Radiant Era

Chapter 2173: Dance of demons (2)


() The armor was shattered. Black armor's huge body spurted out streams of black steam. His black blood vessels and meridians continued to explode. Every time the blood vessels and meridians exploded, there was a stream of hot black steam coming out of it. It spurted out from his body. wWW,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,comM Black flames spurted out from the seven orifices of the black armor. The temperature near his body rose sharply, and soon the void near his body became distorted.

"Damn it, you damn donkey!" Heijia screamed hysterically. His body was disintegrating, and the terrifying high temperature was burning away his life force inch by inch. He felt that he was dying. Without external help, , he won't last long before he dies.

Sasang roared in shock and anger. He took out a bottle of black potion and was about to throw it to Heijia. But before he could use the potion, the void within a hundred meters near the black armor suddenly collapsed. The black flames and black steam ejected from the black armor dissolved the void, and combined the laws and regulations in the void within a radius of a hundred meters. All physical existence is completely reduced to nothingness.

It was as if that piece of space had never existed before, it just disappeared and disappeared. The surrounding void surged in, filling the void that had turned into nothing. A terrifying indescribable force surged out from the collapsing void, directly blasting towards Sassan and the others.

This incredible power of annihilation crazily attacked the souls of Sasan and others, trying to forcibly erase all memories of Heijia's existence. Sasang and the others were so frightened that they activated their defensive magic devices one after another, firmly protecting their souls. But this attack came so strangely and quickly, their defense strength was still slightly inferior, and everyone in the group immediately vomited blood.

Among them, the most seriously injured was Nakita, who was the weakest among them all except Hei Jia. This beautiful girl fell into the swamp with blood spurting from her orifices, and the thick poisonous mist released from her body killed most of the poisonous spiders around her. Then she stood up with difficulty. After groaning a few times, she finally struggled and flew into the sky.

After shaking her head and wiping the blood on her face, Najita looked hesitantly and strangely at Sasan and the others who were vomiting blood: "What happened? What happened here? This end Damn donkey, what has he done to us?”

The beautiful widow in the palace skirt screamed in shock and anger: "This damn donkey, he killed Hei Jia! Although that bastard Hei Jia should have died long ago, he killed Hei Jia! Moreover, he also attacked our Soul, wait, Hei Jia! I, how did I know Hei Jia? How, how did I forget? Hei Jia. How did he become our partner? "

The faces of Sasan and several others were extremely ugly, while Najita looked at the Yanwidow in horror: "Heijia? Who is Heijia? Is there Heijia among us? No, no, Damn poisonous widow, what are you talking about? I never remember Heijia, he never existed! Who is Heijia?"

There was a dead silence over Spider Swamp. Except for those poisonous spiders that continued to scream, the group remained silent for a while.

Even Speyer and Chelice couldn't help but look at the donkey in horror. His attack not only directly obliterated the black armor, but also used some kind of terrifying power of law. I want to completely annihilate all traces of Heijia's existence. Fortunately, Speyer, Xie Lisi and the others were Donkey's own people, so they were not attacked by such weird attacks. However, looking at the situation of Nakita and Yan Widow, we knew that Donkey seemed to control some extremely terrifying power.

He shook his head vigorously. Sasan interrupted Nakita's scream: "It's not just you, my memory of Heijia is also blurred. I can remember how I met him, but other than that, everything else It’s all been erased... No, no, it’s not that it’s been erased, but the black armor has indeed never existed!”

Taking a deep breath, Sasan bowed to the donkey in awe: "I'm very sorry, we have offended such a great existence! You directly used the power of time and space to remove the black armor... I was wrong. I can't describe this state with exact words, but what I can confirm is that Heijia has never existed, and our memory of him is a kind of illusion!"

Sassan looked at the donkey in awe, and he almost cried.

Donkey's blow not only annihilated Heijia physically and mentally, but also directly annihilated Heijia fundamentally through countless years. It can be roughly described like this - the donkey's hoof transcends the constraints of time and space. He goes back in time for countless years, and before Black Armor is born, he completely destroys all the cause and effect and opportunities for his birth.

In this sense, because of Donkey's attack, Black Armor has indeed never existed. The memory of Sasan and the others about the black armor can be regarded as a collective nightmare. There is just a false memory in their minds!

