Radiant Era

Chapter 2172: Dance of demons (1)


() A strong wind blew through the spider swamp. wWw,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,CoMCountless poisonous spiders, big and small, came out of nowhere. They were piled up densely together, and the huge spider swamp almost turned into a squirming living carpet. At a glance, There are crazy crawling and squirming spiders everywhere. The colorful, various, large and small spiders with weird shapes gathered together are enough to give people nightmares.

Spier was suspended in mid-air, carrying a young man transformed into a two-headed wolf and a huge colorful python on his huge body. Xie Lisi sprayed blood and shook her huge head, still maintaining the image of a spider suspended in the air. The blood she sprayed out was frantically scrambled by countless spiders below. The lucky ones swallowed a drop or two of Xie Lisi's blood from time to time, and their size quickly expanded.

Soon, a large group of venomous spiders about the size of calves had gathered in the swamp below Xie Lisi's body. These ugly and ferocious poisonous creatures widened their green compound eyes. Sasan and the others stared at the sky one by one, spitting venom, and a few sticky and slippery spider threads shot out from behind their buttocks from time to time.

The donkey man stood up and stood in front of Xie Lisi, gently stroking one of her shining dark green fangs. This huge fang was almost as big as a donkey's body. A faint trace of poisonous gas continued to spread from the fang, but it had no effect on the donkey at all. He looked at Xie Lisi who was constantly vomiting blood, and comforted her softly and affectionately.

"Oh, it really hurts my heart! How could these damn bastards be willing to hurt you? Xie Lisi, you are so beautiful...and have such big breasts, how could they be willing to hurt you!" Donkey asked diligently. He took out a fist-sized potion bottle carved from sapphire, and poured a bottle of white potion that exuded a faint fragrance into Xie Lisi's mouth.

This is the most exquisite potion made by the Qing Jing Jade Toad. In countless eons, this is the highest grade. The Qing Jing Jade Toad mixed its own secreted toad venom. The medicine, which is made from the essence of tens of thousands of rare herbs, is called the 'elixir of immortality' by countless powerful humans. The simple name is enough to highlight the preciousness and magic of this medicine.

Even if the body is cut into pieces, as long as the breath is not gone and the fire of the soul is not extinguished, as long as you take a bottle of elixir, you can come back to life! But even at the peak of the Qing Jing Jade Toad's heyday, the output of this elixir was extremely limited. Only the powerful human emperors could get three to five bottles per year.

And this guy Donkey. Relying on violence and strange reasons that could not be explained by a certain department, all the elixirs stored by Qingjing Yuchan in the past thousand years were extorted. Now he generously gave Xie Lisi a bottle of elixir, but Xie Lisi was only slightly injured. To be honest, ordinary healing potions can also restore the body to its original state.

Balls of moonlight like water waves enveloped Xie Lisi, and her body exuded a faint fragrance. It was a wonderful, cold and deep fragrance. Xie LiSi took a deep breath. She slowly stood up and returned to her human form. Groups of strange streams of light flickered on her body, and Xie Lisi's eyes widened in astonishment.

Her injuries were not only the injuries sustained by the heavy-armored man in black armor today, but also the injuries she had suffered over the years before the Ancient Gods War and the Ancient Gods War were recovering rapidly. The entire spider swamp was trembling slightly, and countless poisonous spiders raised their heads to the sky at the same time and let out sharp whistles. The aura on Xie Lisi's body became stronger and stronger. Gradually, pink poisonous mist emerged from behind her. In the poisonous mist, a crystal-clear white spider could be seen looming.

"Power!" Xie Lisi laughed happily, twisting her waist lightly. She picked up the donkey, who was much shorter than her, and pressed his head on her chest affectionately: "Ah, my dear little donkey, you are really amazing! Just obey me. What kind of medicine was administered? My injuries have actually healed! All my strength has been restored! It’s so amazing!”

The faces of Sasan and others became extremely ugly at the same time. They felt that Xie Lisi's aura was rapidly increasing, and Xie Lisi was easily suppressed by them. At this moment, her aura was gradually showing signs of breaking through to the peak Lord God level. If Xie Lisi's aura was originally a weak little flame, now her aura is simply a blazing sun.

The donkey's eyes widened, and two nosebleeds suddenly spurted out from his nostrils more than ten meters away. His head was pressed by Xie Lisi on her towering chest. The wonderful, strange touch and the faint Titian made the donkey's whole body stiff as if it were a corpse. His body was chilling, but his head was It was waves of fever that made his brain boil!

