Radiant Era

Chapter 208: Lin Qi’s mobilization order


.In a secluded alley in the east city of the imperial capital, at the end of the crooked alley is a large-scale slaughterhouse. wWW. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. Com mobile novel site, please use the pinyin domain name of this site to visit us.lingdiankans When business was good in the past, the animals slaughtered here every day could supply 30% of the food needs of the imperial capital. Therefore, the scale of this slaughterhouse is very large, especially the yard at the back where the animals are kept, which is enough to accommodate nearly 2,000 people.

At this time, more than a thousand stout men in ragged clothes and ugly faces stood crookedly in the yard, glancing around like thieves. It's freezing cold and there's no wind here, so it's really painful to stand here in a daze.

There were two loud bangs, and two metal boxes two feet long, one foot wide, and one foot high were smashed to the ground by Lin Qi. The two boxes were obviously extremely heavy, and two big holes were made in the frozen ground.

Enzo, who was standing next to Lin Qi, kicked open the lid of one of the boxes, and large golden light spots flew out with his kick, scattering all over the floor. There was a sound of heavy breathing all around, and the heartbeats of over a thousand strong men suddenly doubled. Their faces were bloodshot, and their bodies were filled with heat. Even the temperature in the yard increased several degrees.

Lin Qi stepped on another metal box, held his hands in front of his chest, and shouted coldly, "Old brothers of the Iron Fist Brotherhood, come out!"

The big man in his early thirties squeezed out of the crowd happily. They bowed respectfully to Lin Qi and shouted "Boss" loudly.

Lin Qi snorted and shouted in a deep voice, "Everyone will take twenty gold coins first. This is the first reward for your hard work and service for me these three years. It's been three years. I haven't given you many benefits. You can take these twenty gold coins and spend them as you wish!"

The eyes of the big men turned green. They stared at the golden coins on the ground, and the blood vessels on their foreheads burst out. Lin Qi had distributed a certain amount of money to each of them a few days ago, and by then they had already worshiped Lin Qi as their biological parents.

When Lin Qi generously gave each of them twenty gold coins, Lin Qi's status in their hearts had been elevated to the level of a god!

He bowed deeply to Lin Qi respectfully. The old brothers of the Iron Fist Brotherhood lined up to receive their share of gold coins from Enzo! Twenty gold coins. There is no doubt that this is a huge sum of money. For these thugs and gangsters living at the bottom of society, they have only seen a handful of silver coins in their lives. Twenty heavy gold coins, even in their dreams I rarely meet them.

Three or five coppers can buy a large piece of black bread with toasted slices. Ten coppers is a large glass of light beer. A bottle of good rum only costs two or three silver coins. If you go to a tavern to hook up with a Shinv for a night, even if it is the most beautiful Shinv in the tavern, if you want to have sex as much as you want, it will cost you at most five silver coins for one night.

And an empire newly minted oh-oh screams. According to changes in the value of gold and silver, it is roughly equivalent to twenty-five to twenty silver coins. The price of a silver coin in exchange for a copper coin is basically constant. A lovely silvery chirp is equivalent to the purchasing power of a hundred copper coins.

So twenty gold coins is a lot of money. Twenty gold coins are enough for a family of three to live comfortably and comfortably for a year or even more.

The old brothers of the Iron Fist Brotherhood lined up neatly beside him happily. They held the heavy gold coins in their hands and bowed deeply to Lin Qi again.

In addition, the hundreds of strong men who had just been recruited by the Iron Fist Brotherhood were so jealous that their eyes were bloodshot, and they stared at the gold coins on the ground. Breathing heavily. Now as long as Lin Qi tells them a target, they will transform into demons and tear the target into pieces mercilessly using the most cruel means. …,

Twenty gold coins! Oh my God, how many feasts can I eat and drink? How long can you enjoy the leisurely life? How long can you enjoy whoring and gambling

If it weren't for the dozen or so strange men wearing gorgeous clothes and white masks standing behind Lin Qi, these newly defected men would have thought of robbing Lin Qi. But they didn't dare because these were wearing fancy clothes. The men with swords hanging on their waists and gorgeous leather boots had strange heraldic patterns imprinted on their belts.

These men were the aristocratic guards, there was no doubt that they were the aristocratic guards.

These ruffians have the courage to seek wealth and murder, but they dare not provoke the nobles. Compared with the superior nobles, they are just inconspicuous maggots in the gutter. If they provoke any noble, all the brothers in the imperial capital will be bloodbathed.

This is the imperial capital. Not Dunerki, nor any other city in the empire. This is the imperial capital, where the emperor of the empire lives. If anyone dares to attack any noble or anyone related to any noble here, all brothers on the road will be bloodbathed. This is a prohibition established by those high-ranking nobles over hundreds of years with countless corpses and blood.

