Radiant Era

Chapter 204: Farewell words


Jiang Yong howled miserably: "Escape with all your strength and go back and tell your master. wWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoM..."

Aunt Lily had already rushed behind Jiang Yong amidst the clash of sickles and swords. Instead of using the mace, she dropped the weapon, opened her hands and hugged Jiang Yong's body forcefully. Longcheng couldn't help but sigh when he saw that terrible scene. A big brown bear hugged a poor little white rabbit. This was probably what it looked like, right

The pale-faced Jiang Yong was hugged by Lily loudly, and her two long arms wrapped around his body like a strange python. Aunt Lily's eyes were red and she growled in a low voice: "No one can bully the young master, you eggless little capon, do you also want to try Aunt Lily's power?"

The sound of cracking bones was heard endlessly. Jiang Yong dropped his sword in fear, and struck Aunt Lily randomly with his transparent palms filled with cold air. More than a dozen of his bones were crushed, and the air in his chest was squeezed dry. If Aunt Lily continued to exert force, Jiang Yong would definitely die, and her death would be extremely miserable.

Aunt Lily snorted and sneered, letting Jiang Yong's chilly hands slap her body. Her body was trembling slightly, and every muscle was beating violently. The natural power that surpassed the Black Tiger family, and even Blackbeard would be knocked down, erupted like a volcano, and Aunt Lily's face showed up. Densely packed with weird magic patterns.

The protruding muscles erupted with red light, which was the breath of life, the breath of the expanding blood and vitality surging crazily. Aunt Lily felt hot all over, and a thick fire enveloped her body. Jiang Yong's arm that was chopping at Aunt Lily was getting weaker and weaker. After he struck more than a dozen times in a row, his arm was broken by Aunt Lily, and then his ribs were broken into countless pieces.

Opening his mouth and spitting out a cold blood arrow, Aunt Lily grabbed Jiang Yong's head. With his hands clasped together, Jiang Yong's head exploded and his brains spewed all over the floor. Aunt Lily savagely grabbed Jiang Yong's shoulders and slammed them to the ground. Jiang Yong's thin body suddenly grew several times larger - his body almost exploded, and his flesh and blood spread around, showing his 'surface area' It's gotten a lot bigger.

Baal and Long Cheng had already rushed to the eunuchs who were fleeing in all directions. Long Cheng, who had revealed his true strength, waved his hand mercilessly and sprinkled a large amount of blood. Eighteen bloody arcs swept across the sky, killing the eunuchs who screamed and cursed. In the blink of an eye, all sixteen eunuchs were chopped into dozens. part.

He gasped with vigorous heat. Aunt Lily picked up the mace, put it in her left hand and inserted it into the ring on her middle finger, then strode to Lin Qi's side.

Grabbing Lin Qi, Aunt Lily held him in her arms affectionately.

"Oh yo, my Young Master Lin Qi. Those damn bastards didn't scare you, did they? No matter who wants to touch a hair of our Young Master Lin Qi, Aunt Lily will hammer them into pulp. Oh yo Oh, young master, are they all your friends?"

Lin Qi's whole head was buried in Aunt Lily's vast chest, and he almost fainted from the pressure. Aunt Lily finally let go of her hand, and then he raised his head and gasped violently.

"Yes. Aunt Lily, they are all my best friends. Enzo. Needless to say. This is Yu Lian, a typical playboy. And Vic, Vic..."

Vic jumped out of the snow behind Lin Qi. He slipped to Lin Qi's side and greeted Aunt Lily with a smile.

I heard that Yu Lian was a playboy, but Aunt Lily didn't give him any good looks. Rolling her eyes and squinting at Yu Lian, Aunt Lily patted Vic hard on the shoulder: "Poor little chicken, your mother's milk must not be enough! Well, you are not old, eat more beef in the future, Drink more milk, Aunt Lily will ensure that you will grow into a real man! Poor little chicken, look at your thin arms and legs, your mother must have put a lot of effort into raising you!"

Vic grinned and squatted on the ground, looking at Aunt Lily with fear.

This scary aunt, whose arms are thicker than Vic's waist, is simply too powerful. Her casual slap was like a dozen bulls hitting Vic, almost breaking his bones.

She is really an aunt who stands high in the mountains and makes people awe incomparably! But this feeling of being cared for is so good! …,

Rubbing his sore shoulders, Vic nodded obediently.

The golden-armored warriors were turned into hedgehogs by the three hundred armor-piercing crossbows. Not to mention that the strongest warriors brought by the ring were only high-level knights. Even the celestial knights were in danger of falling when they encountered three hundred armor-piercing crossbows. . When the rain of arrows stopped, the area where the golden-armored warriors were was turned into a field, densely packed with pure steel crossbow arrows.

Leo rushed down with three hundred men. He greeted Lin Qi with a smile, and then hurriedly led people to recover the arrows.

