Radiant Era

Chapter 212: Intimidating the emperor's grandson


"Oh no!"

Lin Qi looked at the lame man whose head flew more than ten steps away with a complicated expression. From his heart, he did not want to kill the lame man. wWw. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. If possible, he even hoped to peacefully resolve the dispute in the business district with Laizi.

If the Cripple can give up the business district to the Iron Fist Brotherhood, then Lin Qi will let him stay in the dock area safely and continue to control his old territory. After all, Lin Qi and Cripple have made many transactions in the past three years, and all the funds of the Iron Fist Brotherhood were earned from these transactions.

But lame, he wants to keep all the profits.

Therefore, Lin Qi could only choose to keep it all to himself.

"Well, dad told me, this is how the dark world is. If you don't kill people, people will kill you! Have a good journey, lame man, bless your soul... If you want to make out with the gods, you can go to the gods. There. If you like the devil, go to hell. But depending on what you do, you are more likely to go to hell, so you might as well go and accompany the devil!"

"But it is said that the witches among the demons are more beautiful than the goddesses of the gods? You are blessed!"

After praying a few words in a casual tone, Lin Qi took out a gold ticket worth 100,000 gold coins from his sleeve, and handed the gold ticket to Yida in front of more than a hundred thugs who rushed into the hotel lobby. The tall thug who chopped off the lame man's head.

The thug was trembling all over, his ferocious face covered with flesh was filled with a kind of sacred reverence. He knelt down to Lin Qi, and then took the golden ticket with both hands that could elevate him to a higher level from a common pariah. "Great leader, I swear to the gods and all demons, my life is yours!"

Lin Qi nodded happily, and he patted his shoulder hard: "Your name, hero!"

The big man coughed hard, carefully put the gold ticket into his flesh-closed pocket, and then shouted loudly: "I am Wood, the boss! My father is a lumberjack. I have followed him since I was a child. I cut wood in the mountains, so I have a lot of strength!"

He glanced contemptuously at the thugs around him. Wood raised his arms proudly. The muscles in his arms were pulsing, and each muscle was the size of an average person's head. He does have extraordinary power. That's why he can surpass other thugs. At the critical moment when Lin Qi chopped the lame man away, he was the first to rush into the lobby and cut off the lame man's head with a knife.

Lin Qi raised his axe, and slapped Wood on the shoulder three times with the axe, just like a king conferring a knight.

"So, Wood, from today on, you are the head of these three streets centered on April Flower! These three streets are under your control, and you will lead people to collect all monthly taxes. Every month's monthly taxes , you and your brothers will keep 20%, and leave the other 80% to me. Can you do it?"

Wood's eyes lit up, and the thugs who looked at Wood with great jealousy also trembled with excitement.

This is the core area of Nancheng's business district, with at least a thousand large and small shops gathered here. The protection fees collected from these shops every month, which is Lin Qi's so-called monthly tax, are at least tens of thousands of gold coins, and 20% is nearly ten thousand gold coins!

And all the monsters and monsters in these three streets add up to only three to five hundred people! Lin Qi generously gave them 20% of the shares, and they will be extremely rich! If they can really get 20% of the shares, then the heroes in these three streets will immediately escape poverty and become rich!

In the past, when Tuozi controlled the business districts, the ghosts and monsters in these commercial districts never had a fixed income, and Tuozi would not give them a fixed share at all. It's nothing more than calling them in when the hunchback needs them, and occasionally giving them a small amount of remuneration.

But now, the powerful leader Lin Qi, the powerful leader Lin Qi, and the generous leader Lin Qi actually gave them a 20% share!

All the thugs knelt on the ground at the same time. They worshiped Lin Qi devoutly. From today on, they will be extremely loyal to Lin Qi because they can't find a better object of loyalty! Whether it was the hunchback or the later lame man, they had never given such generous terms! The hunchback and the lame just squeezed them desperately, but never really cared about them.

At this moment, Lin Qi’s status in the hearts of these thugs surpassed that of the gods!

Lame died, and the ordinary thugs under his command surrendered one after another and soon became Lin Qi's subordinates. Only a dozen of the lame man's die-hard confidants and nearly a hundred of the strongest thugs were fighting tooth and nail. But Lin Qi gave an order, and thousands of thugs rushed forward. After a flash of swords and axes, the cripple's last confidants were chopped into pieces. …,

This was overwhelming strength. When Lin Qi knocked the cripple away with one blow, the result was already determined.

