Radiant Era

Chapter 238: Extremely shocked


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There is a small patch of black tulips in the back garden of the Victory Palace, which is a specialty of the Harlan Empire. Www!QUanbEn-xIAoShUo!comBlack tulip is an extremely rare variant of tulip. It is extremely precious. The floral fragrance can help people sleep, and the rhizome is an essential ingredient in some secret medicines.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Gallic Empire was wearing plain clothes and was taking advantage of the setting sun at dusk to carefully cut off the scars on the leaves of a black tulip with a pair of silver scissors. He frowned and carefully handled the flower, as carefully and conscientiously as he had given it to his old lover, Her Majesty the Queen of the Harlan Empire, when he was young.

Every time he saw this field of black tulips, the emperor would think of his old lover. This small piece of precious flower field was also a national gift from the Haran Empire to the Gallic Empire. Of course, only the emperor knows the affection contained in it.

Sighing softly, he slowly straightened up, threw the silver scissors to the palace steward who was waiting on the side, and the emperor slowly walked into the study.

"The battle this morning was good. Let me tell Stan that the boy named Enzo is on the list of key training candidates. Although he has the advantage of weapons and armor, he can kill so many orcs with so few people. This boy His ability is pretty good!”

"But remember to send someone to investigate clearly the source of the funds they used to purchase weapons and armor. If the money has something to do with my bastard children and grandchildren, we can't let him climb too high. If he raised the money himself, For example, if it’s the foreign aid he called, that little guy named Lin Qi’s money, then it will be handled according to the army’s promotion rules!”

"Lin Qi, Lin Qi!" The emperor frowned and whispered to himself: "Dun'erke? Lin Qi? Hey, this name seems interesting!"

"Moreover, he has black hair, black eyes, yellow skin, and pure oriental blood! Harvey, I seem to remember that there was such a boy in Dunerki, right? Huh? Back then, I wanted to reward him with a hereditary title, but he was rejected. That kid? Is he also the one with black eyes and black hair? "

The white-haired palace chief steward smiled as he showed his age. He slowly wiped off the juice on the silver scissors with a white silk scarf, nodded slowly and smiled: "Yes. Your Majesty. Back then, you took us secretly to inspect the northern front line, but we were surrounded by orcs. It was the young man named Lin Hu who saved us."

"Oh? Is it him?" The emperor stopped: "Is Lin Qi his child? By the way. Both father and son are very tall!"

Harvey nodded and said slowly: "The student files just transferred from the Fifth University show that Lin Qi's father is indeed called Lin Hu, and his family is very powerful and wealthy in Dunerke. Lin Hu has just taken over the position of mayor of Dunerq!"

The emperor smiled and waved his hand vigorously: "Then there is no need to check anything more, Lin Hu, Lin Hu. Is he unwilling to be lonely when he gets old? Mayor Dunerqi? He couldn't imagine that if He accepted my reward, and now he is the chief executive of the province of Assen. At worst, he can serve as the governor of a province as a noble."

Shaking his head, the emperor smiled meaningfully: "Go to the Fifth University to investigate Lin Qi's personality and personal abilities! As long as this kid is not too unbearable, let the Ministry of Interior put him on the reserve list. Go and ask Kou En said, "Look at Lin Qi's character. Tell Kou En, if Lin Qi is good, teach him his tricks, hahaha!"...,

Harvey smiled and nodded, stuffing the silver scissors into his pocket.

In the study, the twelve palace chefs have been replaced, and a simple dinner has been placed on the desk in front of the throne. The emperor sat on the throne, eating and drinking, and waving his hands.

The actual combat drills at the Army Academy did not interest the emperor at all, who had experienced hundreds of battles and had fought against an army of millions of orcs. But in the morning, Enzo commanded the Iron Fist Regiment to defeat 500 orc mercenaries in one fell swoop. This made the emperor's interest suddenly so high that he even chose the study place for dinner.

A dazzling light burst out from the crystal ball, and the situation on the isolated island battlefield was immediately vivid.

Lin Qi and Enzo were arranging their equipment in the camp. After a battle in the morning, some soft armor was damaged, some swords were also damaged to varying degrees, some arrows were shot on rocks, and the arrows needed to be re-grinded. Most of the team members were also injured, and some of them were not seriously injured - they were hit with blunt objects by the violent orcs, and their internal organs were somewhat concussed.

So Lin Qi and the others didn't go anywhere for the whole day. They just rested and recuperated in the camp.

The injured team members were all lying down and resting comfortably in the tent. Barr and Leo took people to the woods to pick a large number of herbs and were brewing concoction to treat their injuries. Those who were not injured were cutting down trees and setting up various defensive facilities outside the camp.

