Radiant Era

Chapter 230: Baggage transport group


Today is Saturday, eight o'clock in the evening, 2935, let's all fool around together!

Fanlin was very depressed. wWw、QuanBeN-XiaoShuo、COm

At the Imperial Army Academy, he was also a well-known elite student. Fanlin, who was born in a family of knights and has a martial tradition in his family, has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He is already on the verge of becoming a knight at a young age. In the Army Academy, he is famous for his strong personal force. Even Enzo, the man of the hour in the Army Academy, You can't get any benefits from him.

Because of his strong personal force and his background in a knight family, Fanlin gathered a group of classmates who were also from martial arts families and formed a "Blood Sword Group" with a total of more than 200 people to participate in actual combat exercises. Through his family connections, he recruited ten low-level knights as foreign aid to the Blood Sword Group. This level of strength ranked among the top three among the dozens of groups composed of Army Academy students.

Fanlin really wanted to rely on his true ability to compete with famous figures in the academy such as Enzo and Dark Horse House. But Fanlin soon learned what it meant to be a cruel world, and what it means to be in a world where people can't help themselves.

Just before the drill, his father found him and ordered him to fully cooperate with the Knights of the Round Table in Black Horse House!

The so-called full cooperation means that the Blood Sword Regiment has become the baggage team of the Knights of the Round Table. Before the actual combat exercise, each team can choose their luggage from the Army Academy's warehouse, including armor, weapons, food, tents, etc. Under the orders of his father, Fanlin led his team members and selected a large amount of food from the warehouse, including a large amount of fresh meat and spirits, as well as blankets, felts and other living supplies, as well as a large number of arrows. arrow.

They didn't even carry any heavy weapons. Everyone only chose the lightest thin leather armor and carried the lightest foil sword. The Blood Sword Regiment turned into a complete logistics transport team, which made Fanlin and his team members so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

But the price offered by the big shot behind Black Horse House was so high that Fan Lin and others could not refuse. As long as they work hard to cooperate with Black Horse House to win, they will be given priority to be recruited into the elite troops of the Norman Battle Fort after graduation. In just two or three years of training, they can receive key training and rapid promotion in the army. .

There was no reason to refuse, nor the courage to refuse, so after Fanlin's Blood Sword Regiment landed on the isolated island battlefield, they found a small valley and set up camp. The tent was filled with fresh meat and spirits, a large number of blankets and felts, and a large number of arrows.

The logistical supplies carried by the Blood Sword Regiment were enough to allow the members of the Knights of the Round Table to spend ten days on the island living and drinking freely!

According to the normal load, other teams participating in the performance can carry up to three days of rations with them after carrying armor, weapons and other equipment. After three days, everyone will have to look for food on an isolated island. This is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing for the students of the Army Academy.

After all, the cadets at the Army Academy are not real battlefield veterans, and they have no experience in wilderness survival. If they were asked to look for food and drink on this isolated island, the possibility of vomiting and diarrhea from accidentally ingesting various poisonous weeds was more than ten times greater than the possibility of filling their stomachs.

With the Blood Swords trying their best to help carry these logistical supplies, the Knights of the Round Table had enough to eat and drink, and had enough tents to protect them from the wind and rain. They could also lie on warm felts and be covered with warm blankets. Live a happy life! Three days later, when the other teams had eaten up all the rations they had brought with them and were weakened because they could not get rations to replenish their combat power, the Knights of the Round Table gathered their strength to eat and drink enough. There was no doubt that they had a huge advantage.

Sacrifice the Blood Sword Regiment and become the Knights of the Round Table. This is the foreshadowing of Bea and Black Horse House's ambush against Lin Qi and Enzo.

"It's just that we can't expect any results in this actual combat drill!" Fan Lin angrily waved the small foil sword, which weighed only two kilograms, and chopped a branch in front of him to pieces. Even if Beya used his family's power to absorb Fanlin and the others into the Norman battle fort and become a member of the most elite regiment on the northern defense line of the empire, he did not achieve any outstanding results in the actual combat training before graduation. This will undoubtedly become Fanlin and the others. A huge stain on military records.

However, there is really no way!

The pressure conveyed by Bea through Fanlin's father was too great and the temptation given was too great. Fanlin and his team members were unable to resist. …,

"Damn it!" Fanlin sighed, stood up and kicked down a small bush in front of him.

A green spider the size of a palm suddenly jumped out of the small bush. Like a flexible flea, it jumped down his legs and onto his palm in three or five times. Before Fanlin could shake his hands to shake the spider away, the spider with a ferocious twisted human face pattern on its back had already bitten the back of his hand.

The pain was excruciating, and then half of Fanlin's arm suddenly became numb, and the foil sword held tightly in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

"Help!" Fanlin was completely confused. He didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing. The instructors at the Army Academy taught him what to do when encountering orc warriors in the wild, but the instructors never told him what to do if his hand was bitten by a poisonous spider in the wild.

