Radiant Era

Chapter 235: Little Orc


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A small team of just over a hundred people launched an attack on five hundred powerful orcs in a field battle. wWW. QuAnBen-XIaoShuo. Com

In the study room of the Victory Palace, the emperor was so angry that he would have grabbed the instructor responsible for Enzo's daily teaching and beaten him severely if he hadn't been unable to find anyone for a while. This stupid behavior is not heroic, but foolish death!

The emperor was very arrogant, and even all the civil and military officials in the entire Gallic Empire were arrogant. They were as arrogant as a big rooster. But they all deeply understand that the individual combat power of the orcs far exceeds that of humans. If they don't have several times the force, confronting the orcs' majestic battle formation in the field is not arrogance, but death!

"Idiot!" The emperor stomped on the ground so hard that he broke several hard floor tiles.

Enzo, who was directing the team to move forward slowly, didn't know the emperor's evaluation of him. If he knew, he would definitely scream that he was wronged. There are only five hundred orcs, and the strongest among them is just a mid-level knight. Aunt Lily can completely destroy them all by herself! Enzo is not afraid of fighting these orcs in the wild, he just wants to take this opportunity to let his companions taste the taste of war!

War, the collision of male hormones, the mixture of iron and blood, the freaks shrouded in severe pain and death. Only by truly experiencing war can Enzo and his companions truly become the most elite soldiers of the empire. Enzo did not think that the collision with the students at the Army Academy was a war. Only a fierce confrontation with these orcs who were eager to go home was a war.

"Brothers, these stinking orcs want to go home!"

"They want to be free, and they want to go home with His Majesty's bounty!"

"Let us kill their hope! They want freedom, we give them death!"

Wielding the magic sword blessed with tearing and blast techniques, Enzo followed Lin Qi closely. He shouted loudly: "Those stinky, dirty, stupid orcs, they killed our relatives and plundered our property! Now they want to go home, want to go home to visit their stinky group The torture son, the stinking orc woman, and their damn stinking orc old immortality!”

The members of the Iron Fist group laughed. They clenched their weapons and shouted in unison.

"Kill them. Kill all the orcs!"

Even if these orcs fight for freedom. Even if they fight for their loved ones, no matter how noble their goals are in killing. In the eyes of the people of Enzo and these empires. All orcs are worthy of death—because they have killed too many people of the Empire, so they deserve to be damned!

Even orcs understand love, filial piety, and the preciousness of freedom! But the killing of war has nothing to do with all precious sentiments. War is war, war is killing, and war is a life-and-death collision between two races that cannot coexist.

"Bastards!" Enzo roared loudly: "Look here! Kill us, or be killed by us!"

The troops of the Iron Fist Regiment stopped at the foot of the hillside, and the long-stalkers clenched their spears. The arms gathered strength, preparing for the orc's impact. The swordsmen clutched their shields and machetes, preparing to face the orcs' arrows. Thirty archers held long bows and arrows tightly, staring at the ferocious faces of the orcs hundreds of meters away.

On the hillside are a crossbow and two small trebuchets. Thirty pure steel crossbow arrows were mounted on the crossbow, and the two small trebuchets that Lin Qi had just assembled were filled with sharp-edged stones. From a high position, he used the power of machinery to throw these fist-sized stones, which not only covered a huge area, but also had extraordinary lethality.

The orcs silently killed all the members of the Red Rose Knights one by one, and it only took them a few breaths.

Then they organized their team, and the orcs who had been injured by the crossbows got up one after another. Some orcs only suffered arrow wounds on their arms and thighs. Their bodies were strong and brave, and this injury did not affect their combat effectiveness at all. There were also seven or eight unlucky orcs whose chests were pierced by crossbow arrows. They fell to the ground and gasped, with bloody foam constantly spurting out of their mouths. …,

The leader of the orcs, the tauren, walked up to the orcs whose lungs were injured, and sang an orc spiritual song in a low voice. All the orcs echoed the tauren's melody and hummed this sad and weeping tune in a low voice.

The leopard men armed with machetes came forward. They knelt beside the injured orcs, whispered a few prayers, and then slit their throats with their knives. The orcs, who lack medical treatment and medicine, are not in a position to treat these chest-wounded companions. Rather than letting them continue to suffer, it is better to let them be liberated and return to heaven and earth. This is the most simple outlook on life of the orcs!

"You killed our brothers!" The tauren raised the big ax in his hand.

"I promised my brothers that this time, I will take them home!" The tauren roared angrily: "But you killed our brothers! So, you must die! Use your blood , your flesh, your soul, I will use all of you to sacrifice to my brothers, so that their souls can rest in peace!"

Lin Qi, who was wearing heavy armor, laughed carelessly, and he raised his fingers at the tauren: "You are a man, so don't talk nonsense, come here, let your uncle Lin Qi chop you with a hundred axes! Tsk, it's a pity that you are so old. Too old, otherwise your skin will be very valuable!"

