Radiant Era

Chapter 223: unstoppable


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Zuo Lin is Black Horse House's die-hard best friend, and Bea's die-hard lackey. Www!qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo!comHe is not qualified to get close to Maris, but this does not prevent him from flattering Maris, nor does it prevent him from standing up decisively to show his loyalty to Maris.

Today is the day to register for the foreign aid team for the new academic year of the Army Academy's actual combat drills. Zuo Lin was selected by the instructor to lead a group of students to maintain order. When Zuo Lin saw Maris escaping into the Army Academy in embarrassment with a rotten cabbage on his head and eggshells and foul-smelling mucus all over his body, he vaguely felt that his chance to rise to the top had arrived.

With a greeting, he led more than two hundred members of the Knights of the Round Table and rushed towards the citizens gathered in front of the door with sticks in hand.

He didn't bother to distinguish who were the real ordinary citizens watching the excitement and who were the mob who had just thrown rotten eggs to Maris. He just picked up the stick and beat those citizens hard. His fighting spirit has reached the level of mid-level or near high-level human beings. As long as he uses his fighting spirit, three or five big men working together will not be as powerful as him.

A stick roared in his hand, and in a few breaths he knocked seven or eight citizens to the ground, beating their heads to bloody wounds and breaking their arms. Among these citizens were two old ladies carrying vegetable baskets, three old men out for a walk, and three children about seven or eight years old.

In front of these old, weak women and children, Zuo Lin wielded his stick with great majesty, just like the legendary foreign marshal of the Wudalian Island United Military Headquarters, wearing the magic armor forged by the devil in the lava of hell, and wielding powerful magic weapons. , the foreign marshals ran rampant in the Continental Allied Forces formation, without a single general under their command.

"You despicable bastards, how dare you treat the noble Lord Maris like that?"

Angrily scolding, Zuo Lin raised his one-meter-long stick and struck a middle-aged aunt in the chest with a standard spear. The aunt vomited a mouthful of blood, rolled her eyes and was knocked out. Facing a reserve officer who has received harsh military training since childhood, how can these civilians have the power to fight back

The majestic Zuo Lin was about to pick up a stick and give the fat lady a hard blow when a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of him. A tall, fat lady with a shiny face. She wore a scarf, half of her face covered by the scarf, and an apron with oil stains on it.

"Hey, little guy, how can you hit a woman?" This tall and powerful aunt seemed to be blocking Zuo Lin's face like a wall.

"Damn untouchables, how dare you treat a noble Highness like that!" Zuo Lin roared again. He hoped that his roar could be heard by Maris - maybe His Highness Maris could hear his roar. So pious and loyal, right

The stick brought up a blast of wind and stabbed the aunt's lower abdomen fiercely.

The aunt was more than a head taller than Zuo Lin, so Zuo Lin straightened up the stick and thrust forward. The best place to thrust was the aunt's lower abdomen. He didn't notice that the aunt's face suddenly became extremely ugly: "Little bastard, why are you so nasty? Either you stab a woman's chest or her belly, why don't you stab your mother?"

The strong aunt slapped him across the face. At that moment, Zuo Lin seemed to see a violent ice-armored bear swinging its paw at him. The slap was more than a foot away from Zuo Lin's cheek. The wind from the palm had already made Zuo Lin unable to open his eyes, and ripples appeared on his facial muscles like water waves.

"Oh God!" This was Zuo Lin's last thought.

Aunt Lily's slap hit Zuo Lin's face so hard that it almost turned Zuo Lin's left and right cheeks together. Dozens of big teeth spurted out, and Zuo Lin's small body spun seven or eight times in the air with his waist as the axis like a windmill, and then fell heavily to the ground.

There was a click, and there seemed to be some problem with Zuo Lin's cervical vertebrae. When he fell to the ground, his neck twisted in a weird way. Aunt Lily blew on her broad palm and nodded with satisfaction: "The young master said that he can't be beaten to death, at most he can be crippled! This kid can't die or be crippled, he just has a crooked neck in the future. He can't shoot arrows." The timing may not be accurate!”…,

A heavy foot stomped on Zuo Lin's lower abdomen, and Aunt Lily stretched out her big palm and pushed out.

In an instant, I saw more than a dozen students from the Army Academy spinning like windmills, spitting out big teeth one after another, and the crackling teeth sprinkled all over the floor like raindrops. Aunt Lily alone was able to contain the impact of more than two hundred elite students from the Army Academy. No matter how much the impact surged up like a wave, Aunt Lily was like a breakwater. No matter how they attacked, she remained unmoved.

