Radiant Era

Chapter 2171: Old acquaintance (4)


Lin Qi looked at the direction where the donkey disappeared in shock. Lin Qi didn't even know how the donkey left. WWw!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!Com He subconsciously asked Hell, had Hell already completely taken control of the Hell Arena? Did Hell take the initiative to move the donkey out

Hell did not answer Lin Qi's question for a long time. After a long time, he muttered in a gloomy tone: "It will take about half a day to completely control the Hell Arena... Probably, maybe, or maybe, it will take a long time! As for this donkey, , how did he leave here, I suggest you, Mr. Lin Qi, to ask him in person!"

Lin Qi keenly discovered the strangeness of hell. He smiled and said nothing. He led dozens of evil corpses around him and rushed towards a group of gods who were fighting crazily not far away: "The undead... I have no grievances against you! You actually destroyed the undead god system! I, the bone-carving knife Sugra, am at odds with you! You all must die! Nightmare, Ashinu, you all deserve to die!"

He waved his hands around, and the combined power of the law of time and the law of undead formed into shining bone spears. The overwhelming bone spears shot out like raindrops in all directions. This blow killed at least more than One hundred thousand lower-level gods, including many middle-level gods, also died tragically due to the piercing of bone spears.

In the name of Sugra, the bone carving knife, Lin Qi roared and led a group of villains on the battlefield. He became the most dangerous factor on the battlefield. Wherever he passed, whether it was the Heavenly Temple or the gods of the Milo Sect, Lin Qi killed them on the spot without distinguishing between friend and foe. Because of Lin Qi's joining, this melee between the gods has become increasingly chaotic and dangerous, and the outcome has become increasingly unpredictable.

In the distant core of the Black Spirit Continent, the heavily armored man stretched out his hand and grabbed Xie Lisi's chest. He looked greedily at Xie Lisi's hot and concave body. He shouted loudly: "Today, you are mine! From today on, you are destined to be mine!"

Sasan and others were smiling softly on the side, and they were proudly admiring Xie Lisi's panicked expression. They are all old acquaintances, they have dealt with each other many times. After being separated for so many years, it is so refreshing to be able to look down on the old partners from the perspective of a superior!

This makes them feel that they made the right choice and that they made a wise choice!

If small betrayals, small sacrifices can bring strength and power, why not

Chelice screamed angrily. She simply revealed her true form and sprayed out large swaths of poisonous spider webs to cover the heavily armored man. Xie Lisi didn't dare to open her divine power field, so she could only use ordinary skills to deal with this heavily armored man.

Although the field of divine power is powerful, it is the strongest trump card for god-level experts. But once the divine power domain is entangled by the enemy's divine power domain, Xie Lisi will not even have a chance to escape. If the realm of divine power is violently destroyed by the enemy. Then Xie Lisi will be seriously injured even if she doesn't die. So Xie Lisi very cleverly suppressed the anger in her heart and just used ordinary tricks to face the enemy.

The heavily armored man sneered disdainfully. Watching Xie LiSi transform into her true form. Dodging his obscene claw, the heavily armored man immediately grasped the hilt of the heavy sword on his back with his backhand and slashed forward with his sword. The several-meter-long epee brought up a stream of fishy wind and struck hard at the sticky, slippery spider webs.

The originally tough and weak spider web was cut open by a sword, and the black sword wind struck Xie Lisi in front of her face with a pungent fishy smell. Xie Lisi let out a scream, and a green light flashed between her eyebrows. A shield forged from her own carapace shot out with a touch of green fluorescence, blocking the sword wind.

There was a loud noise, and Xie Lisi howled miserably, opening her mouth and spurting out a large amount of dark golden blood. The purple-gold shield was split by the sword wind, leaving a scar that almost cut him into two pieces. The heavily damaged shield let out a faint cry and turned into a green light and escaped back into Xie Lisi's body.

"Oh, Xie Lisi, you are so weak now!" The heavy-armored man shouted excitedly: "You can't be my opponent at all! How can you resist my violence? Don't waste your energy, force me I hurt you and it hurts me so much!"

Sasan yelled impatiently: "That's enough, Heijia, hurry up and clean up your women! Xie Lisi is very weak, but Spier, we all know that the female spider is difficult to deal with! Xie Lisi is the Magic Crystal Sky Spider, she won’t hide anything. But Speyer, you should know how terrifying this black hole hunting spider is! I don’t want to be her prey!”

The heavy-armored man responded angrily, and then he strode towards Xie Lisi who was lying on the ground and vomiting blood.

