Radiant Era

Chapter 220: Sign up


Time is often the least valuable thing. wWW!QUanbEn-xIAoShUo!CoM

After Lin Qi went to the Master Tower to greet Master Cocha two or three times, and attended several high-end banquets with Latus and Titian, the new academic year of various universities and colleges in the imperial capital began. The snow on the streets has not yet melted, and the cold wind is still blowing from the north, but the streets and alleys of the university town are already filled with energetic students.

As usual, the actual combat drills by the Imperial Army Academy's fourth-year students captured everyone's attention.

This year's actual combat drill has made all the young nobles in the imperial capital even more excited, because the result of this actual combat drill is related to the outcome of a shocking gamble. Both parties in the bet are the top aristocratic families in the empire. Titian, who represents the empire's civil service system, and Beja, who represents the empire's military general system, collide.

Not to mention the small peripheral bets, the main bets of both parties included several rare mineral veins in the eldest prince's fiefdom. The total value of these mineral veins was more than 500 million gold coins, but Maris spent a lot of money to get them out. .

Accordingly, Latus also took out a considerable share of the bargaining chips, including control of the Silver Crescent Chamber of Commerce, the dock area and commercial district of the Imperial Capital, as well as all the properties under the names of Latus, Titian, and Linga. Especially in order to bet with Maris, Latus secretly took out his mother's dowry and several mines in a province of the Haran Empire.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know at first sight that Latus has the support of his mother, the eldest princess of the Harlan Empire! Without the permission of Her Royal Highness the Princess, how could the old nobles who served as notaries for this bet have the guts to add this bet

There is no doubt that Maris's behavior was also supported by his father, the eldest prince of the empire. This is no longer a personal feud between Maris and Latus, but the two princes behind them were directly involved in the bet.

The winner will naturally be rich and powerful, but the loser will have to live on black bread from now on.

Compared with the huge bet worth hundreds of millions of gold coins, the 30 million gold coins that Lin Qi made by selling everything was nothing! Anyway, those big shots didn't take Lin Qi's bet seriously. The wealthy Maris directly accepted Lin Qi's bet at the Hell Hammer Arms Shop.

'Clang, clang', Lin Qi led a group of soldiers wearing heavy armor and strode towards the actual combat drill registration office located in the Academic Affairs Office of the Army Academy. All foreign aids participating in actual combat exercises must register three days in advance so that the Army Academy can identify the identities of these foreign aids.

Lin Qi himself must participate in actual combat drills. Apart from him, the other nine foreign players are all elite members of the Black Tiger family.

Uncle Baer and Aunt Lily, who had heavenly strength, were wearing an ordinary set of pure steel armor and followed Lin Qi closely. Leo followed in a line with six family warriors wearing rune armor. Leo's half-foot has already stepped into the heavenly realm, and the six family warriors he brought with him are all experts at the pinnacle of status.

This kind of strength, coupled with the large amount of ordnance stored in the space ring like Lin Qi cheated, is enough to annihilate three or five ordinary thousand-man regiments. If the opponent didn't have a heavenly warrior on command, Lin Qi would even have the confidence to kill a heavily-armed army of ten thousand people. Not to mention other people, just Aunt Lily putting on her perverted armor and waving her terrifying mace would do it. It has the power to sweep away all the armies.

"Arthur, let's see how you die!" Lin Qi's smile had a hint of ferocity, and he walked into the registration office of the Army Academy with such a ferocious smile.

In the spacious and clean iron-gray hall, a row of long metal tables were neatly placed in the middle of the hall. Twenty instructors from the Army Academy were sitting behind the long tables, watching the people who walked into the hall with stern eyes.

In the new academic year's actual combat drill for the fourth-year students of the Army Academy, all foreign aid does not matter your identity and origin, as long as you are not a soldier or civil servant in the empire, as long as you are not a guard or private soldier included in the official establishment of some big nobles, in short, As long as you are an ordinary citizen, it doesn't matter whether you are a pig butcher or a sheep slaughterer, a murderer or an arsonist, as long as you sign up and sign a disclaimer of responsibility for life and death, and there is a student group willing to accept it, Then you can participate in actual combat exercises.

After participating in actual combat exercises, if these foreign aids perform well and are willing to join the army, then the Imperial Army will be responsible for clearing all the foreign aid's criminal records, allowing him to join the Imperial Army and become a glorious Imperial Army member. Even if you are a heinous thug, the imperial government will not care about your past. Unless you have killed the daughter of the Pope of the Church, or have attempted to assassinate the Emperor of the Empire, even if you have raped the Grand Duke or Princess of a neighboring country, the Empire still has the guts to let you join the army and give you a high salary! …,

Enzo and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood were already waiting at a long table. When they saw Lin Qi leading someone in, they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Enzo asked Lin Qi in a low voice: "Why did it take so long to come?"

Lin Qi's face looked a little ugly. He glanced at Aunt Lily, who was ashen-faced, and sighed heavily: "No way, it's really difficult to find a suitable set of armor for Aunt Lily. It's so easy to find a suit for Aunt Lily." The extra-large armor made by barbarians, it took us an hour to get Aunt Lily to squeeze into it!"