Everyone's corpses were also piled together. Leo quickly took off a fist-sized oil can from his waist and poured the thick kerosene with a strange pungent smell on the pile of corpses. The three hundred men also untied the oil cans and poured kerosene on the pile of corpses.

All the valuables on these corpses were looted. The gold and silver coins were directly owned by Commander Leo's men. The large gold tickets and some rare jewelry on Jie and Jiang Yong were sent to Lin Qi for safekeeping. .

Even the strange-shaped sword was stuffed into the ring on his toes by Lin Qi. When everyone saw that Lin Qi actually put the extremely precious space magic weapon on his toes, everyone had the urge to collapse! This is too disrespectful to those great masters who can create space magic weapons. Besides Lin Qi, who else puts space rings on their toes

What made Lin Qi happy was that Jiang Yong had a delicate bracelet, which contained a large amount of gold bricks and gold bars. Obviously, this was Jiang Yong's travel expenses for his trip. Lin Qi transferred the gold bricks and gold bars to his anklet and handed the small-capacity bracelet to Vic—as a thief, owning a storage artifact is a dream.

There were actually two space rings on Jie's hand, so Lin Qi took the initiative and distributed the two rings.

Yu Lian and Enzo each got a space ring, but it was stolen goods. Lin Qi asked them to find a way to change the appearance of the ring themselves, at least to plate it with a layer of gold or cover it with a layer of other materials. metal, otherwise you will be looking for trouble when you go out wearing this kind of ring.

After finishing everything, Long Cheng dragged Lin Qi to a big tree beside the depression.

Long Cheng, who looked serious, turned his left palm into a green dragon head and spit out a white jade talisman. Some complex and mysterious patterns were carved on the smooth jade talisman, but now these patterns have all broken into pieces.

Lin Qi looked at the jade talisman in confusion, he didn't understand what it was.

"I put a tracking seal on the fat man. I'm very curious about who has the guts to calculate Titian and the church's top leaders behind his back, especially since the fat man obviously knows that those two women have innate divinity. Dare to Those who count the descendants of gods can only be descendants of gods!"

Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi with a stern look.

"Lin Qi, my little brother, I don't want to see you being burned on the stake. So I put a tracking seal on the fat man to see who was behind all this. But that man's strength Obviously beyond my expectations, he was actually able to decipher the tracking sound I ordered, and his cultivation in divine arts has at least reached the level of the peak of heaven."

"So, be careful, be careful! Remember one thing, Titian had a relationship with those two women, everything has nothing to do with you, you must keep this in mind! A man whose strength has reached the peak of heaven Goddess, you have to understand how terrifying he is!"

Lin Qi nodded obediently. He could understand how much concern there was in Long Cheng's words.

Taking a deep breath, Long Cheng crushed the jade talisman into pieces.

"Because of my existence, and because I have the talisman blessed by the high priest of the Temple of Heaven, even the existence of the church's holy realm cannot know that you and I teamed up to kill Elham and the others. If you don't speak, you will No one will know this. If you don't speak, no one will know that Ya He Ling's Nirvana Crystal is in your hands. You just need to find out where the fat man came from... No, don't provoke him, you don't It moves like a mountain, no matter how rain or wind blows, it is more reliable to adapt to changes."

"As for Titian... you must understand one thing. Why is Titian willing to pay such a high price to win you over? Just because we won a bet for him? No, believe me on one thing. , Anyone who comes from a noble family in Tianhuang, and anyone who has been influenced by machinations since childhood, will not leak any profit from his hands to an unrelated person."...,

"There must be a reason behind Titian's preferential treatment of you. Find out, figure it out, and be careful. Unless you have enough strength, you must not get involved in any country's struggle for the throne! It will kill many people. people!"

"For the throne, a father can kill his son, a son can kill his father, a brother can kill a brother, a wife can kill her husband. For the sake of the throne, there is no one in the world who cannot be killed, let alone a baseless vassal like you who has recently taken refuge? Remember, remember. , just use Titian’s name to make some money for yourself, but don’t try to get involved in the battle for the throne, a lot of people will really die! Unless you have absolutely strong strength, absolutely don’t get involved.”

Hearing Long Cheng's words, Lin Qi smiled easily. He spread his hands and said with a relaxed smile: "I'm not interested in the throne, I just like gold coins."

Long Cheng's deep eyes stared at Lin Qi, and he suddenly laughed softly.

"You have no ambitions, Lin Qi, my little brother!"

"It's not good to have no ambitions. You will waste your life in this way, and you will miss many splendid and beautiful scenery in this wonderful life!"

"Do you just like gold coins? Have you ever thought that if you could stand at the pinnacle of the Western Continent, with just one command, all the gold coins in the entire continent would belong to you?"

Will all the gold coins in the entire continent belong to me? Lin Qi's eyes suddenly turned golden!

At that moment, Lin Qi's heart stopped beating, and a terrible greed made the Dragon City in front of him subconsciously take several steps back. (To be continued...)