Radiant Era

Chapter 236: Heavy damage to the orcs


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The sound of crossbows piercing the air could be heard, and large shadows poured down. WwW. qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo. cO

The bed crossbow fired again, and the small trebuchet happily sprayed out large rocks. The orc brigade was beaten by arrows and stones. Even though they were rough-skinned orcs, thirty years of hard labor in the mines had worn away too much of their energy. The orcs now only rely on their vigor to fight. When this vigor is wiped out, they will no longer be orcs.

Lin Qi swung his ax and chopped a Leopard Man who was coming towards him into two neat pieces. Blood spattered, and a predator next to Lin Qi was approached by a leopard man. The opponent's machete hit him hard. Lin Qi roared, and he punched the leopard man, almost driving his nose into his head.

The hunter who had been taught how to use swordsman threw away his spear, pulled out his sword and slashed across the sword. The Leopard Man, who was knocked unconscious by Lin Qi, howled miserably and had one of his arms cut off. The knife that slashed the leopard man only barely split open the leather armor on the man's body, and the blade barely penetrated half an inch of the flesh, and did not cause too serious damage. The leather armor produced by Hell Hammer does have quite strong defensive power. With Enzo and Lin Qi as the core, the members of the Iron Fist Group formed a neat team, like a rock facing the Leopards' attack.

Their weapons are sophisticated, and their armor is extremely defensive. The Leopard Men's shields cannot stop their spears and slashes, and the Leopard Men's tattered leather armor that is at least decades old cannot stop their attacks.

The Leopard people's machetes also curled up on the heavy armor of Lin Qi, Enzo and others because of many times. In the end, their machetes almost turned into a piece of scrap metal. The Leopard people let out a shrill howl. He dropped the machete, swung out his sharp claws, opened his big mouth to reveal his sharp fangs, and rushed towards Lin Qi and the others fiercely.

But how can the natural claws tear through the finely crafted armor

A long arrow was shot from behind. Just as the last leopard man opened his mouth and roared, the long arrow accurately shot into his mouth. A half-foot-long three-edged arrow shot out from the back of the Leopard Man's head, and brains and blood spurted all over the floor.

Lin Qi glanced back. Leo, who was wearing heavy armor, was holding a long bow and gave Lin Qi a thumbs up with a smile.

Lin Qi laughed a few times. He swung his battle ax and chopped off the head of the Leopard Man with an arrow in his mouth. Another wave of rocks fell, and dozens of orcs who rushed forward were hit by the stones with broken bones and tendons. Only a few dozen orcs barely rushed to the front of Lin Qi and others' queue. Even among the twenty orcs, everyone was injured and covered in blood.

A tough pig-headed man's body was covered with arrows. He howled and spurted white saliva from his mouth. He swung his huge tower shield and smashed it down on Lin Qi's head. This was the last blow of this pig-headed man. He had at least fifteen pure steel crossbow arrows on his body. This was the damage caused to him by the continuous firing of crossbows. His life had actually ended long ago. He just relied on a breath of resentment to Lin Lin. Qi launched the final blow. But Aunt Lily appeared next to Lin Qi like an iron tower. She punched hard, and the pig-headed man's tower shield and his body exploded at the same time. As if being hit head-on by a magic whale hunting harpoon, the pig-headed man's huge body and heavy tower shield exploded at the same time, breaking into countless tiny fragments.

Aunt Lily, hehe, smiled, she took a few steps back, tilted her head and looked curiously at the orcs who were charging towards them in disorder. Barr and the subordinates of the Black Tiger Family are standing behind the Iron Fist Group. Unless Lin Qi and Enzo's formation is disrupted by the orcs, they will not take action. …,

Although the attack of fifty Leopard Men was defeated under the leadership of Lin Qi and Enzo, except for Lin Qi, Enzo and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood, they were all wearing heavy armor and perfectly withstood the Leopard Men's attack. The members of the Iron Fist team were all wearing soft armor. These leather armors could not completely isolate the Leopard Man from slashing. All the members of the Iron Fist Team were injured, and some of them had several deep wounds on their bodies. But after all, it was a fine leather armor produced by Hell Hammer. Although these injuries were scary, they were not life-threatening. On the contrary, after the brief conflict just now, the members of the Iron Fist Group all had a faint evil spirit on their bodies - a kind of evil spirit that only comes after killing and being killed by others.

A certain emperor in the history of the Loud Voice Empire once said this: If ten million soldiers are thrown into the battlefield, half of them will die in the first year, and half will die in the second year. After three years, those lucky ones who are lucky enough to survive will , they are the most elite veterans! The rookie officers of the Hammer Regiment are embarking on the road to becoming an elite soldier through bloody killings.

"Die, human bastard!" Dozens of pig-headed men holding tower shields finally rushed to a place less than fifty meters away from Lin Qi and others, despite the blast of arrows and rocks. Behind them were monkey-headed men holding spears, with a total number of around 150 people. If this wave of people rushes forward, the Iron Fist team is likely to collapse. But at this time, the crossbow and trebuchet were fired again.