With the help of Lin Qi, these team members even dug a two-meter-wide ditch around the camp and introduced live water from the nearby creek into the ditch. Through the flowing river water, you can see that the water is filled with densely packed sharp wooden stakes. The defense of this camp has been improved by several levels.

Moreover, you can see with the naked eye that some long grass near the camp is sloping in a wrong direction. Apparently, traps have been placed under the long grass. There were also some things like horses and nooses hidden in the long grass, surrounding the barracks airtightly.

While chewing the food, the emperor nodded with satisfaction and praised: "It's not bad. It's pretty good that a group of rookies can do this. This Enzo, check his family background. I hope his background is clean, as long as he doesn't If you are close to those big nobles, then use him!"

Harvey nodded in response and slowly poured a glass of fresh milk into the emperor's cup.

Seeing that there was nothing new in Lin Qi's camp, the emperor ordered the mages to turn their attention to the camps of other teams. First, he saw the defeated orcs gathering in a small valley. They didn't know which team they attacked. These orcs were actually tearing apart some broken human body fragments to feed themselves.

The emperor's face darkened, and the good mood brought to him by Enzo and Lin Qi's outstanding performance in the morning quickly disappeared without a trace. With a cold snort, the emperor ordered in a low voice: "Let Stan warn those dolls that this is war. If they don't want to be used as food by the orcs, then cheer up and use all the things they learned at the Army Academy. "

With a heavy sigh, the emperor dropped his knife and fork and stared at the ceiling with white eyes.

"There has been no war for thirty years. Could it be that the empire's soldiers have degraded so quickly? Look at these little rookies. They are all from military aristocrats, but look at their performance. Even the militiamen during the mainland and island wars can't compare. ! What on earth did they learn at the Army Academy? Fighting? Fighting? Drinking? Playing with women? Apart from these?"

The emperor suddenly turned to look at Harvey: "What proportion of the aristocratic students in the Army Academy are they now?"

Harvey's face twitched, and he smiled in a low voice: "Most of the military academies in various provinces are civilian students. But among the students in the Imperial Army Academy and Naval Academy, there are more than a hundred students from aristocratic backgrounds. Eighty points. Your Majesty, after all, compared to civilian students, these children of military aristocratic families have an innate advantage."…,

The emperor's face twisted into a frown: "But I don't want them to take this advantage."

The fierce emperor slapped his hand on the table, and he shouted loudly: "Look, my crown and my seal were snatched away in my palace and in my study. ! Look, look, no one knows who stole my treasure, and there is no clue at all until now! Was this kind of thing conceivable thirty years ago? "

Touching his neck hard, the emperor complained: "If it were thirty years ago, would those strong orcs be able to rush into my palace and chop off my head? Harvey, what do you think? Thirty Years have passed, and the empire has become ten times, a hundred times stronger than before. The empire’s army has not been reduced, but has been upgraded in terms of equipment and military pay. But why can’t my personal property be safely protected?”

Harvey sighed. He looked at the emperor and whispered: "Your Majesty, it has been thirty years. The current empire is too rich."

The emperor twisted his body angrily, his butt rubbing against the throne, making a crunching sound. He said to himself depressedly: "Yes, they are too rich and comfortable. They have forgotten that the empire is actually not safe! But how can we remind them? We take the initiative to provoke a new round of land war. Island war?”

Raising his eyebrows, the emperor laughed evilly: "Or, I'll go and kill a certain divine descendant of the church!"

The emperor stood up excitedly: "If it's a male god, I'll kill him with one sword; if it's a female god, I'll kill her! And then start a religious war with the church? Harvey, what do you think of me? What’s your idea?”

Harvey rolled his eyes and remained silent. He really had nothing to say to the whimsical emperor.

At this moment, a shocking picture appeared in the light curtain ejected from the crystal ball.

More than a dozen demonic beasts were howling and chasing a group of students who were fleeing in panic. As these students were running away, they were still pulling up the long grass around them and tearing off the leaves from the branches. Swallow it into your mouth.

The emperor was dumbfounded, and Harvey was also dumbfounded. The twelve palace wizards could not control their magic output, and the light curtain in the crystal ball flickered violently.

Everyone was extremely shocked to see these students running wildly while pulling grass to eat. They were eating so happily that green grass juice dripped from the corners of their mouths. They were still eating hard!

Especially Black Horse House, who was escaping at the front. The emperor watched helplessly as he ate up two pockets of roughly ten kilograms of grass! It took him less than five breaths to eat more than ten kilograms of grass.

"Go and ask Stan to find out what's going on!"

The emperor was extremely angry, and he roared angrily:

"Ask the people in charge of the Army Academy whether they are training a group of future officers for the empire or a group of donkeys!" )