Radiant Era

Chapter 243: Sneak attack, kill


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Twelve disciplinary knights are exactly the composition of a combat team of the church's disciplinary knights. www. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. cO

In ancient legends, ancient humans divided the sky into the twelve constellations of the zodiac, giving them very romantic and wonderful mythological stories. Although most of these legends and stories before the Destruction Calendar have been lost, some have been passed down.

For example, the twelve disciplinary knights corresponding to the twelve constellations of the zodiac are named after the images of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, symbolizing their sacred duty to uphold the law and maintain the order of heaven and earth. Of course, whether these disciplinary knights can uphold the laws of heaven and earth is a matter of two opinions, but they have done a good job in maintaining the honor and status of the church.

In just the thirty years since the Hundred Years of Continental and Island War ended, hundreds of thousands of unlucky people in the Western Continent were burned on the stake by the Punishment Knights. Even some small cities were completely razed by large groups of the Punishment Knights, and the entire city was burned by the Divine Flame of Punishment. In the Western Continent, the Retribution Knight is a dark cloud symbolizing coldness, ruthlessness, death, and destruction, hanging over everyone's head.

Now, Arthur summoned twelve disciplinary knights. He carried with him a long-distance teleportation scroll made by the church and directly summoned twelve disciplinary knights! And from the vague aura of these disciplinary knights, it can be sensed that among these twelve disciplinary knights, the Aries knight located in the first house of the zodiac, he is a heavenly figure!

The other disciplinary knights are all mid-level and high-level masters.

The armor on their bodies is also divine armor carefully forged by the church's high-level magicians, and has extremely strong defensive power. The weapons they used were holy weapons of punishment blessed by divine power. It has extremely terrifying lethality and has a rank-level suppressing effect on ordinary fighting spirit.

"Arthur! Who did you hook up with?" Lin Qi spat and climbed up from the ground, clenching the ax in a panic.

Arthur was panting and ignored Lin Qi. He just roared at the leading Aries knight: "I've been poisoned. A very strange poison that makes me very hungry. Is there any way to detoxify me, or give it to me?" food!"

The Aries knight looked at the embarrassed Arthur arrogantly, and he said in a low and powerful voice: "Before the incarnation of great justice and justice, no poison can threaten the life of a devout believer. The great god of justice and punishment. He The power covers everything, protects everything, and punishes everything!"

The Aries Knight raised his hand, and a magnificent golden stream of light emitted from his palm. Arthur and the three confidants around him were shrouded in golden light. Their muscles squirmed violently, and some dark and sticky juice slowly seeped out from under their skin. The four Arthurs suddenly fell to their knees and vomited violently. They vomited out a large amount of dark green unknown liquid, and their hunger disappeared quickly.

Lin Qi's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead. The clergy of the church always have all kinds of weird abilities. Such a difficult potion was resolved by their magic? Is this the power of the Aries Knights themselves, or the power of their God of Punishment

Carrying the big ax, Lin Qi carefully took a few steps back.

Among the twelve disciplinary knights, the Lion Knight, who had a huge lion emblem carved on his chest armor, strode forward. He waved a heavy mace and sneered at Lin Qi: "Sinner, Kneel on the ground and accept the punishment of the gods! You dare to attack the blessed person who has been blessed by the gods. You must be punished!”…,

Arthur raised his head and ordered in a low voice: "You are not allowed to kill him, but you can seriously injure him at will. Just leave him alive!"

He laughed ferociously. Arthur looked at Lin Qi bitterly: "I said, I want you to die slowly in despair, and I won't let you die so happily! At least, you can't die before your father dies! I want you Live, because I will not make my father sad! I want him to know that you are alive, but you will never see him again!"

Lin Qi turned around and ran away. He was not interested in fighting the twelve disciplinary knights. Especially there is a heavenly knight inside, and the others are all of mid-level or above strength. Lin Qi is very self-aware. These disciplinary knights can easily beat him into a pig's head. If he stays here any longer, he will really fulfill Arthur's curse.

It's a pity that I couldn't kill Arthur with an ax just now.

But look at the sword turned into a golden divine light that Arthur just shot. Arthur must have been prepared a long time ago, even if Lin Qi wanted to kill him at that time. That is also impossible. The reason why Arthur chose to escape to this valley before revealing his final trump card was probably because he did not want to be discovered by the Empire, which maintained the order of actual combat exercises. People from the church sneaked into the Gallic Empire's exercise grounds to attack the people of the Empire. It will cause huge conflicts!

Suddenly there was a strong wind behind his head, and the Lion Knight rushed behind Lin Qi with a few strides. He picked up the mace and smashed it down on Lin Qi's left shoulder. He did not attack Lin Qi's back of the head, presumably because of Arthur's order. Arthur allowed them to seriously injure Lin Qi, but not kill him.

Lin Qi suddenly turned around and slammed into the Lion Knight's chest. He pushed the sharp cone in front of the big ax to the front and stabbed the Lion Knight's heart fiercely. Lin Qi's collision was like a tiger pouncing on its prey, with a murderous and ferocious aura.

