Radiant Era

Chapter 249: Come to the door


Titian's small building, that living room where countless precious items are piled up and dust is accumulated in many places. WWw、QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO、cOm

Lying sprawled on the balcony of the living room, Lin Qi took a deep breath and sniffed the thick stack of gold tickets with huge denominations in his hand. Just after Lin Qi and others returned to the imperial capital early in the morning on the emperor's royal liner, Maris took the initiative to send people to deliver these golden tickets, and also sent the contracts of the mines he had lost to Latus. Come over.

Lin Qi was intoxicated by smelling the unique aroma of golden ink. Drool kept pouring out of the corners of his mouth, and he was deeply immersed in the happiness that this huge sum of money brought him.

In the living room, Titian was toasting Enzo one cup after another. Both of them were smiling and in an indescribable mood.

A hearty victory, Latus, Titian and the young nobles of their faction all obtained great benefits from it, especially Latus, who won several veins of minerals from Maris, and every year The increased profits for him amounted to tens of millions. Mines are different from ordinary shops. In this world where conflicts of various sizes break out from time to time, the metals that can be used to cast weapons and armors are extremely expensive, especially those rare metal veins, which are all astronomically expensive.

If Latus hadn't rushed to the Victory Palace on the emperor's order, the three of them would be drinking and celebrating together now.

As for Lin Qi, he has been in a fugue state since he got those golden tickets. He has been sniffing those golden tickets, and he is a little bit demented. So Titian didn't invite him to drink with him, and just drank with Enzo on his own.

"Do you know why Maris lost all his bets so happily this time?"

Titian's smile was unusually weird. He held the wine glass and shook it frivolously on his fingertips a few times.

"The Viper Troop. This is the elite force directly under the First Prince. The First Prince is the oldest among the three princes. When he was young, he followed His Majesty and fought against the orcs in the last few years of the Hundred Years of Continental and Island War. Therefore, the First Prince can be regarded as the only one in the royal family. The most talented general besides Your Majesty."

"So after the war, the eldest prince naturally received the support of the military, and his men also controlled many elite forces in the empire. Viper. This top elite in the empire is the strongest under the eldest prince's command. A sword of his, and also the eldest prince’s bodyguard.”

With a strange smile, Titian looked at Enzo and said: "All Viper's soldiers are at least mid-level and above in strength. Each of them is clean and loyal to the empire. Therefore, no outsider can Mobilize the Viper.”

Enzo pondered for a long time and shook his head: "The eldest prince will definitely not admit this matter."

Titian poured himself a glass of wine: "He does not admit that he sent people to assassinate you and the students of the Iron Fist Regiment. However, the evidence is conclusive, regardless of whether he admits it or not. The Viper's people appeared on the battlefield for actual combat exercises, and They are now supposed to be carrying out some secret mission thousands of miles away. The military inspector has proven that sixty soldiers in the Viper unit are missing."

Enzo took a deep breath: "So, the eldest prince is in trouble?"

Titian squinted at the wine glass: "Maybe? It depends on His Majesty's wishes, so His Highness Latus was also summoned to the Victory Palace. If His Majesty wants to punish him severely, this matter can be regarded as privately mobilizing the Imperial Army. , plotting rebellion; if His Majesty just wants to warn certain people, then. This is a personal grudge between His Highness Latus and you, just a gamble!"

Lin Qi finally woke up from the charm of the golden ticket. He hurriedly stuffed the golden ticket into his boots, then jumped into the living room and kicked out a celadon spittoon that was blocking the way.

"Just a gamble? Damn it, how will the emperor handle this matter? Hey. Hey, they almost killed Enzo!"…,

Titian looked at Lin Qi and shook his head gently.

"Your Majesty has already given compensation. Enzo's future in the army will definitely be bright, and Lin Qi, your Majesty has promised you the position of Royal Mine Director! You need to know. The Royal Mine Director and the various ministers under the Imperial Minister of the Interior The official ranks are the same. Although they are just ministers serving the imperial royal family, they have great powers. As long as you practice in this position for a few more years, once you are transferred to the ranks of imperial courtiers, your rank will be very high, so high that it is scary. Plant high!”

Lin Qi's eyes widened: "So?"

Titian sighed and shook his head again: "So, although His Majesty's words were very serious, in fact, His Majesty had already made a decision when he promised you the position of royal mine manager!"

Lin Qi's face was not very pretty. Enzo and Long Gen were both his brothers and partners, but those Viper people almost turned Enzo and the others into a pool of smelly pus and blood. With this tone, he But I can't swallow it.