To be more precise, if they operate according to the laws of this cosmic era and develop according to the natural laws of this cosmic era, Sasan and the others should completely forget everything about Heijia. This is in line with the operating laws of this universe. Now they still retain some memories about Sassan, but they violated the laws of this universe, so they were harmed.

Nakita was the weakest, so her memory was completely erased. In other words, purging is not accurate. It should be said that her soul was twisted to a certain correct mode. This is how her soul and her memory should have been. Precisely because she lost all memory of the black armor, Nakita seemed to vomit a lot of blood, but her injuries were the least serious.

As for Sasan, who retained the most memories of the black armor, he retained the most memories, so he suffered the heaviest damage. He is still barely maintaining his human form, and is about to be knocked back to his original form. Moreover, his life source and soul source have been extremely damaged. Sasang, who is crying without tears, discovers that if he does not replenish enough original essence in time, As for Hua, his life span is less than a hundred years.

This is not an attack by a donkey, but a backlash against Sassan from the original law of the universe, the terrifying force of self-maintenance and self-cleaning of the universe. He remembered the memory of a life form that did not 'exist', so the universe launched a small counterattack against him!

This was such a terrifying attack. The donkey's hoof directly made Sasang and the others the enemies of the entire universe in a ten thousandth of an instant! The donkey's attack was simply bullying! Sassan thinks that they have not yet reached such a level of evil and do not need the entire universe to backfire and attack them

What frightens Sassan even more is that Xie Lisi and Spier clearly still retain all the memories of the black armor, but they have not been affected by any backlash. In other words, Donkey doesn't want Xie Lisi and the others to be harmed, so this terrible backlash from the laws of the entire universe will not act on Xie Lisi and the others!

Such terrifying power, such tyrannical ability, Sasan only knew that some of the strongest humans could possess it. Only human emperor-level experts who have experienced at least a hundred universe eras can master this ultimate power. But here, in a donkey that looks even a little funny, this ultimate power actually appears!

"I'm very sorry for our offense! Please show mercy and don't pay attention to our humble rashness."

Sasang humbly surrendered to the donkey and begged for mercy. Witnessing such an incredible blow from the donkey, Sasang was so frightened that his soul almost flew away. How could he dare to continue competing with the donkey? Although his mission here is to deal with Xie Lisi and Spier, deal with all the gods in the Black Spirit Continent, and make them all his party members.

But when Donkey appeared out of the blue and blocked them, Sasang couldn't help but curse the person who was behind them. Xie Lisi and the others had such a terrifying donkey beside them, so how could they start

"Offensive? Reckless?" The black flames on the donkey's body gradually disappeared. He tilted his head thoughtfully and shook his two long ears, pretending to be deep in thought. Donkey is usually a bit out of character, but in front of Xie Lisi, he really wanted to show the demeanor of a mature man.

Among the people Donkey knows, the most manly, mysterious, and alluring person is of course Mr. Mo. So the donkey is imitating Mr. Mo when he is deep in thought, imagining some conspiracy to harm people. The problem is that when Mr. Mo does this, a kind of arrogance arises spontaneously. When the donkey does this, it is too funny.

Not to mention anything else, at least when Mr. Mo lowers his head and is silent, his ears don't spin like windmills, and Mr. Mo doesn't have a restless little tail swinging back and forth behind his butt! Not to mention that when Donkey was meditating, his lips turned up, revealing two rows of white teeth.

Secretly raising his head, he saw the donkey acting like this, especially his two rows of big, bright teeth, as if a beast was choosing which part of the prey was more convenient for him to bite. The hearts of Sasan, Yanwidow and others twitched at the same time. got up. Each of them was cautious and did not dare to speak, quietly waiting for the donkey's decision.

The colorful python lying on Spier spat out a snake letter and suddenly spoke: "Dear Mr. Donkey, if you can, give me Nakita! I will make her my slave. I will breed offspring! For her, I can give you all my savings over the years, which is a lot of money, and there are hundreds of thousands of tons of blue gold ingots alone."

The market value of blue gold and gold has reached one to three thousand of blue gold! Hundreds of thousands of tons of blue gold!