"It's so wonderful, this feeling! It's so wonderful! Incredible! This is the charm of big breasts!" The black hair on the donkey's body stood up one by one. He opened his eyes and shouted happily: "Dear Xie Lisi, no matter who hurts you, I will never let him go!"

The eyes were flashing with a crazy red light, and a strange beastly roar came from the donkey's body. The sound was like a giant dragon, like a phoenix, like Beamon, like a Titan, like countless legendary beasts and monsters chirping at the same time. A black mist spewed out from the top of the donkey's head, and a strange and ferocious mouth kept opening and closing in the black mist. The donkey's whole body was burning with black flames, and it forcibly broke away from Xie Lisi's embrace, step by step towards Sasan and others. People forced over.

The donkey was suspended in the air, and every step he took left a burning black footprint in the void. Spier and others saw the corners of their eyes twitching. Every step the donkey took was burning the void. The black flames on his body were extremely terrifying. Both time and space became the fuel of the black flames on his body. Then he was burned crazily by black flames.

This kind of black flame has the terrifying ability to destroy time and space. In other words, the donkey can destroy time and space at will! This is the original power to destroy everything, this is the power to destroy the world! Speyer and the others were also powerful beings, but they had never felt such a terrifying aura from the donkey. This is the ultimate power of destruction, this is the end of all living things. How could this kind of power appear in a donkey

"Shelice, your little donkey seems to be a very remarkable being!" Spier flew to Shelice and gently patted her head with a furry arm and foot: "I think you should just go with him. That’s right! After all, after we have evolved to our level, race and bloodline don’t matter! If this donkey can turn into a human form, you might as well marry him!”

Xie Lisi also looked at the donkey with strange eyes, what a terrifying power, what a terrifying flame. This deepest sense of power that destroys everything, this black flame that destroys everything and burns everything. This foul-mouthed donkey, who usually looks petite and cute, does a little ridiculous things, thinks a little weird, and talks a little carelessly, but looks so noble and sacred when enveloped by this kind of flame.

"For men, strength is enough!" Xie Lisi twisted her slender waist and seriously considered Spier's suggestion for the first time.

Donkey advanced in front of Sasang and others. He stared at the group of men and women and scolded each word: "Who hurt my beloved Xie Lisi? She is so beautiful, and she also has a pair of Charming big breasts! You are willing to hurt such a beautiful being?"

"You grandsons, you dirty grandsons, get out of here, Uncle Donkey! If you dare to hit a woman, don't you even have the guts to stand in front of Uncle Donkey?" The donkey man stood up and jumped and waved. Lifting his two front hooves, he kept making a crackling sound in the air: "Come on, let Mr. Donkey teach you how to respect a beautiful girl!"

The heavy-armored man's black-armored teeth made a 'bang' sound as he gritted his teeth. He took two steps forward without saying a word, stared at the donkey and roared: "I injured Xie Lisi! How about it? She is mine. Woman, this is destined! If she is unwilling to obey me, then I will teach her a lesson. Do you have any objection? Huh? Donkey!"

The donkey breathed out a heavy breath, and he stretched out his right front hoof. A black flame condensed into a palm on his hoof, and then he fiercely drew a huge hand towards the black armor. Middle finger: "Greetings to your mother and grandson on my behalf!"

There was a muffled sound, and a piece of void within a few feet in front of the donkey shattered, and one of the donkey's hind hoofs stepped forward powerfully. Almost at the same time as the donkey hoofed, a void in front of Heijia exploded, and a donkey's hoof wrapped in black flames kicked heavily on his lower abdomen. Everyone heard a loud noise, and the armor near the black armor's lower abdomen shattered.

The scarlet breasts were exposed inside the armor, with no skin and scarlet breasts with distinct muscle fibers. Black blood vessels and meridians were wrapped around the scarlet flesh. The donkey's hoof penetrated the black armor and then penetrated deeply into his body. A black flame spurted out from the donkey's hooves, blasted deep into the black armor's body, and then exploded.

Amidst the loud noise, the huge black-armored body was shot back thousands of meters. His armor disintegrated and shattered inch by inch, and his entire body was exposed. I don’t know how the black armor transformed into a body. His body is roughly human-shaped and has all the organ characteristics that a human should have. However, there is not an inch of skin on his body. When the armor is shattered, he looks like he has been ripped off. It's as ugly as a skinned orangutan.

In other words, the black armor is his skin, and this layer of armor grows directly with his vagina. From this point of view, Black Armor has not actually evolved completely. He cannot perfectly transform into a human body. He just forcibly changes his body into a human form, but his body is still essentially an insect, with a Just a beetle with strong and thick armor.