Lin Qi looked coldly at these newly recruited subordinates. Some of them were originally Tuozi's subordinates. Tuozi was killed all over the house, and Lame invaded the business district forcefully. These people refused to obey Lame's jurisdiction and rose up to resist, but were defeated in the conflict. Able to flee in panic.

There are also some bankrupt citizens and some idle men.

These people live at the bottom of society. They can't see the light, they can't see the hope, and they have no hope in life. They only think about money, food, liquor and women. They are the most dangerous thugs and also the most obedient subordinates. As long as you have the money to meet their most basic survival requirements, they will tear your enemies apart like rabid wild dogs.

"You guys, I don't want to make any comments about you!" Lin Qi's cold eyes swept over these big men, and everyone trembled subconsciously. "I won't comment because I don't know you yet! What I need is a group of warriors, not a group of trash. What I need is a group of good men, not a group of thieves. What I need is a group of people who dare to kill and be killed. A warrior who kills people, not a bunch of weaklings who get angry at the sight of blood!"

"If you think you are a warrior, a hero, and a warrior, and you are willing to offer me your meager loyalty, then come forward, and each of you can have a gold coin! A pitiful, insignificant gold coin!"

Lin Qi smiled sarcastically. He bent down to pick up a gold coin and flipped it deftly between his fingers.

"One gold coin, only one gold coin!" Lin Qi smiled extremely evilly, "But there are still tens of thousands of gold coins here. Watch out, there are still tens of thousands of gold coins here! You only have one gold coin now, but there are still tens of thousands of gold coins here! "

Lin Qi shouted loudly, "I want to do something big. Whoever makes a contribution in this matter, I can give him a reward, a very generous reward! Ten gold coins, one hundred gold coins, one thousand gold coins, ten thousand A gold coin! What does this mean?"

Lin Qi slammed the gold coin in his hand at the big man closest to him, leaving a deep bloody mark on the big man's forehead. Lin Qi shouted sharply, "Cripple, I want to deal with lame, as you know, I want to kill the lame! Whoever cuts off the lame’s head for me, one hundred thousand gold coins! I know there may be spies of the lame among you, but think about it for yourself, one hundred thousand gold coins! Will the lame give you one hundred thousand gold coins?”

With a "coax" sound, more than a thousand thugs went crazy. They raised their hands at the same time and started making loud noises.

But Lin Qi’s voice drowned out their noise, and he roared crazily, “Those who are willing to follow me, who are willing to follow me to chop the cripple to death and take away everything from him, kneel before me and swear allegiance to me! You can get a measly gold coin! Then you have the opportunity to get ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, or even one hundred thousand gold coins!”…,

Lin Qi waved his hands vigorously, "Heroes, do you want gold coins? Not rough black bread, but delicious white bread; not light beer, but fragrant and honest aged rum, even It's fragrant and delicious wine; you no longer drink vegetable soup that lacks salt and oil, but thick cheese and gravy soup with a layer of oil; you no longer need to go to the tavern to hook up with those damn arrogant servants, you can go there by yourself Buy a few pure young ladies to be your servants!"

Lin Qi gritted his teeth and shouted, "Pure young lady, you know what this means!"

The thugs laughed crazily. Why didn't they know what this meant

"You can have a strong and airtight building of your own, you can have a few cute little shins, a beautiful little wife, a reliable old housekeeper, a lazy coachman, a car that is not very luxurious but very... A comfortable four-wheeled carriage! Even your former old brothers will respectfully call you 'Master' when they see you in the future!"

"Why is this happening? Because of me, because Lin Qi, the leader of my Iron Fist Brotherhood, said so! I said, if any of you can do this, you can do this! I want you to achieve, you can achieve! I want you to get rich, You can make a fortune! I want you to become a master, and you can become a master!"

"Dedicate your loyalty, take the meager and pitiful gold coin that belongs to you, and then kneel down in front of me, kneel in front of countless gold coins, kneel in front of your future wife, car and house, kneel down! "

More than a thousand strong men fell to their knees crazily. At this moment, Lin Qi was their god!

"Kneel down to represent your submission and loyalty to me!"

"Now, stand up!" Lin Qi roared loudly, "Pick up your gold coins, pick up your weapons, then stand up, stand behind me, follow me to fight, follow me to kill! Kill the lame man The lucky one will have one hundred thousand gold coins! If he kills the lame man’s right-hand man, he will have ten thousand gold coins! The key thugs who kill the lame man will have one thousand gold coins!”

"Holy gold coins are waiting for you!"

"Gold coins and blood, this is the reality of this world!"

"Exchanging your blood or the blood of others for sacred gold coins is the fairest thing in the world!"

"Soldiers, we are ready to go!"

Eat, eat, and continue coding after dinner! . If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.

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