Radiant Era

Chapter 246: Eye technique, one slash


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The three daggers, which looked like the fangs of poisonous snakes, were less than a foot away from Enzo's neck. The skin on Enzo's neck could even feel a touch of coldness from the daggers. wWW. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. Com Shancu and Faen are roaring towards this side, but they are still several meters away from here.

Just when Enzo was about to activate the magic stone bullets and kill the enemy together, the three Viper warriors suddenly froze in place.

One moment they were hunting venomous snakes, and the next moment they had turned into stiff statues. They stood there stiffly, still maintaining the posture of rushing forward, but they could no longer move. Their bodies were trembling slightly, and their bones made cracking sounds. They seemed to be struggling hard, but what was imprisoning them

Enzo looked around blankly.

In the dense forest behind him, six scarlet eyes were emitting a faint evil light. The night was thick and the forest was dark. Except for the six eyes, nothing else could be seen. But judging from the appearance of those six eyes, there should be three people hiding in the dense forest.

The air around them stopped flowing, and a strange dead silence enveloped the small forest. The red light in those six eyes slowly flowed like a whirlpool, and huge and invisible power surged in the air. Just when Enzo turned back, the bodies of the three Viper warriors suddenly trembled, and the sound of bones exploding came from their bodies.

Then the three viper warriors really exploded, and the strange black leather clothes on their bodies shattered inch by inch, revealing their naked bodies under the leather clothes. Their limbs exploded from their fingertips, splitting inch by inch, skin first. Then there are muscles, then blood vessels, meridians, and bones. Their bodies were blown into countless pieces in the crackling explosion.

What's even more weird is that their bodies exploded, but not a drop of blood came out. The blood in these three viper warriors has disappeared, as if some evil entity has drained all their blood. Only a shriveled corpse was left.

With a clang, Enzo's magic sword fell. Enzo hurriedly picked up the stabbing sword and looked back at the six scarlet eyes.

"Who are you!" Enzo took a deep breath.

"You don't need to know!" A hoarse, dry, and extremely unpleasant voice came from the dense forest: "Live well and get first place in the actual combat drill. You only need to do this. There is medicine here, hurry up. Treat your injuries!"

A small package slowly flew out from the dense forest, as if an invisible hand was holding it and flew to Enzo's face. Enzo took the package, which contained two small medicine bottles.

"Take the potion internally and the powder externally. Your injuries will be healed within three hours!" The voice continued: "The person who attacked you is a viper. Preserve the two corpses you killed, and the military department will Some of those big shots will be unlucky because of this matter."

Three low, hoarse, sinister laughs came faintly, and then the six scarlet eyes gradually dimmed, and it was obvious that they were leaving quickly. Enzo shook his head. He handed the two medicine bottles to Fa En: "Treat Long Gen's injury quickly. I hope this medicine will be useful, otherwise Long Gen will..."

Before he finished speaking, a low scolding sound and a loud bang came from the dense forest. …,

Enzo was stunned, and he quickly made a few gestures, asking Fan and the others to rescue Long Gen. He himself held the rapier tightly and strode towards the depths of the woods where the loud noise came from. Shancuo and several other companions also carried weapons and strode after him. Except for Faen who went to rescue Long Gen, everyone else followed Enzo.

Everyone walked side by side in a row, breathing deeply. Regardless of the pain on his body.

No matter what lay ahead for them, it was nothing more than death. They almost died once just now, so what is there to fear about death? Unknowingly, Enzo and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood completed their first transformation, a change that would never be possible following Lin Qi's street fights.

This is the transformation of a rookie soldier into an elite veteran, the sublimation of rough iron into refined steel!

In the woods, three men in black cloaks were confronting a dozen Viper warriors. There was a gap of more than ten meters between them, and a large pit was opened in the ground between them, which was several meters deep and several meters in diameter. Obviously, the loud noise just now was caused by the exchange of hands between the two sides, which blasted such a big hole in the ground.

There were thirteen Viper warriors in total, and several of them were covered in wounds. Looking at their injuries, Enzo always found it strange. The location and angle of the wounds always seemed like these Viper warriors had cut themselves with their own knives. But how is this possible? These viper warriors are elites in the army, they will not be stupid enough to cut themselves for fun!

Among the thirteen viper warriors, a man with three extremely fine gold threads embroidered on his shoulders was obviously their leader. This man was holding a four-foot-long straight knife, and the tip of the knife was pointed at three men wearing cloaks more than ten meters away. The two-foot-long blade in front of his straight knife seemed to have been burned by fire. The blade was burned red and seemed to be a little deformed.

