Radiant Era

Chapter 226: The military exercise opens


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A strong wind swept in from the southwest, and the strong wind with a strong smell of sea blew away the dark clouds in the sky. www!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!CoM

The sky that had not been seen for a long time suddenly appeared, and the sun spread all over the earth. The golden-red sunshine shines on the reddish clouds. The warm sunshine makes people feel happy. The heat of the sun nourishes the body and completely dispels the coldness of midwinter from the body.

The sky was slightly red, and the white clouds also had a hint of red. The legend is just a legend among folk tales spread secretly on the mainland. A long time ago, before the calendar of destruction, the sky was blue and the clouds were white. But as long as anyone dares to spread such folk tales, the church's stake is the final destination for his entire family.

So now very few people know about the existence of blue sky and white clouds. It is really such an ancient legend. If the Black Tiger family had not preserved some slate books and clay tablets left before the destruction of the calendar, Lin Qi would not have known about these strange things.

Light red sky, light red clouds. Lin Qi took a deep breath. There was a strange power in the sunshine, which came from the red sky and clouds. It is said that as long as their strength is high enough, as long as they can reach the level of a great knight, humans can fly into the sky for a short time.

There was once a great knight who flew into the sky with the help of fighting spirit. He saw an orange sky on top of the red sky, and a yellow sky on top of the orange sky. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, these are the layers of the sky that those great knights see. The strange thing is that the color of the fighting spirit cultivated by the warriors exactly corresponds to the color of the sky, so there is the saying that the nine colors and the nine layers of the sky are the same.

Lin Qi looked up at the sky, imagining how beautiful the purple sky high up in the sky would be, but the sound of armor clashing around him shattered his reverie. Enzo, who was wearing a set of soft rune armor and a thorn on his waist, was striding over. He pointed at a group of people on the dock and whispered: "His Royal Highness Latus and the others are here to see them off."

This is the exclusive royal dock in the Imperial Capital dock area. A large pond ten miles long and wide has been dug out manually. On weekdays, a squadron of the Imperial Navy is stationed here, protected by twelve main battleships and dozens of subsidiary battleships. To ensure the safety of the imperial capital’s waters. There are also three luxury passenger ships exclusively for the royal family stationed here all year round. The royal passenger ship, which is several times wider than the largest main battleship in the empire, looks like three hills floating in the distance.

The ship Lin Qi and the others were on was an imperial ministry-standard inland river and shallow-sea transport barge. This type of ship had a very shallow side, a shallow waterline, and an extremely wide and long deck. It was specially designed to transport soldiers in inland rivers and shallow seas. And used by military crows.

There are currently ten such special transport barges docked at the Royal Pier, with a large amount of military baggage piled on them, and thousands of soldiers standing neatly on the deck. This kind of barge is a hundred meters long and twenty meters wide. Each boat can easily transport thousands of soldiers and a large amount of supplies.

At the moment, there are three thousand elite Imperial Guardsmen on board, as well as three thousand fourth-year students from the Imperial Army Academy who participated in this actual combat exercise and the foreign aid they recruited, and hundreds of outstanding third-year students from the Army Academy who were allowed to visit and perform. accompanying. In addition, a task force composed of 300 elite Imperial Guardsmen occupied one barge alone, and a mercenary army composed of 500 orcs occupied another barge.

Because of Stein's proposal, the emperor also believed that the students of the Army Academy were able to break out into conflicts with ordinary citizens at the school gate. This represented that the younger generation of soldiers in the empire had forgotten their responsibilities and obligations, and what it means to be a real soldier. . So five hundred orcs were sent out, and the empire's senior officials wanted to use these orcs to give these future elite officers of the empire a good beating. It is because of the participation of these 500 orcs that the number of suicides allowed in this actual combat exercise has been increased to 30%. This means that the empire's top officials have allowed the death of 700 to 800 elite Army Academy students this time! …,

There is no doubt that this actual combat exercise is infinitely close to actual combat! Whether he returns from the training ground alive and with honor, or whether he lives in humiliation on the training ground, this is the time to see his true ability.

What's the point of being brave and fierce in the academy on weekdays? When a group of fully armed orcs appear in front of you, and you can chop these orcs into pieces with a sword, you are a truly qualified imperial elite! If you don't even have the courage to draw a sword in the face of an orc, then what qualifications do you have to wear that military uniform

Even Zuo Lin and others, who were hit with bricks by Lin Qi and suffered broken bones and tendons, returned to the team after recovering from their injuries! His Majesty the Emperor specially allocated a batch of secret medicine from the royal treasury, and restored these unlucky people to health in just one day! The personal information of these unlucky people was placed on the desk of His Majesty the Emperor, and the Emperor already knew them well!

The punishment orders from the Military Disciplinary Office of the Forbidden Forces still hang above their heads. If they can kill a considerable number of orcs in this actual combat exercise, then they can avoid the punishment from the Military Disciplinary Office! If they cannot complete the combat goals set by the Emperor and Stain for them, then their future will be bleak and they will never be able to raise their head in the Empire in this life.

