Radiant Era

Chapter 207: Purple eyes


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Lin Qi began to pursue the value and goal of his life. He shuttled hard through the streets and alleys of the imperial capital, working hard. www. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. cOm He is just an insignificant person now. He is not yet capable of changing too many things. He is just trying to do some things.

There are many things, many, many things, that he is still unable to access, let alone understand.

Just as Lin Qi was running through the streets and alleys, constantly mobilizing all the forces he could mobilize, Lu appeared out of thin air outside a small manor in the eastern suburbs of the imperial capital. The so-called appearance out of thin air means that he walked out of the air directly, as if there was an invisible door there.

This place is more than thirty miles away from the imperial capital city, surrounded by rolling hills. A small river crosses it and merges into the Seine River more than ten miles away. The scenery here is beautiful, the air is pleasant, and hundreds of large and small manors are connected together. It is a good place for the middle class of the imperial capital to vacation and relax.

Lu stood on a tall oak tree, with dense branches and leaves covering his body. He looked down at the three-story building in front of him. The simple and elegant small building is surrounded by evergreen pine trees. The huge courtyard is surrounded by tall walls, and there is a two-meter-wide ditch outside that is similar to a moat.

After waiting quietly for nearly an hour, a man wrapped in a cloak and covered from head to toe carefully walked out of the small building. He looked around and found nothing unusual, then he took a deep breath and strode towards the gate of the yard. He opened the door and walked out, then closed the door with his backhand and looked up at the gray sky.

Looking up, the man's one eye and handsome face were clearly visible in the dim light. This is Arthur, Lin Qi’s cheap brother Arthur. He appeared here unexpectedly, and there seemed to be something hidden in him that no one could see through.

Smiling easily, a blush of happiness appeared on Arthur's face. He jumped up and waved his fist vigorously, and then happily strode towards the direction of the imperial capital. He did not ride a horse or take a carriage, but came here alone on foot. Although this is a bit harder, at least the manor will be much safer.

After walking along the road for a while, Arthur dwarfed and carefully disappeared into the woods on the roadside. He was like a cunning fox, walking quickly through the woods, carefully setting up some small traps with the help of randomly pulled branches. If someone from the mansion is tracking him, these little traps will make a not-so-quiet sound, enough to give him an early warning.

Lu's pupils were flashing with dazzling golden light, and a sarcastic smile was so dazzling on his face.

"Mortal wisdom. These filthy and filthy sinners can only come up with these superficial tricks. Under the glory of God, under the eyes of God, what secrets do you think you can keep? The poor and humble puppets Thinking that you have everything under control, you are really a fool who doesn’t know how powerful you are.”

Watching Arthur's retreating back quietly, Lu waited until Arthur was nearly ten miles away before he took a step forward and walked directly from the oak tree outside the yard to the door of the small building. The exquisite door opened silently. A maid in white with a gentle and gentle face stood respectfully behind the door. Seeing Lu's strong and majestic face, she hurriedly bowed and bowed to him.

With a slight flick of his finger, he signaled the maid to stand up. Lu took off his Toufeng and threw it to the maid, then walked in slowly.

Walking up the stairs to the second floor, a spacious and warm living room is in sight. This is a living room with simple furnishings but a lively atmosphere. There are several sofas stacked in front of a blazing fireplace. Houhou pure wool carpets are spread on the floor, surrounded by wainscoting made of Tufu fruit wood. The whole room is tidy. It must be clean and nearly spotless.

A girl wearing a wide white dress, with soft golden hair hanging down to her ankles, and a face as quiet and serene as a virgin, was sitting quietly in front of the fireplace, squinting and humming a long song. . In the girl's arms lay a naked baby. Judging from the baby's appearance, he was probably seven or eight months old. …,

A layer of thick red hair has grown out. The baby's eyes are wide open and he is looking at the exquisite oil painting on the ceiling of the living room. His eyes are a magnificent purple, more vivid than violet, more clear than amethyst, and more beautiful than amethyst. The stars at night are even more mysterious with their purple color. His eyes would move occasionally, and circles of magnificent and mysterious purple light would scatter in all directions.

Ritsu walked over to the girl, and then he knelt on the ground.


It has been missing for three days. Three days ago, Bichus asked her to take people to kill the group of Easterners, and then she never came back. There was no warning sign in my heart. Nothing would happen to her. There was no God's Death light appearing in the house near Bo Laili in the past few days, so she would not be in trouble. But she was gone, which made my heart unable to calm down. "

The girl with long golden hair and a demure and peaceful face sighed softly. She touched the baby's face affectionately and smiled softly: "The glory of God covers everything, you have nothing to worry about. These days, I can feel the great God of punishment, the source of our bloodline, from time to time. The will fluctuates. The great punishment also awakens part of the god's will. We only need to go on firmly, and he will surely be able to regroup the god's body and let the supreme divine light envelope the world."