Orc skins are very popular goods in the Western Continent, especially those races that are famous for their lush hair, such as tiger men and leopard men. Their leathers are rare items that are hard to exchange for gold. It's a pity that the orcs in front of him have worked as coolies in the dark prisons of the mines for decades, and their hair has long been withered and dull. Lin Qi really looks down on these dull furs.

But Lin Qi's words successfully aroused the anger of all the orcs!

Orcs like to make human heads into wine glasses, and humans also like to make orc fur into clothing. The contradiction between the two cannot be reconciled. When the orcs heard Lin Qi's words, they seemed to see the tragic situation of their own cubs being skinned alive by the human plundering team. They roared angrily, took long strides and rushed towards the Iron Fist team.

The strongest tauren charged at the front. His speed was more than twice as fast as his companions behind him. In just a few breaths, he rushed hundreds of meters away, leaving his companions behind. More than two hundred meters.

In the study room of the Victory Palace, all the empire's top officials sighed at the same time. The Iron Fist Regiment was finished, and the rookies at the Army Academy would not be able to survive the orcs' attack. The emperor stomped his feet and cursed the officials of the Army Academy.

Amidst the sighs and curses of everyone, Lin Qi howled and rushed out. He raised the big ax in his hand, shouted and rushed towards the tauren who was charging at the front. Under the astonished gazes of hundreds of important ministers and dignitaries in the Victory Palace, Lin Qi swung his ax and struck hard with the running tauren.

"This kid is crazy! He is dead!" the emperor roared angrily.

Sparks flew everywhere, and Lin Qi's terrifying brute force broke out, completely suppressing the tauren on the opposite side. A bright black light swayed from his axe, and the Tauren's steel-forged battle ax shattered into pieces. Lin Qi's ax swept past, and the Minotaur's three-meter-high body was cut off by Lin Qi's axe. A large amount of blood was swept away for more than ten meters, but the minotaur's lower body continued to run forward for a few steps before falling heavily to the ground.

"Hell!" All the military ministers in the study room of Victory Palace exclaimed, and the emperor of the empire was already shouting with a smile on his face.

The bed crossbow on the hillside was fired with a bang, and thirty pure steel crossbow arrows were fired into the queue of orcs who were rushing towards them. Immediately, dozens of orcs were hit by arrows and fell to the ground. More than two hundred orcs behind them were knocked down by their companions. The body beneath him stumbled, and the orc battle formation immediately became chaotic.

With two loud bangs, two small trebuchets threw out nearly a hundred pieces of fist-sized gravel. The powerful force of the machine gave these gravels an extremely terrifying speed, and the gravels were projected down from the hillside. Every stone had the lethality to kill a cow.

The rubble fell, and another large piece of the orc army fell. The entire orc array suddenly became chaotic and no longer looked like the solemn scene it had just been.

The fifty Leopard Man Sword and Shieldmen who were at the end rushed forward from both wings to guard against the Iron Fist group's attack. …,

Enzo had already followed Lin Qi and rushed in front of these leopard men. He raised his bayonet and shouted: "Arrow!"

Thirty archers drew their bows and shot arrows at the same time. The special longbow's shooting range reached an astonishing two hundred steps. Within a distance of fifty meters, the half-foot-long triangular arrowhead produced by Hell Hammer had the lethality to penetrate heavy armor. In just a few breaths, each archer tried his best to shoot fifteen to twenty arrows. Then they dropped their bows and arrows at the same time and pulled out the machetes from their waists.

More than five hundred long arrows fell like raindrops, causing a more fatal blow to the chaotic orc battle formation. At least fifty orcs were pierced by three to five projectile arrows. The three-sided arrows made by the dwarves had deep and long blood grooves. The blood was constantly spurting out from the orcs' bodies and was quickly taken away. took their lives.

Lin Qi rushed in front of the leopard men. He swung his ax and swept away the three leopard men who rushed up with bucklers more than ten meters away.

Enzo's eyes flashed with a bloodthirsty red light. He drew his sword continuously without saying a word, and the stabbing sword swayed in the air with a dazzling cyan halo.

The stabbing sword blessed with the tearing technique easily tore through the shields of the leopard men and stabbed them into their throats. Each sword tore a hole the size of a bowl in their throats, and the leopard men fell to the ground howling miserably.

The long gunmen rushed forward, and they uniformly thrust out the spears in their hands with all their strength. Dozens of spears were thrust out, and a dozen more leopard men were stabbed to the ground.

The orcs were beaten so dizzy that their formation seemed to be in disintegration.


Yesterday, a rice dumpling made the pig's head feel sour, and the glutinous rice food still couldn't be tolerated!

Please comfort me! . )