"Okay, don't resist, I will accept you into this pet ring!" The heavy-armored man looked at the weak Xie Lisi, and his whole body was trembling with excitement: "Xie Lisi, look how good I am to you! This ring The environment in the pet ring is almost exactly the same as your swamp, and it took me a lot of effort to find him from the ruins of the 'Supreme Imperial City'!"

Carefully taking out a dark gray ring with a strange shape, the heavily armored man "Gaga" smiled and shook the ring towards Xie Lisi: "How about it? You took the initiative to go in, and then you took me as your master, and you became my woman from now on. Or do you want me to use violence to force you in?"

Xie Lisi raised her head in embarrassment and sprayed a stream of venom at the heavily armored man unwillingly.

The thick green venom sprayed on the heavily armored man, making a crisp sound, and then flowed to the ground along his smooth armor. The heavily armored man laughed proudly again. He looked at Xie Lisi and puffed up his chest proudly: "It's useless. This is a royal-level weapon forged with my carapace. Although it is only a semi-finished product, it is not what you can do." Easily destroyed.”

"You can't hurt me! Your destiny is to become my woman! I will love you very much!" The heavy-armored man stepped on Xie Lisi's head, forcing her head to stick to the ground. He yelled ferociously: "Be obedient and I won't abuse you. Otherwise, I will beat you three times a day according to the way a man should do! As a woman, you have to clean up every day. Only then will she know the rules." !”

Xie Lisi struggled hard, but her strength was pitifully weak compared to the heavy armored man. She couldn't shake the big man's body at all, so she could only lie on the ground in humiliation, watching the big man laugh proudly, and slowly put the pet ring towards her head.

Just when the pet ring was about to touch Xie Lisi's head and forcefully subdue her, a gray-white spider silk roared from a distance and shot towards the heart of the heavily armored man with unusual sharpness. The heavily armored man exclaimed, and his body quickly moved a step to the side. The arm-thick spider silk failed to hit his heart, but stabbed hard on his right chest.

There was only a muffled sound, and a dent the size of a fist appeared on the heavily armored man's breastplate. The man was knocked backwards by the shock. There were several strange sounds in his throat, and then from the gap in his face armor, There was black and red plasma dripping down from it. It was obvious that he was so shocked by the blow that he vomited blood.

"Damn it, who dares to sneak attack the black armor?" The heavily armored man stumbled back dozens of steps, finally regaining his balance. He looked at the spider silk clinging to his breastplate and shouted angrily: "Do you only know how to sneak attack? Do you only know how to hurt people with hidden arrows? If you are a hero, then stand up for me!"

"I'm not a hero, I'm just a woman!" A cloud of fire shot out from the far horizon. The huge Speyer revealed his true form and lay lazily on the fire cloud. On Spier's back, a silver-white two-headed wolf stood on the left, and a huge colorful python stood on the right. The wolf and the snake looked at Sassan and others with strange expressions.

The heavily armored man held the sword vigilantly. He stared at the colorful python and shouted seriously: "Hey, look, who is here? Bragging that one day he will become a dragon's cowhide King! Why are you not dead?"

The colorful python slowly stood up. When he curled up in a ball on Spier, it didn't appear how huge his body was. However, after he raised the upper half of his body, he realized that it was a python that was over a thousand years in length. A behemoth of rice.

Slowly spitting out the snake letter, the colorful python ignored the heavy armored man, but stared at the beautiful girl wearing colorful leather clothes with cold and ruthless golden eyes: "Nakita, it's been a long time. Gone! Are you interested in reproducing offspring with me? Be straightforward, be neat, and stop being pretentious. If it hadn't been for that war, our master would have paired us up long ago!"

Nakita's face turned black with anger. She jumped on her feet and roared: "Yijit, are you worthy of me? From blood, from strength, from any aspect, you dare to think such a thing against me? You are a despicable person." Reptile, you scoundrel!"

The colorful python Yijite snorted coldly, and nodded slowly. The ruthless behavior of snakes was vividly demonstrated in him: "Is that so? Then, you can die today!"

The two-headed silver wolf stared at the shirtless boy. He slowly stood up, and the long hair on his body quickly retracted into his body. He soon turned into a handsome young man. The shirtless boy also looked at the two-headed silver wolf with great vigilance, and then grinned: "Are you not dead? And it also gave you more power than before! I can feel that you are stronger than before. A lot, you loser!"

The two-headed silver wolf nodded slowly: "Then, I will kill you! It is my honor to taste the blood of the noble prince of my clan!"

A group of people were glaring at each other with their swords drawn, and the donkey's fussy exclamations sounded like a thunder!

"Ah, my dear Chelice, my baby, my dear, my heart, my flesh!"

"My sun, my star, you are the lighthouse on the sea, lighting up my dark life!"

"Which grandson hurt you? Get out of here, Uncle Donkey!" (To be continued...)