Radiant Era

Chapter 213: Moonflower and moongrass


The following period was the most fulfilling period since Lin Qi was born until now. wWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.CoM

When he was in Dunerke, although he was also unscrupulous, but that was relying on the power of his family, but it did not mean that he could really overpower those dandy girls of Dunerke by himself. But now, in the imperial capital of Borelli, he has become the undisputed leader in the dark world.

All cargo entry and exit, transportation and storage in the dock area are all under control. All the inns, taverns, and carriage shops in the dock area are also under Lin Qi's control. Not to mention the business district, Lin Qi's focus is now on the business district. Barr and Aunt Lily lead three hundred family elites to sit in the business district. The business district can generate huge profits for Lin Qi every day.

The common people's residence in Xicheng District, the gathering place of aristocrats and wealthy businessmen in Dongcheng District, Lin Qi's intelligence network spread all over the four major cities in the southeast, northwest and northwest. Except for the vicinity of the Victory Palace, he did not dare to be too presumptuous. Any slightest disturbance in other places would be immediately dealt with. Lin Qi learned.

The Iron Fist Brotherhood even began to intervene in the battles of some noble families, such as providing some nobles with the whereabouts of feuding family members, and using fists and sticks to solve certain troubles for some jealous noble nobles. Although each of these things seems to be very piecemeal, in fact, the overall benefits are also very amazing.

In just half a month, all the demons and monsters in the imperial capital succumbed to Lin Qi's strong pressure. The Thieves' Guild, the Assassin's Guild, the Explorers' Guild, and some weird professional guilds such as the Herb Gatherers' Guild and the Warcraft Hunters' Guild have all signed mutually beneficial alliances with the Iron Fist Brotherhood.

From then on, the Iron Fist Brotherhood was truly the only one in the Imperial Capital. Lin Qi's two hands could not cover the sky with one hand in the Imperial Capital - this was something only the emperor could do. But at least Lin Qi raised two bear paws that were a little thinner than before. It can still cover less than half of the sun.

Just half a month. Linzi had already begun sending blood to Latus and Titian, to whom he paid his first monthly taxes! The astonishing figures made Latus and Titian overjoyed. The two immediately began to plan to expand their respective guard establishments.

According to the aristocratic laws of the empire, as a count, Titian could have a private security team of one hundred people. But in the past, where did Tixiang have the spare money to support too many idle people? But things are different now. With the continuous financial resources provided by Lin Qi, Titian can recruit experts to his heart's content and form an elite guard group of a hundred people.

Moreover, it is also a hundred-man guard group. Depending on the level of equipment, the combat effectiveness of the guards also has a huge gap! Titian ambitiously proposed to form a guard group with thirty heavily armored knights as the core, thirty heavily armored knights. With twenty rangers who are proficient in archery, and fifty powerful warriors who are proficient in various strange skills, this guard group can even handle an ordinary standing army of a thousand soldiers.

As a member of the royal family, Latus is entitled to have a guard team of three hundred people. Latus had no money to support so many people before. In addition to the fifty palace guards assigned to him by the emperor. Latus just secretly raised more than a hundred swordsmen.

But now that Lin Qi has provided so much money, Latus has also ambitiously proposed a plan to expand and reorganize the guards.

In addition to Linga and several other big nobles who have real titles and are good friends with them, they are all qualified to have a certain number of guards. In this way, with the strong financial support of Lin Qi, Latus was able to control an elite force of nearly a thousand people, including even 300 fully armed heavy cavalry and 200 rangers!

When these escort groups really form a fighting force, Latus will be in an invincible position in the battle with Maris!

Unless Maris gets dizzy and mobilizes the regular army to attack, Latus's personal force will definitely beat Maris and the young nobles around him to a bloody head. ww so that their parents and grandparents don't recognize them for what they are!

For such a huge contribution, Latus generously promised Linzi a hereditary baron title.

Titian's grandfather. The former Prime Minister of the Empire, Lord Hua Li, is now the dean of the Imperial House of Arms and the elder of the Imperial House of Nobles. The title of a mere hereditary baron is very easy to obtain if you don’t need an actual fief!

Lin Qi planned to let his father Blackbeard obtain the title of hereditary baron, so that his father could also enjoy the scenery of a noble master. Blackbeard is already taking over the position of mayor of Dunerq. If a baron title can fall out of thin air, this will be of great benefit to Blackbeard's future development. …,

Everything went so smoothly, so Lin Qi was in a good mood these days. He was humming songs and dancing gorgeously when he came in and out. If someone saw him at this time, who would dare to believe that this eighteen-year-old boy was already the leader of the dark world of the imperial capital, with more than 4,000 thugs under his command? People would just think that this is a miserable young man who just got his first girlfriend into bed!