After Aunt Lily knocked down more than thirty students, sharp whistles sounded all around.

Aunt Lily immediately turned around and ran away. Her huge body ran as fast as a nimble little rabbit, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye. No one could see what she looked like, let alone who she was. Not only Aunt Lily, but also Lin Qi and others fled the scene far away - they rushed to the old Rooster Restaurant not far away as quickly as possible, and asked for a luxurious banquet hall to eat and drink. To create evidence of his absence.

In front of the Army Academy, I don’t know when there were hundreds of strong men blowing their noses and staring. These big men all had ferocious faces, and there was a hint of evil and evil in the corners of their eyes and brows. At first glance, they were not good people. Led by certain leaders, these big men roared angrily, loudly accusing the Army Academy cadets of brutally suppressing the small citizens.

"I've beaten people to death, I've beaten people to death! Can students from the Army Academy just beat people to death?"

"Oh my god, they actually beat the old man, they actually beat the old man! There's a hole in Uncle Ruby's head!"

"By the gods, they beat the children! What a pitiful child, they actually beat the children! This is something even the orcs can't do!"

"Does the empire still have laws? Does it still have justice? They actually beat women! Oh my god, Aunt Ameda was molested by them. I saw them grabbing Aunt Ameda's breasts. They actually molested her. Aunt Meda!”

There were even dozens of strong men who picked up sticks and beat each other randomly. They beat each other with laughter, beating each other's head and blood, beating each other's teeth until they fell out, and they continued. They yelled: "They're beating people, they're killing people, the cadets at the Army Academy are killing people! God, they're using knives!"

One by one, these big men pulled out small daggers and carefully stabbed them into the thick-skinned parts of their bodies and those of their companions that were difficult to kill. Then these big men with bruised noses, swollen faces, bloody heads, and small daggers inserted all over their bodies fell down in the crowd. They moaned and howled loudly, and blood spilled all over the floor. It was a tragic sight.

Another group of stout women with the same ferocious faces beat each other up. They also made deep and shallow cuts on their bodies and lay on the ground crying for their lives. A dozen or so pretty and slightly younger women simply took off their long skirts and tore off their obscene clothes, exposing large areas of white skin.

"The cadets at the Army Academy beat people, they insulted women! God, God, are they still soldiers who protect us? What is the difference between them and those aliens who kill a thousand people? Oh my God, my God, little Hannah was killed They raped her and they all got pregnant!”

The members of the Knights of the Round Table headed by Zuo Lin had overturned two to three hundred ordinary citizens, and then they suddenly found that they could no longer go any further. Just now Aunt Lily blocked their offensive, and then they couldn't make any further progress.

Because those ordinary old and weak women and children had disappeared, and what was left in front of them now were all a group of sturdy men who were a little bigger than them. What surprised them even more was that the hands of these sturdy men were tightly holding square green-gray objects called bricks.

These are the blue bricks that citizens use to build houses!

This was the last thought that ran through the minds of these Knights of the Round Table.

Hundreds of sturdy men shouted, and they smashed the bricks out at the same time. Nearly a thousand bricks were smashed out with a roar. At close range, the lethality of these bricks was much more powerful than bows and arrows. More than thirty members of the Knights of the Round Table were hit with a brick on their foreheads, crying and lying on the ground howling and struggling.

Before they could stand up, waves of bricks were thrown out randomly, making the members of the Knights of the Round Table wail in pain. There were a few stronger ones who wanted to stand up from the flying bricks with fighting spirit, but as soon as they stood up, a large number of bricks that were also inspired by fighting spirit fell on them.

By the time sirens sounded from all directions and the burly men dispersed in a rush, more than two hundred elite students from the Army Academy had all fainted among the large slabs of bricks. In just a dozen breaths, hundreds of big men smashed out almost 10,000 bricks, which almost buried these students.

Two hundred and fifty-sixty students from the Army Academy who were preparing to participate in actual combat exercises were knocked over by bricks. Their brains were greatly concussed, and their arms and legs were basically broken by bricks. They were bound to be unable to do so. Participate in this practical exercise!

The imperial capital was shocked, and the royal family was shocked!

The emperor's people actually had such a conflict with the people of the empire. This is something that has never happened since the establishment of the empire!

The furious Emperor immediately authorized Stan, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard, to ask him to find out the main cause of the conflict.

Stein, who was equally shocked, immediately led thousands of garrison soldiers to surround the Army Academy and personally investigated the matter. . )