This time, no ordinary crossbow arrows were used, and no large-scale crushed stones were used. The members of the Iron Fist regiment who stayed on the hillside to control the three weapons replaced the ammunition that should be used for the bed crossbow and trebuchet.

Three crossbow arrows with arms thick and two meters long passed over the heads of Lin Qi and others with a strange whistling sound, and inserted diagonally into the orcs' team. The three-handled tower shield shattered, and the three pig-headed men howled miserably and were shot through by crossbow arrows. The crossbow arrows continued to fire backwards, and along the way, a dozen monkey-headed men howled miserably as their bodies were torn apart by the crossbow arrows.

The large crossbow arrows fired by the three bed crossbows tore open three bloody alleys in the orc charging team. At the same time, two stone bullets the size of a human head, shining with a faint red light, roared and fell from the sky. The magic bullets for the small trebuchet forged by Hell's Hammer, each magic bullet is equivalent to the lethality of a mid-level fire magic. The two small trebuchets were extremely sophisticated, and the members of the Iron Fist Regiment responsible for controlling the two trebuchets were also very lucky. The two stone bullets hit the center of the orcs' charging array.

There was a loud noise, two stone bombs exploded, and red fire covered an area of more than ten meters. Dozens of pig-headed and monkey-headed men were swept in by the fire. The heat wave rolled and spread in all directions, and the orcs who were caught in the red light disappeared without a trace, leaving only some broken flesh and blood flying around. The other orcs were swept away by the air waves, and their charging array immediately collapsed.

Enzo waved his sword and shouted an order, and the members of the Iron Fist formed a neat line and rushed forward, killing the orcs who were blown away one by one. The spears stabbed and the swords slashed randomly. In the blink of an eye, dozens of orcs whose bones were softened by the blast were killed by the swords.

In the study room of the Victory Palace, the emperor and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were silent for a long time.

After a long time, the emperor touched his bare scalp and asked in a deep voice: "Who can tell me why this and siege equipment appeared in the actual combat drills at the Army Academy? Bed crossbow... Forget it; small. Trebuchet.

. . I can accept that too! But magic bullets, who can tell me why magic bullets appeared in the actual combat exercises of a group of rookie officers? "

The emperor stared at the Minister of Military Affairs: "Does it mean that the funds of the military department are too sufficient, so the warehouse of the Army Academy still has these things?" Spreading his hands, the emperor sneered sarcastically: "Morning Knowing that there will be students participating in the drill using trebuchets and magic bullets, I should have set the death rate for this actual combat drill to 90%! With one bomb, the status knights were all shattered to pieces, so what else is there to practice?”…,

The Minister of Military Affairs looked extremely embarrassed. He squinted and stared at the shaking scene in the crystal ball for a long time, and then hesitantly looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty, this is not an imperial trebuchet. . And the armor on their bodies, you see, the hammer badge burned by the flames, that is the inscription of the Hell Hammer, these students purchased these war instruments themselves!"

The emperor's mouth opened wide. He was stunned for a long time, and then he looked at the Minister of the Interior: "So, who can tell me how much these armors and war instruments produced by Hell Hammer cost? The students of the current Army Academy are all Are they a nouveau riche? Huh? They actually have magic weapons. Look at the ax in the hand of the fat boy and the tattoo on the hand of the reserve major. They are actually equipped with magic weapons!"

No one said anything in the study room. The students paid for their own weapons to participate in the actual combat drills. This did not seem to be against the rules!

The only thing that is unacceptable is that Lin Qi actually bought a bed crossbow and a trebuchet. Even if he bought a trebuchet, he was actually equipped with magic bullets! Damn it, how many times can the camp garrisoned by three hundred elite garrison troops withstand the bombardment of magic bullets

Unexpectedly, the emperor suddenly laughed: "Is this team the Iron Fist? Send all their information! Hey, they have joined the army, so naturally these equipments belong to the military, right? If nothing else, just These two trebuchets produced by Hell Hammer are not equipped by ordinary local garrison troops with ten thousand people, right? They also prepare their own rune heavy armor, how much military expenses does this save?!"

Lin Qi and Enzo didn't know that an emperor had already begun to plan for their equipment. The trebuchets were fired again and again, and the twenty-four magic bullets completely wiped out the orcs' incomplete military formation.

Except for more than a hundred seriously injured orcs who escaped in embarrassment, all other orcs were killed by the Iron Fist group.

The Iron Fist group, which already had a faint aura of eliteness, began to clean up the battlefield without any chaos. They collected the certificates of all the students of the Iron Cavalry and the Knights of the Red Rose and gave them to Enzo, and then they chopped off the heads of all the orcs.

A fireball was launched into the sky to summon the Forbidden Army soldiers to inspect the battlefield, and Lin Qi and others quickly left the place. . )