The thugs began to clean up the traces of the battle with all their strength. When the Imperial Guard arrived after receiving the alarm, everything returned to calm. Even the horse blood on the April Flower Rain Corridor was wiped clean. No one said a word to the garrison, and it was as if nothing had happened.

Cripple, this name that has been passed down for hundreds of years in the dark world of the Imperial Capital has quietly disappeared. Now the dark world of the Imperial Capital has only one name - the Iron Fist Brotherhood. This organization controls the entire dark world of the Imperial Capital.

While the generals of the garrison were searching in vain for some clues in the business district, Lin Qi had already taken a luxurious four-wheeled carriage and slowly arrived at the north of the Victory Palace with a sterling silver forged metal box. In front of a mansion, Bhikkhu, who was equally frail and sickly, even more frail than his father, got the mansion, but he did not get his father's title, and naturally he could not get the allegiance of his father's former subordinates. Therefore, among the members of the royal family, Bhikkhu was the most isolated and helpless. He lived alone in this house. Latus and other royal relatives did not even know how he lived on weekdays.

It was not until this time that Latus paid attention to Bichus because of the incident in the Nancheng business district.

He was actually the backstage supporter of the Cripple. He subdued the Cripple without even knowing it, and even gained control of the whole dark world of the Imperial Capital in a short period of time. If it weren't for Lin Qi, I'm afraid the bhikkhu would have been able to hide it from everyone in the world for how long.

If Bhikkhu really continues to extract huge profits from the business district through cripples and obtain huge benefits from various illegal trades, then maybe in a few years, Bhikkhu will become the most powerful member of the royal family. .

He could even use money to pave the way for him to successfully inherit the title of Grand Duke of Porthos.

Once he holds the title of Grand Duke, he can obtain the allegiance of the nobles and knights under his father's command, and he can form his own private army. According to the laws of the empire, as long as a Grand Duke has enough funds, he can build his own private army in peacetime. Form a standing army of 30,000 people, which can be expanded to 100,000 or even 200,000 troops at any time during war!

With a standing army of 30,000 people, except for Maris, who was supported by the imperial government, basically no one among the nobles of the empire could compete with Bichus.

So Lin Qi changed into a neat, elegant and dignified dress and came here with the cripple's head.

Holding Latus's name card in his hand, he asked the accompanying guards to deliver the name card in a serious manner, and went to visit the bhikkhu.

With Latus's name card to clear the way, there is no door in the imperial capital that cannot be opened. Therefore, less than ten breaths after the name card was put in, the door covered with rose branches slowly opened, and the thin bhikkhu, wrapped in a thick fur blanket, came out in person.

"May I ask who you are?" Bichus looked at Lin Qi who was slowly walking down from the carriage in surprise.

Lin Qi at this time, maybe it was because of his divinity? Maybe it was because of the seed of ambition planted by Longcheng in him? Or is it because he has cultivated Xuanhu Jin to a high level? Anyway, Lin Qi's every move at this time was filled with an indescribable solemnity, just like those high-ranking big shots.

Maybe he's still a little greener, but he does look like a big shot. He's no longer the scoundrel that people could tell at a glance like before!

Carrying the small sterling silver box, Lin Qi walked slowly to the bhikkhu.

Bichus was standing in the courtyard, and Lin Qi was standing just outside the courtyard. The dividing line between spring and winter was between them. There was a thin layer of snow under Lin Qi's feet, but there was green grass under the feet of the monks. Lin Qi looked at Bichus sternly for three minutes, then smiled lightly.

"His Royal Highness Latus asked me to give you a message! Since your health is not good, you don't have to worry about many things!"

"Stay at home and recuperate, and don't think about things you shouldn't think about all day long."

"Otherwise, people will die!"

Lin Qi handed the silver box to Bichus, who subconsciously took the box.

After sobbing a few times, Lin Qi suddenly shed two lines of hot tears on his face. He looked at the monk with a crying face and said sadly: "Please forgive me for bringing bad news. I just passed by the business district and saw the lame uncle being killed. He was hacked to death with knives, and his body was chopped into pieces. Only one head was still intact! Please give him a good burial. You are a kind and caring person, aren't you?"

Bichus' body suddenly tensed up, and he looked at Lin Qi angrily, his eyes turning red.

"If you don't bury a person who has been cut into pieces with random knives, you will be punished by the gods!"

Lin Qi gave Bichus a cold look, turned around and walked onto the carriage, then walked away with a light drink