It is said that the emperor once cursed in front of many high-ranking officials in the Palace of Victory: "These bastards, if they have the strength and courage to beat the people of the empire, then of course they can beat a group of orcs who are inferior to bastards! If these little bastards The bastards can't complete this actual combat exercise beautifully...their father and grandfather's fiefdoms should be considered to be reduced in part!"

His Majesty the Emperor was also an iron-blooded emperor who fought bloody battles on the battlefields of the mainland and island wars. When he opened his mouth to curse, his words were similar to those of a street gangster. Every time he uttered obscene words, it was when he was extremely angry.

When the word "bastard" spewed out from the noble mouth of His Majesty the Emperor, the empire's ministers knew that if Zuo Lin and this group of students could not fight beautifully in actual combat exercises, not only would their future be bleak, but their future would be bleak as well. The family is finished too! His Majesty the Emperor will definitely cut off a large piece of their family's fiefdom. If a noble family loses its fiefdom, is it still considered a noble

Therefore, Lin Qi could feel the vicious eyes of Hei Mahou and Zuo Lin's group on the adjacent barge. Hundreds of students stared at Lin Qi sisily, wishing to cut him into pieces.

Lin Qi pretended not to notice these unlucky people. He just leaned on the side of the ship and waved enthusiastically to Latus and Titian on the dock.

"Your Highness, we will definitely win this time. You must keep an eye on His Highness Maris and don't let him default on his debt!"

Already about to set off, Lin Qi was still thinking about the money he and Maris had bet against. Those are the gold coins he scraped together. If he wins, he will be a rich man even in the imperial capital! If he loses. . . Ah, how could Lin Qi lose

Latus laughed loudly. He stood on the dock and waved behind him. A beautiful girl wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a clean white dress walked up slowly and threw a handful of bloody thorn flowers, which symbolized victory, towards Lin Qi. This is a folk custom in the Western continent. When soldiers go to war, pure girls present bloody thorn flowers. This can bring good luck to the soldiers!

Lin Qi took the thorn flower and took a big sip. The scent of the thorn flower was very strange, the smell of a mixture of iron and blood. This smell was as strong as tobacco, and Lin Qi's spirit suddenly lifted.

Latus held the girl's little hand and laughed loudly at Lin Qi: "Lin Qi, this is my sister, the youngest and most beautiful little princess in the empire! If you can kill all the enemies and get first place, I will Introduce you to her!”

Lin Qi's eyes lit up, and he shouted subconsciously: "Your sister? Can you exchange it for gold coins? For example, if I win first place, will you give me 10 million gold coins?"

The crowded Royal Pier suddenly became silent, and everyone who came to see him off looked blankly.

Latus' sister, the youngest and most beautiful princess in the empire, Princess Frey, known as the flower of the empire, Latus personally introduced Lin Qi to her. What is the purpose of this? Even a pig can figure it out with his butt, right? But as for Lin Qi, he actually gave up this opportunity for ten million gold coins! Could it be that in his heart, the most beautiful and lovely princess in the empire, the noble Grand Duchess who was rewarded with half the province as a fief by His Majesty the Emperor when she was just born, is not worth ten million gold coins? …,

How much tax revenue does half the province earn in a year? If you can win the heart of His Highness Fleur, what is a mere ten million gold coins

What idiot would say such a thing

Latus's face turned gray. He looked at Lin Qi tremblingly and almost fainted.

The pretty face of Princess Fleur, who had just thrown the bloody thorn flower to Lin Qi in shame, turned red. She shouted angrily, and suddenly a strong green halo of fighting spirit appeared on her body. She grabbed Latus and Ti. Xiang, threw them heavily into the water. Then she pointed at Lin Qi fiercely, turned around and left angrily. Along the way, several aristocratic young men approached her and tried to disturb her, but they were beaten by her with three punches and two kicks until they vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with me?" Lin Qi looked at Enzo standing next to him blankly.

Enzo hurriedly took a few steps back, shook his head vigorously, and shouted loudly to the countless nobles and common people on the dock: "I don't know this guy. Really, I was just recruiting foreign aid at the market, and I accidentally recruited him. !I don’t know this guy!”

Many guards jumped into the water and rescued Latus and Titian in embarrassment at the pier. The two stared at Lin Qi with murderous eyes, howling at the top of their lungs: "Lin Qi, you bastard, we I've been killed by you! Bastard, is ten million gold coins worth one of Fleur's hairs?"

Lin Qi spread his hands. In his heart, a stunning beauty like Ya Heling could barely compete with 100 million gold coins, but Fleur, although she is also pretty, she can only compete with 10 million gold coins at most!

In the midst of this chaos, Stein, who was presiding over the actual combat drill, shouted loudly, and the barges started to move down the river.

The actual combat exercise has officially begun!

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