Radiant Era

Chapter 224: Uncle Stein


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Keep crying and asking for all kinds of tickets!

I stopped typing and went to eat. wWW!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!COmHow can I have the energy to code if I’m not full

Now the landlord's work schedule is completely reversed. He sleeps during the day and codes at night. Alas!

"Hey, I have to tell you, I have nothing to do with this matter!" Lin Qi roared angrily: "I swear on my father's throat, this matter has nothing to do with me at all! I am an observant person. Fǎ people, I have been an elite student at the Fifth University for three consecutive years, and my behavioral and moral scores have been excellent every year! How could I have anything to do with the Fǎo?"

Lin Qi roared angrily, but the two officers from the Imperial Discipline Department who held his hands tightly and immobilized him did not listen to his explanation at all. The twelve elite soldiers following the two commanders didn't seem to hear Lin Qi's words, but just surrounded him and walked towards the depths of Lu Jun Academy.

Lin Qi jumped around and struggled for a while, but the strength of the two enforcers around him were not inferior to him. One of them had even reached the level of heaven. Their fingers were clasped around some strange orifices on Lin Qi's arms. , half of Lin Qi's body was numb, how could he still have the strength to struggle

Helpless, Lin Qi could only sigh and let the group of disciplinary officers, known as cold men, take him away. As he walked, he quickly looked at the entrance and exit passages around him, and was ready to escape at any time.

The composition of the imperial jun team is complicated, but the most elite jun team must be the jinjun directly under the emperor. The disciplinary office of the imperial jinjun is also a sharp sword hanging over the heads of various jun units such as the imperial border guards, garrison jun, and local civilian bings. Discipline and regulation enforcement guidance and correction.

As long as the law enforcement officers of the Jinjunjun Discipline Department hold official documents, they will be able to see the senior officials. Except for the three marshals of the empire and a small number of generals, they have no means of arrest. All generals and junguans below the general have arrest means. and interrogation fountain.

At the end of the Hundred Years' War on the Mainland and Islands, the morale of the Continental Allied Forces collapsed and almost collapsed. It was the law enforcement officers of the Gallic Empire's Disciplinary Department who killed thousands of mid-level and high-level generals who fled without fighting, and used force and blood to stabilize the situation. The last line of defense for the Continental League.

As a result, the jinjunjun discipline department of the Gallic Empire was also called a tutu, and more often they were called tutu directly.

Of course, tufu must have the strength of tushā, so basically all the most elite masters in the imperial jun team were recruited into the jinjun disciplinary department. This is an organization that frightens all the military officers in the empire. A casual word from a junior officer inside can make a certain general sleepless at night.

Faced with such a group of cold, ruthless, tough, and iron-hearted trolls, Lin Qi was at his wits' end.

They do not accept bribes and are not afraid of threats. Any attempt to contain or threaten them is regarded as a challenge to the empire's military discipline and will attract the most severe punishment from the military discipline department - and they usually choose beheading to punish people!

Lin Qi really had nothing to do with them. He could only let these people take him into Lu Jun College, walked to the administrative building of Lu Jun College, and went straight to a conference room on the top floor.

Looking at the xue red door at the end of the corridor, and then at the nearly a hundred stern military officials standing outside the door, Lin Qi wailed in a hissing voice: "I really have nothing to do with this matter! You can't You are slandering me in such a way! Even if you are members of the Jinjunjun Discipline Department, you cannot act like this. I will complain to the Emperor of the Empire about you! You bunch of bastards!"

The guānbing who dared to curse Jinjunjun’s Discipline Department in person was a bastard, and Lin Qi was also the first person to create a new world. But these expressionless and cold-hearted men ignored Lin Qi at all. They just opened the door of the conference room and pushed him in.

With a bang, the one-foot-long solid wood door was closed behind Lin Qi. Lin Qi sighed helplessly and squinted to look at the layout of the conference room. Perhaps to investigate the conflict that broke out at the gate of Lu Jun College, this conference room was carefully decorated.

On the wall directly opposite Lin Qi, the flag of the Gallic Empire, the Crown of Thorns, was hung high. To the left and right of the flag were the Jun flag of the Empire with sword and shield, and the Jinjun flag of the Empire with sword, shield, and crown. Directly under the three big flags, there was a small table alone. Behind the table sat a man with his head lowered, cutting cigars with a small knife. …,

Otherwise, the conference room, which could accommodate thousands of people for meetings, was empty.

The dome with a diameter of more than thirty meters at the top of the conference room is inlaid with glass from the Vias Commercial Federation. The skylight shines in through the glass. There is no trace of dust in the iron-gray conference room, which is so clean that it makes people palpitate.

