Radiant Era

Chapter 25: In the name of God


A group of fifteen dragoons and twelve bronze hats rushed into the dormitory building aggressively and arrived at the door of Lin Qi's single dormitory. wwW, qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo, coM A copper hat adjusted the half-olive-shaped brass hat on his head, and stretched out his hand to knock on the door majestically.

"In the name of the imperial family, please open your door!"

In just a short breath, the brown door did not open. The copper hat knocking on the door took two steps back. Two dragoons grabbed a lead hammer and smashed it with a loud shout. On the door. The moment they smashed the door, a faint red glow appeared on the bodies of the two dragoons, and a flash of red also flashed on the lead door-breaking hammer.

The oak door shattered, and the fragments were violently swept into the room. Seven or eight dragoons drew their swords and rushed into the room. One of them violently kicked a small square table in the room to pieces. . There was originally a jar of frozen water on the small square table, and a piece of black bread beside it. As a result, the jug broke to pieces and the piece of black bread fell to the ground.

The area of the single dormitory was not large to begin with, but seven or eight tall and powerful dragoons squeezed in, and for a moment it seemed that the entire room was filled.

A thin and shriveled man with a copper hat and a gloomy and pale face walked into the room reservedly and shouted pretentiously: "Lin Qi, a student in class 1 of the third year of the accounting major at the Fifth University of Bureleli, lives here?"

Wearing a thin white dress, Lin Qi, who was sitting at the desk and writing quickly, turned around in surprise, nodded calmly and said: "Yes, dear sir, I am Lin Qi. Don't your parents have education?" Do you have to knock on the door to enter someone else's room?"

The copper hat raised two eyebrows that were so thin that they were almost invisible. He sneered: "In the name of the imperial family, you have been arrested. We have sufficient evidence to prove that you are related to the attack case and arson case last night. If proven guilty, you will serve twenty years in prison, poor boy!"

The copper hat stared at Lin Qi with gritted teeth, and slowly pulled out a pure steel baton, pretending to teach Lin Qi a lesson.

'In the name of the Imperial Family'

Lin Qi stood up calmly and carefully placed the rabbit hair pen from the East on the pen holder. He turned around, looked directly at these dragoons and copper hats, and said word by word: "In the name of the gods, please leave my room, otherwise all your actions will be blasphemy against the gods! If the charges are confirmed , you will be punished by the Church Inquisition, and you will be burned at the stake!"

'In the name of the gods'

The arrogant dragoons and the copper hats shut their mouths at the same time, and the baton in the thin copper hat's hand also magically disappeared. They looked at each other and at the same time looked at the writing table in front of Lin Qi - a strange-looking pen holder, an iron cross with a man with wings on his back tied with an iron chain, and the rabbit hair pen resting on the man's shoulder.

Next to this holder is a small cup of golden ink. The specially prepared ink shines brightly under the light. The ink itself is slowly rotating like a living thing, and the light it emits is sacred and full of spirituality.

The dragoons didn't know much about this, but the leader with the copper hat gasped.

'Convicting penholder' and 'holy water for cleansing sins' are essential items used by church clergy to copy scriptures. What Lin Qi used was not the goose quill pen that the nobles of the Western continent loved most, but the rabbit quill pen from the East. In the church scriptures, only at the end of each year, the old year will pass and the new year will come. At the prayer meeting to welcome the new year, prayer scrolls to the gods are burned and copied with rabbit hair pens. …,

Because the handwriting of the quill pen is slender, it has a small-minded atmosphere. Although it is convenient for writing, it is not as capable of writing magnificent large characters as the oriental brushes. Therefore, the clergy of the church are proud to be able to master the use of brushes. Some low-level clergy who cannot master the use of brushes will spend a little money to hire people to copy prayers for them.

Thinking back to the jug of water and black bread on the square table that had been kicked to pieces just now, all the dragoons and copper hats couldn't help but feel their hearts sink.

When copying prayers, in order to show respect for the gods, meat and fish are not allowed, and alcohol is not allowed. Only water and black bread can be eaten. With those two things on Lin Qi's desk, plus the pen holder for sin and the holy water for cleansing sin, anyone who is not mentally ill will know what he is doing!

He was copying prayer scrolls dedicated to the gods for a clergyman!

"Hell!" All the dragoons and copper hats frowned. 'In the name of the imperial royal family' and 'In the name of the gods' collided. If nothing else happens, generally speaking, 'in the name of the imperial royal family' will fall. wind!

"O God, curse these heretics who have blasphemed your glory. They should be burned on the stake. Their whole family should be burned on the stake. Their neighbors should be burned on the stake when their mother gave birth to them. , the old women who delivered their babies should also be sent to the stake! Why would there be such sinners to blaspheme your glory?"

Just as the dragoons and the bronze hats were anxiously calculating the various stakes, the fat Father Balin rushed up panting, dancing and shouting curses at a group of dragoons and bronze hats. As the assistant priest of the Fifth University, Father Balin is responsible for the religious guidance of all students in the entire Fifth University. He has an extremely special status in the Bereli Diocese. Although an assistant priest in the church has less real power, Father Balin has real power. mid-level priest.

The status of a mid-level priest was enough to surpass the deputy director of the security department or the captain of the dragoon. Faced with the roar of the 'furious' Father Balin, all the dragoons and copper hats lowered their heads at the same time. Their hearts were tangled, they were in big trouble this time.

"In the name of the gods!" Father Balin jumped to his feet and roared: "Anyone who destroys my copy of the New Year's prayer scroll deserves to die, and you should all be sent to the stake. No, the stake will be easier for you. The fire will burn you completely, and there will be no time to cleanse your ugly souls. You should be tortured with boiling oil, have the boiling grease poured all over your body, and then pour molten lead juice into your mouth, and finally you can be tortured. I will send you to the stake and let you accept the punishment of the gods!”

All the dragoons and copper hats turned pale, and they suddenly regretted that they should not have gotten into such trouble just to flatter the family behind Black Horse House.

Heck, the church is not to be messed with, but they have pissed off a curate!

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