At the same time, Lin Qi roared loudly, and a ripple visible to the naked eye erupted from his mouth. The ground around him suddenly jumped. Countless long grasses were torn apart, and the grass blades were shot around like arrows. For a time, the smoke and dust filled the air around Lin Qi and the Lion Knight, and Arthur and others couldn't see what was going on here.

With a loud noise, Lin Qi's ax penetrated the lion knight's armor. Although the Lion Knight's armor is a rune armor inlaid with divine inscriptions, the battle ax in Lin Qi's hand is a magic weapon produced by the master, which is extremely sharp and heavy. Lin Qi stabbed the Lion Knight's chest half a foot deep with his axe. Lin Qi, who had never known what it meant to be soft-hearted, pulled down and was about to disembowel the Lion Knight.

The Lion Knight roared angrily, and Lin Qi rushed back too fast, hitting the blind spot of his mace. A two-meter-long mace was unable to deal with Lin Qi who was so close. The Lion Knight simply threw away the mace, held the ax handle firmly with his left hand, and smashed Lin Qi's head and face with his right hand. Two lines of blood flowed out of his ears. Lin Qi's roar had shattered his eardrums and severely damaged his body balance. Although the Lion Knight punched, his fists were crooked and he was dizzy. The punch just rubbed Lin Qi's head and slid past.

Lin Qi snorted coldly. He held the ax tightly with both hands and thrust it forward. A kick flew up and hit the Lion Knight's lower body hard.

His eardrums burst, and the dizzy Lion Knight failed to notice Lin Qi's sinister attack. He was hit hard in the lower body by Lin Qi.

With a pitiful howl, the Lion Knight let go of his hand and instinctively covered his lower body. Lin Qi dragged the big ax down with both hands, and heard a scoff. The lion knight's belly was split open by Lin Qi, and blood and internal organs spurted out like a waterfall. …,

"Evil sinner, how dare you tarnish the glory of God? You killed God's loyal servant, how evil you are!"

The Aries Knight was shocked, as were the other Punishment Knights. Once their disciplinary knights are touched, the targets are often so frightened that they can't resist, and very few people dare to resist. But Lin Qi not only attacked them, but even killed the Lion Knight! How many sins must a sinner have to bear to do such a heinous thing

Lin Qi should just stand there obediently and let them take care of him. Why did he dare to attack the servant of God

The Aries Knight transformed into a golden light and rushed out. He pulled out a square sledgehammer and struck Lin Qi head-on.

Since Lin Qi killed the Lion Knight, it is impossible for the Aries Knight to act according to Arthur's orders. Lin Qi actually killed a disciplinary knight. How could such a sinner allow him to continue to exist? Lin Qi must be completely destroyed physically and spiritually, so that his body and soul must be completely destroyed!

The huge aura of the heavenly master almost suffocated Lin Qi, and the fighting spirit in his body was suppressed by the pressure of the fighting spirit of the Aries Knight, making him almost unable to move. Lin Qi couldn't mobilize his fighting spirit at all, so he could only swing the ax randomly based on instinct.

Fortunately, Lin Qi has a body that is stronger than the World of Warcraft. Without fighting spirit, he still has the power of body.

There was a loud noise, and the sledgehammer hit the ax head heavily. Lin Qi trembled all over and staggered back dozens of steps. The Aries Knight also screamed in surprise. His wrist was snapped by Lin Qi, and the sledgehammer flew out, almost missing the Punishment Knights who were rushing towards him from behind.

With a sound, Lin Qi spit out a mouthful of blood. He immediately judged the strength gap between himself and the Aries Knight - this Aries Knight was only at the lower level of heaven, but his fighting spirit was a real heaven level, and it was much stronger in quality than Lin Qi's fighting spirit. Faced with the intimidation of the heavenly throne, Lin Qi's fighting spirit was extremely difficult to mobilize, which was his biggest disadvantage.

But Lin Qi has a strong body, and his brute strength actually broke the wrist of a heavenly knight! Although Lin Qi himself was shocked to the point of vomiting blood, if the results of this victory were spread, it would be enough to make Lin Qi's reputation resound across the mainland!

Using the strength of his position to cut off Tian Wei's hand, this was enough for Lin Qi to become famous in the mainland.

But the Aries Knight and the other Punishment Knights had already rushed forward. Lin Qi screamed strangely, picked up the big ax and ran away.

A streak of black smoke passed through the oblique stab, and an obscure arc-shaped blade tore through the air like the call of death. The Aries Knight, who focused all his attention on Lin Qi, didn't notice the sneak attack at all. The light of the sword passed over his body diagonally, cutting off half of his head and half of his body.

Black smoke swept quickly, the sword flashed again, and the other five disciplinary knights were cut in half.

Lin Qi turned around and saw this scene. His eyes lit up, he laughed and rushed back with his ax. . )