After a period of time, Lin Qi understood the principle of striking while the iron is hot, and he paid the second monthly tax to Latus and Titian!

The second monthly tax is much more generous than the first, because this time the monthly tax not only comes from the commercial district, but also the income from the dock area and the east and west urban areas are included in it! Although Lin Qi has used the accounting techniques taught by Professor Cohen to conceal a large part of the total income of the four city districts, the remaining monthly taxes are enough to make Latus and Titian laugh out loud!

Therefore, Titian generously assured Lin Qi that just six months later, when the empire was conducting this knighthood ceremony, Lin Qi could notify his father to come to the imperial capital to accept the title of hereditary baron. Even through Titian's fight for the Hua Li family, Dunerke Black Beech Mountain has become the future fiefdom of the Black Tiger family!

Black Beech Mountain—the place where high-ranking officials and dignitaries from Dunerke live. It would be so interesting if this mountain became the fiefdom of the Black Tiger family! More than half of the dignitaries in Dunerke must pay taxes to the Black Tiger family, otherwise Blackbeard will be qualified to drive these people out of their ancestral homes and then dispose of their ancestral homes at will!

Lin Qi seemed to see the pitiful appearance of Jin and the other dandy boys begging in front of him. He laughed proudly, and the laughter was endless. From the time he left Titian's house and returned to the Fifth University, he Still laughing.

While he was laughing, a school official walking from the opposite side saw Lin Qi, and he immediately said hello.

"Lin Qi, you are very lucky. You are so lucky! The Imperial Herb Collectors Guild has become so attentive these days. They took the initiative to provide us with 3,000 moonflower grasses. You can go to the logistics office to pick them up. They are dead, Master Kecha is still waiting for these moonflower grass experimental potions, right?"

Lin Qi suddenly remembered this problem!

More than half a month ago, when the Herb Collectors Guild and the Iron Fist Brotherhood signed an alliance, Lin Qi issued a task to the other party through Vic, asking them to send 3,000 moonflowers to the Logistics Office of the Fifth University as soon as possible. Now it seems that the Herb Collectors Guild is indeed a professional organization, and they actually completed Lin Qi's commission so quickly.

After thanking the school officer, Lin Qi hurried to the logistics office.

Although Lin Qi is now a rich man with a net worth of tens of millions, he still misses those moonflowers. Not only because this is the task assigned by Master Kecha, but also because a small part of these moonflower grasses can be replaced with moonlight grasses.

Use ten-leaf moonglow grass instead of ten-leaf moonglow grass. Grind the dried herb into powder. It will look the same as a medicinal powder made entirely from moonglow grass. According to Professor Kouen, Lin Qi can get the benefits of thirty moonflower grasses, which is a profit of nearly one hundred gold coins!

Although he has a net worth of tens of millions, mountains of gold and silver are made of gold and silver. Lin Qi is well versed in this element of making wealth, so he will never let go of these one hundred gold coins.

Hurrying to the logistics office, Lin Qi signed the receipt, stamped it with his private seal, and carefully brought three thousand moonflowers in animal skin bags back to the dormitory.

Thirty moongrass used for adulteration had been waiting in Lin Qi's dormitory for half a month. Lin Qi carefully took out the thirty moongrass and then mixed the thirty moongrass inside. Lin Qi stuffed thirty moonflowers into the anklet, carried the animal skin bag, and walked towards the master tower calmly.

Skillfully opening the door of Master Kecha's laboratory, Lin Qi saw Master Kecha huddled in the corner as soon as he entered the door, grinning and gnawing on a dry tree root.

Blinking his eyes carefully, Lin Qi admitted that he had seen it wrong. It was not a tree root, but a piece of herbal rhizome. If Lin Qi admitted correctly, this should be the rhizome of the 'Centennial Bear's Blood Grass'. This grass has the effect of replenishing vitality and replenishing the body's consumption.

Hearing the sound of Lin Qi opening the door, Master Kecha suddenly raised his head, his eyes emitting a fierce green light.

"Is there anything else to eat? Lin Qi? Something to eat, something to eat, even a piece of black bread! Give me something to eat quickly!"

Lin Qi looked at Master Kecha in horror, what is going on? Before he returned to Dunerke for his annual vacation, didn't he give Master Kecha enough food for two months? According to Lin Qi's estimation, he would be back after more than a month at most, and it was impossible for Master Kecha to starve.

But looking at it like this, Master Kecha has not eaten for at least seven or eight days. When he speaks, his voice is no different from the voice of ghosts in hell. It is unpredictable and has no strength at all.

"Ke, Master Kecha!"

"Eat, eat! Quick, give me something to eat!"

Master Kecha stretched out his hands tremblingly, then rolled his eyes, passed out cleanly with the herbal rhizome in his mouth.

I was so hungry that I fainted!

Lin Qi was startled, turned around and rushed out. (To be continued)