Radiant Era

Chapter 248: The emperor comes in person


Early on the morning after Lin Qi and Enzo were attacked, a dozen large warships and more than twenty small and medium-sized ships escorted a royal passenger ship and appeared in the waters west of the isolated island battlefield. wWw.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.CoM Dozens of large magical beasts soared from the battleship. On the back of each flying magical beast was a court mage wearing a gold embroidered robe. Amid low scoldings, these flying magical beasts The monster obediently began to circle around the island.

The warships of the Gallic Empire suddenly appeared here, which caused uneasiness in the Caesar Empire on the other side of the lake. A dozen extremely fast boats came from the eastern waters and approached here cautiously. Several small boats from the fleet of the Gallic Empire also came forward. The two sides met at the border in the middle of the great lake. The officers sent by the Gallic Empire submitted a formal document to the other party, and then the small boats of the Caesar Empire quickly returned.

But in the sky above the opposite bank, a dozen large falcons were released, and people were riding on the backs of those falcons, as if they were monitoring the movements here. After all, the Gallic Empire now has nearly 10,000 troops gathered here. With the Gallic Empire's military strength, it would be a nerve-wracking thing for a 10,000-person force to launch a surprise attack on any country.

Lin Qi and others jumped out of the woods. On a flat beach in the southwest of the island, all the students from the Army Academy who participated in the actual combat exercises lined up neatly, preparing to welcome the emperor.

Yes, Saint Louis XIII of the Gallic Empire came to the isolated island battlefield escorted by thousands of imperial troops and a large number of masters.

The corpses of more than thirty Viper warriors were neatly stacked on the sand, and dozens of elite soldiers from the Forbidden Army were guarding these corpses. There were also more than a dozen straight knives placed on the ground, which Stein had his soldiers search for all night before they were able to find them.

The whereabouts of the other twenty-odd corpses are unknown and may have been devoured by the monsters on the island. As for the shockingly lethal straight knives used by these viper warriors, a large part went into Lin Qi's space ring, and a small part was corrupted by Stein after Lin Qi saw it with his own eyes.

These straight knives are made of extremely rare alloys. They cut through iron like clay and contain highly toxic substances. They are top-notch killing weapons. Not to mention how many gold coins they were worth, if the twenty-eight straight knives in Lin Qi's hand were given to Blackbeard, the Black Tiger family's assassin team would have another terrifying weapon. Even Barr couldn't put down these fixed knives and snatched a fixed knife and a dozen small daggers from Lin Qi.

Coupled with Barr's elusive movement, one can imagine how powerful these highly poisonous straight knives and daggers can be.

Except for Lin Qi and his group, the other students at the Army Academy didn't know what happened. They couldn't figure out why they were picked up from the battlefield by Stann's people and ordered to stay here. gather. They looked at each other confused, trying to see if anyone knew anything.

Lin Qi was also observing the facial expressions of these students. Perhaps, it was just Lin Qi's suspicion that among these students, there might be some unlucky ones from military aristocrats who were involved with these Viper warriors. If anything, Lin Qi wouldn't mind slapping them on the head after returning to the Imperial Capital.

The luxurious royal liner slowly sailed towards this flat beach, which was also the only inlet on the entire island that large ships could approach. About a hundred meters away from the shore, a court mage standing on the bow of the ship waved his staff, and saw a shining line of cold air spurting out from the bow of the ship and quickly spreading to the shore. A strip of ice was quickly frozen on the lake, which was several meters wide and more than a hundred meters long.

Twelve palace guards walked down the gangway carrying a thick red carpet. They neatly and meticulously spread the thick red carpet on the ice, and then slowly pushed the red carpet away from the ship. The head was spread all the way to the shore. …,

A large group of palace guards wearing golden armor stepped off the ship and stood in a neat guard of honor on the ice covered with red carpet. Then with his shiny scalp exposed, His Majesty the Emperor, wearing a bright red suit with a gloomy face, stepped onto the red carpet accompanied by a group of high-ranking officials and ministers, and strode to the beach.

Lin Qi's hearing was now extremely good. From a distance of more than a hundred meters, he clearly heard the emperor complaining in a low voice to an old man wearing a wig and palace uniform next to him: "Harvey, Don’t make it so troublesome, I’ve said it at least ten thousand times, this damn palace etiquette gives me a headache!”

The old man wearing a wig and walking like a wooden puppet with the same distance between every step had a straight face, but his lips were slightly opening and closing: "Your Majesty, every move you make is related to the honor of the empire. This is your most important thing." At least a guard of honor!"

The emperor's expression was as weird as if someone suddenly put a lot of fried noodles in front of him while squatting in a latrine, and he had to eat it. But by the time he stepped ashore, he had already adjusted the expression on his face, becoming so aloof yet amiable, so cold as ice but yet having a spring breeze on his face. It was a very magical and contradictory demeanor, as if Anyone can get close to him, but absolutely no one dares to really get close to him!

