Radiant Era

Chapter 211: The Lame Man's Sorrow


The lame man was in a very good mood, extremely good. WWw、QuANbEn-XiAoShUo、cOm

He had just gone to see Bhikkhu, and the royal member to whom he was loyal was very satisfied with his performance in the past few days. The lame man had just taken over the commercial district of Nancheng, and he provided the bhikkhu with a large sum of gold coins. This money played a big role in Bichus. He seemed to have given the money to a certain senator of the House of Lords in exchange for that senator's support.

With the support of the House of Lords, Bichus could hope to succeed his father's title. For members of the royal family, there are actual titles and no actual titles, which is related to their actual power. Basically, this is equivalent to the title of the king of the old empire in the East, the prince who founded a government office and the Xiaoyao clan who worked hard to survive. Needless to say, which one has real power

So the bhikkhu rewarded a pretty little beauty to the cripple, an aristocratic lady whose ancestors were high officials in the empire, but whose family fortunes later declined.

This young lady's family now holds the title of an earl, but they are in such a state of desolation that there is no meal left. Therefore, her father racked his brains to find a way and gave her to bhikkhu. Originally, the bhikkhu wanted to accept this beautiful young lady by himself, but the lame man had made great achievements and could not be rewarded, so the bhikkhu gave her to him.

If the lame man can have a son and a half daughter with this rich lady, the lame man will be enveloped in the aura of the ancient nobility, and the lineage of his children will be recognized by the aristocratic circle. In the future, the bhikkhu will give the lame man a noble title, and he will also He would not be considered an upstart noble, but a true descendant of an ancient noble family.

Bloodline is so important in the Western Continent. It is like the difference between a native dog and a purebred hound. The price of the latter is thousands or even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of times that of the former. The same is true for nobles.

The lame man burst into tears with gratitude to Beechus for his generosity. He couldn't wait to take this distinguished noble lady back to April Flower, and couldn't wait to complete a great sacred exercise of procreation with her on the carriage.

Thinking that this delicate young lady had the blood of an ancient earl, the lame man's blood surged with excitement. His physical functions had been somewhat weakened in the past few years, but he was on the carriage. He has more energy than five eighteen-year-olds combined. He fully enjoyed the pleasure of conquest brought to him by his noble bloodline, and when the carriage was approaching, it was April. He put on his clothes without hesitation.

He just helped the blushing Keren'er out of the carriage. The cripple heard Lin Qi's cry.

Laojianghu is Laojianghu, and Cripple could hear the biting murderousness in Lin Qi's voice. Without saying a word, he hugged the young lady and lay on the ground. Then he shouted: "The enemy is attacking. Brothers, kill them!"

When the lame man was yelling, Lin Qi had already charged over from across the road with two big axes. Without even looking at the carriage drivers running around in front of the hotel, he swung his tomahawk and struck the carriage in the middle with a fierce blow. The tomahawk was very sharp, a weapon forged from fine steel; Lin Qi's strength was very strong, and the tomahawk made a shrill sound of breaking through the air in his hand.

The huge four-wheel carriage was split into two pieces by Lin Qi with an axe. The driver rolled down from the seat. The two purebred horses howled miserably and Lin Qi chopped off their heads. Two fountains of blood spurted out. Seven or eight meters high, the main entrance of April Flower was immediately covered in a thick layer of blood.

The cripple's body felt hot. He and Miss Qianjin, who kept screaming miserably beside him, were covered in blood. He roared and picked up Keren'er beside him, and rushed towards the lobby of April Flower Hotel in a panic. He didn't believe that Lin Qi dared to kill people in April Flower. The people living here were all wealthy businessmen. He didn't believe that Lin Qi dared to kill people here!

The impact will be very bad. If you do this, the impact will be very bad. Neither the Imperial Police Department nor other law enforcement agencies will tolerate such bad things happening. If Lin Qi accidentally injured a few distinguished people, then things would be even more interesting.

Each of the guests here has a strong background behind them, and the power of their organization will crush Lin Qi to pieces.

So the cripple didn't turn around and fight Lin Qi, but he hugged the girl who had just rejuvenated him and fled in embarrassment, rushing into the lobby of April Flower with blood all over his body. He howled miserably as he walked, calling for his loyal thugs to come out and fight for him. …,

Lin Qi, who was masked in black gauze, wielded two large axes. He kicked the remains of the carriage away with one kick, and with countless pieces of wood flying above his head, he strode into the lobby. Four doormen standing near the gate—these people were also the cripple's loyal confidants. They pulled out small daggers and rushed towards Lin Qi. The four daggers stabbed Lin Qi's heart, throat and left and right sides extremely fiercely. Two kidneys.

