five years or ten years. Only Yu Lian's family will stay here anyway." From the imperial capital. Their family is a noble, so it’s much easier to inquire about them.”

Yu Lian reported the address of her family's mansion. Long Cheng concentrated on imprinting this address firmly in his heart, and then waved to Lin Qi and the others.

"I'm very happy to meet you interesting children this time. I can't waste time and have to leave. You should also hurry back to the city. Maybe tomorrow your emperor will order a large-scale search of the whole city."

After coughing up two mouthfuls of blood, Long Cheng turned around and left coolly. He vomited blood as he walked, but never looked back.

Lin Qi and others looked at Longcheng when a sinister laughter suddenly came from the distance.

"General Yingyang, why don't you stay here? Our family is here to see you off!"
