Radiant Era

Chapter 21: Tavern


Late at night, heavy snow fell. WWw!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!Com The cold wind howling from the Odin Icefield swept everything madly, and fist-sized snowflakes that were almost frozen into snowballs fell from high altitude, making the thick snow make random noises. .

A layer of dim red light shines through from the edge of the thick dark clouds high in the sky. Every time this weird light appears, people in the Western Continent know that the real winter is coming, and the most difficult three months of the twelve months in a year are coming. It is said that this layer of red light in the sky is the blood and fire inspired by the evil god worshiped by Odin Icefield who is fighting against the gods believed in by the people of the mainland. This is why the sky is dyed this color.

In the northwest corner of the southern business district of Bureilly City, less than two miles away from the University Town of Bureilly, a small tavern was brightly lit and bustling with people, and the nightlife was in full swing.

The door of the tavern is not big, so it can only accommodate two or three people entering and exiting side by side. There is a sign hanging in front of the door, which shows a gorgeous beauty leaning against a huge rusty war sword. The signboard made of black ironwood swayed wildly in the cold wind, and occasionally hit the wall with a dull sound.

This is the Sword and Beauty Tavern, a favorite place for students of the Burley Army Academy to have fun.

Entering through the door of the tavern, walking through a narrow alley, you will find a small square that can accommodate about a dozen double-brimmed carriages. A row of two-story buildings stands on the north side, with the hotel on the second floor and the tavern on the first floor.

The owner of the tavern, Da Jian Qiao, is a middle-aged man whose left cheek muscles were chopped off without a trace by a sword, and half of his face is almost the same as a skeleton. He is a veteran who struggled out alive from the death mill of the mainland-island war thirty years ago. . This tavern was his ancestral business. After he took over the tavern from his father, and with the help of his connections in the army, the tavern became a stronghold for students from the Army Academy, and the business grew day by day.

Behind the small bar, Big Sword Joe's big hand that used to hold a heavy sword to slash orcs crazily was holding a rag and trying hard to wipe a huge wine glass. A few maids with average looks but extremely hot bodies were standing behind the bar, laughing crazily and teasing with a dozen disheveled Army Academy students crowded in front of the bar.

Although it was already late at night, these students ignored the military rules and regulations of the Army Academy and were drunk and having fun here. Many of them are members of the Knights of the Round Table. Their leader, Black Horse House, is sitting in the tavern at the moment, so they don't care about issues like military discipline.

The corner of the tavern was very quiet. The tall and powerful Black Horse House was sitting carelessly at a round table. Sitting next to him were several key members of the Knights of the Round Table. Charlie the Rabbit, who was famous for being timid and afraid of death, was also sitting at the round table. side, but it was obvious that Charlie Rabbit's status was not high and no one would give him a second glance.

Black Horsehouse swallowed the hot liquor in large gulps. The alcohol caused his blood to surge wildly in his veins, and his eyes were a little red.

Born into a viscount family with outstanding military exploits, and whose father was a famous general in the military, Dark Horse House was full of pride at the moment. Tonight, just tonight, he must defeat the Iron Fist Brotherhood that has been against him for three years.

Three years ago, the Knights of the Round Table were the largest student team in the University Town of Bureilly. All students in the University Town of Bureilly were shrouded in the shadow of the Knights of the Round Table. At that time, Black Horse House had a net income of close to one hundred gold coins every month just by extorting money from those timid and cowardly students who were born into rich families.

At that time, Black Horse House had just entered the Army Academy, and he had just taken over the leadership of the Knights of the Round Table from his graduated brother.

The net income of one hundred gold coins per month belongs entirely to Black Horse House's personal net income, which allowed House to spend several months of happy and debauched days. Until now, Black Horse House still remembers the scenery and freedom of that period. One hundred gold coins is a lot of money. For a young man like him, an income of one hundred gold coins every month means that He can eat whatever he wants and drink whatever he wants, and he will never lack the company of those delicate and pretentious ladies from rich families.

But the good times came to an abrupt end after the sudden rise of a student gang called the Iron Fist Brotherhood.

The Iron Fist brothers headed by Lin Qi were sinister, cunning, and had endless conspiracies. The arrogant and arrogant Knights of the Round Table were completely defeated in just three months. In addition, other student gangs have also taken advantage of this opportunity to emerge. Nowadays, the University Town of Bureilly no longer has the solemn status of the Knights of the Round Table. …,

Not surprisingly, Black Horse House's monthly income has gone from a net income of one hundred gold coins to being unable to make ends meet.

Deep hatred, shame and humiliation! Black Horse House fantasized countless times that he could beat Lin Qi to his knees and beg for mercy with his own hands, and then re-unify the university town of Bureleli. But Lin Qi is so treacherous and cunning, and his conspiracy methods are definitely not something that Dark Horse House can compete with. Three years have passed, and Black Horse House has suffered losses and been fooled again and again, but Lin Qi's Iron Fist Brotherhood has grown stronger.

Luckily, they caught Vic today!

As one of the core members of the Iron Fist Brotherhood, Lin Qi could not ignore Vic's life and death!

Placing the wine glass heavily on the table, Black Horse House shouted loudly: "Today, right here, I want Lin Qi to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Nearly a hundred members of the Knights of the Round Table in the tavern raised their glasses at the same time and laughed loudly. They all clamored to completely defeat the Iron Fist Brotherhood, return the university town of Bureleli to the glorious rule of the Knights of the Round Table, and let the gold coins, silver coins and copper coins of those students flow into their pockets like running water.

Black Horsehouse burped happily. He patted Charlie Rabbit on the shoulder vigorously and praised with satisfaction: "Charlie, you did a good job this time and did not disgrace our Army Academy! You know, we They are regular troops, they are just a group of hooligans, we will defeat them, we will definitely!"

This is the pride of the Knights of the Round Table. All members of the Knights of the Round Table are students of the Army Academy, and they call themselves regular soldiers.

And what about Lin Qi’s Iron Fist Brotherhood? Dozens of core members are students from various universities, while hundreds of thugs and errand runners on the periphery are actually local gangsters hooked up by Lin Qi. From this point of view, Black Horse House did not wrong Lin Qi.

Just when Black Horse House made a bold statement to completely defeat Lin Qi and others, black shadows flashed outside the tavern, and a group of unidentified people approached the tavern.

Several low groans were heard, and several servants who were taking care of the horses outside the tavern were knocked unconscious from behind.

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