Radiant Era

Chapter 241: Viper Squad


Lin Qi slowly chased Arthur and his party with a big axe. He wanted to find a more private place to send Arthur to death. WWw. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. Com After all, Arthur is Lin Qi's brother in name, so it is the responsibility of a 'younger brother' to find a feng shui treasure land for his 'brother'.

"There is a tradition in the East that burying one's ancestors in a geomantic treasure land can bless one's descendants with prosperity."

Lin Qi smiled and shouted loudly as he walked: "Arthur, I will find you a good place. But, you don't have children yet, right?"

A malicious sarcasm flashed through Arthur's single eye as he was running ahead. He turned around, chewing the leaves he picked from the branches, and cursed loudly: "Lin Qi, you are the one who is going to die! Ha, ha. , Ha, how could you kill me? I am a person blessed by the gods! You don’t understand anything at all, you don’t understand anything, what qualifications do you have to fight me? "

With a wild laugh, Arthur laughed viciously: "I want to kill... No, I won't kill you, I want you to fall into endless despair, I want you to never see the light of day for the rest of your life, I want to Let you endure the most terrible torture in the world, I will squeeze out the last bit of your life in despair, I will make your life worse than death!"

With a weird smile, Arthur spit out a mouthful of green saliva, frowned and stuffed a large handful of leaves into his mouth.

Lin Qi just smiled and chased after Arthur disapprovingly. The Earth King Kong in front was very dedicated to chasing Arthur. This huge guy opened a clear passage in the woods. Lin Qi followed this avenue and didn't have to worry about losing Arthur.

While Lin Qi was chasing Arthur, a barge slowly sailed across the lake a few miles away from the isolated island battlefield.

Two small boats that were responsible for patrolling the surrounding area to prevent anyone from sabotaging the actual combat drill quickly approached the barge and signaled them to leave the waters immediately. Otherwise, they would be regarded as maliciously provoking the Imperial Army and would be ruthlessly attacked by the Imperial Army. .

The barge flying the flag of the Caesar Empire, the neighbor of the Gallic Empire, did not dare to neglect and hurriedly drove away at maximum speed. The two patrol boats circled the area and found nothing unusual, so they slowly returned to the waters near the island.

Shortly after the barge carrying the flag of the Caesar Empire left, several dark human heads emerged from the water in a small inlet on the isolated island. They looked around cautiously for a while, and then very quickly and without making any sound, they broke through the lake water and boarded the shore.

These people were wearing close-fitting black leather clothes. This layer of black leather clothes tightly adhered to their bodies like a second layer of skin, clearly exposing every muscle outline on their bodies. This layer of leather coat wraps their heads. Except for two small ventilation holes near their nostrils, their eyes are also covered by a layer of black crystal pieces.

The lake water quickly slipped off their leather jackets, leaving not even a drop of water on them.

Several people quietly occupied several small highlands on the shore that were both offensive and defensive. Then one of them raised a small piece of white crystal and injected a trace of fighting spirit into the crystal. The small crystal gave off a faint ray of light, and then dozens of black heads quickly appeared on the water of the small inlet.

More than two men, also wearing tight leather jackets and carrying a large leather bag on their backs, quickly came ashore. They also didn't make any sound and quickly ran into the woods on the shore. Several men on the high ground looked around cautiously, then followed these people into the woods.

There were a total of sixty men in black. They ran quickly through the woods under the dim starlight. Their speed was as fast as a breeze, but they made very little sound. Occasionally they stepped on dead branches, and occasionally they touched branches, but they only made a very small sound. …,

In less than half an hour, they followed some secret signs and arrived at the camp of the Knights of the Round Table.

What kind of camp did Danshi appear in front of them? It was as if a group of ogres had held a feast here! The ground was full of messy stumps and broken arms, and strange vomit was everywhere, and the grass on the ground and the leaves on the trees had all been pulled clean.

The corpses of the two fanged wolves fell to the ground. Only a small half of Danshi's corpse was left, and the remaining half of the corpse must have been devoured. In addition, the half-hearted fire lion's head was hanging sideways on a fence. This fire lion must have been jointly attacked by some people and monsters, so it died tragically before it could even cast a single innate magic. The group attacked.

All the tents were trampled to pieces, and some swords and other weapons were scattered randomly in the camp.

It seemed that the riot happened in an instant. Some kind of strange riot happened in an instant, leaving no one with time to react. It was like a magic bullet suddenly exploded among a group of piglets. All the piglets were either killed or frightened and fled in panic. That was the effect.

The man in black quickly searched the camp for a while, and then gathered in front of a man with three extremely thin golden threads embroidered on his shoulders. In just a dozen breaths, these men in black roughly analyzed what happened here from the traces left in the camp.

