Radiant Era

Chapter 250: The wisdom of dwarves


The old dwarf Black Hammer looked at Lin Qi with squinted drunken eyes. Because the height difference between him and Lin Qi was too big, he must have jumped up and gave Lin Qi a few passionate kisses. wWw,QuanBeN-XiaoShuo,comThe rich man is here, the big client is here, the high-roller who is willing to spend tens of millions of dollars is here. Suddenly, a white smell of alcohol rushed up from the top of Black Hammer's head, and he instantly became energetic and grabbed it Lin Qi's hand.

"Master Lin Qi, a big man like you has finally come to our poor little shop again. What do you want?"

In front of Titian, Black Hammer bared his teeth and smiled: "Do you want something more powerful? Our great dwarf king has just personally forged a magic crystal cracking trebuchet. It can shatter a mountain, and if you can spend 100 million gold coins, you can get it!"

Titian's fingers trembled, and he suddenly had the urge to call the guards of the Palace of Victory to chop the old dwarf into pieces.

Magic crystal trebuchet, hell, do these dwarves dare to sell this kind of thing indiscriminately? For God's sake, this kind of thing with astonishing lethality and a range of almost twenty miles only appeared in the racial war between the coalition forces of various races and the coalition forces of demons at the end of the Dark Ages. Based on the confidential information Titian knew, such a large weapon There is only one place where the killer weapon still has equipment!

When hit by the cracked crystal magic bullet inspired by the magic cracking crystal trebuchet, even a hundred top knights will be torn into pieces in an instant. Therefore, since the race war that almost caused the entire Western Continent to fall more than a thousand years ago, Later, this kind of trebuchet was expressly included in the laws and regulations prohibiting production and sales by various countries in mainland China. But what did the old dwarf say? Their dwarf king actually just forged such a powerful weapon with his own hands? And you still want to sell it? Damn dwarf!

Lin Qi had never heard of such things as the magic crystal cracking trebuchet. He was far more interested in the magic whale hunting harpoon and the magic bed crossbow than these unheard of things. Moreover, he had other purposes for coming to Hell's Hammer this time, and he had no interest in buying a large amount of equipment. He looked at the old dwarf with gloomy eyes. Lin Qi grabbed his shoulders and lifted him up.

"Black Hammer, you Hell Hammers have to give me an explanation. Otherwise I will demolish your shop!"

Black Hammer quickly glanced at the dwarves standing next to Lin Qi. The dwarves were shouting and using the dwarf dialect to tell them what Lin Qi had just ordered to smash the Hell Hammer gate. Black Hammer grinned, he patted Lin Qi's shoulder hard, and shouted loudly: "Honorable Master Lin Qi, you must have misunderstood us!"

Lin Qi stared at Black Hammer. He gritted his teeth and said: "Misunderstanding? No, there is no misunderstanding! My brother and I's armors and weapons were the same armors and weapons we bought from you. They were cut open easily. !”

Black Hammer was stunned, staring at Lin Qi. He shouted subconsciously: "This is impossible! Our dwarves' armor and weapons are the best on the entire continent! They can be destroyed, but they cannot be easily cut open!"

Putting down the black hammer, Lin Qi waved, and a four-wheel drive vehicle drove over. Pointing to the big car, Lin Qi sneered at Black Hammer: "All the destroyed armors and weapons are in the car. Do you need me to carry them out in front of so many people?"

Black Hammer hurriedly shook his head, Gods above. Unless his brain was damaged by alcohol. Otherwise, how dare he let Lin Qi do this? The weapons and equipment of Hell Hammer are the most sophisticated masterpieces in the entire continent. If they see the weapons and armor produced by Hell Hammer being cut off in front of so many guests, this will be a bad influence on the brand of the dwarf kingdom. A fatal blow.

He finally knew what Lin Qi was here for this time!

Put it civilly. Lin Qi wanted some mental compensation. To put it crudely, Lin Qi came to blackmail him. …,

With a deep sigh, Black Hammer pointed in the direction of the back door of Hell Iron Hammer: "Then, Mr. Lin Qi, we have to have a good talk. Transport those things in through the back door. The forging master in our shop has to personally Only by examining the damage to these armors and weapons can we make the most appropriate conclusion.”

Lin Qi nodded, and he took a step sideways to expose Titian to the old dwarf: "Okay, let's go to your backyard to talk, but you have to think clearly and don't want to do something weird. Your Excellency He is the elder of the Senate of the Imperial House of Nobles, the former prime minister, and the eldest grandson of Mr. Huali, the current president of the House of Nobles and Heralds. Count Titian, please don’t make any mistakes!"

Black Hammer's face suddenly twitched.