Even Lin Qi lowered his head instinctively. He sighed in his heart, how much training can he go through to develop this completely opposite imperial majesty

Stan walked up to the emperor and bowed respectfully to the emperor. He handed the bottle of hunger potion that Lin Qi handed over last night to the emperor: "Your Majesty, this is the scene you saw last night. The culprit is what you requested!"

The emperor took the small medicine bottle and glanced at Lin Qi with squinted eyes, with a strange smile on his face.

Putting the medicine bottle calmly into his pocket, the emperor's face became extremely gloomy: "In front of so many students, I announce that the first place in this year's actual combat training is undoubtedly the Iron Fist Group. Enzo Major, you did a great job!"

The cadets at the Army Academy present were all dumbfounded. It had only been two or three days, and they basically hadn’t done anything yet. They hadn’t even finished the rice dumplings they had brought. Some teams even hadn’t even started talking to other teams. The teams had competed against each other, so why was it suddenly announced that Enzo and the others had won

However, this is the result announced by the emperor himself. Who dares to raise any objections

"Stan, mobilize the imperial army and kill all those damn orcs on the island. These little guys send them back and let the Army Academy train them properly. They are really bad!" The emperor waved his hand impatiently: "Iron Fist Group Ordinary members can also leave, Major Enzo, and Lin Qi, the leaders of you will stay."

After the emperor gave the order, no one dared to show any slightest hesitation. The three thousand forbidden troops stationed on the island immediately began to search for the fleeing orcs all over the mountains and fields, and killed them one by one. Two barges came over, and the students from the Army Academy boarded the boats and left the island.

Before leaving, these students looked curiously at the corpses of the Viper warriors guarded by the Forbidden Army, but those corpses were covered with a thick layer of oilcloth. They only saw that there were more than thirty corpses underneath, but they did not know Whose body is that? But these students are not stupid. They know that the emperor's personal visit and the sudden victory of the Iron Fist Regiment led by Enzo are all related to these corpses.

After the two barges had sailed far away, the emperor walked up to Lin Qi and Enzo and looked at them carefully.

After a while, the emperor punched Enzo hard in the chest: "It's a good piece of material. You played well against the orcs. Other teams couldn't do that well. But, You actually brought crossbows and trebuchets to the Army Academy’s actual combat drill? What do you want to do? Kill all the classmates?”…,

Enzo smiled awkwardly. He had never thought about it this way. This was all Lin Qi's big move!

This is also because the old dwarf of Hell Hammer is so good at selling. People like Lin Qi, who regards wealth as life, were fooled into buying a lot of weapons. Anyway, they have already been bought. Why not use them if there is a chance?

The emperor shook his head. He stared at Lin Qi for a long time, and then sighed: "You misbehaving boy! Are you interested in working for the royal family after graduation? As long as you are not corrupt, the position of mine manager of the imperial royal family is yours. !”

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he remembered his previous life plan. He immediately took a step forward and asked with a smile: "Your noble, kind, generous, and great Majesty, what do you think of the Bo Laili Guard Hall?" Chief, is it more in line with my talents and abilities?"

The emperor opened his mouth and almost lost his temper at Lin Qi's words and hit someone. Promising Lin Qi to be the mine manager of the royal family is already a great favor. This is not an imperial administrative official, but an important position dedicated to managing family property for the royal family. If done well, whether it is a title or a promotion in the future, It's extremely convenient.

But what about this kid? He actually wants to be the chief officer of the Imperial City's security department!

The emperor, whose back teeth were itching with hatred, sneered a few times in a weird voice. If it weren't for the fact that Lin Qi's father had saved him back then, the emperor would have wanted to personally give him a severe beating - the entire West In mainland China, except for those old men from the church, who dares to bargain with him

The emperor, whose face instantly darkened, strode to the oilcloth and waved to the imperial troops to lift the oilcloth.

Many important ministers came forward one after another, and when the tarpaulin was untied, more than thirty corpses in miserable death conditions appeared in front of everyone. Both civil and military ministers gasped at the same time - Viper, indeed the elite of Viper!

Everyone's expressions became extremely ugly. Since someone could privately mobilize vipers to attack Enzo and Lin Qi, would someone mobilize such elite elites from the empire to attack and kill their political opponents

The emperor smiled, very brightly, he shook his head with a smile, and then sighed softly.

"Find out who sent these people, and... let all his relatives join him in the Death Squadron!"

The expressions of all the important officials of the empire changed horribly again. They were planning to annihilate the nine tribes! This is a severe punishment that has never been used in the empire!

The emperor was really angry.