Lin Qi laughed loudly. The leader of the dark world from the dock area was a rough man after all. He actually let four thieves serve as doormen at the entrance of such a high-end hotel. Does Cripple want to run the high-end April Flower Hotel to make money, or does he want to turn this place into a black shop to make money

The four thieves, judging by their skills, may occasionally double as assassins. Lin Qi laughed so hard that he was out of breath, and suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

A tiger roar rose from the ground, and white air waves visible to the naked eye swept across a ten-meter radius. The daggers of the four thieves were less than a foot away from Lin Qi's body, but they would never touch Lin Qi's body. A huge roar exploded in their ears like thunder, their eardrums were shattered, and their brains were shocked so strongly that their brains were turned into a ball of dregs.

Blood spurted out from their seven orifices, and white brain matter also flowed out along with the blood. The bodies of the four little thieves flew up like fallen leaves in the wind, flying seven or eight meters away lightly. Lin Qi's roar shook the floor at the entrance of the April Flower Hotel into large, fine lines, as if a spider web was spread on the ground.

The door of the hotel exploded, and countless colorful glass shards sprayed out into the hotel lobby. The cripple who had just ran a few steps trembled, and countless glass shards sank deeply into his body, causing him to scream in pain. .

The physical pain is nothing more. The lame man is also a ruthless character and he can bear this kind of pain. What made him even more unbearable was his heartache - the little beauty in his arms had just turned around and glanced at the hotel door in horror, but Lin Qi roared, and countless glass shards flew out, and two pieces of glass rubbed against his little beauty's face. The face flew past and cut a deep bloody mark on her face.

Disfigured, this is disfigured!

The lame man's heart was twitching with pain. Is it so easy to find such a beautiful girl who has the blood of the ancient earl family? Although the lame man is now very wealthy and powerful, he is of aristocratic descent. Even if he is a down-and-out noble, even if he is a phoenix that loses its feathers and is inferior to a chicken, he is still a nobleman. How lucky is he, the lame man, to get this girl in his life

But now, disfigured!

It was like a piece of delicious fresh cream cake that Lin Qi suddenly spat on.

Throwing the girl away, the lame man roared crazily, took out a huge kitchen knife from his trouser pocket and turned around.

"Lin Qi, you despicable little bastard! What do you want to do? Do you think you can eat me just by yourself?"

Cries of killing came from all directions. Since Cripple regarded the April Flower Hotel as his new stronghold, he had arranged a large number of thugs as guards in nearby houses. In April Flower alone, the male servants, cooks, and handymen were all his thugs. There were more than 400 people loyal to him in April Flower, and there were even thousands of thugs in nearby houses and shops. . Not to mention the thugs who had heard the cripple's call and were coming from the streets and alleys of the commercial district. There were at least two thousand in number.

The demons and monsters that integrate the dock area and the commercial area have more than 3,000 thugs under the lame name alone. This can basically be regarded as a small army! So the lame man was confident and he didn't care about the few people in Lin Qi's Iron Fist Brotherhood.

Even Lin Qi, the cripple doesn't like him at all! If it weren't for the fact that Lin Qi's father was the boss of Iron Hammer, and Iron Hammer was a wanted criminal in the Imperial City Security Department, and had some friendship with Cripzi back then, Cripzi would never have tolerated the development of Lin Qi's Iron Fist Brotherhood.

To be honest, Cripple knows nothing about the Black Tiger Family. He has heard of the Night Alliance. After all, it is one of the largest forces in the dark world on the entire continent. He also knows that the Night Alliance has thirteen black-clad deacons. , but he never knew that Lin Qi's father, Black Beard, the head of the Black Tiger family, was the black-clad deacon of the Night Alliance. If he knew this, he would definitely shy away from Lin Qi! …,

But he is lame and doesn’t know!

So when he saw the blood marks on his little beauty's face, the lame man boldly pulled out his ancestral kitchen knife, spraying out a green halo, pointed at Lin Qi and screamed: "Lin Qi, I want you to know, Your wings are not hardened yet! You are still far from it! You must respect an old man like me!"

Lin Qi ignored the lame man. He rushed in front of the lame man and struck him with a heavy blow. Lin Qi didn't see the halo of fighting spirit flickering on his body. He just used his pure physical strength to send out this blow - Lin Qi's muscles and internal organs were roaring. They had accumulated too much power. This was like a mountain torrent. The explosive power must be vented, otherwise Lin Qi will be choked to the point of nosebleeds!

"Haha!" The lame man laughed wildly. He raised the kitchen knife proudly and casually blocked Lin Qi's axe.

He knew that Lin Qi was only at the mid-level level. He had met Lin Qi before the Chinese New Year. At that time, Lin Qi was only at the mid-level level.

But Lin Qi's ax was as powerful as a mountain, and the cripple's expression changed. His kitchen knife, his arm, and his shoulder were shattered to pieces by Lin Qi's ax at the same time. The lame man howled in fear, and his body was split more than ten meters away by Lin Qi's axe.

A tall figure flashed through the slash, and a thug slashed the crippled man into two pieces with a big knife.

"Boss, I killed him, I chopped off his head!"

The thugs laughed crazily and screamed crazily, while the lame subordinates who had just rushed out from around them simultaneously let out shrill screams.