He stood there blankly, howling at the top of his lungs.

More than a dozen members of the Blood Sword Regiment rushed out of the tent, and they hurriedly knocked the spider off Fanlin's hand. One of the team members had some experience in dealing with poisonous injuries, and I don't know where he learned it from - he slashed the back of Fan Lin's hand hard with his sword, cutting a very deep and huge wound.

The light green poisonous blood flowed down and soon turned into bright red plasma, and Fanlin's hand also regained consciousness. The venom of this poisonous spider is not strong, at least it is not fatal. After being bitten by it, you will be paralyzed for up to three to five days, but it will definitely not be fatal.

But the sword on Fanlin's hand almost chopped off his palm. When the numbness dissipated, Fanlin cried and jumped up holding the severely injured palm. He jumped eight feet high, and when he landed, he kicked his companion who was drawing the sword away.

"Asshole, my hand! My hand! My bones were cut off by you!" Two lines rolled down with enthusiasm, and Fanlin howled at the top of his lungs: "Medicine for wounds, give me medicine for wounds! Bandages!" , Bandage, who brought the bandage? Medicine for wounds, medicine for hemorrhage, hurry up!"

The members of the Blood Sword Regiment were all dumbfounded. They stayed where they were and didn't move!

They were just the logistics team of the Knights of the Round Table. They carried a large amount of meat and wine, and a large amount of arrows to supplement their consumption. But when they chose to become a logistics team, they gave up their identity as a team participating in actual combat exercises. Subconsciously, they never thought that they would fight with people!

So they didn't carry bandages, they didn't carry medicine for injuries, and they didn't carry various medicines to remove poisons and stop bleeding!

The blood was left in a gush. The sword strike just now was so powerful that Fan Lin's palm was almost chopped off. Several small blood vessels were cut open by the sword. The speed of the blood spurting was really not slow. Half of Fanlin's body was stained red with blood. He cried and looked at his companions: "Didn't anyone bring medicine? Then who can help me bandage the wound? What did the instructor say?"

What did the instructor say? A member of the Blood Sword team standing next to Fan Lin hurriedly swung his sword and cut a strip of his pants more than three feet long, and hurriedly wrapped the hastily bandaged around Fan Lin's palm.

The trousers were stained with dust and sweat. They had been stumbling around all day long, so the trousers were not considered clean. Sweat and dust irritated the wound, and Fanlin's eyes twitched in pain, and he almost cried.

Spitting heavily, Fanlin said angrily: "Find those bastards from Black Horse House tomorrow and hand over all the supplies to them. Then we send a signal to retreat! My hand must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise my hand will It’s gone!”

Before he finished speaking, the frightened screams of the members of the Blood Sword team came from everywhere.

Poisonous snakes, a large number of poisonous snakes are coming like a tide! Red venomous snakes, green venomous snakes, black venomous snakes, colorful venomous snakes, all kinds of venomous snakes snaked their way, slipped into their tent along the grass, and slipped beside them.

These venomous snakes opened their mouths diligently, stabbed their fangs fiercely into the calves of the Blood Sword team members, and gently injected a small portion of their venom into them. Barr controlled these venomous snakes very well. They did not spray out all the venom at once, but controlled the amount of venom injected very well.

It's not fatal, but it will definitely make you lose combat effectiveness very quickly! Moreover, after being bitten by poisonous snakes, the fighting will of these members of the Blood Sword Regiment almost collapsed. Dozens of team members who had been bitten by poisonous snakes fell to the ground crying and hissing, and some were so frightened that they even spat out urine.

The poisonous snakes are raging, but an even greater terror is coming.

A large number of red and green poisonous spiders fell from the surrounding treetops and landed lightly on these team members. These poisonous spiders jumped as lightly as fleas, leaving a deep mark on the bodies of these team members with their poisonous fangs.

Many team members fell to the ground crying, their bodies paralyzed by the venom.

Dozens of team members thought of the method their companions used to 'expel poison' for Fanlin. They drew their swords and bravely slashed at themselves or their companions. Their skills and tactics were very good, and every sword struck accurately on the wound bitten by a poisonous snake or poisonous spider.

Bloodletting is a very effective method to drive away poison. The only problem is that they swing their swords too hard.

The sword light flashed, and sad wounds appeared on the bodies of these Blood Sword team members. Dozens of team members cried and fell to the ground. Several people had their large blood vessels cut off by the sword, and the blood flowed like a fountain. A 'swishing' sound came out.

"Help!" Fanlin finally couldn't hold back the overwhelming terror, and he cried and shouted.

Go to the Knights of the Round Table, go to the Norman Battle Castle, and go to the promise of Bea and Black Horse House!

Whoever can save Fanlin and his companions now will agree to whatever they ask Fanlin to do!