The Warcraft mounts suddenly rioted, causing the Knights of the Round Table to collapse. Judging from the situation, more than 400 people rushed out of the barracks alive and fled in all directions. Why the Danshi Warcraft suddenly rioted, and why the Knights of the Round Table failed to organize effective resistance are all unknown.

The man in black with three golden lines on his shoulders snorted coldly: "These losers are really unreliable. No matter what, our mission must be completed. Find the gang called the Iron Fist Group and kill them."

As soon as he finished speaking, a low buzzing sound came from the waist of the man in black. He quickly took out a magic emblem the size of a baby's palm from his belt. The emblem was emitting a faint red light, and a hot breath was spreading.

"The golden-eyed griffins raised by the court mage are approaching. This magic emblem can only hide us from their sight for a quarter of an hour!"

"Prepare the sniper crossbow!" The man in black waved his hand, and immediately seven men in black beside him put down the leather bags on their backs, took out a large number of parts from them, and assembled seven in just two breaths. A sniper crossbow with a weird shape and extremely long arms.

Carefully placing an extremely slender crossbow arrow with an extremely sharp arrow on the bowstring, the seven men in black spread out in all directions and raised the sniper crossbow at the same time. There was a tiny black dot flying slowly high in the sky. They took aim briefly, and then pulled the triggers at the same time.

At the sound of "ssssssssssss", seven unusually long and slender sniper crossbows tore through the air like poisonous snakes and quickly jumped into the sky. The black spot suddenly stagnated, and then slowly fell to the ground. After a long time, I saw that it was a monster with the body of a griffin and the head of a griffon, as big as a bull, with a pair of huge wings that were twenty meters wide on its back.

On the back of the monster, a magic circle with a diameter of about 10 meters was shining brightly. Seven sniper crossbows hit the magic circle almost at the same time. The destroyed magic circle was rapidly dimming. The body of this unlucky griffon was gently pulled out, and the life quickly left its body.

The man in black holding a sniper crossbow stepped forward, pulled out seven crossbow arrows from the griffin's body, then drew out his long sword and slashed hundreds of swords at the griffin's body, completely destroying the wound marks, and then A sword chopped off the gryphon's head.

The man in black snorted, waved his hand vigorously, and left the camp with his subordinates. …,

"We are Vipers, the most elite team under His Highness. We can destroy our enemies without the cooperation of those losers. Remember, find them as quickly as possible, kill them, and leave here immediately."

"This operation is not allowed to fail, and no trace is allowed to be leaked. Do you understand?"

A low sound of promise sounded, and this group of strange warriors dressed in black quickly disappeared into the vast night.

The sound of hissing sounded again, and another golden-eyed gryphon hovering in the sky was killed by a sniper crossbow, and then another one, and another one.

In just one meal, all the nine golden-eyed griffins sent by the court mages over the island were killed.

In the study room of Shengli Palace, he saw that the crystal ball in front of him suddenly became turbid, and the emperor's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Golden-eyed griffons are special magical beasts raised by the royal family. They are huge in body and have extremely strong ability to stay in the air. They can hover at high altitudes for several days. In order to monitor the isolated island battlefield, their hovering height is generally maintained at 800 meters above the ground.

To be able to accurately kill the golden-eyed griffin with astonishing defense at such a height, those people not only used powerful magic crossbows, but the ones who used these crossbows were definitely top-notch military elites.

Among the more than one million regular troops in the entire Gallic Empire, there are no more than five armies with this kind of long-range sniper capability, and the total number is only more than a thousand.

"Harvey, go and find out who is so bold!" There was an inexplicable evil look on the emperor's face! This is a naked slap in his face!

On the isolated island, Enzo and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood handed over Black Horse House and others to the Forbidden Army who had emergency support. Of course, the documents of all the students of the Knights of the Round Table were confiscated by Enzo. This was evidence of scoring after the actual combat exercise. He could Can't let it go.

The officer leading the Forbidden Army looked at these Knights of the Round Table students who were eating crazily with a headache. He had no way to solve this weird problem, so he could only ask Stein for help. How could this man be so hungry? So hungry that you even eat grass

Quickly breaking up with the soldiers of the Forbidden Army, Enzo followed the traces left by Lin Qi with the Seven Swordsmen in Blood Clothes.

He has completed what an emperor should do, and now he has to do what a brother should do.

He is going to help Lin Qi kill Enzo. This is what a brother should do!

Running forward quickly for a cup of tea, a few black shadows suddenly flashed out of the woods.

These black figures met Enzo face to face, and without saying a word, they drew their swords and charged out.