Lin Qi smiled distressedly, and he bowed deeply to the person sitting behind the small table attentively: "Dear Sir, I think you have made the biggest mistake! I have nothing to do with that conflict at all. No! I admit that Mr. Bea and I had a slight misunderstanding, but this was not the main reason for the conflict."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi straightened up. He looked at the man sitting behind the table and continued: "I know the main reason for the chaos. It was because Zuo Lin randomly beat the people of the empire, which caused This chaos happened. If we really want to investigate the responsibility, then Zuo Lin is the main person responsible. If we still want to investigate his behind-the-scenes instigators, I think Black Horse House has an unshirkable responsibility!"

The man sitting behind the desk had gray hair and looked very old. He carefully cut the cigar's holder with a small knife, as if he had not heard Lin Qi's words. After a long time, he put away the cigarette, stuffed the cigar into his mouth, slowly flicked his fingers, and cooked a thin flame from between his fingers, and slowly lit the cigar.

Lin Qi was deeply impressed by this action. He seemed to see this action a lot when he was younger.

Cut the cigar carefully, cutting the mouth of the cigar neatly, and then light the cigar with your own flame instead of a match. The extremely high temperature flame fighting gas can quickly increase the temperature of the entire cigar while lighting the cigar, so that all the aroma in the cigar smoke can be smoked out, so that the aroma of the smoke can be perfectly reflected. .

Lin Qi has not seen this action for several years, because he has not been back to Dunerqi for three years, and people who like to do this action only go to Dunerqi for vacation every two years in the summer. Normally, he would stay at Lin Qi's house for two days, and then Hei Huhu would accompany him, take the wine and the enchanting singer, and go fishing on the largest whale hunting boat in Dunerke.

But this man's luck is very bad. Even if the black tiger prepares the best fishing rod and the best bait for him, and takes him to the fishery with the richest fish, he often catches nothing. Ever since Lin Qi could remember, this guy seemed to have never caught fish or shrimp weighing more than a pound, but he often brought in small fry!

"Uncle Nasty Hands?" Lin Qi was surprised and called out cautiously.

Uncle Nasty Hands, this was the nickname Lin Qi gave him after he went fishing in the sea. During that sea fishing trip, the bait alone consumed two to three thousand kilograms of top-quality veal, but this magical man caught dozens of small octopuses, but nothing else was caught. While the young Lin Qi was drinking octopus soup, he gave the poor uncle the indecent name of a stinky uncle.

After a few violent coughs, the gray-haired man raised his head.

He has gray hair and looks very old. But because of his extremely high level of cultivation, his face only looked like he was in his early thirties, but his pair of shining eyes were full of the charm that a mature man should have.

Taking a deep puff of the cigar, the stinky uncle took a heavy puff of smoke, and then slapped the table hard.

"Lin Qi, you little bastard, tell me frankly, did you do what happened at the gate of Lu Jun Academy? Besides you, which other little bastard can do such a thing? Ah? Two hundred and sixty-seven. A fourth-year elite student of Lu Jun Academy was actually knocked unconscious by a group of gangsters with bricks. Bastard, you are a complete jerk! Even the Imperial Army's faces were thrown into the pit by you!"

"Quack!" Seeing that familiar face in his memory, Lin Qi laughed extremely arrogantly.

He's just the stinky uncle! The lovely uncle who doted on Lin Qi, doting on him even more than a black man, who wiped Lin Qi's butt several times after he got into trouble! Lin Qi still remembers that the first battle ax he received in his life was given to him by Uncle Stinky Hands. Lin Qi used this big ax to smash Hei Huzi's bed the next day, and almost didn't get beaten by Heihuzi. Slap! …,

With a wild laugh, Lin Qi strode to the small table, sat down on the table, and then unceremoniously took the cigar out of the uncle's mouth, and stuffed it into the cigar with great skill. The corner of his mouth.

"Ah ha, Uncle Stinky Hands, I haven't seen you for more than three years. How are you? Where are my unlucky brothers? Why aren't they with you? Oops, your cigars still taste strong. I remember when I was eight years old, I smoked my first cigar, and you secretly stuffed it into me, Momo! When I was ten years old, I took my first sip of rum, and you secretly poured it into me!"

Tilting his head and glancing at the uncle with a distorted expression, Lin Qi sneered: "It seems that the first time I learned to chop people was when I was twelve years old. It was you who secretly caught an orc and asked me to chop him. He lost his head!"

Uncle Stinky Hand laughed a few times, sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "Okay, what do you want to say?"

Lin Qi patted his chest vigorously, and shouted proudly: "I did what happened at the gate of Lu Jun College, what happened! Give me a clear explanation!"

Uncle Stinky Hands sighed heavily, spread his hands, squinted his eyes and sneered: "Say fǎ? That is naturally the responsibility of Black Horse House. He is not strict with his subordinates. In any case, the imperial jun takes action against ordinary people. , must be severely punished!”

After a pause, the dirty uncle smiled bitterly and snatched his cigar from Lin Qi's mouth.

"By the way, can you please stop calling me Uncle Stinky Hands? My name is Stann, and I am also an Imperial General and Marquis Xi!"

"Huh? Huh?" Lin Qi almost fell off the table. . )