A drop of cold sweat slowly slid down Enzo's forehead. No wonder Aunt Lily's face was so ugly. Was her emotion suppressed like this

Shaking his head, Enzo turned around and came to the long table and gave a military salute to the instructor behind the table: "Sir, these are the ten foreign aids in our team. Please register their identity information. All members of our 'Iron Fist' team The information has been submitted, and including ten foreign aids, the total is one hundred and seven!"

Lin Qi nodded, adding ten foreign aids and there were one hundred and seven people, which meant that Enzo had gathered ninety-seven students inside the Army Academy. In addition to Enzo and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood Clothes, eighty-nine students joined Enzo's team.

This shows that Enzo is still very influential in the Army Academy. This year, there are nearly 3,000 fourth-year students in the Army Academy participating in actual combat exercises. Many of them have military aristocratic backgrounds. Enzo is able to learn from the few Eighty-nine students were recruited among the civilian students, which shows that Enzo's abilities and interpersonal relationships are very good.

The instructor behind the long table glanced at Lin Qi and said solemnly: "Name, specialties, and combat capabilities..."

Lin Qi walked forward obediently and nodded to the instructor with a smile: "Lin Qi, a fourth-year student majoring in accounting at the Fifth University of the Empire. What is my specialty? I am proficient in all management and operation methods of the military logistics department. I can handle every situation. Every copper is spent where it should be spent. Besides, if you talk about combat skills, I’m a pretty good scout!”

The instructor was stunned. He looked at Lin Qi's body, which was half a head taller than an ordinary person, and then looked at his bloated figure, and couldn't help but shake his head. This was the first time in his life that he had seen such a strong scout. Lin Qi's information was registered on a card without comment. The instructor, who was a little depressed by Lin Qi, looked at Barr.

Barr leaned forward with an extremely weird smile. His figure was too thin, and a set of ordinary armor worn on him was dangling as if it could fall off of him at any time. After bowing his head and saluting the instructor, Barr respectfully reported his information.

"Barr, hey, what's your specialty? I'm recognized as a good spearfisher, and I'm also good at hunting. As for combat, my bow and arrow skills are very good. Really, even though I'm thin, I have a lot of strength. I Can shoot an arrow two hundred paces!"

The instructor's facial muscles twitched and he shot an arrow two hundred steps? Specialties: spearfishing and hunting? Where did this monster appear

Wordlessly waving his hand, the instructor looked at Aunt Lily.

Aunt Lily, who was fat and taller than Lin Qi, strode forward. Panting, she pressed her hands on the long table and exhaled heavily: "This damn armor is suffocating me to death." Yes! I am Lily, Baal’s biological sister! My specialty is that I am the young master’s wet nurse and the young master’s cook. The roasted whole beef I cook is the most delicious in the world!”

Patting her chest proudly, Aunt Lily laughed and said: "As for combat skills! As long as Lily is around, the young men in the army can be well-fed and have enough fighting power. How about this skill? "

The pen in the instructor's hand fell on the table with a clatter. He looked at Lily blankly: "Who is your young master?"

Lin Qi hurriedly came over: "Dear sir, Aunt Lily is my wet nurse! This time we participated in the actual combat exercise. She was afraid that I wouldn't have enough to eat, so she came with me to participate in the exercise. With her in charge of our logistics and supplies, we will definitely You won’t go hungry!”

"So, where are they?" The unfortunate instructor's face began to turn green, and he stared at Enzo fiercely.

Enzo covered his face and turned his head to look into the distance in embarrassment. Damn Lin Qi, now Enzo is going to be famous in the whole school, as 'Enzo who took the wet nurse to the battlefield'. Thinking that he might be dubbed this name by his classmates, Enzo has the urge to kill him head-on.

"So, where are they?" The instructor repeated the question and pointed at Leo's group of people wearing rune armor.

"We are the young master's bodyguards!" Leo strode forward and shouted loudly: "The master said that if the young master takes part in the actual combat drill, if he hurts a hair, he will skin us. We are the young master's bodyguards. We won’t let anyone hurt the young master!”

The instructor sighed, and in front of Lin Qi, he looked at Enzo seriously: "Enzo, you are one of the best students in this class. I solemnly advise you to find your foreign aid again. Let’s group together!”

Enzo's face turned dark. He lowered his head feebly and muttered in a low voice: "But instructor, Lin Qi provided all the weapons and equipment for my Iron Fist Regiment!"

The instructor rolled his eyes and nodded helplessly: "Then, I understand! Another gold-plated waste who wants to sneak into the Imperial Army? I wish you good luck, Enzo! If you can't win, retreat quickly. Get out of the battlefield! Otherwise you will be in big trouble!"

With a heavy sigh, Lin Qi and his group were kicked out of the Academic Affairs Office.

Dinner, dinner! ! !

I’m so hungry. After I’ve eaten and drank enough, I’ll continue typing!