Just now, he really wanted to trick Lin Qi and his gang into the backyard, and then drop countless dwarf hammers on their heads and smash them into meat pies. But after hearing Titian's identity, Black Hammer immediately threw this little thought out of his mind. Murdering the grandson of the former Prime Minister of the Empire in the capital of the Gallic Empire, isn't this causing trouble for the Dwarf Empire

Although the territory of the dwarves does not border the Gallic Empire, and the dwarf tribe has never been afraid of any enemy, it is not a good thing to provoke such a behemoth. According to the current dwarf king, the dwarves now can just make money peacefully without any friction or disputes with other forces!

Soon Lin Qi and the others came to the backyard of Hell Hammer. More than thirty sets of damaged heavy armor, soft armor and dozens of severed weapons on the four-wheeled carriage were placed on the large workbench. Among the dozen or so dwarves, the forging masters carefully inspected these damaged weapons with serious faces.

Lin Qi sneered with a sinister look on his face, and he was filled with pride.

Enzo looked up at the sky, as if he had never known Lin Qi.

The only ones who originally clashed with the Viper Warriors were Enzo and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood. In order to facilitate movement, they wore rune soft armor instead of rune heavy armor. But in order to extort more money from Hell Hammer, Lin Qi brazenly chopped Enzo's and his group's rune heavy armor to pieces with a viper's straight knife, and also chopped a dozen other sets of soft armor into tatters. He also split dozens of spears, swords, etc. with his own hands and sent them over.

The backyard of Hell Hammer occupies a huge area. Hundreds of dwarves gathered here, watching helplessly at the forging masters of the clan. Black Hammer was also lying on a set of heavy armor that had been split open at the waist, looking at the smooth wound without a trace of burrs with a dark expression.

After a full hour, Lin Qi, who was sitting leisurely drinking tea, burped, and the smell of tea came out far away: "Hey, Black Hammer, is there any result? Your armor and weapons are too It is not used and has caused extremely heavy casualties to us. You must give me an explanation."

The old dwarf Black Hammer stood up slowly, holding a sword that was cut into two pieces.

After glancing at the place where the sword was cut off, the old dwarf dropped the broken weapon and strode to Lin Qi.

Looking up at Lin Qi, after thinking for a long time, Black Hammer slowly spoke: "With my authority, I can give you a batch of top-quality equipment with the same value as the equipment you purchased last time. The real top-quality equipment will be provided by us. The best equipment forged by the dwarf’s forging master!”

Taking a deep breath, Black Hammer narrowed his eyes: "In addition, if you are willing to swear to keep this matter secret, I can also use my maximum authority to give you a gold coin equivalent to the equipment you purchased last time. compensate."

Lin Qi nodded with satisfaction. Black Hammer's conditions had barely reached his psychological price. But after thinking for a while, Lin Qi pointed at the hundred dwarf mercenaries who followed him in: "They are not very obedient, and I spent so much money!"…,

Black Hammer smiled brightly: "Then, I can give you 300 elite dwarf warriors without you needing to pay an extra copper, and they will definitely obey any of your orders unconditionally. The elite dwarf warriors, you only need to be responsible for their food and drink expenses."

Taking a deep breath, Black Hammer looked at Lin Qi extremely seriously: "These are all compensations for you, and I have another suggestion. If you can give me the weapon that caused all these losses, I can you..."

After rolling his eyes a few times, Black Hammer stretched out a finger: "One weapon, ten million gold coins!"

Lin Qi and Titian gasped at the same time. This old dwarf was so courageous. He was just a weapon. He was actually willing to give 10 million gold coins? Lin Qi glanced at Titian. Titian squinted his eyes and pondered for a while, then nodded slowly.

Lin Qi rubbed his hands vigorously, and then he glanced at Enzo. Enzo wiped his finger across the space ring and took out a straight knife as black as ink. The eyes of Black Hammer and other forging masters were immediately attracted to the straight knife. They took a deep breath and looked like they wanted to rush forward and snatch the straight knife away.

Lin Qi grabbed the straight knife in Enzo's hand, swung it slowly, and then looked at Black Hammer with a smile.

"Give me a reason why you need this weapon?"

Black Hammer spoke without hesitation: "This is not the skill of our dwarves. It is an evil knife forged by the hell forging technique of the black dwarves in hell. We have always wanted a weapon made by them using the hell forging technique as a reference. If You can also give me two identical weapons, and I can give you another 10 million gold coins! This is the highest price I can give!"

Lin Qi flicked the straight knife in his hand and glanced at Enzo again.

Enzo took out two more straight knives and handed them to Black Hammer.

Black Hammer grinned proudly and clapped his hands with Lin Qi with satisfaction.

"As long as we analyze the Hell Forging Technique, those black dwarfs will just wait to starve to death!"

Lin Qi's face twitched. This shrewd and cunning old dwarf used meager gold coins and equipment in exchange for his tribe's strategic advantage against the black dwarves of hell. It was a very cost-effective deal.

But I didn't suffer any loss. This time, I took advantage of it!