Ritsu stood up and sighed softly: "But Jie, I'm worried about her. After all, she is my sister just like you."

The girl's brows frowned slightly. She tilted her head and pondered for a moment, then asked the baby in an unusually respectful voice: "So, what do you think?"

The purple-eyed baby, who was obviously only seven or eight months old and could not even sit up by himself, gave a very adult smile. He slowly grabbed the girl's clothes to use his strength and sat up slowly. He stood up and slid down the girl's legs to the ground.

Slowly stretching his body, the baby, who was born white, fat and extremely cute, twisted his waist and laughed slowly.

"Adhere to the justice in your heart and adhere to the precepts in your heart, and you don't have to worry about failure. A precept is a person who is protected by the glory of God. Nothing can happen to her. Believe that God's power is omnipotent, and you will not fail. 1 For example, the divine education of the Chenxi family and the Flame family, their fall caused them to deviate from the glory of God, so they fell. But what does your family need to worry about? "

Twisting his neck, the baby waved to a large cabinet in the corner of the room.

A faint light spot suddenly lit up on the cabinet door, and gradually the air there became strangely distorted, and then even the cabinet door became distorted. A flawless crystal ball with a diameter of two feet slowly flew directly out of the cabinet, penetrated the cabinet door and flew out.

The crystal ball flew in front of the baby, and the baby's eyes glowed with a faint purple light.

"Perhaps the enemy was too strong, and Jie Zheng and his men fought fiercely with them. Maybe the enemy was lucky and escaped after being seriously injured, so Jie Zheng and his men chased them. In any case, how could you fail?"

Purple light shines on the crystal ball, and a magnificent purple light curtain emerges from the crystal ball. Gradually, the area covered by the purple light curtain became larger and larger, gradually expanding to a radius of Mish. The crystal ball was suspended above the baby's head, and the distorted light and shadow of the hidden palace came out from the purple light.

"Everything in the world follows laws, and laws cannot be broken, because laws are the most beautiful, the most perfect, and have no flaws. How can something without flaws be filthy, ugly, or corrupted by those flaws? Something destroyed?"

"The precepts are perfect and part of the law. She is part of the law, so nothing will happen to her."

The baby said this softly, waving his hands slowly, and twisted divine characters formed on his fingertips, and gradually disappeared into the crystal ball.

"You have all received my blessing. Although my brilliance is not as powerful as the God of Punishment, it is impossible for my family to cause any harm to you. It is as if through your step-by-step planning, the Chenxi family and the Flame family have lost their lives. The best descendants of the gods, you yourself are not damaged at all, how could you be in danger because of such a trivial matter?"

Both Ritsu and the girl smiled easily, yes, what the baby said made sense. …,

The baby's eyes had completely turned into two transparent purple crystals. The purple light shone in his eyes, making Lu dare not look at his body.

"My blessing is the law, my blessing is the law, and my blessing is the eternal part of this universe. Just like the mortal man Arthur, although he is only a member of the sinners, because he has the most beautiful purple color in the entire Western Continent eyes, so I became his biological child, so he got my blessing, so he is bound to become the top being in the Western Continent."

"This is also part of the rules and regulations and cannot be violated."

The baby smiled confidently, the purple light in the crystal ball became more and more intense, and gradually the distorted picture in the purple light became extremely clear.

Then the faces of everyone in the mansion suddenly froze.

The picture in the crystal ball was a pile of corpses piled together in a raging fire. In the fire, you could see Jie's beautiful face that refused to rest in peace.

Lu Yangtian roared angrily, and the blond girl suddenly stood up in fright. The baby rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and shouted sternly: "Impossible, although my strength has declined a lot, I am after all, I am after all... Who can break my blessing?"

The baby cut his finger violently, and a little golden blood shot out into the crystal ball.

"No matter who you are, no matter who you are, you must die!"

The crystal ball suddenly lit up, and huge divine power filled the living room. Both Ritsu and the blonde girl fell to their knees in fear.

The lake surface in the purple light suddenly rotated, and several blurry faces gradually appeared. Just when these faces were about to become clearly visible, a vague green dragon shadow flickered, and the crystal ball exploded.

The baby staggered back several steps, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His eyes were bloodshot, and two bloody tears slowly flowed from his magnificent purple eyes. .