The cloaks on the three men were all made of black silk, with luxurious and gorgeous shapes. On their backs, a complex magic pattern badge was embroidered with silver silk thread. In the middle of the magic pattern badge, there was a magic pattern badge. Eyes that only emit a faint red light.

The three of them also have exactly the same badges on their chests, which seem to be the symbol of an organization.

Enzo and others hid in the woods and did not come forward rashly. The strength of both sides is extremely strong. If they take action rashly, they are likely to be killed by other people, such as the viper warrior with three golden lines on his shoulders. The aura on his body makes Enzo instinctively shiver. This is A ridiculously strong warrior.

"Three pupil masters from the Secret Tower of Dharma Eyes!" The leader of the Viper Warriors smiled coldly: "The church has been hunting you down for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that you would still dare to show up?"

A certain pupil magician laughed, and his laughter was unpleasant. As he laughed, a large black mist rose from the woods. These black mist condensed into hundreds of eyeballs the size of human heads in mid-air. These eyeballs were suspended in the air, constantly emitting a frightening evil aura, and a low ghost howl came from the eyeballs.

"Church?" The pupil magician shook his head slightly: "What can those so-called believers of gods do to us?"

The leader of the Viper Warriors sneered: "Then, all my subordinates are at your hands?"

The three pupil masters nodded at the same time. The pupil master who spoke just now slowly raised his hands, and a soft blue light emerged from his hands. The atmosphere in the dense forest became more and more sinister and cold. .

"Yes, it was us." The faint blue light spread around, quickly dyeing hundreds of huge eyes a light blue: "There is no way, who made your target us?" What about the people we protect? Our employers give us the compensation we want, so naturally we have to protect their safety!”…,

The red-hot straight knife gradually cooled down, and the leader of the Viper Warriors took a deep breath, and then he swung the knife forward and stabbed forward without saying any nonsense. The twelve viper warriors behind him strode forward at the same time, forming a formation to kill the three pupil masters.

Sharp and harsh laughter sounded, and hundreds of eyes composed of black mist and dyed blue by the faint blue light suddenly burst out with large cold light, and countless thin cold lights as thick as thumbs intertwined into a sheet in the air. The three-dimensional net covered all the Viper warriors.

The sound of chissing was endless, and wherever the cold light passed, fine ice crystals were frozen in the air. The crisscrossing cold light formed a huge three-dimensional magic array in the air. Countless cold lights were intertwined and twisted, and faintly condensed into a huge hexagonal blue snowflake-like rune.

The eyes of Enzo and others were uncontrollably attracted to the rune. The blue snowflakes were flickering lightly, looking so sad and beautiful!

Then their bodies suddenly became cold, and the terrifying cold air quickly invaded their bodies along their eyes. This cold air came from no one knows where, it seemed that it was because they saw this blue snowflake, so The cold air appeared out of thin air and instantly froze their bodies.

There were a few crackling sounds, and thin ice flakes formed on the surface of Enzo's skin!

This is just because they looked at the snow flakes, and such a strange and powerful cold air hit them. What about the people shrouded under the snow flakes

With a roar, the snow flakes suddenly shattered, and a straight knife frozen by low temperature and attached with thick ice flakes split the snow flakes. The leader of the Viper Warriors roared sharply, covered with half an inch of frost, and staggered from the cold light. Rush out. Behind him, all twelve Viper warriors were frozen into ice blocks. Dozens of cold rays of light hit these ice blocks, instantly smashing their bodies into pieces.

"Secret Tower of Dharma Eyes!" the leader of the Viper Warriors shouted sternly: "You are seeking your own death!"

Swinging his sword, with the last bit of strength, the leader of the Viper Warriors blocked the waist and struck the last blow at the three pupil masters.

But a scarlet light suddenly burst out from the face of another pupil master, and the two people's eyes instantly became anxious. The body of the leader of the Viper Warrior suddenly stiffened, and then he slowly, slowly He straightened up, slowly tightened his grip on the long knife, and slashed his neck with his backhand.

The straight knife was very sharp, extremely sharp, and the boss' head was broken off casually. "Gululu fell to the ground."

There was no trace of blood in the body, as if all the blood had been sucked out.

The three pupil masters laughed deeply at the same time. They looked back at the small bush where Enzo and others were hiding, and a bloody light gushed out from under their feet. Their bodies quickly disappeared in the bloody light.

Enzo suddenly broke out in a large amount of cold sweat. These pupil masters of the Dharma Eye Secret Tower are really terrifying! . )