If the emperor severely punished the eldest prince and Maris, then Lin Qi would feel better. But since the emperor had already made the decision to hold it high and put it down gently, Lin Qi's anger would not be so easy. Eliminated.

While he was talking, there were light footsteps outside the door. Yu Lian, who was covered in sweat, strode in. Then he almost knocked over a two-meter-high vase. He couldn't help complaining: "Ti Xiang, my noble lord, my dear cousin, your living room should be tidied up, it is the most crowded living room I have ever seen in the empire."

Titian sighed deeply, spread his hands and lay on the sofa: "I am missing a woman, Yu Lian. I am missing a woman who can help me take care of my housework. Is there any news?"

Yu Lian walked around the crowded displays with difficulty and walked to Titian and Enzo. He poured himself a glass of wine, and then drank the full glass happily. Sighing comfortably, Yu Lian shook her head with regret: "His Majesty scolded His Highness Latus and His Highness Maris, and then praised His Highness Bhikkhu who 'never causes trouble'. Finally, , His Majesty warned the two Highnesses not to bet with the private property of their elders again, and then punished them to stay in seclusion for three months and not be allowed to go out!"

He spread his hands helplessly: "Earl Bird was arrested by the guards, and all his people were thrown into prison. That's it, that's how it is."

Lin Qi looked at Titian, he was curious about who this Count Bird was.

Titian sighed, rummaged through a filing cabinet next to him for a while, pulled out a yellowed piece of paper and handed it to Lin Qi. The above is the detailed information of Earl Bird. He is a powerful person on the imperial side and a representative of the military radicals. He is responsible for the delivery of military orders and daily coordination of the Viper Army and several other standing legions in the military department. matter.

In other words, within the empire, Earl Bird was one of the few people who could mobilize the Viper troops.

"So, he is the scapegoat?" Lin Qi snorted dissatisfied. Throwing the yellowed piece of paper back to Titian, Lin Qi said angrily: "Okay, okay, if our noble Emperor is unwilling to deal with his son and grandson, then... let us go find him. Let’s have some fun, find something that’s pleasing to the eye and also makes our wallets swell!”

Titian looked at Lin Qi curiously, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Lin Qi gritted his teeth and mumbled a few words to Titian, and then Titian clapped excitedly. He immediately rushed into his bedroom, changed into a gorgeous dress, and shouted to summon his own Guard. …,

Not long after, a team of hundreds of people roared out from the side door of the Prime Minister's Office. Half an hour later, the team swelled to 300 people and arrived in front of Hell Hammer's store. Lin Qi was riding a tall horse. , pointed at the door of Hell Hammer and ordered loudly: "Hey, heroic and loyal descendants of the dwarf ancestors, I hired you, so smash this door for me!"

What Lin Qi brought here were a hundred dwarf warriors, the same dwarves whom Lin Qi had been tricked into hiring a few days ago.

These dwarves are only as tall as a normal human waist, but their bodies are as wide as they are tall, and as thick as they are tall. Their bodies are all covered with strong muscle lumps. From a distance, they look like a boxy lump of flesh.

Their faces were full of heavy breathing, they were wearing heavy dwarf chain armor, and they were carrying heavy, square dwarf war hammers in their hands. Each of them had a huge wine bag hanging on their waist. Upon hearing Lin Qi's order, these dwarf warriors, whose faces were red, whose noses were almost all rosacea, and who smelled of alcohol all over their bodies, were all stunned.

A dwarf strode out. He looked at Lin Qi puzzledly: "Your Excellency Lin Qi, please give us a reason why we attack Hell Hammer? This is the shop of our compatriots. Are they offended? you?"

Lin Qi looked at the dwarf angrily and shouted loudly: "Hell, why are you asking me why? Aren't you supposed to obey my orders completely? I am ordering you now to smash this store and destroy all Move all the valuables out, and then break the legs of all the dwarves inside!"

The dwarves stared with bewildered big eyes. As dwarf mercenaries, they should indeed obey Lin Qi's orders completely. But as a member of the dwarves, how could they attack the dwarves' own property? In particular, the Hell Hammer is the property of their dwarf king and the economic lifeline of the dwarf empire, so it is even more impossible for them to take action.

However, this is the employer’s order!

The dwarves scratched their heads in distress, their brains confused by the alcohol and couldn't figure out what to do for a while.

Lin Qi's face darkened, and just as he was about to roar loudly at the group of dwarves, a drunk old dwarf came out of the shop to greet him. The old dwarf smiled happily, like a weasel smiling when he saw a tender pink hen.